Supreme God King

Chapter 1696: past

One palm!

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, the birds and tortoises behind him were shocked, and he let out a low growl, but it was impossible to stop him.

Meng Fan's move was too risky, and he did not care about himself at all. In this palm, even if the body did not enter this past time and space, then it was equivalent to a huge part of his power.

The past is immortal!

The greater the force that enters in this forbidden time and space, the greater the backlash received.

Before Meng Fan entered the probe, the slightest thoughts almost caused him to collapse, and his pupils were crying blood, not to mention that now an arm stretched out into it, and he just grabbed it.

If one is not careful, it may even **** the body into it, and it is as powerful as the **** king is completely annihilated here, becoming the food of the multi-phase **** king, let alone Meng Fan!

But this is Meng Fan, who dares not dare the world!

In an instant, a palm passed, passing through layers of heaven and earth, and turned into an angry dragon, stepping into this past time and space.

Suddenly it caused a sudden change of the situation in this time and space. At this moment, the sky trembled and the sky and the earth had a vision. Undoubtedly, Meng Fan's so much power entered into it, and naturally it also caused a big backlash in the past time and space.


It can be seen to the naked eye that after the moment Meng Fan’s arm stepped into it, his vitality had already begun to crumble. Even if this blow had gathered Meng Fan’s peak combat power and countless strengths, it was still the same in this past time and space. The pieces of paper are average and easily turn into fly ash.

And this kind of passing power was just beginning, and after a short while, it had already gone towards Meng Fan's body.

"Too risky, Meng Fan!"

Behind him, Lord Bird exclaimed, but he couldn't change any of Meng Fan's attention at all. When his palm fell, he went directly into it as before without hesitation for a moment.

The power surging and going deep into the past time and space also caused the scenes of the past time and space to flash through Meng Fan's mind. Here he can see everything and feel the entire past from a third perspective.

After a short while, that kind of power penetrated, and it had fallen on Meng Fan’s arm. You could see that Meng Fan’s golden light was not bad, like an immortal body that began to break apart at this moment, and it was extremely Fast and fierce, the bones in it were exposed in an instant, cutting off anything!

In the past, the horror was so!

Meng Fan's combat power today is close to that of a god-king realm powerhouse, but all his attacks are turned into nothingness between his fingers, and the effort of one arm and one breath is about to be wiped out!

However, despite the fact that the whole arm was turned into dry bones, Meng Fan could only grab forward and grabbed the direction of the man with the powerful force of impact. The whole body vibrated and twisted the universe, standing in place. Meng Fan's roar resounded across the galaxy.

"Come here!"

The four words, the rolling power came out of Meng Fan’s body, flowed into his arm, and penetrated it. At the same time, Meng Fan was also the palm that was already withered. That piece of void was held in the hand, and grabbed directly with the human body!

The verbal method is easy, and the action is like thunder!

After a while, the entire time and space was distorted, and a monstrous explosion occurred at the entrance of the cave. Two shadow bullets flew out, one was Meng Fan, and the other was...human hero!

It succeeded!

Meng Fan gave a sorrowful laugh, and backed away. Now half of his body had been turned into dry bones at the moment before this. It seemed extremely infiltrating. The whole person was almost melted before this. It is conceivable that this The horror of past time and space.

But fortunately, Meng Fan's decisive and powerful force finally pulled people out of the past time and space.

Although the latter has been immersed in it for such a long time, after all, he is a powerhouse in the Divine King Realm. When he returns to this great world, the whole person becomes peaceful. That kind of anger swallows the world and suppresses the majesty of the sun and the moon. Spread, but the whole person just sits in place, motionless!

After a few breaths, Meng Fan reluctantly stood up, ate several ancient gods one after another, relied on the powerful medicinal power to restore himself, replenish his vitality, and finally stabilize himself.

It was too dangerous before. It made Meng Fan think about it in a cold sweat. However, he finally succeeded. He grinned and dropped his palm, trying to wake up the hero.

However, after a few breaths, the smile on Meng Fan’s face was frozen, and after careful detection, he finally said in surprise.


Even at this moment, he was somewhat eclipsed, because during the previous exploration, Meng Fan hadn't seen the spirit and any vitality fluctuations in Renxiong's body.

Physical body, soul, martial arts, these three are indispensable for the strong vitality, and without the soul, it means that the man in front of him is a...the living dead!

