Supreme God King

Chapter 1655: Showdown!

you die!

Two words are clean and neat, but strength is. . . . . Overbearing!

There is no doubt that the Difeng and the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi should be the trump cards that the Liu Family tribes count on. If these five people are left in this sea area, then for the showdown with the three tribes, it is simply heaven. Big benefits.

After all, it is as strong as a restricted area, and the half-step **** king realm powerhouse is definitely not a cabbage-like existence. That one was born after countless long years.

The four ghosts of western Hunan are themselves under the thirteen hall masters, and are already the absolute high-levels in the forbidden area hall, and this kind of existence is not waiting to be born.

The ancient is like a forbidden area temple. Every time you use this kind of existence, you need to think about it three times, and you also need this kind of existence to nod before you can.

It is certain that if these five people die in this void, the entire restricted area will tremble violently, and even the thirteen hall masters will be shaken by this.

With the enemy in front, Meng Fan has never softened his hand for many years!

A punch fell, traversing the void, that kind of strong to fierce, strong to domineering air wave had already blasted, without any hesitation, accompanied by Meng Fan's voice, it fell on the sky above Emperor Feng.

Follow the method with the mouth, and die with the punch!

In the past, Meng Fan was just a weak young man, but today, two thousand years later, he is already at the top of these ten thousand realms, and no one can ignore his existence.

Even if it was the Emperor Feng at the peak, facing Meng Fan, he was decapitated and chose to flee. What's more, he is now seriously injured and extremely bleak.

"Kill him together!"

Facing Meng Fan, Di Feng gave a long whistle, his tone stern.

Behind him, the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and the others all nodded and moved separately.

Already understood that Meng Fan's trip was aimed at them, and if Di Feng died, they would not have any benefit, so the five of them all went violently, even if they were seriously injured, they would have to fight!

The five handprints quickly pierced through the sky, moving with a billowing black death air, permeating the surroundings, and directly turned into a towering large, covering the entire void, completely resisting all Meng Fan’s road ahead, turning it into An ancient **** array, like hell.

Anyone was surprised to see it, because the strength of these five people was definitely not a blow out, even if it was the means between serious injuries, it was staggering. The ghost spirit is violent, like the night of a hundred ghosts, covering the surroundings, making people shudder.


However, in the midair, Meng Fan's footsteps did not stop, and the emperor fist moved, blasting out!

It was just a moment that the sky burst into a big burst, and it was possible to feel that between the powers of both sides, that kind of unparalleled bursting aura spread and collapsed around.

After the punch, Meng Fan snorted, and in an instant, his body exploded and shattered every inch!

As strong as him, it is impossible to face the five half-step gods alone.

The divine formation in this mid-air is the operating power of the four ghosts of Xiangxi and the five Difeng people. It is extraordinary. If you want to break this defense, even if a half-step divine king comes, it may not have any possibility.

Even though the opponent is seriously injured, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and the strength is touched. If Meng Fan wants to break the large array, he needs to withstand the force of the large array. In an instant, that kind of penetrating power In a flash, it penetrated Meng Fan's meridians and bones, causing a lot of internal bleeding in his body!

But only for a moment, Meng Fan didn't change his expression, and once gritted his teeth, he stuck the blood in his throat, controlled his own blood pressure, and the joints were reborn.

Under the operation of Meng Fan's secret method, it was at this moment that his entire body was completely sealed by him.

The operation of the secret method of the Emperor Xianjing made Meng Fan change again, reaching the point of the eleventh change!

The broken bones were all still for a moment, and the blood veins were firm. Meng Fan endured the endless pain and moved forward again, even more cruel!

The five fingers were clenched, the fists were hard, the body did not retreat but moved forward, and the front of the fists bombarded the divine formation under the sky like a storm!

Bang, bang!

The sound of the sonic boom resounded throughout the world, and with each of Meng Fan's punches, it was amazing and extremely domineering.

Such a style of play is absolutely desperate, and for Meng Fan, it is also one of his iconic methods during the two thousand years of battle.

Both fight, then. . . . Crazy, mad enough to make anyone in the world tremble when they see them, and horrified!

Above the sky, the divine formation condensed by the black death air burst every inch, even if it was a blow between the five and a half steps of the gods, under Meng Fan’s desperate play, it was finally broken. Resist Lord Meng Fan's continuous bursting blow!

And at the moment when the divine formation only revealed a gap, Meng Fan stepped out like a loach, stepping out in one step, as fast as extremely electric, and directly came to the side of the four ghosts of Xiangxi.

Before the latter had any time to react, he lifted his leg and flew past.

This foot fell, swift and violent, and although the four ghosts of Xiangxi were all ancient monsters, it can be said that they are dying and suffering from serious injuries.

