Supreme God King

Chapter 1738: beat

Holding against God in your hand, head over the world!

Eight characters are spread all over the world.

At this moment, Meng Fan's martial art was compatible with the qi tripod of the ten thousand mothers and sons. One person and one tripod were completely unified, causing a strange Sanskrit sound to appear between the world and the earth.

Qi and blood burned, and the martial arts exploded. At this moment, Meng Fan seemed as if the great cauldron was on his body.

Under the martial art of rebelling against the gods, it integrates everything in the world, not to mention its own destiny.

At the same time, under the gazes of countless top experts, Meng Fan held a large cauldron and slashed through the sky with one blow, slashing towards the space beyond the heavens and the earth.

The ancient ancestor of the Zhao family used to transform the world, and Meng Fan did. . . . Kanae smashed the sky away.


A moment later, the outer space shattered, and a large cauldron like a mountain peak could be clearly seen rampant, expanding, and rushing towards the surrounding world. And the whole world seems to have turned into a giant hand, and it is opposed to this tripod body. At this moment of bombardment, if it happens in Ten Thousand Regions, it can even make the entire Middle Ancient Region shake for it.

"A Great Confrontation!"

In the distance, Renxiong roared in a shocking tone.

Only those who stepped into the realm of the gods were able to use this method, and only then could their martial arts reach their extremes and evolve into a spectacle.

This is no longer a battle between moves and spirits, but the Taoist expression of the two martial arts that have evolved to the extreme. It is the true change of vitality to the extreme.

The ancient ancestor of the Zhao family transformed heaven and earth with his body, which meant that he was heaven and all of this. He wanted to suppress anyone. Once he came out, he had a will like heaven and earth.

And Meng Fan is in the form of a tripod, which means unyielding, suppression, to break the world.

The two phantoms that collided between the void were the phenomena that these two people's vitality produced from the extreme changes. Only in this way can they create this kind of power.

As soon as the law phase came out, it was when the real trump card of the Divine King Realm was revealed at this stage, the battle would end within a few breaths.

Because there is not enough strength between the two sides to support too much time, only at this critical moment, this kind of spectacular scene will appear!

Meng Fan vs an ancient emperor!

Under the collision, sparks splashed, and layers of outer space burst!

And under the power of the entire world, the Qi Cauldron of Myriad Mothers also flew, blocked by the infinite power of the entire world, and did not tear the surroundings.

However, only a moment later, a long scream erupted from the cauldron again, and the light spread even more violently than before.

Obviously, under the circumstances that this attack failed, Meng Fan evolved again, allowing his own combat power to rise again towards the sky. . . . Knocked away.

Second hit!

Controlling the state of the law, moving the shadow of the tripod, the entire ten thousand domain space seems to have died at this moment, as far as the eyes can be, it can be called an eternal scene in this void.

The sky was eclipsed, only a huge cauldron rushed across the sky, surpassing time and space, and finally fell on that side of the sky again.


This general roar came out, resounding through the sky, making the world seem to be trembling. Under this blow, the moving sky finally encountered a strong impact, causing the sky to be torn apart, shattering countless cracks.

However, under the operation of this power, this blow still did not break the barrier between the world and the earth.

The Qi Ding of Myriad Mother and Child was bounced out again by the power of heaven and earth, and the huge road was standing on the sky and the earth, and at this moment, people with a discerning eye could see that it was not just the infinite fragments that broke apart on the sky, including the body of Qi Ding of Myriad Mother and Child The above is also full of cracks.

Obviously, under this kind of impact, it is a great consumption for both parties, and Meng Fan himself and Wan Mu Qi Ding are also wandering between life and death!


However, in the next moment, the sound of the bell resounded through the world again, and the light of the Qi Cauldron of Myriad Mothers revolved, illuminating the surroundings, just like a sun, bursting out hot light again.

With the fusion of vitality, the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Cauldron moved again, and this time was even more domineering and violent than before!

Third shot!

"The last time!"

On the Dadong Mountain, the two great **** kings of the Eastern Demon Race and the Zhou Family were staring into the distance, their faces solemn, and they uttered a few words.

Only the strong **** king can understand this kind of martial art attack, and only the strong who stepped into this level can perform it. Naturally, the two of them are the most qualified to comment on the current battle. .

Looking at the tens of thousands of mothers and sons Qi Ding that made a comeback again above the sky, whether it is the highest ancestor of the Eastern Demon Ancestor and the highest ancestor of the Zhou family, they understand that one advances, then declines, and three is exhausted. This type of Meng Fan is constantly superimposing power, one after another overbearing, breaking the rules!

But if it fails for the third time, then the whole person will fall into a trough. Whether it is martial arts or spirits, it will be in a state of complete atrophy. At that time, being in the world of the ancestors of the Zhao family means becoming Slave under the sword.

