Supreme God King

Chapter 1658: Ancient gods

Until the void!

Meng Fan just stood on the spot, his blood stained his red shirt, his whole body was like a normal javelin, and he remained unchanged.

Under Meng Fan's murderous aura, the entire void was solidified, and the divine monkey and old snake snake on the side were all sensed.

However, the whole world is calm, and it seems that there is no change, only the slightest sea breeze is blowing.

Seeing all this, Meng Fan sneered and said calmly.

"It seems that you do not want to see us after you have used us. You want to do this. I don't want it. Although it is my responsibility to kill the restricted area, I have never liked being used by others. , Especially if your Excellency didn’t even say a word after using it, it’s too strange!"

The words were sonorous and powerful, and immediately Meng Fan flicked his finger and tapped his finger lightly.

The sound was extremely slight, even negligible, but it made the divine monkey and the old snake snake look different, understanding that Meng Fan was using an ancient method.

The sound of the King Zhongtian!

Although the enlightenment tool of the God King Zhongtian was destroyed by Meng Fan, in the hands of the God King of Heaven, Meng Fan realized the secret method of the two people. It was just a glimpse, but it was enough for Meng Fan. .

Inheritance and the combination of the piano and flute of the two great gods have long been lost forever, but anyone who hears it will be shocked.

In the past in the ancient times, it was this kind of secret method, sound transmission, that established two immortal dynasties in this world, one is Zhongtian, and the other is a vein.

It can be said that in the Divine King Realm, these two major methods are earth-shattering and suppress everything!

It was just a few notes, but the moment Meng Fan’s fingers popped out, it turned into an invisible force and spread into the entire void.

"You are hidden in the void, and I cannot find it, but I can cut off the divine formation of this piece of heaven and earth, and penetrate everything through musical notes, so that your arrangement here is invalid, and I can also leave a message to tell everything here. People, descendants of the ancient gods... right here!"

A few words fall, clean and neat!

After a while, the originally quiet void suddenly moved, and the color of the wind and clouds changed. At this moment, it seemed that there was an eye through the layers of void, looking towards here, even if it did not show up, it made Meng Fan and the others feel There was a moment of horror.

Because the person who looked over was incredibly powerful, even Meng Fan and the others were trembling. Even though they didn't show up, the terrifying aura had penetrated the vast void.

There is no doubt that the person behind this must be a top powerhouse.

"Young man, you dare to threaten me like this, knowing who I am, are you not afraid?"

After a while, an old voice fell, extremely hoarse.

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"I dare to do this. Naturally, I am not only relying on a word of dare, a joke. I, Meng Fan, walks the world. If I can kill you silently here, I am afraid that I will have died 10,000 times. I am sure that you may have the strength to kill me, but you are sure that you can silently prevent me from sending your information before I die? Maybe I believe that it is not only the Xiangxi Four Ghosts and others who are interested!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s response, the entire void was still. I don’t know how long after that, the old voice fell again, but there was also an additional crack in this space.

"As expected of Meng Fan, now the first arrogant man in the rise of Wanyu, even if the old man has been immersed for tens of thousands of years, but now his name is still like you, powerful, powerful, but for many years I haven't seen you like you. Such a powerful young man, since you are interested, come on!"

Spatial cracks emerged, and behind it was a faint void, I don't know what it was.

However, Meng Fan's trio glanced at each other, but each stepped out. The three of them now rely on their strengths and are bold, and stepped into the space with one foot.

Heaven and earth change, all aliens.

After Meng Fan and the others stepped in, they also discovered that they had left the Motian Sea directly and came into a unique Xiaoqian space.

Here is the fragrance of birds and flowers, the energy of heaven and earth is sufficient, far from the barrenness of Motianhai. At first glance, it is a huge garden. The gods of heaven and earth grow. Under this kind of sufficient energy of heaven and earth, there are rare treasures. Definitely a lot.

After sweeping the surroundings, Meng Fan's expression moved and smiled.

"A good method, no wonder the power of the world in the Motian Sea is so scarce. It turns out that many of this sea area is because someone has arranged a small space here, using the big array to gather all the aura here, but this kind of The method of gathering spirits has absolutely no other people's cultivation path!"

"Haha, between heaven and earth, how can anyone give us the cultivation path of the ancient gods!"

In the void, a voice came out, extremely old, and at the same time, one could see that the surrounding rare and exotic treasures were hiding, leaving a path for Meng Fan.

