Supreme God King

Chapter 1627: Step face

Step on your face!

It was just a kick, but now who is Meng Fan, a master of the three sacred realms, the first arrogant of all ages, let alone a kick that gathers all the power in his body, even a random blow is a breakthrough.

What's more, between this foot, Meng Fan was already using the majestic vitality fluctuations in his body, moving his whole body, coming over with lightning speed.


The feet were like electricity, and there was a direct close contact with Di Feng's face. It was also at this moment that it was the head of Di Feng. . . . Blown up!

That's right, it's really blown up!

Meng Fan's kick was too strong, and at the moment of falling, it was as strong as a half-step God King, and it was impossible to withstand it abruptly.

Although it didn't hurt Di Feng's soul, his physical body couldn't bear it, his head exploded, blood staining the world!

And in this breathing effort, countless phantoms came from Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others all shot frantically, coming from the void, turning into the most fierce attack, bombarding his body.

The ten thousand mother and son Qi Cauldron was even more riot, and when one cauldron fell, it was born like a meteorite, and with its own power, the terrifying body severely crushed the remnant body of Emperor Feng.

Only for a moment, it was for Emperor Feng to withstand the ravages of attacks. If he was strong, his physical body was torn apart by layers, his injuries were severe and his whole body was stained with blood.


At the next moment, a sound erupted in the joints of Di Feng's body. At the same time, the sky collapsed, surrounded by the emperor's body, and there was a sense of tearing apart the whole body.

The secret method was revealed, impacted around, and spread. This wave of air was unparalleled and overbearing. It instantly caused the entire sky to tremble and pierce everything, making the mortals irresistible and flying out.

A few steps away, Meng Fan's body stood firm, his eyes were cold, and the cold light flickered. Unexpectedly, Emperor Feng could still be so fierce under such an injury. He deserves to be a half-step god, and his strength is beyond imagination.

If it’s someone else, his foot used to be a vacuum in the sky. Other people have already been trampled to death by him, but Di Feng seldom hugs his own soul, and still has this Waiting for combat power.

Divine King Realm. . . . . . It's far from that simple, it's just half a step, it's already going against the sky!

But with a single blow to Bengfei, Meng Fan and the others, Di Feng's body retreated, and the blood fell, dyeing the entire sky red. At this moment, the whole person did not have the kind of hegemony that controlled everything before, and it seemed so miserable. miserable.

I have endured so many attacks from Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others before, and even the head is gone under Meng Fan’s most critical foot. Anyone who sees this scene will tremble, a half-step god. king…. . It turned out to be hurt to this point.

The blood rained down, and Di Feng was seriously injured, and at this moment two proud voices also came.

"Haha, you guys don't even have a head!"

"I don't have a face anymore, yeah, it's me, why do so many two things, I don't have a face anymore, I've taken it down for myself!"

Only a bird and a turtle can be so cheap at this kind of moment.

And this voice made worse. Although Di Feng did not have a head, the half-step God King powerhouse had different imagination. He could sense everything by himself, but it was better not to sense. At this moment, his whole body trembled and his injuries were more serious. some.

Di Feng’s mind was absolutely terrifying, but he couldn’t bear this kind of anger. A bird and a tortoise would undoubtedly sprinkle salt on the wound and become more and more cruel. If Di Feng had a face at this moment, then The complexion will definitely be. . . . . Quite exciting!


Around the sky, there was a deafening sound, tearing the wasteland, shaking the clouds, coming from Difeng, making the space around it sunken.

Between these voices, anyone can feel the harshness in this tone, which makes people shudder.

At this point, no one can imagine. Four hundred years have passed. From this celestial profound space, the strength of Meng Fan and others will be so high against the sky. Under this gang fight, It has already made Di Feng do this.

However, in the face of this kind of murderous intent, Meng Fan only frowned and uttered a few words.

"Kill him!"

Between the tone, it should be as simple as it is.

