Supreme God King

Chapter 1603: Great secret


When these two words fell, Rao Meng Fan was also shocked. Blue Caiyi was the existence of the Divine King Realm, what a true generation of Demon Ancestor, what strength.

In the past tribulations, she was qualified to fight the thirteen hall masters, but now she is missing, and even Renxiong does not know that she is here.

No trace!

These four words contained too much information, making Meng Fan hesitate.

Seeing Meng Fan’s gaze, the man was silent, and finally said,

"I understand what you are thinking. You can answer me a question first, Meng Fan, do you know that the existence of the God King Realm wants to grow, is there any way!"

When he said that, Meng Fan was taken aback and shook his head.

Sigh softly, manly,

"Actually... there are two ways. The first way is.... To slaughter other **** kings is to slaughter them without leaving any room, to completely obliterate them, to destroy their blood, to cut their flesh, and to absorb their souls. The three steps are simultaneously Completed, if you use another **** king as the fruit, then you can improve your own cultivation!"


Hearing Renxiong's words and recalling the previous news of Lan Caiyi's disappearance, Meng Fan was also cold at this moment, feeling a chilly feeling.

Renxiong’s words are absolutely impossible to be targeted, so it is very likely that Lan Caiyi may be caught by someone and used as the fruit of another **** king. In this case...then the person who shot must be another god. The king, even more respect, was able to hurt him just now.

Is it the thirteen hall master?

Meng Fan shook the palm of his hand. In any case, this news was probably a shocking secret, which made him feel extremely unbelievable.

"Senior... Is there no news?"


Renxiong shook his head and said solemnly.

"I also tracked down for a while, but unfortunately... there is no clue, and I can be sure that the blue color clothes did not fall during the First World War, but the old monkey died.

Facing a palace master weapon with her cultivation base, even if it is not her state of complete victory, she can still persist. To be precise, she should not disappear into the hands of the palace master. I even inferred that it has nothing to do with the restricted area. It's my strange place, if it weren't for the thirteen hall masters,... . "

There is no need for Renxiong to say the following words, this is already scary enough, Meng Fan's eyes flickered, and the brilliance shone, deep to the point of appalling.

Obviously, if it wasn't for the restricted area to shoot, then it would be the king of power among these ten thousand realms, then who would it be!

"Unfortunately, the kid is too powerless, this kind of thing really doesn't even have the strength to interfere!"

Meng Fan shook his head and sighed slightly.

Lan Caiyi is not bad for Meng Fan, and he has made great contributions to the Ten Thousand Realms during the Great Tribulation of the past. If possible, Meng Fan will definitely help, but this may involve the powerhouse of the King of Gods. Just as Meng Fan said, compared with his current cultivation base, it is really too weak.

"Please also senior can help me!"

Meng Fan bowed his hands and said respectfully.

"I have a good relationship with the Demon Ancestor. I fought together in the past, so I will definitely take action!"

Ren Xiong said slowly, a flashing light appeared in his eyes, which was extremely shocking. There is a great deterrent to make the people tremble in this class of existence, but when his intention is murderous, it is already An overwhelming breath broke out.

"But now... It's too difficult. It's okay to say in ordinary times, but now is different. All the ancient existences are about to revive. There are too many people, and I can't guess whether there will be. That average powerhouse!"


Meng Fan looked at Renxiong hesitantly.

"You also know that I have mentioned two paths before, both of which are the path to advancement for the powerhouse of the God King realm, and the other is..."

Ren Xiong said slowly, but at this moment he was breathless, confining the space, leaving only him and Meng Fan in this space.

"The source of the heavens!"

The four words fell, and never fell into Meng Fan's ears, but just by seeing Renxiong's expression, he already understood that this was already a secret of eternity, and only existed in the personal biography of the most powerful person in the world.

"The source of the heavens?"

Meng Fan looked at Renxiong hesitantly, waiting for an answer.

"Not bad!"

Renxiong nodded and said solemnly,

"This thing is just like its name, but this is actually... the source of the universe is also the secret of the birth of the universe. It is rumored that this thing contains the strongest law of vitality. Before countless years of heaven and earth, it was first. There is the source of the heavens, and then the law emerges and suppresses the Quartet. It is just now... that opened up this world and formed the current Ten Thousand Territory. You say this is important or not!"

The source of heaven and earth!

Meng Fan's whole body was trembling, and he looked at Ren Xiong in astonishment. This was definitely the first time he heard these four words, which was quite unfamiliar.

But at the point where he has reached his level, one can understand this kind of thing naturally. The more he understands the laws of the world, especially the hard work of the old monkey, the more he understands the progress in this divine realm, but the whole The law of vitality and heaven is inseparable.

