Supreme God King

Chapter 1523: Life and death

Life and death support!

In this dark alliance, there are Gu Xin'er, Meng Nian, Xinlan, etc., who he highly valued. Once Meng Fan leaves, in the chaos of this world, the lives of these people are naturally impossible to guarantee, and they are possible at any time. There is danger.

But as Meng Fan said, if he stays in this dark alliance, it will at most delay some time. If he wants to live, only solve the problem fundamentally, then there is only one battle!

Facing passively, it can only be restrained by the restricted area, there is no power to fight back, only getting weaker.

And before leaving, Meng Fan even kept Xiaotian and Xiaodi behind, and told them that if the dark alliance could not keep it, they would take the remaining people to leave, flee the world, and go as far as they could. As for Meng Fan himself, he could only kill him and fight with his own life. Even if he was nine dead, he had no regrets!

Looking at the figure of Meng Fan leaving, it was still the lonely person, who attracted Fen Tianling, the Empress, Amethyst, Zhan Mokong, the old man of the snake, and so on. They all sighed softly, but their eyes opened more firmly. Now, Meng Fan's words are still being recalled in their ears. Meng Fan is fortunate to know them, and they are again. . . . Why not!

Between heaven and earth, a **** color.

Under the attack from this restricted area, targeting everywhere in the world, within a short period of less than half a day, people from all over the world resisted and some fled, causing incomparable chaos. Masses of people died, even the hinterland of the emperor’s clan. So, where is the pure land.

In the face of this, Meng Fan's fists were clenched, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent.

He finally understood why Ruo Shuiyi did not have any love for the restricted area of ​​his hometown, instead he had endless resentment. In the face of this kind of extermination, it is already not human, even the most ferocious beasts could not be slaughtered like this. There is no humanity at all, and it is only possible for people in the forbidden zone of oneself!

Use everything as a pig and dog in exchange for your own progress!

If this battle is defeated, where is the common people, where is the world!

Moving all the way, Meng Fan's body directly passed through the teleportation array and headed towards the Zhongtian Dynasty. Even though he couldn't bear the endless killing in the sky, he couldn't help. Meng Fan's heart was like a knife cut.

But it was helpless, because the tragedy that occurred at this moment was not described in terms of numbers. If Meng Fan had been fighting all the way, then I am afraid that he would not be able to kill so many ancient true demons in a hundred years.

The current plan for Meng Fan is to unite the powers of the Divine Origin Realm between the heavens and the earth to fight together. Even if it is not the three realms, it is also possible to conquer the forbidden zone and protect the world.

In general places, the existence of gods is extremely rare. If you want to find it, you will undoubtedly find a needle in a haystack, but Meng Fan understands that there must be a large group of gods in the imperial capital of the Zhongtian Dynasty, including Qin Hong and other Zhongtian dynasties. Although the elders of the royal family who stayed behind may not have the ancient three realms of the royal family, the second realm and the first realm are still there.

In addition, the Zhongtian Dynasty has portals to various sacred places, among which all races still have strong people in this world. Only by gathering this group of people can they have the capital to fight against the restricted area!


Meng Fan screamed. In this **** color, his fists clenched and his nails pierced into his skin, but he could only choose to ignore it and step out to find a way to victory.

In one day, Meng Fan spent his entire journey on the road, his entire spirit burned, his vitality revolved, and his speed was generally increased crazily, just to reach the emperor's capital as soon as possible.

During this journey, Meng Fan saw too many human deaths, all turned into pieces of withered bones. On the once brilliant Medieval domain, now it is ten steps of first-rate blood, and one person dies in a hundred steps, full of Endless wailing, everything is destroyed.

In the past, how could someone have thought about it this way, this extremely prosperous and prosperous world in the past would have become like this. The Middle Ages are like this, so what about Wanyu!

The world is like a tide of people like water, and in the face of this kind of catastrophe, he is also like an ant!

Meng Fan sighed softly in his heart, strode out, and finally his effort was not in vain, and he came to the central imperial capital of the Central Heaven Dynasty.

But at first glance, it is not the same as before. It does not have the majestic ancient city of the past, which encompasses the atmosphere of the world. Instead, it is blocked by the sky, all imprisoned, and the whole world is full of endless vitality fluctuations. Obviously Under this kind of moment, the heaven and the earth are blocked, and the ancient divine formation guarding this Zhongtian Dynasty is opened, suppressing everything.

There is no doubt that under such great pressure from the outside world, even if the strong in the restricted area has not yet come here, everyone in the Zhongtian dynasty has been waiting for it, and has to abandon a large number of outside hinterland, forcibly guarding here, with With the ancient gods here as resistance.

A dynasty!

In the past, the immortal inheritance was the master of the world, but now under such pressure, he has a kind of fear and has to shrink himself.

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan strode out, against the ancient **** formation, and one step came to the **** formation of the middle heaven dynasty.

In just a moment, the sky trembled, countless ancient **** arrays were activated, a majestic array came toward Meng Fan's suppression, countless torrents of vitality suppressed the world, like thunder!


