Supreme God King

Chapter 1638: Speechless

The tone was whispering, but it was filled with excitement and confidence.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan naturally appeared at this moment. A blue shirt appeared in the sky, causing an uproar in the field in an instant, and countless people's expressions were frozen.

"Meng Fan!"

At the same time, Zhang Qixian let out a tiger roar, his eyes flickering, not only him, but also the many masters of the emperor sect behind him, with Yuehan as the leader, all showing murderous intent!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Nowadays, no one would not know the two words Meng Fan. Even if there are tens of thousands of heroes between the world and the earth, the movements have stopped for a moment, and they looked over here, including the extinction of Taoists, their expressions are involuntarily solemn. Minute.

However, Meng Fan simply ignored the gaze between Zhou and Tian, ​​reaching out and grabbing Yang Qing, but there was no joy on his face. Instead, he suddenly wrinkled his brows and said in a deep voice.

"Your injury..."


Yang Qing's smile remained the same, lying in Meng Fan's arms, very calmly said.

After a few words fell, Meng Fan's heart trembled and his spiritual thoughts surged, and he came out again, running Yang Qing's whole body, but the result was still the same as before.

Now there is no vitality in Yang Qing's whole body, including the soul, and the body is completely shattered. Even Meng Fan has nothing to do. I am afraid that the arrival of the God King will not be able to keep Yang Qing an extra day. The person is already in a stage of dying.

"I'm late?"

A few words came out between Meng Fan’s teeth, but Yang Qing shook her head gently, still smiling.

"It's not because of you. If it were normal, I wouldn't have fallen completely, but before that... I took Feixian Medicine for a breakthrough. This thing itself is an existence that burns up my own life. Otherwise, I am today. There will not be a battle strength, and even Zhang Qixian may not be his opponent.

One of the most important reasons is to use Feixian Medicine to burn my life. The stronger my combat power and the more I use, the more damage I will be, especially since I used it to break through my own realm before. I only have a hundred years left, and after this battle, my remaining hundred years have been exhausted! "

When the voice fell, Meng Fan couldn't help gritting his teeth and spit out a few words.

"How could you... so stupid?"

Burning life and taking Feixian medicine for self-breakthrough, it is obvious that Yang Qing was able to reach the three sacred realms because her previous choice was to take this taboo drug in exchange for today’s battle against the sky. Power can even hurt the half-step **** king.

If it wasn't for the extinction Taoist who was extremely against the sky, her own cultivation base surpassed ordinary imagination, I am afraid that she herself could defeat everything and save the Yang family.

But it is a pity that the ancient appearance of the restricted area has caused Yang Qing's life to be consumed rapidly, and finally came to an end!

Embracing Yang Qing in his arms, Meng Fan and him had never had this kind of closeness, but at this moment, he felt the vitality of the latter's body that was quickly consumed, and he wanted it soon. . . . The smoke disappeared.

However, Yang Qing's expression did not change, she was still smiling like a flower, and slowly said,

"It doesn’t matter, Meng Fan, I was born to be a member of the Yang family, and death was a ghost of the Yang family. The Yang family gave me everything. Now that the Yang family is in trouble, I naturally want to give everything I have to the Yang family. I am actually very happy to see you at this last moment, because...In fact, Meng Fan, you are the only man in Yang Qing’s life who has ever been tempted..."

The last few words fell, very slight. At the same time, a trace of blush appeared on Yang Qing’s pretty face. It was probably the first time in her life that she told a man about such things, even if she was supremely strong. I am also a little embarrassed. At this moment, there is no such beautiful beauty as before, and no fierce extreme. At the last moment of this life, Yang Qing has restored her daughter herself, and she looks at Meng Fan like this. With water and tenderness.

"You...Don't talk anymore..."

A few words were spit out from the corners of Meng Fan's mouth, looking at Yang Qing's gaze, even he felt a tremor in his heart, and he understood that every time Yang Qing exerted his strength, the vitality in the body would dissipate, and it was already weak. At the extreme, a single word is enough to waste her energy.

However, Yang Qing smiled and said softly.

"Meng Fan, I have always liked women throughout my life, and I also liked Shui'er until I met you later... At first I just dissatisfied you and wanted to defeat you, but I approached several times. Maybe you haven't seen it. I gradually started to pay attention to you, from being unconvinced to admiring, and then I like to be with you, until later I realized that it should be... the love of girls for boys. , Actually, when you got married, I even cried in a corner where no one was. I knew I would be angry when I said these waters, but fortunately, my life is not much. , Just let her lend you to me for a moment, Meng Fan, my last wish... Can you give me a kiss... It's just one... I really like you, this one The wish has been hidden in my heart for a long time!"

