Supreme God King

Chapter 1624: Gift

Holy Three Realms!

After nearly four hundred years, it was finally for Meng Fan to solve his own problems, completely reborn, and reached a new level.

At this level, Meng Fan's whole person stood between the sky, with hair flying and breath exploding, and there was a kind of domineering that made the universe twisted.

Compared with before, Meng Fan at this moment is more ethereal, almost perfect, just one step, but a huge world, only in this realm now, now Meng Fan dare to say himself... . Unique forever.

Because under the previous fusion, Meng Fan’s martial arts finally fully matured, completely in line with Meng Fan’s own, and the two god-level exercises were converted to each other, including Meng Fan’s experience of transforming hundreds of schools, as well as his own. The road of martial arts, and finally it was Meng Fan who achieved this moment.

Gently squeezed the palm of his hand, and a sense of control came out of the power of the entire world in his own hands. Even Meng Fan could not tell how much his combat power had increased.

But one thing is certain, that is, he is already standing on the sacred peak, completely reaching the three realms, and now there is no need to look up at the old monster powerhouse, because he himself is a... . Old monster!

"Finally... It's finished!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, there was a strange emotion in his eyes. From the old Wuzhen boy to today, he finally stood on the sacred peak, and finally did not disappoint his sister, the old madman's sacrifice to him.

More than a thousand years have passed, and the vicissitudes of life, but some people. . . . He could never see each other anymore, even if he had the power to reign in the world and his name moved the world, but he couldn't get back the smiles of some people. . . . .

A moment later, between the heavens and the heavens, the breath closed, and the infinite energy of heaven and earth was concentrated towards Meng Fan. It came from the Profound Sky Tree behind Meng Fan, and its branches swayed with the wind.

That kind of changed heaven and earth energy is integrated into Meng Fan's body, just like mother's hands, making Meng Fan extra comfortable. The surging Qi and blood of the whole person are stabilized, allowing Meng Fan to quickly in this state. The feeling of being familiar with every power in itself.

Don't underestimate the move of the Profound Sky Tree. Meng Fan himself broke through and reached the God III. He just entered, and it took so much time to reach this point. Some problems may arise in himself.

If you want to completely stabilize your realm, it will take decades at least, but under one movement of the Profound Sky Tree, countless runes are inscribed in Meng Fan's body, leaving him with this. For a period of time, completely stabilized in his own realm.

It's definitely not just talking about the gods that rob the world and destroy all the gods!

In terms of the background, looking at the entire world, I am afraid that there will be few Profound Sky Trees that are more qualified than the Profound Sky Tree that existed in the Kaitian era, and just a little bit of it is to help Meng Fan complete the complete change in his body.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan woke up from his sentiment, he couldn't help but bowed his hand, bowed a deep bow, and said to the Profound Sky Tree.

"Thank you old man!"

In the tone, very respectful!

For Meng Fan, the Profound Sky Tree has great kindness to him. Not only did he save his life before, but in these four hundred years, if there was no Profound Sky Tree, there would be no Meng Fan at all.

Only the latter kind of aura that encapsulates the transformation of heaven and earth in my body has allowed Meng Fan to reach a whole new level and make up for the strength of his own insufficiency.

To reach the three sacred realms for more than a thousand years, it is estimated that looking at the entire world, no one can imagine that someone can reach this point.

For Meng Fan, if it is for survival alone, there is still a long and endless time for him to squander.


Facing Meng Fan’s kindness, the Sky Profound Tree hummed coldly, and the voice fell.

"You don't need to talk to the old man like that. The old man didn't do anything, didn't say anything, it's just that you have to be beside the old man. The old man is dazzled and didn't see it. Now let the old man get out!"

The voice fell, making Meng Fan smile. He had already figured out the temper of the Profound Sky Tree and didn't speak.

But after a while, the undead roots appeared, transforming into human figures, like dolls, looking at the Profound Sky Tree, a little sad,

"Grandpa Tianxuan, are you leaving now?"

During the four hundred years, not only Meng Fan, but also the Undead Root, etc., received great help from the Profound Sky Tree, including Wanmu Qiding, Xiaotian, and Xiaodi. This change and re-Nirvana are naturally full of feelings for the Profound Sky Tree.

Hearing this, Tian Xuanshu nodded and said solemnly,

"Yes, the old man shows the world, and the opening of branches and leaves is his own cycle, and it is also the old man's fate. After this period of time, the old man will naturally return to chaos and fall into silence.

There are also undead little guys, why don't you follow the old man, it will be of great help to you, and it is not impossible to reach the height of your grandfather back then! "

Hearing this, Undead Linggen was taken aback, looked at Meng Fan, then looked at the Profound Sky Tree, and finally arched his hands.

"No, Grandpa Tianxuan, I want to leave with Meng Fan. I don't like the chaotic world. There is no everything, no space, no excitement, what a good time outside!"

"Wonderfulness may also mean...killing!"

