Supreme God King

Chapter 1582: Mention marriage

East Sky City!

Outside the attic, the scenery is pleasant!

Within a few days, countless powerhouses of today's world gathered here, after the battle between Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian came to an end.

The excitement here also quickly dissipated, just like Qin Mieren, the powerhouses in the early days also left one after another, of course there were some people who did not leave immediately, like. . . . . Many elders of the Bai family.

And outside the attic where many of the elders of the Bai family lived, a man and a woman came, and it was Meng Fan and Bai Shui'er!

Following Bai Shui'er, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, but his movements were quite slow. This sword-and-flame, forbidden area is a peerless powerhouse who has walked through the forbidden area, but now he is moving quite slowly, looking like an already-is The old vicissitudes of life are average, almost unable to walk!

In fact, the place where Meng Fan is located is very close to the place where Bai's elders are. If Meng Fan's cultivation is fast, it only takes a breath, but now he has walked for half an hour on this part of the road!

Glancing at Meng Fan behind him, Bai Shui'er's pretty face is still red, but there is a kind of resentment in his eyes, and a few words are spit out between his teeth.

"Can you hurry up, Uncle Meng Fan!"

"Yeen, come here, I haven't been injured yet, my movements are a bit slow, my legs and feet are not good!"

Meng Fan nodded and said with a serious expression on his face, and at the same time he stepped forward, but he seemed to have been bombarded by countless thunders, and his body seemed to be unwilling.


Bai Shui was very angry, biting her silver teeth, but a white mist surged from her eyes, and finally she uttered a few words.

"Let you be with me... Is it really difficult?"

The tone of voice whispered, there was already an extra cry. Seeing Bai Shui'er's eyes, Meng Fan's heart was shocked and he sighed slightly.

For many years, Meng Fan has swept the world and swept his peers. In terms of cultivation, he is definitely the best among people. However, he has always been extremely innocent when it comes to feelings, and perhaps Meng Fan has not noticed that, Many times he is deliberately avoiding.

Perhaps the parting between life and death in Tianhan Mountain was too painful for him, too painful, the figure of his sister is always engraved in Meng Fan's heart, even though there are several beauties in this world, but that kind of pressure is on the body. , It also gave Meng Fan no chance to think more.

But now looking at Bai Shui'er's gaze, he understood the friendship of the latter for many years, how could Meng Fan bear to refuse!

Shaking his head, Meng Fan stretched out his hand and hung Bai Shui'er's nose, then chuckled.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go, don't worry, I must try my best to listen to the opinions of your white elders, even if you want to marry a pig."

"I am not... a pig!"

Bai Shui'er blushed and murmured.

Silent all the way, between the two people talking and laughing, they came to the residence of the elder Bai, but Bai Shui'er didn't follow it because of his shyness. Only Meng Fan himself entered. With no expression on his face, Meng Fan strode, the latter has always been like this, and may need to be considered before making a decision, but after making a decision, he never hesitated.

Entering the attic, as far as Meng Fan's eyes could be, he saw Bai Rong and other elders of the Bai family working quietly, drinking tea and talking about Taoism, but when Meng Fan came in, a few people The gaze also looked over at the same time.

With a hand over, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"Boy, I've seen Elder Bai Rong and all the elders!"

The voice fell, and at the same time Meng Fan gave a deep salute, in front of the Bai Rong group, like a junior.

Seeing this scene, Bai Rong and the others nodded and were deeply satisfied. Although Meng Fan’s grade did not overstate them, how much status and strength Meng Fan is now, in this situation. Below, Meng Fan is still able to do this step, which is enough to explain Meng Fan's disposition.

"No, it would be too polite if the leader of Mengda is like this!"

Bai Rong smiled lightly, but the battle of his eyes was filled with satisfaction.

"Where, where, it's good for a few elders to call me Meng Fan. At the beginning, the elder Bai Rong's kindness to me was unforgettable. No matter which step the kid reaches, he will remember the grace of the Bai family.

Meng Fan shook his head.


Bai Rong laughed, but after a while, his eyes were fixed on Meng Fan, with a hint of solemnity.

"In that case, the old man doesn't refuse, but the old man still wants to ask you a little bit. This time I will wait for the old Piff to put his face down, please come, you should know what we mean!

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression moved, knowing that the topic was coming, he pondered, nodded,

"Yes, I already know, Shui'er told me, and I also know that the emperor immortal scripture is the secret of the Bai family, but Shui'er passed it on to me. Violated the laws of the Bai family, so I must be responsible for this matter. I heard Shui'er say that the Bai family had a precedent before this. As long as they had a marriage relationship with Shui'er, perhaps the Bai family would If it can be accommodating, it will also give the elders an explanation, but..."

