Supreme God King

Chapter 1735: Join hands

I am the King of God, I am supreme!

Shocking the universe, resounding through the common people!

At the moment when these words were spit out, it was like a strange spiritual sound that swept the world, including countless races, countless people in retreat, countless monks in this ten thousand realm. They all heard the Tao, and looked at the middle ages. Domain.

Anyone seems to feel that there is a sun burning in this medieval land, shining all!

Ascend the King of God!

At this moment, countless powerful people trembled, and several great emperors trembled at the same time, including Taichu, Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi, the female emperor, the **** monkey, the Yan King, the Spirit King, Qin Hong, and so on. Many of the powerhouses stared at the direction where Meng Fan was, and said nothing for a long time.

The god-king powerhouse, but the goal of everyone's cultivation, is also the most terrifying realm in the long river of vitality, but now Meng Fan is. . . . Arrived!

This group of people were from the same age as Meng Fan, even countless years older than him, but in the end they could only see Meng Fan getting farther and farther away from their shadows, and finally reached a gap that was almost like a moat.

Suddenly, the emotions in countless people's hearts were complicated. Even if it was God Monkey, Burning Tianling and others, facing Meng Fan's great achievement, they felt that the corners of their mouths were a bit bitter.

People are more angry than people!

Perhaps Meng Fan’s foundation is not good at all, he is just the most common Kusano background, but now in front of him, anyone is inferior to him. Under his light, it simply conceals all the arrogance and all the strong. .

How shocking is this, and how shocking it is. Even if someone made a **** king in ancient times, it was only a matter of fifty thousand years ago, and Meng Fan was the first strong person to achieve a **** king in these fifty thousand years. In addition, his own combat power has already scorned everyone!

After countless trials and hardships, the Wuzhen boy from the past has finally reached this point.

His whole person is above the sky, and his gaze is swept away, and he has a kind of majesty of dominating the eight wilderness and watching the world, and he is absolutely a truly rising supreme emperor.

And someone with a heart can even calculate that Meng Fan is now in a very big grade, but he is still a little bit long live, which means that the latter has spent the most ordinary monk to become a **** king. . . . . Less than ten thousand years.

a thousand years!

Perhaps it is only a long time for the countless sacredness of the heavens and the earth, but Meng Fan has relied on this ten thousand years, under the pressure of many emperors and countless enemies, to become a **** king, and to be proud of the past and the present!

This is how difficult and difficult it is. The more people who understand Meng Fan, the more they will understand how much pressure they face on this road, how many times the blood has been spilled, and how many times the life and death wandered, it can be said that Meng Fan Today's overbearing combat power is completely exchanged for drop by drop of his own blood!

"I have witnessed the rise of a strong man who has been invincible for a long time. It is a blessing in life!"

"In an era with this kind of powerhouse, I don't have a day to shoot, I'm too unfortunate..."

At the same time, these two theories appeared in this world, and both of them swept across the world and spread countless.

I have to admit that the aura that Meng Fan erupted at this moment was too powerful, the first person in the eternal age to become a **** king.

In addition, the martial art itself was terrible, affecting Zhou Tian, ​​making Wanyu Tiandi seem to be surrendering in front of him, naturally attracting countless world visions, and everyone's attention.

Not to mention the people of Ten Thousand Territories, even Ji Feng, the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family, the ancient ancestor of Xitian, and Tu Tian were silent in front of Meng Fan.

They originally wanted to join forces to suppress Meng Fan at this last juncture, just as the ancestors of the Liu family thought, with absolute strength, before Meng Fan reached that step.

But what I didn't expect was that by chance, they turned out to promote Meng Fan to that step in disguise.

Indeed, as Meng Fan said, in fact, if they hadn't entered the dark alliance, perhaps the ancient **** Tutian's ancient method would be enough to affect Meng Fan and make his ninth life perish.

However, this method and this predicament were broken because of their intrusion and Sansheng's persistence, which allowed Meng Fan to survive the last crisis before he became the King of God and reach this level.

It can be said that a few people were even benefactors who helped Meng Fan become a **** king. Thinking of this, it made the faces of Zhao Family Guzu and others gloomy, comparable to the fact that countless thunder blasted through, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"so what!"

After a while, Ji Feng roared, and he was already crawling out of the ground. He was in a mess, and the dirt was all on his face. Now he was staring at Meng Fan, with a posture of eating him.

"Today we are the four great ancient emperors who are here to deal with you. Even if you become a **** king, you still have to bleed!"

A few words, cold air Ling Ran!

