Supreme God King

Chapter 1676: vitality

Thousand years!

Time passed, and when Wanyu returned to a stable state, it was also an era in which many juniors came together.

Especially after Meng Niuniu pushed the Middle Ages horizontally and defeated the Tianjiao Tianjiao, it stimulated countless young people to become angry and strong. In the next few hundred years, there will be countless hard-working Tianjiao, which will be performed throughout the world. To their legend!

Talented people come out from generation to generation!

The universe is vast, and there will never be a shortage of all kinds of Tianjiao, some are no inheritors, some are low-level monks, even if the name is a little eclipsed in this world, it is still extremely lively .

And after another five hundred years passed, an astonishing news came from these ten thousand domains, the imperial capital of the Eastern Demon Race Dadongshan erupted astonishing fluctuations, shocking the world.

According to intelligence, this volatility is. . . . . The breath of the six half-step **** kings, at the moment this news spread, caused the entire Ten Thousand Regions to fall into waves.

Dongtian Six Demons!

Someone said that many ancient people recalled and told everyone that the six ancient ancestors who returned should be the six most outstanding people of the previous generation of Eastern Demon Ancestors. They are called Eastern Six Demon.

It is said that these six people are the six sons of the supreme ancestor of the Eastern Demon Clan, and they are six children, and the age of their appearance is 200,000 years ago.

These six people enlightened, cultivated together, and improved themselves. In a short period of hundreds of years, the six people achieved sacredness together, and later they were the same minds. They worked together to create a six-person mind-slaying array , Once in that era, Megatron was eternal.

And the highest combat power of these six people is what they used to be. . . . Against the King of Gods, these six people are the biological sons of the Supreme Patriarch. They are incomparable with a powerful natural bloodline, and each is a genius of cultivation.

Under the union, even though the six of them are in the half-step God King's position, the large formation they have laid out has doubled their combat power, and even fought against the God King in the past, once and the Zhongtian God King. After a contest, even the Zhongtian God King did not break the battle of these six people!

That battle shocked the reputation of these six people and spread them all over the world. Later, it was rumored that these six people wanted to find a sacred ancient method together by leaving these ten thousand realms and heading to an unpredictable place.

However, now in the Great East City, I have seen these six figures again, which is simply excitement and shock to the supreme elders.

More than two hundred thousand years have passed, and these six people have not died yet and have returned. This is a miracle in itself!

Although it seems that this big East City does not possess that powerful and unmatched breath of God King, but in the past, these six people can work together to fight God King, and now so many years have passed, it is conceivable that they What point has it reached!

Suddenly, all races were incomparably shocked, causing the forces among the vast and ten thousand domains to react fiercely.

In the dark alliance, it is still the same!

For nearly a thousand years, Meng Fan has been unable to retreat, but for the dark alliance that is already on track, it has no effect. It is just that everyone misses Meng Fan!

But when I miss my miss, everyone understands that now Meng Fanke is wandering between life and death, and can't tolerate any interruption!

Thatched cottage, not moving for nearly a thousand years!

Surrounded by that kind of sealed ancient divine formation, no one knows what the scene is, let alone see that figure in this cottage has already turned into one. . . . Withered bones!

A sit, a thousand years!

Even for the cultivator of vitality, this time is absolutely continuous, and in this nearly thousand-year time, earth-shattering changes have taken place in Meng Fan's body. The power of the two gods merged and turned into every inch of skin in his body. In, it stimulates the movement of other martial arts and continues to evolve.

But in this evolution, it caused Meng Fan to exhaust his mind and spend countless energy and blood.

Under the continuous extraction, even Meng Fan's physical body was consumed a little bit, all the vitality and blood were exhausted, and now it looked like a dead bone, as if it was completely dead, without any vitality!

However, among this kind of ruined aura, only the top power in this world can see the source that is contained in the deepest part of Meng Fan's body!

The origin of this Dao is all Meng Fan's power, it is the trace of his life. Now there is only a trace of power left, which looks like a shimmer, only the size of a fingernail, as if it could be destroyed at any time.

However, it is precisely this power of the origin of life that has been persevering for many years, eternal and immortal, and it is only then that Meng Fan has always persevered to the present!

Anyone can feel that Meng Fan is in danger at this moment, because although this power is always immortal.

But it does not mean that in the future, if Meng Fan can no longer persist, then perhaps for him, it will be possible after a little time. . . . . Really wipe out!

Once annihilated, then it means complete disappearance and obliteration from this world!

