Supreme God King

Chapter 1673: Medicine Palace!

Medicine Palace!

The fall of these two words made Meng Fan extremely dumb.

Everyone knows the horror of this medicine palace. It is rumored that the world’s all medicines came from here. This is not just the home of the undead roots, but the home of all the medicines and the roots of the whole world. The source.

According to the rumors, no one can come to this kind of place between this world and the earth. Someone has seen the medicine palace in the past, and it is rumored that as long as the smell of the medicine palace is smelled, it is enough to prolong life for a hundred years. If you step into it, you will gain insight into countless great secrets in this world, such as immortality, for example. . . . . Bring back to life!

With a dry cough, Meng Fan's face shook, and he looked at Undead Root in surprise.

If the Undead Linggen didn’t say anything wrong, then it can be said that he followed the Destroy God King by mistake, and inadvertently set foot in the place where the medicine palace is, and encountered an opportunity that no one has encountered since the ages. , This is not immune. . . . . It's a bit too fake!

"I'm not very sure, but this feeling is too familiar, it comes from the memory when I was ignorant!"

The Undead Root slowly said, eyes filled with endless memories.

"try it!"

Meng Fan uttered a few words. If this is the space where the Medicine Palace is located, then maybe they have to try it, even if it is only one in ten thousand possibility.

There is only one reason. According to ancient records, there may be one. . . . . The secret of bringing back the dead!

Just these four words, for Meng Fan, it doesn't matter if you penetrate Jiuyou!

After a while, the Meng Fanji people were also scrupulous about not cultivating their bodies, but at the same time their divine consciousness spread and probed towards the surrounding world. At this moment, there is no previous abuse, only the kind of seriousness that can't wait to dig the ground.

Between several breaths, Meng Fan and others followed the undead roots and kept walking forward!

At the next moment, the undead roots stopped in front of a mountain, looking at where they were, knocking the surrounding ground forcefully, and finally said,

"It's very likely to be here, I feel the strongest breath here!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he looked closely, but after a few breaths, it made him shake his head again and again.

For many years, Meng Fan is definitely a professional treasure hunter. If there is any mystery here, then Meng Fan will definitely be able to detect some clues and then look for it. But after this careful search, it made Meng Fan quite helpless, because there is no strange place in the whole world, there seems to be a dry mountain, there is nothing!

"It feels wrong!"

Meng Fan said helplessly, if he hadn't found anything, even if it was a medicine palace, they would not be able to enter, they could only be trapped outside.

Hearing this, the Undead Root was silent for a while, and finally raised his head and said softly,

"Let me try!"

While talking, the Undead Root walked to the top of the mountain, looked around, stared at this mountain carefully, smelling the smell in the air, and after a few breaths, he slowly said.

"Grandpa, I miss you so much...Is this the place where you used to be? I am...Joker, I remember when you were young you always said that I was ugly, so you gave me a name, It’s called the clown. I might really be looking for you now. Can I take a look at you, grandpa, I know that if the elixir leaves the medicine palace, this won’t be allowed to go back, but the clown really misses it, so much. You..."

A few words fell, and there was already a tremor, and that kind of incomparable true feeling was revealed in the eyes of the Undead Root, and at the same time, tears were dripping in the eyes like pearls.

"I want to take a look at you, I just want to take a look!"

"The clown has no relatives between the world and the earth. I understand the rules of the line of herbs, but the clown misses grandpa. The one who loves clowns most in this world is grandpa. If grandpa doesn’t want to meet, then The clown is here to give Grandpa a few heads, I hope Grandpa can see it!"

While speaking, the undead root also knelt down, tears dripping a little bit, worshipping the mountain, and kowtow.

Seeing such a scene, the hearts of Meng Fan and others could not help but feel sour. The Undead Root was actually just a child according to grade. Meng Fan was taken out of the imperial palace and counted in the words of the past. This time reveals a longing for home.

Although Meng Fan and others are regarded as his friends, friends are friends, the root of the immortal is a herb after all, and I hope to see people who are like him, especially those relatives who have not seen for thousands of years. Meng Fan could not give them at all.

With every head knock, the immortal roots are very serious, as if they are pinning their thoughts in this salute.

After a full nine, the Undead Root just stood up, wiping tears, and said solemnly,

"Since Grandpa didn't want to see me, then the clown left. I hope Grandpa can... be healthy, always clean and happy!"