Although at this moment, everything had gone beyond their expectations, but after all, there were four powerhouses of the Divine King Realm here, and that one was the powerhouse who aspired to the world, and the other was extraordinary. Gathering on this sky, naturally has the qualification to suppress everything.

Take one to four!

In this situation, even if Meng Fan became the **** king, he was already standing on the same starting line as the four, but it was definitely not easy to deal with and would be crushed the most.

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan’s eyes were cold, and as soon as he was about to speak, a voice spread all over the world in the next moment.

"Who said he was the only one!"

The verbal method followed, the space was torn, and a huge figure came out, with no clothes on the upper body, scattered hair, and a huge body. That kind of dominating the world, proud of the ancient and modern atmosphere, swept across the sky instantly, causing countless people to exclaim.


There is nothing wrong with it. At this moment, it is the human male, who has already awakened, returned, and set foot in this world.

Even though Renxiong received a devastating blow under the murderous intent of the Polyphasic King, after a long period of time, Renxiong has recovered and once again came to the world.

Seeing Renxiong, the complexions of Zhao Family Guzu, Ji Feng and others became even more ugly again. All four of them stared at Renxiong, and finally Xitian Guzu gritted their teeth.

"You recovered? According to our detection, you should have some time!"

"Hmph, you old boy knows that someone is detecting you, don't hide yourself!"

Renxiong sneered, with a look of contempt.

Hearing Renxiong's words, the four of them were speechless. They didn't think all the plans were beyond their calculations. Originally, they wanted to take advantage of Renxiong's serious injury and Meng Fan could not become the king of gods, but the situation is now He became a human being and revived, and Meng Fan became a **** king. These two changes can be described as an earth-shaking, so that the four of them do not have much advantage in this moment!

"Master Renxiong!"

With a glance, Meng Fan's eyes suddenly revealed a sense of joy, patted Renxiong on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"I really miss Lord Renxiong!"

"I miss you a big head!"

Glancing at Meng Fan, Ren Xiong's mouth twitched, his eyes breathed fire, and the voice transmission said,

"Boy, if you don’t have a strong enemy today, I have to cut you off first. You wait for Lao Tzu. Do you think Lao Tzu knows nothing? Humph, Lao Tzu has physical memories. After so many humanoid sandbags, how upset is it? Tell Lao Tzu! Anyway, now you are also a king of gods. Lao Tzu didn't use the big to bully the small. When we survive today's catastrophe, Lao Tzu must beat you up. !"

The voice fell, filled with endless anger, and the look on Meng Fan's face suddenly became quite exciting, touching his chin, a little smile.

Meng Fan and Renxiong, the two great **** kings, and the Zhao family ancient ancestor four are opposed!

Under this situation, it can be said that Tiandi was sealed, but after a while, a voice came out again, with only a few words,

"It's so lively, I also want to participate!"

While speaking, a person appeared beside Meng Fan, yes. . . . Ruotian!


Looking at Ruotian, Ji Feng's complexion suddenly became frustrated, and he shouted,

"You are a forbidden person, what come here to join in, do you want to help this kid?"

"Yes, in any case, I owe him a favor. Although he is calculating me by letting me fight against Destruction, I am also becoming a king of God because of this. I feel uncomfortable with this personal relationship, so I don't want to owe it. Only come uninvited and have a real trick with you!"

Ruotian was indifferent, and glanced at Meng Fan, but he still looked like the second child, his boss, extremely bullish.

However, Meng Fan didn't care about this either. It seemed that Ruotian actually treated him as a half-disciple invisibly. In any case, there was an extra power in the Divine King Realm, so it would be like a tiger. Before now, Meng Fan was just alone, but now there are two more gods, Renxiong and Ruotian. Under such circumstances, although there are still one more people from Zhao Family Guzu and others, they seem to have obvious advantages. . . . . It's already light and can't be lighter anymore!

Even though the other party had an extra god-king powerhouse, a trace of pride flashed in Meng Fan’s eyes, standing still, slowly saying,

"Sacred has highs and lows, martial arts have highs and lows. At the end of the day, everyone will have to do real tricks under their hands. The seven kings of gods meet... Haha, well, today I will wait for the seven to talk about one high Next!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, shocking everyone!

The Seven Kings Controversy!

This scene is really too amazing, any one is a top powerhouse standing in the long river of ten thousand domains, but now at this kind of moment, the seven kings of the gods are going to do it at the same time, to discuss a superiority.

Such a battle, except for the people in the field, is simply a flourishing age for everyone else.

Anyone who can see this scene is extremely excited, understanding this scene at this time is as rare as in the past, only in this life!

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