Supreme God King

Chapter 1636: Chord

A few words, chilling!

In Zhang Qixian's eyes, there was only a strong murderous intent. In this battle, he only wanted to find one person, Meng Fan!

Zhang Qixian.

A person who should have resounded through the world, a person who should have ruled the world, but has been taken away by a single person. If it were not for him, perhaps now the first arrogant of the ages is himself, and he is in control of everything The leader of the dark alliance, maybe he is. . . .

But everything was resisted by one person, Meng Fan.

Over the years, he has achieved dazzling results again and succeeded in cultivating with terrible means, and he will always be reminded. There is one person who has done it, that is Meng Fan!

This person was like a mountain, not only defeated Zhang Qixian personally in the past, but also made him live under that person forever.

This feeling drove Zhang Qixian crazy, countless hard cultivation, just to behead this person, to prove himself, he is the eternal arrogant, the future first emperor!

So as long as he heard this name, it was enough to make Zhang Qixian incarnate as Shura.

And he also understood that Meng Fan would definitely come here in this battle, but he didn't know where he was and when he would appear!

Yang Qing sneered when she heard Zhang Qixian's words, glanced at Zhang Qixian, and said with disdain,

"By you? Find him, do you deserve it?"

A few words, with an extraordinary disdain, suddenly made Zhang Qixian's face become hideous and roared.

"Presumptuous, I will deal with you first today. I think if you kill you, Meng Fan's concubine, he can't see it!"

The verbal method followed, and the elders of the six emperors, including Yue Han, also moved at the same time. The plan he made was like this, to gather the power of thunder to quickly resolve Yang Qing.

Just for a moment, the murderous intent broke out, and the world was abrupt!

After that, Yuehan and other people from the six emperors made a move, and a phantom appeared, turning into one point, which was the ultimate murderous intent, divided into six directions, and came straight to Yang Qing.

In the outside world, all the emperor elders guarding Yang Qing are entangled by rebels. Now the two ancients are divided into two. In one of the fights, even if countless of them want to come to rescue, but It is impossible.

This in itself was a killing game, making Yang Soul in the distance smile proudly.

After all, the top powerhouse is not a cabbage. It takes countless years to build Chengdu and an opportunity to guard against the sky, even if it is in the same vein, facing more than half of the ancient rebellion, the main vein is seriously injured, etc. , This heritage that once ruled the world finally has a big problem.

And at this moment, all the ancient emperor gates were gathered. Except for the fact that the current leader of the emperor gate, Emperor Feng, did not come, all the assassins here were all involved in the war. Zhang Qixian and others won this opportunity and stood. Beside Yang Qing.

In just a moment, surrounded by Yang Qing, there is only endless murderous intent, the light hits, tearing everything apart!

However, in the midst of this kind of murderous intent, Yang Qing was still calm, stepping out, her eyebrows stood up, and a mysterious rune appeared in the center of her eyebrows, her aura continued to rise, facing the attack of six people. Shoot out with one palm, blow in the air!


The void burst and the sky trembled!

It's just that the moment when the forces of the two sides touched, the place of collision was instantly vacuumed and turned into a completely black hole. At the same time, one could actually see that the six figures headed by Yuehan were shaking their own bodies, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, and they stepped back a few steps.

The fall of such a scene changed the expressions of countless people.

Yang Qing alone vs. Yuehan the six emperors!

Even if Yang Qing suppressed their realm, their own combat power is really terrifying, because Yuehan Six are not generally sacred, they control the secret method, and as the core heir of the Emperor Sect, they are naturally proficient in supreme killing. means.

Even against a strong man in the three holy realms, it has a repressive edge and is difficult to match.

But at this moment, Yang Qing raised his hand and hit, that is, a few people have already been blasted off. This is absolutely true. . . . . . Staggering!

You must know that under the ancient murderous intent of Yuehan and others, Yang Qing did not even use any secret methods, just a casual blow, but she actually possessed this kind of combat power, making countless strong people a heart. trembling.

Even if Yang Qing reached the third level, the blow was almost against the sky.


Zhang Qixian's expression moved and he stepped out. Just for a moment, an overwhelming hostility swept across the sky, creaking and creaking all over his body, bones hit, and swept across the sky.

Holy Three Realms!

It was just the moment when Zhang Qixian's breath broke out, which changed the appearance of all the strong, and the one hidden in the old golden world was Zhang Qixian.

The latter is the same age as Meng Fan, Yang Qing and others, but its strength is unmatched and terrifying, not losing to any of them, but its reputation has not spread all over the world.