No matter how strong the existence is, there are also times when there are weaknesses. I have to say that the divine qin that Meng Fan arranged is too harsh, that is, the weapon of the **** king’s enlightenment is shattered. The bombardment with the martial arts aura of the Heavenly God King made it impossible for the Xiangxi Four Ghosts and others to bear it in a short period of time, obliterating most of their own vitality!

Under Meng Fan's foot, the old man had the intention to defend, but he didn't move the power in his body so quickly.

So Meng Fan succeeded in hitting an old man who was one of the four ghosts in the west of Hunan with a single kick, turning into a graceful arc in the mid-air and flying wildly.

A half-step **** king was directly kicked into the air. If someone saw such a scene, it would be unforgettable for a lifetime.

In this world, a strong man who is aloft like a detective, the posture of flying is no different from ordinary people. In the end, a dog chewed and fell on the ground.

"Meng Fan, you!"

Seeing such a scene, one of the other four ghosts in Xiangxi suddenly screamed, but before his voice fell, his energy hit, and his fingers closed, Meng Fan's big mouth was drawn on his face. on.

Between this kind of close combat, the distance between the six Meng Fans was less than half a meter, how could they give anyone in the field any chance.

Such a big mouth is extremely loud and domineering. Under this kind of power, this old man is reduced to the same fate as the previous one, and it is even more miserable, because Meng Fan's power is too violent. , Under the penetration, the old man's face became extremely red and swollen, his mouth full of teeth were broken, and he flew out.

One foot and one palm, flying two and a half steps to the King of God!

Meng Fan, who entered between these five people, was simply a **** of murder, with a bloodthirsty aura. For this deity's supreme existence, it was like cutting melons and vegetables, with one punch and one kick!

"Don't give him a chance, do it quickly!"

Emperor Feng roared, and the other two Xiangxi Four Ghosts were also disillusioned. It is estimated that in these tens of thousands of years, they have not been so embarrassed, but now in the hands of Meng Fan, they have restricted too much power. , So that all their faces are lost.

If it spreads from the outside world, the famous four ghosts of Xiangxi will make people scream, and it is estimated that they are all suicidal.

The three of them moved together in an instant. But they were quick, and Meng Fan was even faster. With a flick of his finger, before Zhou Tian was already covered by several shadows, Xiaotian, Xiaodi, a bird, a turtle hula all all of a sudden surging out. All of them were in this period of victory. Under the roar of Lord Bird to fix him, all of them rushed up and attacked in turn. The old snake snake was killed at this moment. Needless to say, the various tricks are Released and greeted them without mercy.

Over the years, several people in the field are all old friends with Meng Fan, and they understand Meng Fan's intentions. So their group moved, countless means went straight to the other two old men, one of the four ghosts in the west of Hunan, and put the Emperor Feng. . . . . Leave it to Meng Fan himself!

Seeing this, Di Feng's expression changed again, even at this moment he felt a strong murderous intent!


Meng Fan roared, and without hesitation, he threw a punch.

Di Feng also made the same handprint, and the two of them were like two divine soldiers, fists facing each other in the midair.


It was only a moment after the power touched that Meng Fan felt that his arms were all useless, and Di Feng was in a state of discomfort and severely injured, and he had reached the half-step God King. No matter how terrible Meng Fan was, he didn't touch it. Although his combat power was shocking, after the head-to-head blow with Di Feng, Meng Fan himself suffered a terrible injury.

However, at this moment, there was no joy or sorrow in Meng Fan's eyes, and the body seemed to feel no pain, and it burst out again.

The fists of the two fell again, bombarding each other's body, and at the same time, Meng Fan turned out to be. . . . There is no defense, but choose fist to fist!

At the same time, the fist exploded on the two of them, and immediately two blood holes were pierced through. Di Feng let out a miserable cry, his eyes flashed with a strong expression of disbelief, and he roared.

"You lunatic, you lunatic... Why are you looking for me? They are also the people in the restricted area, they are the high-level people in the restricted area hall, you go find four of them..."

Hearing what Di Feng said, the four ghosts of Xiangxi who were fighting hard with a bird and a turtle all looked dark, with a hundred thousand grass and mud horses rushing past, and they almost ate Di Feng's heart.

Undoubtedly, under Meng Fan's desperate style of play, Di Feng couldn't bear it, and he was already panicking.

While striding forward, Meng Fan punched out again, completely ignoring the attack of Emperor Di Feng, letting the latter's fist fall on his body, his punch also slashed across the sky, blasting fiercely. Di Feng's abdomen was pierced again, his fists penetrated his body through the blood.

At the same time, Meng Fan's cold voice fell,

"A friend of mine died because of you. Although the Emperor Gate made me abolish, you are the first evil... Remember her name, Yang Qing!" <

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