"Your Excellency Meng Fan, since you are here, just walk in!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan and the others did not change their expressions. They walked along the garden road, and finally came to a pavilion. They saw an old man and a delicate girl sitting in the pavilion. .

The old man was dressed in plain white robe, with white hair and a fairy-like appearance, while the little **** the side was smiling, looking at Meng Fan indifferently, revealing an ethereal feeling.

With his eyes facing each other, Meng Fan's discoloration changed for the first time in this little thousand world, and he sighed after a few breaths.

"Tianji Girl, it's you... I didn't expect you to be one of the descendants of the ancient gods!"

After a few words fell, Rao Meng Fan had to be shocked. As he said, the little girl still in this garden is the master of the Tianji Gate, the Tianji Girl.

It was not the first time I saw the two sides, but under such circumstances, Meng Fan did not expect that the latter is not only a peerless hero who controls one side, but also has such a big background behind him. , I know more about myself.

"good job!"

Meng Fan sighed,

"The line of the ancient gods disappeared for millions of years, but it was subtly in a place where everyone did not find out. It has cultivated such a powerful force as the Tianjimen. No wonder the Tianjimen have been very low-key in these years. For the sake of intelligence, it seems that although the ancient gods have disappeared, they still look at the world and control everything in their own hands. It is far from being as desolate as the rumors of the outside world. Maybe that day will rule the world, as expected. The most ancient emperor!"

The voice exclaimed, it was definitely not Meng Fan's flattery, but after seeing the Heavenly Mystery Girl, it made Meng Fan understand a lot, and felt shock and curiosity about this ancient **** line.

Obviously, although the latter is hidden in the heavens and the earth, the forces that can be controlled between these ten thousand domains, once opened, are definitely enough to shake the world.

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say, a few little friends Meng Fan come over and sit down!"

The white-clothed old man went to the pavilion, dropped a few chairs, and at the same time took out a pot of fine wine and gave it to the surroundings.

"In Lingshan, the elder of the line of ancient gods, you have already met my granddaughter Meng Fan. She is the celestial woman in the outside population and the cold of my line of ancient gods. Everyone is no outsider. Right!"

Meng Fan and the three of them were sitting there, their eyes were facing each other, and they smiled.

"Indeed, it is not. Speaking of which, I even owe the favor of the ancient gods, and this time, no matter what, your Excellency and I are moving together. Without your Excellency, it would be difficult for me to act!"

In the past, in order to find the gods, the Heavenly Mystery Girl helped Meng Fan and used the power of the Heavenly Mystery Gate, but the world could never imagine that this huge assassin organization turned out to be the godless tribe behind the sky.

"Hee hee, I said I would kill Emperor Feng with you. Now that I have achieved what I wanted, it is naturally the best!"

The secret girl smiled,

"It's also your plan. I just cooperated after seeing your actions, and drove away some short-sighted ones. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to kill Emperor Feng so quickly and let the four ghosts of Xiangxi Waiting for the people and the real demon bird to bite the dog, your credit will be bigger, and speaking of it, I really made a profit from the investment in you!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan was speechless and shook his head, but there was no lack of warning in his eyes. The line of this ancient **** is too mysterious and too powerful. It is silent and silent because everyone does not know it. Underneath is the Heavenly Secret Gate, a back hand, God knows what they are still controlling, and now it is still unclear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

After a while, Meng Fan took a sip and said calmly,

"Since your Excellency has the Heavenly Mystery Gate, and there are such arrangements in this Demon Sky Sea, now it seems that the news of the descendants of the ancient gods was deliberately released by your Excellency!"

The tone is calm, but if this sentence comes out, it will be enough to make all the people who come to this magic sky sea area such as True Demon Sparrow, Toad Fairy, Xiangxi Four Ghosts, etc., be shocked, because now the top experts in this world are here , I don’t know how many old monsters moved, even including a line, a few hidden powers of the Zhongtian Dynasty, and even do not care about the common people, only for the descendants of this ancient god.

But this kind of news turned out to be a round, and the people it laid down were the descendants of the ancient gods!

"Not bad!"

Seeing Meng Fan’s affirmative look, the Heavenly Journey Girl also nodded simply, without any escaping from the water, saying one word.

"This is indeed the game I was waiting for. Actually, I didn't calculate you before. I just saw that you found the cave we deliberately left behind and killed them. I knew it. I can borrow it. With your hands, the plan is more smoothly carried out, because this itself is the killing formation carefully brewed by the ancient gods, what I want to kill...It is the half-step **** king in this world!"


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