Even in the face of this kind of ancient monster, Meng Fan has never been afraid. If he was afraid, he would not attack before, and now he will not let Di Feng go. In an instant, the sky moved, one bird and one turtle, Xiao Tian Xiaodi a large group of people directly wailed up, attacking like a pack of wolves.


The vitality erupted, and the sea of ​​qi surged. Under this kind of attack, Di Feng was full of blood, but his breath remained unchanged. He was still monstrous. At the next moment, his whole person suddenly turned backwards, and he chose not to fight with Meng Fan and others. Instead, go back.

Between his fingers, Di Feng's body was like a shadow, avoiding the attacks of a bird and a turtle and the others, and his whole person melted into the void, tearing the space apart.

Even if Meng Fan's boxing fighters are unmatched, they are extremely fast, but they can't stop the back of Emperor Feng.

A half-step **** king is too terrifying, but where he is, he can tear everything apart. Even if he can't defeat Meng Fan and the others, but Di Feng wants to leave, Meng Fan and the others can't stop him.


With the disappearance of Di Feng's body, the surrounding void layers exploded. Meng Fan and others became mad, full of murderous intent, and wanted to completely leave Emperor Feng, but in the end it was a failure. At this last moment, it is still Di Feng moved the space and escaped from this world.

Looking at the blood left by the movement of his body, a look of regret appeared on Meng Fan's face, and he shook his head.

"It's a pity, if this old man is not left, it will be a big disaster in the future!"

Don't be afraid of a strong enemy, just be afraid of a strong enemy hiding!

After all, being stared at by a powerhouse of the rank of Emperor Feng would feel a little uncomfortable for everyone. The strength of the latter is too terrifying, and it may come at any time and hurt himself and the dark alliance.

What's more, there is a terrifying emperor gate behind it. The people of this group of organizations acted extremely harshly, and they have powerful strength, not losing to the emperor, even Meng Fan had to be jealous.

"Don't worry, your foot left him physically mutilated. In addition to his serious injury, he may not be able to recover without a few years, and he will not be a threat for the time being!"

Master Que let out a long breath and said in a deep voice.


Meng Fan nodded, and it was a joy to be able to wound Di Feng after all. Even if he was letting the tiger go back to the mountain, when he met the tiger again, it might be the day he slaughtered him!

Everyone cleaned up their minds, recovered their energy and blood, and then disappeared into this void, leaving a piece of shattered space in the entire world. Under the smoke, it proved that there had been a shocking duel before!

Meng Fan Gods vs Half-Step God King!

In any case, this battle is enough for Meng Fan and others to be proud. After all, he is a powerhouse of the **** king level. Even if he has only crossed half a step, he can be wounded and escaped. It is bound to cause a big wave!

However, after finishing the packing, Meng Fan did not hesitate, left directly, crossed the space, disappeared from the depths of this outer space, and walked towards the ten thousand realm.

After another full half a year, it finally made Meng Fan and the others sense the breath of Ten Thousand Territories, that kind of solid Zhoutian law and the brilliant world.

Unlike in extraterritorial space, there is this kind of stable time rule, for Meng Fan, it is like missing a sharp sword above his head. After all, the environment in this extraterritorial space is too bad, and there may be a collapse at any time. Broken, let Meng Fan and others fall into crisis.

And compared with the vast outer space, the place Meng Fan went is only a drop in the ocean. It is rumored that it is the chaos called by the Profound Sky Tree. In the depths of the chaos, there is a scene that the **** king can’t see. !

"Finally... I'm back, but unfortunately my current strength is only able to see this. If I have a chance, maybe I have to fight Chaos and take a look ahead!"

Meng Fan sighed lightly, glanced at the extraterritorial space behind him, and said boldly, drew a bird and a tortoise, Xiaotian and the others rolled his eyes, and then went straight to Wanyu!

This trip can be four hundred years, stepping out in one step, moving from the outer space, towards the direction of this dark alliance.

Dark alliance!

When Meng Fan and others returned, there was a big disturbance, which made the entire dark alliance rejoice, and it was not seen for another four hundred years.

