Supreme God King

Chapter 1660: Future trend

Become the King of God!

With the falling of Meng Fan's voice, everyone in the pavilion was taken aback. Everyone understood what these four words meant.

But Meng Fanfei refused, and yes. . . . . . twice!

Let the **** monkey and the snake old man have a feeling of gnashing their teeth. If this word is spread, it will be enough to live and die for countless monks in the world. This is when the **** king is a cabbage. If you want to become a cabbage, you will become, if you want to refuse, you will refuse. ?

In the field, the old man's expression picked up, his eyes stared at Meng Fan, and he couldn't find the slightest fake look on his face, he couldn't help but coldly said.

"Little friends in the realm of the **** king can give up. It's really a good attitude!"

"The battle in the past was about Zhang Qixian. The world has its own martial arts, and all of them are different, and they go straight to the source. However, the source is not talented, but he thinks that there are only two words, which is true. I!"

Meng Fan said calmly,

"If I don’t exist, and I’m not me, then what is the meaning of martial arts, what is the meaning of realm, if I am not wrong, even if I become the king of God, I am afraid that there will be problems, old man If you can have this self-confidence, then it must be the person who has used this method before, and I don’t know the extent to which the person who succeeded has done so much?"

After a few words fell, the expressions of the old man and the heavenly secret girl changed suddenly. I didn't expect Meng Fan's reaction to be so sharp. Only through his own inference and some information, he was aware of the facts.

After a while, the old man sighed softly and said slowly,

"Yes, the **** king condensed by such ancient methods is indeed incomparable to the normal **** king who walks against the sky. Although it has the power of a **** king, it is also... after all, it is a false **** king, but even if it is Pseudo-characters, but they also have some of the powerful abilities of people in that realm. They are far more powerful than half-step **** kings. So little friend can be sure that he can reach that step by himself?"

"Not sure!"

Meng Fan sighed lightly,

"But it's still the same sentence, I'm asking for a true self. I won't change my martial arts all my life, otherwise it's not me, Meng Fan, so no matter whether I can reach it or not, it doesn't matter if I die, but the kid will go out of his own way. That's it!"

A few words are extremely calm, but they reveal Meng Fan's life ambitions, like real gold, which will never change after the fire.

"Meng Fan, you know..."

The woman of heaven was about to speak, but she was blocked by the white-clothed old man raising her hand, and said calmly,

"If this is the case, the old man will not force his little friends. I still hope that the future children will not be against my ancient gods. If the children are in trouble in the future, then the door of the ancient gods is still willing to open for them. !"

"If there is no fight, naturally it will always be the friend's good!"

Meng Fan arched his hands, even holding his fists, leaving with the **** monkey and the old man snake, leaving this space of the ancient gods.

Looking at the disappearing figures of these three people, the girl's eyebrows wrinkled lightly and said slowly,

"Grandpa, Meng Fan is extraordinary, and he is destined to be the future emperor. It was just before. You can let it go, but now my ancient gods want to rule the world, so... But it's different, not my friend, It is the enemy!"

There was a hint of chill in the voice.

Standing in place, the old man’s eyes were unpredictable, revealing incomparable depth, and said calmly,

"I know this naturally, but firstly, I didn't have the confidence to leave all three of them without letting out any wind. Secondly... Hey, this one Meng Fan succeeded in his youth and swept everything, with arrogance and naturalness. It is inevitable, but no matter what, he offended the restricted area. You should know that if the thirteen hall master is about to solve the seal, he will be in big trouble no matter what strength he has. My last sentence also shows that we will open them up for him. As long as he is in a distress, he should think of us. Those who can fight the thirteen hall masters, except for our ancient gods, who dare to help him? We just need to wait. The ancient gods will inevitably rule the world, and this Meng Fan will also be in our bag in the future!"

In the distance, the three of Meng Fan had already left, naturally they could not notice everything in the space behind them, but Meng Fan. . . . I don't want to pay attention.

Everything in the world is true!

For Meng Fan, all he wanted to take was his own path, and he would not be moved by any foreign objects. The ancient gods belonged to the line of the ancient first royal family, so what!

This is Meng Fan!

Back in the waters of the Motian Sea, the sea breeze hits, and the sky changes, without knowing that this is a supreme killing game. Anyone who sets foot here will fall into the trap of the ancient gods.

"What to do now, this sea area is not long enough to stay. Since this old guy has revealed his identity now, he is quite dangerous. Like a big tiger, he may swallow us at any time!"