The Profound Sky Tree sighed faintly, her eyes flickered, and her tone became serious at this moment.

"Especially in today's ten thousand domains, the future will inevitably be an unprecedented majesty. In that majesty, the **** king will fall. On the contrary... it will be safe in the chaos. Some!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's heart trembled, and he understood what the sky mysterious tree was referring to. I am afraid that it was also what Renxiong said before. Both peerless powerhouses in this world have said that the future world will be in chaos. , There are endless strong people born, and they are not optimistic about each other, it can be imagined that this is definitely not just talking.

"The source of the heavens!"

Meng Fan spit out four words and stared at the Profound Sky Tree.

"you know?"

Looking at Meng Fan, the Sky Profound Tree was silent, and finally said,

"The source of the heavens, to be precise, he should be the entire ten thousand realm, me, you, the forbidden zone, the ten thousand realm, and the mother of all people in the world. Without him, there would be no one in this world. Everything, he controls all the laws between the heaven and the earth, and controls the secrets of the heaven and the earth.

but. . . . He has also become the biggest source of cholera in this world. Without him, perhaps there would be no such kind of greatness in the whole world. Once it appears, it will trigger the top power to take action in person, and all beings. It is ashes, the sky is annihilated, I don't know what it will be this time, Wanyu may become him. . . . . The defeat is also up to him. . . . . "

The tone was vicissitudes of life, with endless sighs. Obviously, the grade and method of the Profound Sky Tree should have been through the previous battle. From his deep eyes, Meng Fan could see that it was even a section of the Profound Sky Tree. Even he didn’t want to think about the uncomfortable memories, and didn’t know what he had experienced.

After taking a look at Meng Fan and the Undead Root, finally the sky mysterious tree said,

"Well, since you are willing to go to the outside world, then go. Maybe in the future war, chaos will no longer exist, and there will be nothing to exist. You may be in the outside world. Fight for yourself, the old man is leaving now!"

The tone is calm, and at the same time, the golden old tree that supports the entire world is slowly disappearing. This is the source of this world. Under the disappearance of this golden old tree, this world also begins to become blurred and blurred. .

Looking at the disappearing shadow of the Profound Sky Tree, both Meng Fan and the Undead Root, Longma stood quietly, maintaining a high respect for the extremely long-lived old gentleman between the world and the earth.

And at the moment when the Profound Sky Tree completely disappeared into the space, a thing seemed to have fallen from him, making the Profound Sky Tree seem to be taken aback, as if it could not be stopped, and finally disappeared in this world. .

The day changes, everything returns to calm!

After there was no Profound Sky Tree, Meng Fan's gaze saw that there was a golden stone on the ground. He picked it up and took a closer look. He was shocked, because it was. . . . . . Sky Profound Fruit!

Sky Profound Fruit, every time this Sky Profound Tree emerges from the chaos, the essence it gives birth to is also the dream of countless powerhouses in this world. Before that, Liu Huo, Di Feng and others did not reach this place far away. In extraterritorial space, the purpose is to comprehend the good fortune of this mysterious tree, and it is not enough to be able to obtain this mysterious fruit!

Including the essence of the Profound Sky Tree itself, it contains the aura of the Great Dao that has been possessed since the opening of the sky. It is conceivable how precious this thing is.

However, now that the Profound Sky Tree is still here, seemingly unintentional, as if it was lost. Grasping the Profound Sky Fruit, Meng Fan's heart was moved. He understood that this was definitely the Profound Sky Tree’s deliberate actions and took this treasure Give them this way.

Along the way, although facing countless powerful enemies and killing countless, I don't know how many old monster powerhouses personally crushed themselves, but there are people like the Profound Sky Tree who are willing to selflessly help themselves.

With a faint sigh, Meng Fan gathered the profound fruit of the sky, glanced around and said in a deep voice.

"So... just leave here first!"

Four hundred years have passed. Although countless backs have been laid in the dark alliance, it also filled Meng Fan's heart with a trace of concern. After all, he is no longer the bachelor Wuzhen boy back then, but his father. Husband, so the eldest brother of everyone in the dark alliance, has to shoulder this responsibility even more.

Now he and Long Ma and others have gained much in this extraterritorial space, and it has allowed Meng Fan to fulfill his own wishes. Now, naturally, he does not want to have any stay and quickly return to the dark alliance.

For such a long time, even Meng Fan couldn't help but miss a little bit of his relatives. After a word, he also tore the space and left here.

Extraterritorial space is endless!

Meng Fan went through ups and downs when he came, and it was really hard to find it all the way, but now it doesn't take so much effort to go back, so he is naturally quite happy.

However, not long after Meng Fan and Longma stepped out of this golden space, Meng Fan was standing in the void, already still, staring at one of them, his eyes flickered and the chill was strong, only three words were spit out.

"It's murderous!"

I recommend a book called Weisheng, written by Qianmo Fanghua, and published at the starting point. I have read it by a friend. It is quite good. I hope you can take a look. <

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