The **** monkey, the burning sky, the cloud flying, the thunder soul old man, the snake old man, Zhan Wuji and others came out and punched Meng Fan fiercely in the chest, laughing and cursing, full of the joy of a long-lost reunion.

For many years of brothers, there is no need to speak, but they are only looking at each other, that is, they can feel that kind of eternal friendship, because this kind of friendship is not talked about, but countless battles, countless times. . . . Live and die in exchange for it!

And Meng Fan was equally happy, and immediately laughed and talked with the crowd in the dark alliance, and announced that, the whole dark alliance was joyous for three days.

He himself was with a group of brothers in the dark alliance's hall, ignoring the others, drinking for two days, getting drunk, causing the Empress, Bai Shui'er and others to frown.

Just when Meng Fan felt his leisure time, a group of people from the dark alliance ran into this hall, came to Meng Fan's side, and whispered a few words!

After these few words, all the wine on Meng Fan's body was awakened, and the whole person's eyes were torch and cold. . . . . Out suddenly!

In the hall, people are like waves!

This is the discussion hall of the entire dark alliance. Without the exuberant aura of the previous one, all the top powerhouses in the dark alliance gathered in this hall now, with high-level existence.

Except for Ruotian, an old monster that hadn't arrived, all the other dark alliance forces were here.

Today is different from the past. Under the current dark alliance, the people in the field did not speak, but any word continued, it was enough to make the entire ten thousand domain tremble.

Located in the most central position, Meng Fan sat quietly, looking around.

After a while, Lin Tang was already condensed.

"What's the matter, Brother Meng Fan!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan sighed quietly, and finally said,

"Emperor Clan... War is on!"

With a word, the main hall that was still talking about was suddenly still, and everyone's faces appeared at this moment. . . . Extraordinarily solemn look!

The imperial clan goes to war!

Maybe this is just four words, but for anyone in Wanyu, it is definitely enough shocking news.

We must know that the law between heaven and earth is now stable, and the rules in this Middle Ancient Region are all stable. Five families, five clans, one line and one dynasty!

This kind of rule has been circulated for an unknown number of years to rule the entire Middle Ancient Region and the entire Ten Thousand Region.

Although there had always been wars before this, but after all, there was no major spread, so that this piece of heaven and earth could be calmly faced no matter what.

But once the emperor clan goes to war, it will be chaos between the ten thousand domains, and all the rules. . . . . It's all about to start again!

Everyone understands that this battle is only to defeat one side and regain its vitality within a few years, but the more important thing is to reshuffle everything and throw the entire ten thousand domain into chaos. I don’t know how many people or even it will affect. It is comparable to the horror of the past, and it may be more serious than it!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Meng Fan threw a scroll to the dark alliance and sighed quietly.

"In two days, the three powerhouses of the Liu family, the Zhao family, and the Xitian Protoss came out, divided into three groups, and attacked the Zhongtian dynasty. In just two days, they have already lost several places. Now the three-way army is about to Encircled and headed straight to the capital of the Zhongtian Dynasty, wanting to replace it!"

The voice fell, and the scroll was placed in front of everyone. This was the intelligence from these two days, which fell in the eyes of the old snake, Yun Feiyang, Shenhou and others.

The Liu family, the Zhao family, the Xitian gods!

The three emperors join forces!

The eyes of countless people in the field looked at each other, and they all felt a touch of shock. This is definitely not three ordinary people. Once a war starts, at most it will start a battle between one domain, but the three emperors will join hands to estimate It will be a force that will destroy the dryness.

"The reaction of other forces!"

In an instant, Ling Daiyou's delicate body stood up, staring at Meng Fan, a solemn expression appeared on her pretty face.

As the master of the dark alliance for so many years, what Ling Dai now has is not only mature and charming, but also a powerful means of controlling the situation. Otherwise, it will not help Meng Fan to cover the entire dark for many years. The alliance operates to this point.

