Supreme God King

Chapter 1642: indifferent

Siege him!

Three icy words fell, one bird, one turtle, Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others sealed the void, completely confining the entire world.

And sitting in the void, Meng Fan played the piano with his fingers, getting faster and faster, as did the supreme killing array that surrounds this world. . . . . More terrible!

The big formation came, smelt everything, completely wrapped the extinct Taoist in it, and sealed it in this killing formation.

"No, Meng Fan, I surrender, don't kill me!"

"I am an ancient temple in the restricted area, and I am qualified to meet the owner of the temple..."

"You kill me, you will surely suffer..."

The stern voice resounded throughout the world, making people tremble all over.

The cries of extinction Taoist people are really tragic, extremely stern, without him, the killing array that surrounds this world, power comes and destroys everything.

Accompanied by the sound of Meng Fan's piano, like a raging fire, the whole body of the Taoist was burned and wiped out.

Half-step God King, strength suppresses the world, sweeps everything, even if you want to die is difficult, but now in this killing array, but the power of the former Heavenly Remnant God King, the combination of killing arrays is just a little bit. The body, soul, and martial art of the extinct Taoist are all crushed into pieces, no matter how he wants to break free, he cannot.

The roaring sound spread throughout the world, causing countless people to change their expressions. After this stern voice was full of incense, it finally disappeared in this killing formation. . . . . The smoke disappeared, and the extinct Taoists among them were completely dead!

A half-step **** king was refined by Meng Fan!

Looking at this scene in the field, between heaven and earth, countless people are petrified, and no one can believe it.

This is a man with half of his feet in the world's top combat power, a monster that is 100,000 years old, but now it turned out to be after the death of this Meng Fan, the supreme existence of a forbidden area temple fell.

Forbidden area, the most central place!

Here is a sea of ​​black death. The majestic black death is so strong that it has formed a black sea. What no one can see is that in the center of this black sea, there are thirteen forbidden area pillars. In the middle of the Black Sea.

Thirteen Forbidden Area Pillars means the Palace Master of the Thirteen Forbidden Area!

at this moment. . . . The 13 pillars of the restricted area, which had always been extremely silent, seemed to have awakened and burst out. . . . Monstrous murder.

The Black Sea churned, and at the moment when this murderous intent appeared, the whole world was trembling. At a glance, only this endless Black Sea was constantly surging, revealing endless terrifying meanings.

And around this imperial capital, there is even more dead silence!

Even if there are hundreds of millions of horses that surround the world today, no one dares to say one more word!

Facing this scene, no one has said a word for a long time, especially the many rebels who followed Yang Soul, and they are all gone!

And in the sky, Meng Fan was alone, with his palms on the strings, drips of sweat falling, wet his clothes.

Forcibly obliterating a half-step **** king, such combat power, even Meng Fan paid a great price, and all his vitality was almost spent on it.

Even with all kinds of help, it is too difficult for Meng Fan to achieve the step of harmony between humans and piano. The moment it stops, bursts of exhaustion strike.

If it weren't for the power of the **** king to become the Dao, if it wasn't for the ancient formation of the imperial capital, if it wasn't for this ancient formation, there was a power of the god-remaining **** king. . . . . For many reasons, it is absolutely impossible for Meng Fan to kill and exterminate Taoists today. The latter is too terrifying. Half-step into the realm of the **** king, just step into the half-foot, it is either he wants to kill or can kill.

In the past duel with Di Feng, Meng Fan gathered everyone's strength, plus Di Feng underestimated the enemy, and in the end it was a narrow victory. The latter fled and still couldn't kill him.

But now, instead of letting him flee and giving him a chance to come back, he completely wiped it out.

Looking at the world, who dares to slaughter the gods, who dares to slaughter the power of the gods and kings!

Once the old monkey fell, but the palace owner of the Forbidden Zone Hall himself made the move. Looking at the world today, it turned out that Meng Fan himself came to slaughter a half-step god!

Such a battle was enough to illuminate the eternity, and with his own power, he killed a heavenly **** in the forbidden area, an existence that was the only one in the forbidden area.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Meng Fan understood that he could do this, thanks to Yang Qing who took her to the ancient place before and felt the great fortune in it, otherwise they might all die in this world today. Among.

Although the strong enemy has fallen, but that one is like a beautiful woman. . . . . But it will never be gone.

It seemed that the softness could still be felt between the lips, which made Meng Fan's heart feel sad, and his body stood up silently.

Creak, creak!

Around the sky, there are still Yuehan and a few ancient emperor gates, but now all of them are pale and their teeth are shaking.

At this point in the battle, even the half-step God King in the Forbidden Zone Hall was blood-washed in this mid-air. Now who in the entire field can stop Meng Fan, and can resist this kind of Shura killing Cutting means.

