Supreme God King

Chapter 1691: Mysterious space

The space is vast, the world is the same!

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a white mist, with only endless chaos surrounding it.

Even the sacred powerhouse will tremble after seeing this place, because the chaos surrounding this space is extremely terrifying, once it is lost, as long as it can't find the direction, it will be cut off forever.

Strong as the sacred and strong, not to die in the turbulence of time and space, but also to live in the direction of chaos.

Therefore, between the heaven and the earth, countless powerful people in ancient times rarely set foot in areas outside the ten thousand realms, unless they are truly reaching the top of the world, or looking for great opportunities!

And in this endless chaos, suddenly, a figure appeared, a blue shirt, and hair flying, looking so lonely in this endless world, but...Meng Fan!

To set foot here through the temple, Meng Fan did not make the first two choices at all, but his third choice, which is...repaying gratitude!

Nothing wrong, just repay!

Repaying the grace of human beings and the grace of blue color clothing, these two people used to rescue Meng Fan. Although they are the king of gods, they do not know their life or death now. And Meng Fan is not far away and came through this temple , Just want to find the trace of these two people.

Even though the life of nine deaths is extremely dangerous, as Bai Shui'er said, if he does not come, then I am afraid that it is not the same Meng Fan, and his own cultivation will suffer the most damage!

Meng Fan just couldn't get past his own level!

So Meng Fan stood here, even though the chaotic air was floating in the void, he might accidentally step into the turbulent flow of time and space at any time, but Meng Fan completely ignored this, with a shocked expression on his face. But before moving forward, he was extremely careful.

Calmness does not mean carelessness, this is the burial of the two great **** king realm powerhouses, and Meng Fan has no intentions!

The coordinates of this space cannot be determined. Only the entrance in the temple can be sent here by using the breath of the old man. Otherwise, it would be impossible to search for 10,000 years in the world. Know the entrance here.

And there is still no way to go back. Everything needs Meng Fan to explore by himself. That’s why the people of the temple are so helpless. Wanting to step in here is a big problem. After layers of time and space, leaving is even more difficult. A problem, and Meng Fan still has an important responsibility.

"There is a ghost!"

Meng Fan whispered to himself, holding the small sign in his palm, it was the human male who penetrated the space and came into this world. There was only a brief message on it, but it was enough to make people shocked, because it was Written in human male blood.

There is no doubt that Renxiong and Lan Caiyi both encountered catastrophes here, and what Meng Fan hesitated was what this inner ghost was and what should be considered in this place.

According to Meng Fan's previous understanding, the space he was in was located in the ten thousand realms, but it was quite independent, and it was a strange little thousand world.

Because it can no longer be regarded as a big domain, it is connected to the endless chaos, and it is located at the edge of the outer space and the ten thousand domains. It has a solid law, but it also has endless dangers, enough to make people fall into this. In chaos.

In addition, according to the previous words of the male hero, Lan Caiyi should have come here with a big figure, wanting to close the space and practice herself, but what she did not expect is that she will be buried in this place forever.

What power does this person have to make the two great kings fall into the sand?

In any case, no matter how difficult things are now, Meng Fan's cultivation heart can't be shaken. He breathed out heavily, and he walked all the way, crossing the chaos, insisting on walking in this space.

Accompanied by Meng Fan’s journey, it took a full two months. It’s not that this space is too vast, but that it’s too difficult to walk here. Time and space are turbulent, and space loopholes are everywhere. One carelessness can get into among them.

Therefore, Meng Fan was also careful along the way. He was covered with wind and frost in the past two months, and his clothes were torn apart.

Finally, let Meng Fan's expression pick up, his eyes that didn't have any expression became sharp, staring at a direction deep in this space.

For more than two months, even in the difficult scenes, Meng Fan did not show a strange color, but now it is different. Both eyes seem to have turned into a sharp sword, staring at it, wanting to pierce it.

"The end of time and space!"

Meng Fan uttered four words, extremely shocked.

Rao is that he is also a little lost at this moment, and his tone is always showing a trembling taste, and it takes a few breaths to react.

Rubbing his temples, Meng Fan finally understood why Lan Caiyi chose to retreat in this place before, because this place itself is a strange space. Although it is the same as the law of the Great Thousand World, there is still another place. This unique spatial feature is that this is the end of time and space.