If it's not enough to cultivate Ling Daiyou, but when it comes to co-initiation and conspiracy, Ling Daiyou can be like a chilling beauty snake, which is enough to dissolve unknowingly many forces in the dark.

"Emperor clans are watching, and one line...rebellion has occurred!"

Meng Fan whispered, if it was an ordinary moment, he would never let him be like this, but now it is different, faintly, he has already analyzed endless crises from this intelligence.

"This rebellion comes from their ancient family. It is rumored that half of the elders under Yang Wudi are now disobeying Yang Wudi's methods, and they were seriously injured in a sneak attack three days ago. There was a strong chaos, Yang Wudi didn't know the life or death, and Yang Qing was also a loyal person who controlled the rest of the Yang family, and confronted him, but the situation was not optimistic. Among them, there should be the shadow of the emperor... "

As Meng Fan spoke more, it was to silence the entire hall. Those who could sit here were not ordinary people, and could feel the majestic situation in Meng Fan's words.

This situation is extraordinary and involves too much.

It is impossible for anyone to imagine that the entire Medieval Domain was peaceful a few days ago, but now in this world, there is a complete chaos. The two dragons and a dynasty between the world and the earth are in chaos at the same time. The throne is precarious, how shocking.

"Hmph, this group of guys bit the dog and fought together when they were in the extraterritorial space four hundred years ago, but now they are teaming together. It's really...wolf ambition!"

Xuangui snorted with a look of disdain.

"When they are in extraterritorial space, they want to compete for an opportunity and cannot share it. Naturally, they need to do something with each other. But now their enemy should only be the Zhongtian Dynasty, one line, and they want to replace it and become the new order controller. They will unite their shots, and they will be tightly tied together. After all, this battle... is extraordinary!

Meng Fan said coldly, and immediately looked around,

"What do you think about this!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, everyone fell silent. After all, at this moment, the dark alliance is also in this ten thousand realm, and it is still a force that cannot be underestimated. Naturally, it is inevitable that it will be Involved in it, we need to see how the dark alliance chooses.

And after a few breaths, Ling Daiyou's eyes flashed and said slowly,

"I think... we should sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The battle of the emperors is actually a good thing for us. Although the current status of the dark alliance is known as the thirteen emperors, it is still not as good as the emperors, let alone compare. A dynasty and a line of forces, but this battle gives us a chance. I believe that the other companies should be like this. The Bai family will see our reaction, but the Eastern Demon Ancestor, the Zhou family should be able to It is to calm down, wait for the other big forces to fight, and then choose to stand in line, it is not as good as us, so that we can attack, retreat and defend, only then will we be able to preserve our greatest power in this war!"

The voice fell, extremely soft, but it was already full of Ling Daiyou's analysis of the current situation in the Ten Thousand Regions, and countless people in the field nodded. The possibility stated in Ling Daiyou's words is absolutely extreme. High, the most important thing in this kind of imperial war is to save yourself. After all, when two tigers fight, there must be one injury!

In the past, the Zhongtian dynasty was able to rise up, and it was also under the injury of the former emperor to benefit from the left-handed fisherman. Naturally, this truth is understood!

However, at the next moment, sitting in place, Meng Fan shook his head and uttered two words.


With a decisive tone, Ling Dai was taken aback for a moment, and then said,

"Meng Fan, I know that you, Qin Hong, and Yang Qing are good friends. They also helped our dark alliance, but in the face of this kind of interest, it involves the life and death of the entire dark alliance. You, me, and others will Among them, one of your choices... But there will be countless people who will die for you and die on the battlefield for you!"

The tone is solemn, targeting Meng Fan!

It's not that Ling Dai is stubborn and stubborn, but she herself is the master of the power. This kind of person is naturally seeking to maximize the benefits, not just for herself or for the sake of feelings.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled slightly, shook his head, and said solemnly.

"Daiyou, it is precisely for the dark alliance that I just said no, because this battle... is definitely not as simple as you think, the Liu family, the Zhao family has been planning for so long, I am afraid What you want is extraordinary!"<

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