Unexpectedly, he has been hiding for many years and has reached this point. He is only less than two thousand years old, but he has already reached the sacred end. Stepping out in one step, Zhang Qixian's whole person is like a blade, rushing forward, sharp. Must be out.


Faced with this kind of bitter intent, Yang Qing did not move, her five fingers turned into a palm, fighting with him.

In the void, the fists are facing each other, staggered together.

In just a moment, the bodies of the two turned into two afterimages in the void, each standing in the sky, confronting each other, the surrounding space was absolutely taboo, and they were completely sealed by the powerful aura of the two. Freeze frame.

At the same time, the two of them fought against each other with lightning, and in an instant, they burst out with an unknown number of thunder-like attack methods, each of which was about to be extreme.

Both of them had heard of each other before, and knew the latter's powerful methods, especially at this kind of moment, it was impossible to keep their hands.

So just a moment, it has already caused a big sonic boom in the entire field, that kind of popping sound made the entire week tremble, attracting countless strong people.

Although the two of them were young, they had a kind of edge that penetrated everything, and countless older generations could only look up to them.

It was just a few breaths, but the battle that was set off in the field was enough to make anyone in the world feel amazed, whether it was speed and strength, they were all powerful to the extreme.

At the next moment, the void exploded and split inch by inch, and at the same time, an afterimage of the sky could be seen flying out. It was.... . Zhang Qixian!

A mouthful of blood spurted, and Zhang Qixian himself was torn open a blood hole in his chest. In the previous close collision, he lost to Yang Qing and was blasted out.

The two great arrogances, such a confrontation, represented too much change in this instant, which suddenly changed countless people's expressions, and Yang Soul's complexion became pig liver in an instant, ugly to the extreme!

A successful blow, in the void, Yang Qing's blue silk fluttered, and the moment her body was stable, her eyes flashed, stepping out, the jade hand turned into a battle knife, and cut straight forward, ready to kill Zhang Qixian.

Without the protection of other people, Yang Qing is the unparalleled power in the world today, even if she stands on the position of the master of this vein, she deserves it.

The hand knife is like electricity, fast as thunder, and directly seals the void. When it falls, the powerful energy tears through the sky, and goes straight to Zhang Qixian, just to cut him completely.

Kill you while you are sick!

However, as soon as Yang Qing’s hand knife fell, the sky changed color, and the space surrounding it was suddenly imprisoned, causing Yang Qing’s expression to change suddenly. Before he could react, a dry palm suddenly tore the space. This void appeared, fast as a ghost, and it happened to hit the back of her heart.


In just a moment, Yang Qing's delicate body heard the sound of broken bones, blood spurted out, and the figure flew out.

"Your Highness!"

Such a scene caused everyone to tremble. Countless Yang Family Gu cried out in exclamation. His eyes were blood-red, and each one was completely mad and wanted to rescue. But at this moment, the sky was completely sealed and resisted by the endless aura. It was blocked by countless Yang family rebels and strong men from the emperor gate.

Behind him, an old figure appeared, dressed in black, with white hair dancing, standing in place, looking very ordinary, but there was an endless... . The breath of black death!

The breath of black death!

Seeing this scene in the field, countless people suddenly became petrified. It is hard to imagine this scene happening. Even if it is the arrival of Soul Yang, even if it is a chaos, it will be acceptable to many people. After all, this is only between ten thousand domains. The struggle between the two, but this moment is different, what appears is black death, which represents... . restricted area!

A few meters later, Yang Qing was able to stabilize herself, with blood spurting out, her pretty face pale, and she clearly understood that the physical body was only shattered all the meridians at that moment, completely shattered, even harder. Recovery, because the person who took the attack was.... . Half-step God King!

Such a realm powerhouse has always been by her side. She has been preparing for a long time, and even Yang Qing has no chance to react to a sneak attack, and it is even more unbearable.

The reason why her physical body did not rot at this moment was because her strength was strong enough to be suppressed forcibly, but she had suffered a powerful blow and her life was hanging by a thread.

And after looking at it, Yang Qing’s eyes were filled with endless chill, saying every word,

"Forbidden area hall!"

"Jie Jie... Not bad!"

In the distance, the strong man who stood in the sky and suddenly attacked and made a surprise smile. Standing, it made the entire week of the sky lose its color. Only the billowing black death air said calmly,

"Perhaps your ancestors should remember my name. This has been for tens of thousands of years. I remember that my previous name was... Extinct Taoist!"

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