Although the light is faint, it contains thousands of avenues, as if infinite changes are all in it, because at this moment, although the entire physical body and so on have been ground, only those with strong vitality understand this. It was a transformation of Meng Fan, and it was the fusion of his own final strength.

Make it easy, everything works!

The traces of Meng Fan's own life are undergoing changes. This kind of change is not just as simple as transcending himself, but is a real rebirth.

Wanting to take that step means rebirth in itself, from a life source to a more powerful life source. In this kind of change, this core is not big at all, but it contains the universe, life and death. .

This kind of transformation, I don't know how many years or years have passed, but in these long years, it has not moved at all, and has always been quietly changing.

Outside the thatched cottage, the girl who was waiting quietly has grown into a big girl, a white dress, outstanding beauty, and a special breath in her eyebrows. If you have seen Meng Fan, you will be able to notice it. , This agile girl looks very much like Meng Fan, not her looks, but the kind of arrogance that does not move.

This kind of arrogance represents a kind of stubbornness and a kind of eternal breath of oneself!

"Grandpa, it's been a thousand years, I'm already in the second sacred realm, why are you... still not recovering!"

The girl sighed quietly, it was Meng Niuniu.

Outside of this thatched cottage, she sat with Meng Fan for a thousand years, cultivating herself, and understanding the world. In this thousand years, she has broken through another stage and reached the second sacred realm!

The innate body is not terrifying!

We must know how many lives and deaths Meng Fan has experienced when he reached his current cultivation base, and how many opportunities he encountered, but Meng Niuniu relied on her own insights and comprehended Meng Fan’s previous teaching and understanding. Anyone who is extremely difficult in the eyes of others It is extremely easy in his eyes to stop him, and he can break through it smoothly. This kind of cultivation speed, including Meng Fan, will be ashamed. It is worthy of one of the few special bloodlines from ancient times, and it has a shocking power in itself!

The surrounding area of ​​the thatched cottage was dilapidated, but it was extremely clean, because almost every day, Meng Niuniu would come here to clean up the surrounding area.

This action has been carried out for almost a thousand years, and Meng Niuniu still does not give up. In her eyes, the figure inside is extremely powerful and extremely cunning, and it must have a day of awakening.

Even if it is the most terrifying moat in the world, it can't stop him!

At the moment when Meng Niuniu was repeating the same actions for thousands of years, she suddenly raised her eyebrows, and a trembling expression appeared on Qingcheng's face. She stared at the grass cottage.

Because in the past millennia, there has never been any wave of fluctuations in the entire grass house, but at this moment, there is a burst in this grass house. . . . Life fluctuations!

Very slight, but Meng Niuniu felt her, her body stiffened in place, staring here.

At the same time, that wave of life turned out to be. . . . It became more and more huge, and gradually swept the entire Cao Lu, and even attracted the power and resonance of the ancient **** array between the sky and the sky, causing the sky and the sky to shake and burst out with great power.

"this is....."

Meng Niuniu exclaimed, her tone full of excitement.

At the same time, the entire dark alliance vibrated, and in the next moment countless figures broke out, including the monkey god, Bai Shui'er, the female emperor, Ling Daiyou, Gu Xin'er, Meng Nian, the old man Pan snake, etc., in this thousand years of time In the middle, they are also very concerned about this place, but the emergence of this breath is enough to make them come quickly, all appearing around the sky.

Outside the Caolu, there are huge crowds!

In this instant, all the high-levels of the entire dark league who remained in the headquarters had arrived, standing in this world one by one, staring at the thatched cottage.

After thousands of years of development, there are even more powerful people in the dark alliance. Some are scattered people in the world, and some are the younger generation cultivated by the dark alliance. Now they are all gathered around, looking at here, the eyes are full Got curious.

Everyone understands that the one who always sits still in this cottage is the legendary fetish that created the dark alliance.

He is an eternal myth for the Dark League and the entire Ten Thousand Regions, a peerless and ruthless person who has lived to this world without being sealed!

The thatched cottage, which was originally dilapidated, has been illuminated by golden light at this moment, the breath is overflowing, the mountains and rivers are trembling, so that everyone around the whole week feels a powerful force, is dormant inside, awakened, a little bit Be strong.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and finally this grassy cottage suddenly burst, and a surging qi and blood flowed out. At the same time, a word came from the world,


Just a syllable, already made everyone weep with joy. After these thousand years have passed, this is the first time Meng Fan has spoken, and the first time he has made a sound! <

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