So seeing Meng Fan's third shot, the two great kings understood that the most critical blow was at this moment!


In an instant, you can see that the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding traversed the sky and the Yi Ding smashed again. This blow was even more terrifying than before. It was mixed with wind and rain, thunderstorms, and turned into a billowing rainbow, directly landing there Between heaven and earth.

Under the collision, the Great Ding and Heaven and Earth had the most heroic collision. The diffused light swept the outer space. Even the Eastern Demon Ancestor of Dadongshan and the Supreme Ancestor of Zhou's family took a step back, instinctive feeling. There is a great pressure.

This kind of collision between the dhamma phases is really too violent and terrible!

After a while, the light dissipated, and as far as his eyes could see the shadow of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding continued to move forward, and then. . . . Break through everything!

Even if it is the heaven in front of it, it is the earth, it is the sentient beings transformed into by the ancestors of the Zhao family with their own great power, and they are also blasted openly by Meng Fan’s aura. The breath reaches the extreme!

The world collapsed, there are countless fragments!

Under this kind of impact, the ancestors of the Zhao family turned out to be broken by Meng Fan. After a while, a figure flew out, the flesh exploded, and blood spurted out. It was the ancestor of the Zhao family!

When such a scene falls, there are countless strong people between heaven and earth. . . . Face full of silence!

Before this battle started, no one thought that Meng Fan would win, but the latter turned out to be a **** king under the pressure of the four great **** kings, and defeated an ancient emperor in one hand.

And for a real defeat, after this collision, if Meng Fan is still trapped in this world, it will be under the control of the ancestors of the Zhao family, but this world is broken, which means that Meng Fan has completely defeated Zhao. The ancestor's strongest method not only made him seriously injured, but also made him lose his heart, making him unable to fight again.

Such a scene alone is enough to shock the ages, I am afraid that now in the extreme place of the restricted area, maybe looking at the thirteen people here. . . . It is also quite shocking!

A young man who has just attained the position of the king of gods is nothing more than a descendant who has come forever, but under this kind of attention, he personally pulled down an ancient emperor. This is already enough to make Meng Fan's name powerful. The world, even the king of God. . . . See also its fear!

"Meng Fan!"

Blood spurted out, and his body went backwards. After the defeat of the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family, he was already falling down like a mountain, his eyes collapsed, blood flowed away, and his face was full of unbelievable expressions.

After a full 10,000 meters, the ancestors of the Zhao family were firm and roared,

"Even if you can defeat me today, you can't kill me. If you fight in the future, I will definitely kill you!"

He spoke with his mouth, and the world was torn apart. Now he himself was defeated and his injuries were extremely serious, which made the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family dare not stay here for any more points. He immediately used his methods to flee.

At this moment, you can see that the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family hides between the world, the aura merges, and it seems to disappear.

But in the next moment, the space oscillated, there was a bang, sparks splashed, and the shadow of the big cauldron descended, which turned out to completely seal the space where the ancient ancestor Zhao family retreated. The person who came was naturally Meng Fan, whose power came to control everything. At the same moment, when the Sanskrit sound fell, the inverse martial art in Meng Fan's body also emerged.

"I said that today there is a burial of the is bound to happen!"

A few words, extremely indifferent, and at the same time Meng Fan's martial arts emerged, devouring everything!

In the world, who dares to say that the **** king can be killed, who can say that the **** king can be completely annihilated, including the polyphase **** king of the year, which is usually extremely strange and terrifying in the **** king realm, and it is also dependent on the power of time and space. Lan Caiyi was wiped out.

But Meng Fan dared to say and was able to do it. The most important reason was that his rebellious martial arts could swallow everything, including the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters, let alone. . . . The ancient ancestor of the Zhao family!

"It's against the gods, it's forever!"

Meng Fan yelled, and the whole person merged with the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, and at this moment turned into a huge Ding Lu, sealing all the retreats of the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family, letting him be surrounded by it. Now everything can be said to be the other way around. Meng Fan turned into heaven and earth, and the endless power of martial arts against the gods came out to surround the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family. Under this kind of siege, the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family The power began to decompose and was swallowed bit by bit by Meng Fan's power.

"Oh no!"

The ancient ancestor of the Zhao family roared, looking around, especially the moment his own power passed, making him feel a smell of death.

This kind of smell disappeared after setting foot on the God King, but now. . . . But it was brought by Meng Fan. Under this kind of big formation, it was enough to make him disappear, and he was not afraid!

However, the great cauldron running in the void, the runes flickered, and the power of Meng Fan's refining became more and more terrifying, turning the entire world into its own domain, and at the same time a tragic voice spread throughout the world.

"Sansheng...I am a disciple, today I am a teacher with the blood of the King of God... to sacrifice your way back..."

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