And the source of the heavens is definitely a unique treasure in this world. It is earth-shattering. If it is really like what the man said, and what it contains is the law that creates the universe, then nothing in this world is as precious as this. In case of the source of the heavens!

The things that existed before the opening of the heavens and the earth, this is really...too shocking, it is simply an eternal existence in this world, I can't think that this kind of thing really exists in this world.

Looking at Meng Fan, Ren Xiong continued,

"Perhaps you didn't know it before. That's because you didn't reach this point. The news of this kind of thing usually only exists in the ears of the strong in the gods and all realms, mainly because he is too terrifying. It is the number one in nine heavens and ten earths. secret.

Nothing can be compared with him, and in this world there have been two altogether. The first time appeared between the heavens and the earth. In that era, the humans of ten thousand domains did not understand cultivation, but appeared in the source of the heavens. After that, it was only when people in the world understood the law of vitality, mind and methods.

Later, through hard work, in the ancient times, the cultivation of vitality broke out, and countless monks came out, and according to rumors, a group of powerhouses in the realm of the gods have successfully emerged, with so many ancient existences!

The secret of the source of the heavens spread all over the world at that moment, until the second time he appeared later, all the top powerhouses in the world shot, but in the end only thirteen have entered, and then you also Got it…. . They are the thirteen hall masters of the restricted area hall! "

Thirteen people!

His pupils shrank, Meng Fan could not have imagined that the thirteen hall masters of this forbidden area hall had come in this way. He did not need to say that he also understood how tragic the battle in the past was, and finally thirteen thousand domains existed in it. Then after I came out, I started.... . Dominate the forbidden area of ​​the world!

This kind of thing, the first time it appeared, caused the cultivation of vitality in this world, and the second appearance was the existence of the forbidden zone in this world. How terrible!

"Millions of years have passed, and I have never seen this thing!"

Ren Xiong sighed and said slowly,

"But it is certain that it is the source of the most terrifying law in the world. Once it appears, it will cause the earth to break and the sky will collapse. The world's top powers will fight for it. If you want to get it, you can only find its place, enter it, and feel the world. The most powerful source of law.

Back then, the thirteen hall masters were created, and any one of them was above me. If it weren’t for the fact that everyone in the previous wars were aimed at them, I’m afraid I’m not his opponent at all in the restricted area. The power of horror also comes from what they got in the source of the heavens.

It is conceivable that you should understand the importance of this thing, and I can tell you that this thing... The rumor is about to wake up, millions of years, once he wakes up, then all the strong in this world will wake up, stepping into it, even the strong in the **** king realm will reverse their destiny from now on, I don’t know the one of the heavens. The third appearance of the source, what will it bring to this ten thousand domain! "

The rumbling tone made Meng Fan extremely surprised, with an indigestible feeling. Don't blame him, this kind of thing is indeed beyond imagination, I am afraid that the ultimate secret before this world.

The source of the heavens, many powerhouses in the Divine King realm wake up and rise!

Just between these few clues, Meng Fan instinctively felt that the blood in his body was burning, and his eyes were bright.

Once this thing appears, it will inevitably lead to a battle among the strong in the world. It is indeed a time to change the fate of everyone in the world. No wonder the forbidden area palace owner suddenly stops in the restricted area, and may even prepare for this battle. I don't want to fight with people!

In an instant, Meng Fan understood countless things, and finally said in a deep voice,

"Sir Renxiong, are you sure of it?"


Renxiong definitely shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"It's not just that I don't have it, I'm afraid that the thirteen hall masters don't have it. That's why I am so jealous. I don't want to do it with me now. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to get out in the restricted area, but I will not come out because The injury of the **** king is not so easy to get better. Once severely injured, it must be repaired with great effort.

And in the future wars, the world's strongest players, who can say that they can be sure? The thirteen hall masters back then took advantage of the gaps that the older group of people were targeting and picked up a huge bargain. No one wanted to be a desperate tiger, so... . Before that battle, they would try their best to preserve their strength, but today's world can foresee that there are already many old friends who are resurrected and born! "

The voice fell, Meng Fan was silent, and after a moment he arched his hands.

"Thank you, senior, for telling me so much. I don't know what senior can help senior when talking about these things?"

"It’s not possible with your current strength, but I believe that the future will give you enough time. Maybe it will take countless years to open the source of the heavens. It’s not good to say, but I stay. A good destiny may be useful in the future, anyway, you will know these things sooner or later!"

Ren Xiong said calmly, and at the same time his voice turned, his tone became extra dignified.

"But you must be careful of the forbidden area. Soon, I will step into a forbidden space to search for the Demon Ancestor, to see the truth in it, and find out the reason for her disappearance!

And you must be careful where you are, because as in the chaos today, all the rules are not so important. I can still bless you three points, but once I am away... there may even be top players in the restricted area who will personally shoot against you. ,including you…. . People around! "<

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