The last few words were intermittent. In this moment, Yang Qing was already almost speechless, her pretty face pale, staring at Meng Fan for fear that the latter would refuse, full of worry.

Flying Immortal Medicine is itself a god-defying thing, a forbidden thing from heaven and earth, once it is taken by itself, it will cause big problems.

Even the sacred strong are no exception, they will consume lifespan incomparably, and this will always be the case in this world. If you want to get it, you must first pay.

In order to carry the precarious situation of the Yang family alone, Yang Qing, who was originally the Holy Two Realm, chose to use the Flying Immortal Medicine to brazenly burn her own life to set foot on that point.

Now in this kind of continuous battle, all her life has been exhausted, and there is no way to save it.

Strong as Meng Fan, at this moment, a sense of powerlessness was also born in his body, holding this delicate body quietly, looking at the watery woman in front of him, Meng Fan's eyes met her.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan finally moved slightly, his lips facing Yang Qing's red lips, feeling the softness of those red lips.

The lips were facing each other, just for a moment, the smile bloomed on Yang Qing's pretty face, brilliant and dazzling, and immediately. . . . . Closing her eyes, all the breath of life in her body completely dissipated. Yang Qing herself was in a state of dying, but now after fulfilling her last wish, she has completely disappeared and her soul is annihilated.

With lips facing each other, Meng Fan lightly kissed the latter, hugged this delicate body tightly, trying to keep her, but unfortunately, he clearly felt the final dissipation of that kind of life, which made Meng Fan's heart. . . . . Great compassion!

Yang Qing is a figure of his time, and the female hero who truly smashed from many arrogances has always been fighting against Meng Fan and is also an enemy and friend.

The relationship between the two parties has become extremely chaotic due to the complicated experience. Perhaps Meng Fan has always felt the faint feeling of Yang Qing’s friendship, perhaps not, but now it is not important anymore, because now this one The country is alluring, the woman of the peerless Fanghua is already. . . . Completely dead.

Fight for the Yang family and die endlessly!

This sentence Yang Qing completely did. She truly gave her life for the Yang family, and finally died in this world, just like Meng Fan held in her arms.

There were no tears in Meng Fan's eyes. He was not the kind of love between men and women who liked Yang Qing. This kind of emotional thing could not be forced, but after this girl died, it made Meng Fan's heart cut like a knife. , A knife. . . .

The scenes of the past scenes flashed through his eyes, the woman's stubbornness, the woman's allure, and the woman's love. . . . In the end, only the delicate body in his arms, Meng Fan raised his head, eyes without tears, but in his heart. . . . Already sad!

"Pulse Master!"

In an instant, the sound of crying from heaven and earth spread all over the surrounding area, countless Yang family ancients all knelt on the ground, looking in this direction.

They all understood how much this woman had done to the Yang family, and at this moment, countless people who were still loyal to the Yang family were struck by lightning and froze in place. The cry of tears spread throughout the world, Zhou The sky became quiet, and the void changed color at this moment, and there were raindrops falling, as if to see off this alluring woman.

"Meng Fan!"

Standing on the sky, only Meng Fan was the only one in Zhang Qixian's eyes, spitting out a few words between his teeth,

"You finally dare to come out, you dare to fight me!"

The tone was thunderous, full of endless chill.

A moment later, Meng Fan raised his head and glanced at Zhang Qixian, but after just one glance, Zhang Qixian’s instinctive soul trembles. Even though he was murderous with Meng Fan, the moment he really faced Meng Fan, Zhang Qixian did the same. Some trembling.

Because Meng Fan was standing in the rain, holding the piano in one hand and Yang Qing in the other. His face looked like a scholar, and he looked like a sad man who had lost a loved one, but after that glance, he felt a terrible feeling. Murderous, as if standing between the heaven and the earth. . . . A Shura!

Standing between this world, there is endless evil spirit!

And after a while, everyone in the entire world felt a great fear, as if an endless force spread from the sun to the sky, even if there were Yang family rebels in the field, the emperor gate was ancient and endless masters. , But at this moment I also felt that my calves were trembling, and an endless fear spread from the bottom of my heart.

Even countless masters have a thought at this moment that they want to leave this place immediately, even if one step is slow.

Looking around, Meng Fan embraced Yang Qing and said at the last word,

"A friend of mine died, even if you killed her yourself, but you died because of you, so today... I want to hold a blood burial to honor my friend and send her off. Let’s go on the road together. Today, if you are not in my camp, you don’t want one to stay....Death! "<

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