While speaking, Undead Linggen turned around and prepared to leave with Meng Fan and the others, but at the next moment, a voice suddenly came from the empty space.

"Undead old guy, you are so cruel, but your old body can't help it. Good clown, do you still know Grandma Hong Zhucao?"

The sound fell, causing Meng Fan, Undead Linggen and others to shook, and at the same time, it was obvious that before the originally empty mountain, the void was torn apart, and a void of void appeared. Through this gap, you can see that this is It was a portal with a mysterious aura, even the moment Meng Fan and others sensed this aura, they were all drunk.

It really is. . . . . Medicine Palace!

Meng Fan stared at this space gate in amazement.

At the same time, another voice came out,

"Just your old lady talk a lot, okay, okay, clown, grandpa misses you too, come in!"

The tone of vicissitudes, while falling.

Hearing this voice, the tears of the Undead Root kept falling, and his expression was excited and loudly.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

At the same time, the body swiftly stepped out, and walked directly towards the door of space, but before and after coming here, he hesitated and looked back at Meng Fan.

"Forget it, come in together. Since you have already come here, then it's fate!"

Seeing the undead root's hesitation, the voice of the vicissitudes of life spoke again, letting Meng Fan and others set foot in it.

Hearing this, Meng Fan and the others immediately felt happy, bowed their hands, and respected them. In this place where the world is the source of all medicines, Meng Fan did not dare to have any presumptuousness. Even though he was already standing on the top of the world, it made Meng Fan better understand what awe is.

Perhaps his current strengths are still far from enough in the eyes of many people!

As soon as the body moved, Meng Fan and the Undead Root also stepped onto the door of this space. That kind of aura struck, just for a moment, when Meng Fan entered the next space, there was a whole body that exploded on the face. feel.

Because the power contained in this piece of heaven and earth is too majestic, after entering here, that kind of majestic energy of heaven and earth melts into the body along Meng Fan’s capillary blood, and every trace of breath affects his body. The vitality is like a spring of sweetness, giving him a feeling of infinite power.

Under this situation, Meng Fan couldn't help but feel very comfortable.

Not only him, but the birds and tortoises on the side are like this. The moment they set foot here, each has a great harvest, and the light flashes all over the body. The air contained in this medicine palace is to give them inside. Wash it again.

"It deserves to be the ultimate place of heaven and earth, this kind of medicinal fragrance alone is so terrifying!"

Grandpa Que whispered, his face smug!

Meng Fan looked at it and said that this is a space, but it is actually better than chaos, because the whole world is hazy, in the endless fog, it is impossible to see what is around it.

But after a while, a golden avenue appeared in front of him. Meng Fan and others also walked forward slowly along this road. In the end, they saw a pavilion emerging between the sky and the earth, just suspended in this way. In this ancient space.

In the pavilion, there are three old men, one old woman, and the other one is extremely old, looking at Meng Fan!


After a while, the Undead Root was already crying with joy, and his body was as fast as a flash of lightning, and went straight to one of the old men and plunged into his arms.

The old man hugged the Undead Gen, his face was also excited, and the old tears were running, obviously he is the grandfather of Undead Gen, the real one. . . . . Old undead root!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked, and he understood that these four people in front of him were the ultimate magic medicine between heaven and earth, and any one of them was probably similar to the Profound Sky Tree, possessing the power that a **** king couldn’t do. Such existence, really. Peerless power hidden in heaven and earth!

When the grandfather and grandson met, they naturally burst into tears. The elders on the side were also quite excited. After a few breaths, they reacted and looked towards Meng Fan.

Seeing the gazes of a few people, Meng Fan couldn't help but arched his hands and said in a deep voice.


However, before Meng Fan finished speaking, the grandfather of the immortal roots, the old immortal roots, said slowly.

"I know you, Meng Fan...Although the old man has been hidden in this medicine palace for many years, he is still very concerned about what happens between heaven and earth. The first arrogant of the ages, sweeping the restricted area and annihilating the three emperors How could I not know about Meng Fan!"

The voice fell, and the previous few words still made Meng Fan's smile, but the last sentence was spit out, and the look on his face suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

"And I also heard that you have four wives, all of them are like flowers, and the old man actually has a granddaughter... I don't know if you are interested in marrying the fifth wife!"

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