Supreme God King

Chapter 1645: Tentative


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, everyone in the hall was shocked, their eyes focused on Meng Fan’s body. After a while, the empress asked in surprise,

"What do you mean?"

"According to the truth, he should be break the road first, without waiting for me to come, it is the thunder method that destroyed the Zhongtian Dynasty, after all, the plan has been leaked, they should not give us They had a chance to encircle, but they haven’t taken any action for so long. Not only did they fail to attack the Zhongtian Dynasty, but they didn’t even try to test. On the contrary, they were standing still. Didn’t they explain some problems?”

Meng Fan sneered.

"What you mean is, what are they waiting for, the timing is not bearable, and they have a certain degree of certainty, even if I wait to gather, once that card is played, it can be wiped out in one fell swoop?"

The unpredictable look at the beginning, slowly said.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said solemnly.

"They should have a strong hole card waiting for us to get the bait, so they are not in a hurry, they are just delaying time. If it is not out of my expectation, now this hole card is not mature, although I cannot guess See what it is, but it must be related to the restricted area. They are waiting for a certain possibility, so for the time being, they are not in a hurry to fight against us for fear of losing their strength and leading to a complete collapse. That hole card is not easy to play! "

Hearing Meng Fan's words, everyone in this hall was silent for a while. Many powerful people gather here, actively preparing for war, how to break the enemy, and fight each other.

However, few people can analyze so many wonderful situations through details and guess the opponent's thoughts.

And Meng Fan is good at discovering problems in small things. This is also the knack for why the Wuzhen teenager was able to go from being alone to the point he is today.

Details determine success or failure. The more in this kind of environment, Meng Fan becomes calmer and starts from some subtleties.

"In any case, this is your guess, and it can't be regarded as true. What kind of hole cards they have that can make them believe so, this is too legendary!"

Ling Dai said quietly, with some hesitation in her tone.

After all, all this is just speculation, not really taken seriously.

"It's okay!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, looked away, and said solemnly.

"If you can try it out, tell Qin Hong that after one day, if multiple armies will gather, then take a look first... What kind of tricks have they prepared!"

The tone was calm, but anyone could feel the murderous intent in Meng Fan's words.

Not only the enmity between ten thousand domains, the dark alliance vs the three emperors!

This real enemy met, extremely jealous, the grievances between the two sides were not one day, two days, and the two sides had been fighting for many years. Meng Fan also escaped from the other side's strong crush several times, and now. . . . . Life and death depends on this battle, and all grievances will inevitably be resolved in this battle.

One day later, on the huge plain of Zhongtian Dynasty, it was already. . . . . Murderous intent, the sky changes color!

At a glance, the whole world is already a single figure, densely connected, and the human head alone is like a continuous torrent, submerging the whole world. Between the sky and the sky are all human shadows, coming from the dark alliance, the white house, the temple, and One line, the powerful combination of the five major forces of the Zhongtian Dynasty.

The two supreme powers between the world and the earth in the past, plus the darkest black horse that has sprung up in the past few years, have to say that this class of lineup is indeed luxurious and unmatched, and the silhouette alone has covered the sky and the earth. The entire sky is eclipsed.

Naturally, it was aimed at the Liu Family, Zhao Family, and the Three Route Army of the Xitian Dynasty on this plain!

Now that a line of rebellion has broken, the biggest source of trouble between heaven and earth is these three forces, occupying outside the imperial city of the central capital.

Although Meng Fan and others have gathered many forces, they dare not act rashly. After all, they already understand the trump card behind these three emperors. It is this supreme power that stands in the restricted area. After that, what will happen is uncertain.

Therefore, the way Meng Fan and others appeared was a multi-way encirclement, occupying the sky around the sky. The silhouettes were like waves, comparable to the sea. The entire Liu family, Zhao family, and Xitian gods were surrounded by three groups. The breath is four. Overflowing, murderous.

Such a battle can be said to have attracted the attention of many people among Wanyu from the beginning. It is about Wanyu. Naturally, countless people follow a heart and hang high.

At the same time, I don’t know how many eyes are focused on here, including the Dongtian Demon Clan, the Emperor Clan’s Zhou family, etc., which have not yet appeared in the watch state. After all, this class of war will shake the foundation of eternity, and some are willing to stand up. Others choose to wait and see.

Meng Fan stood in the sky in the center of the dark alliance army, allowing everyone to see him.

The entire dark guard gathered at this moment with expressionless faces. They were all old brothers who had followed Meng Fan for many years. Even during this kind of imperial battle, there was no fear, only following.