The old snake snake said solemnly, with a hint of solemnity in his tone.

"Of course, I left temporarily. The few people in the restricted area are solved. The others don't need to worry about it. The ancient gods will kill whoever wants to kill. I can't wait for it, and I can't manage it! This is how the devil world is. , I believe this place will be more exciting in the future. I don’t know how many ancient powerhouses will fall here, hum, but now we can’t interfere.”

Meng Fan muttered to himself, looking towards the sky,

"And what we want is... to live in this troubled world, and to live well!"

A few words, sonorous and powerful, extremely firm!

The Middle Ages, the hinterland of the Zhongtian Dynasty!

In these few days, for the usual stage, this is just a rest time, just a blink of an eye. But for today's Wanyu, life is like years, because in this piece of heaven and earth, every day is not known how many monks died, blood-stained around, and millions of corpses.

The Dark Alliance, the Zhongtian Dynasty, and the battle between the three emperors of the Liu Family and the Yi Family had already entered the most innocent stage.

Although Meng Fan left, in this piece of heaven and earth, the struggle never did not start. Countless monks fought on this piece of land, dyed the sky red, and made the earth wailing.

Brother Wanyu, may have been friends in the past, may have been acquaintances, or may have loved ones, but because of the different camps, they had to. . . . . The swords faced each other until one party fell into a pool of blood.

There are countless monks in ancient times, and the mortal dust has gone through thousands of years, but I don't know how many times this same scene has happened. The vitality monk is destined to be unable to rest in his life, there is only one battle!

In the dark alliance, the Zhongtian Dynasty, the one line and other major forces, it also made the whole world more and more breakthroughs, tearing apart the defenses of the Liu family, the Zhao family, the Xitian gods, and so on. Into it.

After paying the price for not knowing how much, what is left now is the ancient **** formation in the hinterland of the Liu family. Once it is broken open, then the Liu family, Zhao family and others will have no defense. It may be a barrier.

In the big camp of the dark alliance, in the beginning, Qin Mieren and many other ancient people had discussed it, and finally it was already a decision, not waiting for Meng Fan, and acted directly.

After all, the soldiers are extremely fast, and they have already reached this point. Then, there is no tolerance for any difference. Every more minute of time, there is an extra danger, so at the beginning, Qin Mieren felt that he could not wait and was determined. Act immediately.

After the integration, the twilight sun just appeared in the early morning, and the entire plain was replaced by human shadows. All the elites of the five major forces were gathered in the most forward place, waiting for them!

In the direction of the dark alliance, the rows of dark guards are even more powerful like blades. Under the sun, the silver on the armor is dazzling, especially dazzling.

And at this moment, even all the secret guards were secretly inhaling, a heart hanging. The more you are the old fritters who survived the killing, the more you understand that today's battle will be doomed between life and death. Either solve the enemy or solve yourself. There is absolutely no second possibility.

In this kind of battle, even a man of steel, it is impossible to be without any emotions, I don't know how many people's eyes even flashed with fear.

In it, Lin Tang turned his head, swept the surroundings, and finally sighed softly. He clearly understood that in today's battle, too many brothers may be buried in this piece of land forever. Wanting to speak, but there is no way to talk about it, including Lin Tang himself, feels like a huge rock pressed in his heart.

The entire dark guard is silent, the dark alliance is silent, including Lin Tang, Lonely Heart, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Amethyst, Burning Heaven Order, Zuwen, Flame King, Spirit King, Ice King, etc. It's equally nervous now.

Everyone understands that in this kind of battle, the half-step **** king may fall, let alone them.

This is no longer a local battle before, and it is definitely not a single strong game, but an unprecedented melee. The real decisive battle of the supreme forces, a battle, will set life and death, shake the universe!

Perhaps many people will be destined to be buried, perhaps many people will be destined not to see the sun tomorrow, but this battle is imperative. The general will die in a hundred battles, so that the world will not see white heads. Perhaps this is the end of the vitality monk!

People are alive, after all, they have to guard something!

And the people in the entire dark alliance understand that what they want to protect is the dark alliance, the people behind them, maybe they died in battle, but if they win, the dark alliance will take care of their children and he will Obtaining unprecedented training resources will exchange peace for the next thousand years.

The world is silent, and a tense breath is spreading.

However, at the next moment, between the silence of the entire field, a voice of vicissitudes suddenly fell, resounding through the entire dark alliance, extremely calm, but powerful.


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