Seeing an embarrassed look on Meng Fan's face, a white patriarch who had a hot temperament suddenly became angry and roared,

"Meng Fan, you won't plan to pay the bill after taking advantage of our Royal Highness Shui'er. I tell you, this is absolutely not possible. You can bully other girls' girls, but you dare to bully my Bai's Shui'er Your Highness, I don’t plan to be responsible after playing, is it possible? Don’t look at your strength, the old man will fight with you to the end after fighting this old life!"

The voice fell, like thunder, suddenly made Meng Fan look helpless, laughed, and shook his head.

"No matter where, no matter where, for one thing, my relationship with Shuier is still pure, and secondly, it's not that the kid doesn't want to be responsible, but the opposite... The kid actually doesn't want to delay Shuier and follow me. This kind of person may not have good results!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time Meng Fan looked at Bai Rong extremely frankly, just standing in place.

Bai Rong and the others are all extremely clever old men who have read countless people, but at a glance, they can see that Meng Fan is definitely not lying, but at this moment Meng Fan is indeed magnanimous.

Swordsmanship, the road of this life!

For Meng Fan, in any case, he has a destined path. Whether it is for Ruoshuiyi or the dark alliance, the future is bound to have countless fierce battles, hovering in countless lives and deaths, even if It was Meng Fan who didn't have a trace of assurance at all. . . . Nothing!

Under this situation, Meng Fan talked about taking care of Bai Shui'er and was responsible again!

Back then, when Meng Fan was young, he personally experienced the bitterness of his mother after his father died. This kind of responsibility made Meng Fan dare to promise Bai Shui'er easily.

Seeing Bai Rong and other elders, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"It's not that the kid doesn't want to be responsible, it's just that the responsibility is too great, and my road is too difficult. If one day...what will Shuier do?"

With a word, Bai Rong's elders fell into silence, looking at Meng Fan, after a few breaths, Bai Rong said slowly,

"Meng Fan, the old man understands what you mean. When you suffered three swords and six thunders for Shui'er, the old man knew that you were not an ordinary person, you were absolutely true temperament, and Shui'er did not misread it. Perhaps your thoughts There is a certain truth, but Meng Fan...Have you ever heard a sentence in the Middle Ages, this is a song in the Middle Ages, called waiting for your fame to move the world, but the beauty of the poor, treat you without worry, Qingmei early Xu Renjia, wait for you for half your life, too much dry bones will turn into sand, wait for you to become famous, beloved white hair and rain, Meng Fan...Shui'er has been quietly staring at the sky for five hundred years. , Years are like a day!"

The tone was whispering, and at the moment of falling, Meng Fan could not help but shook his whole body, standing still, silent for a long time.

Yes, he has been dead for five hundred years. Bai Shui'er has waited for him for five hundred years. During these five hundred years, I don’t know how many years he has experienced, lonely and lonely, but he is still infatuated. change. But Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, the empress, and Ling Daiyou are more than waiting for him. How can these people care about him? Even though they are peerless, they have never seen any man beside him. Silhouette.

So for the few beauties who are waiting for me, myself. . . . . How can you be negative!

With his eyes closed, Meng Fan was speechless for a long time. After a few breaths, he finally opened his eyes and nodded.

"Several elders rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation, it should be in the near future!"

Seeing Meng Fan's expression, Bai Rong nodded and said nothing. They understood that with Meng Fan's insight and mind, he had already made a judgment at this moment, and they didn't need to talk about them anymore.

After a few more chats, Meng Fan said goodbye and strode out of the room. Beyond that, Bai Shui'er was waiting nervously all the time, his fingers clenched, and a white forehead appeared. Light sweat.

After seeing Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er immediately stepped forward, quickly stepped forward, grabbed Meng Fan’s attic, and asked nervously,

"How about it, did Grandpa Bai Rong embarrass you!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled, looked at Bai Shui'er, and said softly.

"Guess it!"

"Where do I know!"

Bai Shui'er's pretty face flushed, but from time to time he looked up at Meng Fan, extremely nervous.

"Haha, Shuier, can you promise me one thing?"

Meng Fan grabbed Bai Shui'er's palm, stared at his pretty face, and said seriously.

Seeing Meng Fan showing such a serious look made Bai Shui'er a little curious. In the past few years, I have rarely seen Meng Fan able to do this. I couldn't help but bit his red lips and said in doubt.


"Follow me back to the dark alliance!"

"What to do?"

Hearing that, Meng Fan smiled, grabbed Bai Shui'er's delicate body, and directly hugged him horizontally, while only two words fell, <

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