The light of the knife flickered, Meng Fan's eyes looked at it, expressionless, and after a while he moved his fingers, very slightly.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan's hand moved lightly, Zhou Tian trembled, and all directions responded. There was no use Meng Fan to speak. There were already countless powerful figures in the battlefield of all sides.

Among them, the sacred monkeys, Qin Hong, Yang family ancient, Bai family ancient, Taichu and others took the lead, headed by the sacred strong, directly penetrated through the sky and strode out. In just a moment, the powerful fluctuation of vitality swept everything in the world, directly smashing down towards the position of Liu Family and others.

Several sacred shots at the same time, what kind of combat power this is.

Just for a moment, the positions of Liu Family, Zhao Family, Xitian God Race were already swept by the majestic vitality fluctuations, once these vitality fluctuations fell, I don't know how many people will die!

But before the vitality fluctuation reached this battle formation, suddenly. . . . . The sky changed color, and the rays of light surrounding the sky were bright, and the runes flickered. At the same time, countless ancient gods could be felt out, running through the whole world, resisting.

Even with the power of several gods, at the same time, they were resisted by the power of these dozens of ancient gods and couldn't move forward.


The sound of thunder bursting came, and the positions of the three major emperors of the Liu family remained motionless. At the same time, an old voice fell.

"You are really okay, Meng Fan, the lingering soul is still there, and you are there. I can't think that the superiority of the battle is reversed by you. The old man regrets it. I still underestimated your strength that day!"

The tone was sharp, spreading to the world, and the hearts of all the strong were shocked, and there was great penetrating power in this voice, because the speaker came from a half-step god, Liu family, Liu Huo!

The fall of the sound made countless strong people's hearts shake. It was unexpected that at the beginning of this battle, there was already a half-step God King coming out. It is conceivable that I don't know how terrifying the existence behind!

And Meng Fan's brows lightly jumped, so he saw an old friend, and sneered.

"Each, each other!"

"Hmph, this guy is really lucky, he should be killed during the day, so there won't be so many things!"

On the side, another old man’s voice came from the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family. It was the three people Meng Fan met in the extraterritorial space. They are all here now.

Facing Meng Fan again, I couldn't help but make the three half-step **** kings feel itchy. The scenes between the days can be described as heart scars. Not only did they let Meng Fan go, but also made the three of them nothing, especially Later, when I heard what Di Feng said, it was even more so hateful.

Where did the five-half-step God King’s family go, the last thing he got turned out to be the fart of the Profound Sky Tree, which benefited Meng Fan, a junior fisherman. Now the ancient Zhao family dare not say much. Hot.

"You still have a chance, I will stand here, why don't you come over and kill me?"

Meng Fan’s gaze looked into it, as if through countless voids, looking at each other with the powers of the Divine King Realm of several great emperors. The air at this moment had a burning smell, slowing down in Meng Fan’s tone. Swallowed, but the meaning of indifference was passed directly through the void.

Such a confrontation immediately made the entire Zhou Tian silent, countless eyes were looking at the two, including the distant Qin Mieren, Qin Hong and others, and the many powerful men who led the Zhongtian Dynasty, all watching quietly. Everything in the field.

Hearing what Meng Fan said, there was a moment of silence in the Liu family's position, and after this moment, Liu Huo sneered.

"It's for sure to kill you, but the old man is not feeling well today. After another day, he will take you up?"


Meng Fan's eyes flashed, calmly said,

"Why, dare not?"

"Huh, you don't need to ridicule the old man with words. The old man has been here for so many years, it is not what you can imagine!"

Liu Huo disdainfully said,

"If you just rely on your few words to make the old man impulsive, the old man will live in vain. If you think you can, come over. The old man is here. As for the old man to go out, you say it ten thousand times. Go out, how can you help me?"

Between the voices, there was an extraordinary sense of pride, and Amethyst suddenly gritted her silver teeth, her delicate face bulged, coldly snorted,

"This guy is actually playing a rogue in front of so many people. They have laid around so many ancient gods. Once we enter it, we must suffer a big loss first, and then they wait for work with ease. This old thing, old Bastard, old beast, old..."

Hearing this, Meng Fan was speechless for a while, waved his hand, soothed Amethyst, looked at it, and said coldly,

"Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

"Why, the old man is here, what means are there to use, if the old man takes a step back today, he will not be called Liu Huo, but take your last name!"

Liu Huo sneered with a sneer on his face.

Regarding this, Meng Fan just shook his head, and even a look of pity appeared on his face, flicking his hand, and after a while, two streams of light had already emerged from the space of Xiaotian, and at the same time, Meng Fan’s words were resounding. Heaven and earth, <

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