The emperor fist blasted out, and Meng Fan was alone in the sky, striding out, the whole person was extremely decisive at this moment, even the mighty power of the mountain whistling the tsunami, did not make his brows frown, but strode out instead. Power opens the sky, seeing the murderous opportunity between the sky and the sky as nothing.

Bang, bang!

Even with the power of the ancient gods, Meng Fan was able to resist with a single force, striding out before the imperial capital.

"Who is coming!"

Sensing Meng Fan's majestic qi and blood, an ancient cold road above the imperial capital.

"Meng Fan!"

Meng Fan was extremely calm, just spit out two words cleanly.

However, after this voice fell, it caused an uproar in the surroundings. For example, who is not a monarch today, Meng Fan’s name has long been spread throughout the world, let alone a strong man who has risen in a century, even if it is an ancient monster. They talk about it, let alone the elders of the Zhongdu Dynasty.

But after a while, Meng Fan stepped out and stood in the sky, saying indifferently,

"Come to someone who can talk to you. I don't need to talk about how important this kind of moment is, don't talk nonsense!"

The tone is rumbling, and the attitude is humble, who would dare to speak like this before the Central Emperor in normal times, what is this place. However, the elders of the royal family who guarded the great Zhongtian dynasty above the city glanced at each other. After a while, they nodded, and someone immediately notified the past.

After a few breaths, a man walked on top of this city. He was a burly figure, a tall man, and his face was unrivaled, but now he looked more tired, it was. . . Qin Hong.

Standing on the city, his eyes met Meng Fan, Qin Hong was silent for a moment, and said slowly,

"You are not in Chaos Basin, what do you come here for?"


Meng Fan was extremely crisp, his eyes were torch,

"Not just to unite with you. I want to unite with the world's strong. I need your power. I know the methods of people in the restricted area too well. The more fearful they are against them, the more terrifying they will be. They are defeated one by one, and there is no chance of hesitation at all. If you do not unite, you and I will die!"

The voice fell, the words thunderous!

After hearing Meng Fan's words, everyone on the entire sky was silent, including Qin Hong and the ancient royal families. Now this situation surpasses everyone’s estimation, it is not in their judgment at all, and naturally it is impossible to be prepared. Nowadays, a large number of forbidden areas are living in the hinterland of the Zhongtian Dynasty, including many of their suppressed ancients have been lost. After the news, even the core group of Zhongtian Dynasty is panicking now, and don't know what to do with Meng Fan's words.

Obviously, in front of this restricted area, the idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack is really too risky. Now that it has swept the world, several people dare to think so, and several people are qualified to think so!

After a few breaths, Qin Hong uttered a few words.

"Why should I believe you? You are not a member of my dynasty. If you have other ideas, I will be a sinner of the dynasty!"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan's face was expressionless and coldly said.

"But I am a person of ten thousand realms. I was born with all things to support people. There is nothing for man to repay the sky. I was born in ten thousand realms and naturally fight for ten thousand realms. What's more, there are no eggs under the nest. It’s all defeated, you and me... both of you will die! I can die, but I don’t want the person who follows me, the person I love to die, Qin Hong, I know the grievances between you and me before, but can you let it go for a while? I have been offended before, but I was wrong. In this battle, I, Meng Fan, asked you to slap me five times. I will never regret it!"

It's my fault!

Qin Hong's body was shocked at this sentence, unimaginable.

At this moment, the two were standing on top of the sky, standing against each other. Before, they were the immortal enemies, but now at this moment, they are silent at the same time, with their eyes facing each other.

Suddenly, the people surrounding this tower were even more amazed. In the past, above the Zhongtian Dynasty, how powerful Meng Fan was. He knew that this was the hinterland of the dynasty, and it was still the capital of the dynasty. Help the **** monkey rescue Yinyin. The princess, defeated Qin Hong personally, and passed on after a long stay.

During that day, even under the crush of Qin Mieren, he did not frown, but now in front of this great calamity, it is to make the heroes daring. Iron men like Meng Fan are also willing to bow their heads and let Qin Hong help yourself!

For the end of his life, Meng Fan rarely asked for help, but now he is asking for his opponent!

There was a little silence, Qin Hong said slowly,

"You come with me, get out of the way!"

When the voice fell, the ancient royal family on the side hesitated for a while, and then opened the divine formation and put Meng Fan into the Zhongtian Dynasty.

Now in this imperial capital, Qin Mieren is already fighting abroad, and he does not know his life or death. Qin Hong is a well-deserved young master, and he naturally possesses great rights, even in the first and second stages of the imperial capital. The elders above will also follow his advice.

With Meng Fan, Qin Hong was speechless all the way, and he led him directly to an ancient temple in the depths of the imperial palace, which was magnificent, and the buildings between Zhou and Tian were like coiled dragons surrounding it.

"What is this place?"

Meng Fan doubted.

"One of the top ten gods, the unquenchable drum!"

Qin Hong uttered a few words, stepped into the hall, and pointed to one of the extremely old golden drums.

"This thing has been stored here since ancient times. Once you and I strike it, you can shake the sky, and the sound will spread throughout the Middle Ages, including those supreme forbidden places. It is no exception. Through this immortal drum The sound wave will spread through the world and pass on to the world. If you have anything you want to say, through him, everyone in the entire Middle Ages can be able to... Hear!"<

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