The end of time and space is that there is no time change here, only a piece of eternal space, formed because of the characteristics of space formation. In other words, although anyone can feel the exhaustion of the body here, they feel that they are not. When time passes, because any time that arrives here is no longer passing, this piece of space has the characteristics of the end of time and space.

"Awesome, I never thought that Lan Caiyi could find this strange space in this ten thousand realm!"

Meng Fan sighed, just swiping his breath to understand that this place is an excellent retreat holy place.

Because this is the end of time and space, it is equivalent to standing at the closest moment to the law of time.

It can let people see everything before, and even understand the world extremely smoothly. For the top powerhouses in their kind of ten thousand realms, this place is absolutely rare.

But since this is the end of time and space, how could Ren Xiong and Lan Caiyi disappear here!

To restore calmness, Meng Fan stepped out and walked towards the end of this time and space. The moment he approached this world, it also made Meng Fan more and more aware of the terror of time and space. The blood in his body was boiling because of the feeling. It is nourishment for him here.

To reach the level of Meng Fan, there is no effect at all to improve his own natural resources and treasures, but this kind of place containing the principles of the world is enough to help him feel himself and make progress.

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan also came to this area at the end of time and space. After a while, what fell into Meng Fan’s eyes was a raging flame. This was already not the flame of the world, but the flame of time and space, and anything beyond the flames of the world. One kind, even the Burning Heaven Order has no right to interfere at all.

Because this flame is the unique power of law at the end of time and space, Meng Fan once saw in ancient books that only this kind of space at the end of time and space was born at the end of this kind of space-time sky fire, burned by this kind of flame, or completely To die, or to feel the power of time and space in the flames.

"The more you move forward, the more terrifying the time, space and sky fire, and the greater the benefits of nourishing yourself!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, slowly stepping out.

However, just after he took a dozen steps forward, the whole person suddenly froze, his gaze swept away, and the blood in his whole body exploded, punching his surroundings.

In just a moment, the force that was rolling in Meng Fan's body was attacking, destroying and decaying, with extreme strength!

There is only one reason for Meng Fan to do this. It is because the surrounding space-time sky fire seems to be alive, attacking Meng Fan. In just a moment, that fierce flame seems to swallow the space between heaven and earth. Everything turned into a monstrous giant, suppressed.


The void hit, Zhou Tian collapsed, even if Meng Fan's power suppressed everything, but it also encountered a big backlash, a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood came out.

how is this possible!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked. He didn't expect that the time and space sky fire in this void was actually alive, and it came to him, beyond his imagination. Because according to his previous knowledge, although the sky and sky fire is terrifying at this time, it is dead and without any consciousness, but now it surrounds the sky and the earth, in all directions, this kind of terrifying flame!

After a while, Meng Fan did not hesitate, and then retreated. Although it attracted him, the level of danger was also unparalleled, and there was so much unpredictable that Meng Fan did not want to step in again. among them.

But at the moment Meng Fan’s body receded, it hit a space forbidden, and the runes flickered, causing Meng Fan’s back to be burned with hot scalds. It turned out that the entire retreating world was completely sealed off. Up!

"damn it!"

Meng Fan cursed, his eyes full of fierce meaning, obviously there is only one way in the world today, which is to rush forward. The kind of prohibition behind him was too strong. It suddenly came and sealed the entire void. Even if Meng Fan didn’t have a stick of incense, he would definitely not be able to break through, even under his full strength. Down, but now the surrounding time and space sky fire would not give Meng Fan this opportunity. He came raging to burn him to death in this forbidden void.

In an instant, Meng Fan made a decision, stepped out, and the whole person turned into a meteor, directly rushing forward.

The emperor fist slammed, swept across, putting himself in a state of high-speed movement. Otherwise, once it stays, there will be an endless sea of ​​fire between the week and the sky, and it will swallow everything. Once he is completely besieged, then he will truly fall into the Jedi!

So Meng Fan didn't hesitate, directly opened the way with his emperor fist, and kept blasting out, born in this endless time and space, blazing a path of blood, and walking on fire.

In a few breaths, although the surrounding space and time did not help Meng Fan’s fire, it also made him grin with pain. There was a pain and a scar on his body, and a roll of blue smoke rose on his head. Meng Fan's face was black.

Just a moment later, Meng Fan's gaze condensed, and he suddenly locked on the position in the depths of the sea of ​​fire. Wherever the remaining runes flickered, the breath was overflowing, and the moment made Meng Fan determine where an ancient **** should be. Array, and the breath in it actually seems to belong to. . . . Lan Caiyi!

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