On the side, a bird and a tortoise also came to investigate. After a few breaths, both of them frowned. The bird said helplessly.

"It is very difficult for a **** king to be injured, but once it is received, it is difficult to recover, especially his injury. Although you have rescued him, he did not end with the demon ancestor, but he is in this past time and space. His time is also constant, and he has been infinitely wiped out. Under his constant annihilation, all the souls in his body have been consumed. Meng Fan, he is now a living dead, empty of the body of a **** king That's it!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression changed, and he was puzzled.

"Is there no other way?"

"Between heaven and earth, no one can help him. He can only rely on himself. His origin is immortal. The whole person is in a state where he can recover at any time, but how long does it take? That's right, the **** king is unpredictable, and the human being can only help himself. Maybe he woke up in one day, maybe ten thousand years, maybe... one million years, who is right!"

Ye Ye sighed.

Hearing the words of Lord Que, it also silenced Meng Fan. He didn't expect that he arrived too late. In this time and space, the soul of the man was completely wiped out. Now he is a real living dead. I don't know when he can wake up.


Meng Fan sighed faintly, and felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Don't blame you, it's good enough to be able to do this!"

Gui Ye comforted Meng Fandao. Only they knew how much Meng Fan had spent to come here. Before, they were fighting with a **** king clone, and they were on the line of life and death.

Nodding his head, Meng Fan pondered for a moment, and when he raised his head again, he looked into the gap of time and space.

Previously, Meng Fan was almost abolished in this space-time rift, and his whole person was turned into half-cut bones. If it weren't for his current strength and solid martial arts, he was already a corpse at this moment, but after Meng Fan stood up , Looked at the crack, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Meng Fan!"

Noting Meng Fan's gaze, Lord Que curiously said.

"My power probed it before and saw a lot!"

Meng Fan slowly said, taking a step out, and his divine mind moved again, surging into this past time and space. While rescuing Renxiong, Meng Fan's power also penetrated into this past time and space. He hadn't had any scruples before, but now Renxiong has been rescued, so Meng Fan can't wait to come here again.

After a few breaths, the situation suddenly changed in that space and time. Under Meng Fan's search, rows of strange scenes appeared before his eyes. It was exactly when Meng Fan was young in Wuzhen. Practicing hard in it.

Here is the time and space of the past, that is, you can truly see the past. Although it cannot be changed, everything is a recurrence of the scene, allowing Meng Fan to see the past self.

The picture turned around. The young man in Wuzhen ventured up the mountain and picked up a strange bead when he was collecting medicine. Wuzhen competed and beat the dead sun...

The scenes of the scenes passed, and finally Meng Fan's gaze was fixed on one of them, because at that moment a beautiful woman's figure was smiling and watching Meng Fan's practice, a white dress, blue silk flying, like a fairy, it is .... Ruo Shuiyi!

This is the scene where Ruo Shuiyi supervised Meng Fan's practice in the past, and now that Meng Fan relives it in his mind, the whole person is suddenly fascinated!

In a daze, he returned to that scene, and the laughter of the beautiful lady echoed in his ears, causing Meng Fan to sit quietly, the sea of ​​consciousness revolving, his eyes staring at that figure.

I have never seen that figure in thousands of years... I have not seen it in thousands of years... I have spoken, I have not said something in thousands of years... Let’s fight together!

Unexpectedly, I can see everything in the past here, seeing the two people at that time, sitting still in place, just for a moment, Meng Fan’s whole person is integrated into it, the mind in the sea of ​​consciousness is a little bit It appeared in this time and space, like an old monk.

At the same time, between Meng Fan's movements, the entire time and space seemed to be frozen, and even the surrounding time and space and sky fire seemed to be condensed. Without the irritability before, there was a gentleness.

"No, Meng Fan, don't get lost in it!"

At the next moment, Master Gui yelled, trying to interrupt Meng Fan, but he was caught by Master Bird and said in a deep voice.

"Something is wrong, this kid's thoughts are integrated into it, and it seems that the martial arts in his body changes with it, and the breath is different!"

Hearing what the bird said, the heart of the turtle suddenly trembled, both of them fell silent, staring at Meng Fan, and carefully observed. After a few breaths, the faces of a bird and a turtle appeared incomparably. With a look of horror, he glanced at each other and said at the same time,


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