"Impossible, impossible..."

Yuehan murmured, the look between his eyes was a little loose, and for many years he worked extremely hard, carefully planned, and spent many resources and methods for today, but the unexpected is still broken by Meng Fan, the latter. Suppressing heaven and earth by the means of the emperor, even if they unite in the restricted area, they cannot resist.

Everything, for everything... . Because of this man in front of me!

In the same era, he was suppressed by Meng Fan for several years, and now so many years have passed, he is still suppressed by Meng Fan. In front of this man, they have always beaten them with no temper, so Yuehan couldn't believe it.

In the void, Meng Fan raised his eyes, took a deep breath, stared at Yue Hanhe and the remaining emperor gate elders, calmly said,

"Send them on the road!"

The tone was sharp, and now I don’t need Meng Fan to do anything, Xiaotian, Xiaodi, a bird, a tortoise have already stepped forward, plus many Yang family who are already frenzied, are all vitality erupting, and the emperor’s gate includes Yuehan All the ancient inside are besieged in this midair.


The vitality erupts, like a star burst. At this moment, many powerful people take the lead, with a bird, a turtle, and others taking the lead. Even if the emperor gate is still a lot of ancient, but it can’t resist, in Meng Fan’s monstrous hostility Underneath, all their confidence has disappeared, one has to go down, and the other is up and down. Now, in front of the many old Yang family who are aggressive and mad as Yang Qing's revenge, they are not opponents at all.

After just dozens of breaths, many emperor gates have been killed, dead, and wounded. In the chaos, Yuehan's white clothes were torn apart, and the body was stained with blood, and the whole body was flushed red. , The drops of blood fell, the blue silk was flying, a trace of madness and sorrow appeared on the face, finally looked at Meng Fan and uttered a few words,

"Meng Fan, this life is not as good as you. If there is another life, I will be your enemy. I will not accept..."

The tone was gloomy, and finally Yuehan blasted his head with a palm, his soul burst into pieces, and he hung himself between the world. The descendants of generations of emperors and peerless beauties were so fragrant.

Zhang Qixian, the extinct Taoist, Yuehan and many other leaders of the rebels died like thunder, speeding up the demise of the entire rebel army. After the death of Yuehan and others, there is basically no room for resistance. These countless rebels They all couldn't help kneeling to the ground, praying to Meng Fan for surrender.

Seeing such a scene, the ancient Yang family couldn't help but sigh. Most of them were from the old Yang family. They used to have old feelings, but they joined the rebel army and came back. Many people Still a line of former high-levels, all familiar.

"Leader Meng Fan, you see now..."

Facing this group of people, the Yang family finally couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

There are not many words, but I want to leave a room for anyone who surrenders to be spared, imprisoned, etc., and will not continue. After all, there are still millions of horses in the field.

However, standing above the sky at this moment, Meng Fan swept around, expressionless and calmly said.

"I said that blood burial is blood burial. One less person will not work. Today, everyone who is not my friend will be killed!"

Just a few words, the chill Ling Ran spread throughout the entire world, making the Yang Family ancient, and countless heroes felt the murderous aura in Meng Fan.

Meng Fan had already said this sentence before, but no one reacted that day, and now under this kind of situation, it is finally understood that this man called Shura has already turned mad, where Yang Qing died. For a moment, there was no intention to let anyone off the court.

To be here... . The killings began, and a violent storm was set off.

It is the real blood burial, the real killing of all!

Regardless of strength or strength, do not accept...surrender!

This level of violence is the method used by Meng Fan today, which is different from the past.

For many years, although Meng Fan fought all the way and fought all over the world, there has never been such a thing. The enemy is only aimed at people who want to kill himself, never indiscriminately killing innocents, even when facing the enemy. The crowd also spared most of them, and only killed the first evil.

But now in this vein, the compassionate Meng Fan could not restrain.

In particular, everyone in the field may have been Yang Qing's former ministry, who had received the favor of Yang Qing, but followed Yang Soul and exterminated the Taoists to personally kill Yang Qing.

The beauty's body temperature seemed to be still in Meng Fan's body, so that he had to be furious. The blood burial was to be based on blood, real. . . . . Tear everything, kill everything!

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a **** color. Under Meng Fan's order, the whole week was stained with blood, all the rebels. . . . . It's all like killing, but Meng Fan just stood in the same place, extremely indifferent, looking around, like a supreme emperor, killing all Shura!

But no one noticed that in the eyes of this supreme Shura, there was an exceptional loneliness and sadness, even if it was surrounded by thousands of people, but a figure... . Still looks so lonely! <

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