Supreme God King

Chapter 1751: Purple Flame Thunder Lotus

Purple Flame Thunder Lotus!

After the four words fell, Meng Fan's eyes were like electricity, as if he was going to penetrate the boundless thunder pond, looking where.

These four words spit out, even his tone has a special dignity, only those who understand the secrets between the heavens can understand the meaning of these four words.

Purple Flame Thunder was born, accompanied by a huge vision of heaven and earth, and to find the essence of it must penetrate into it, so only the strong of the gods can succeed in ancient times.

And there is still a rumor about this purple flame thunder, that the essence distributed in it is extremely disordered, but there will be a situation very occasionally, that is, six drops of purple flame thunder essence will collide together, then this purple flame will be formed. Purple Flame Thunder Lotus in the thunder.

This kind of thing is not just as simple as six drops of Purple Flame Thunder Essence. At the moment of aggregation, the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus that is born will also have a kind of abnormality.

Such a change is the creation of heaven and earth. Taking the most core thing of the Purple Flame Thunder, and after another change, the resulting Purple Flame Thunder Lotus is simply a **** among the world, even if it is Comparing to the Profound Sky Tree, Bing Wo Hua, etc. are not different.

This class of treasures... actually appeared here today!

A complex look appeared on Meng Fan's face. He understood that the probability of this thing appearing was quite low.

Especially at this moment, many **** kings are here. He has already met the two big powers before. If he goes deep into them, he will take absolutely no small risks.

But this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus is a rare god, a drop of the essence of Purple Flame Thunder can only wash the body of the **** king.

But if you get this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, it is said that you can recreate the **** king's body and bring it to a new level. Such a temptation is absolutely huge for the **** king powerhouse...

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan was arrogant, stepping out, the whole person also moved forward quickly, while muttering to himself,

"It's only in wealth insurance!"

After a few words fell, he had already given up and left, instead he rushed into this...the most core place of Purple Flame Thunder.

The body was like electricity, fast as thunder, and at this moment Meng Fan turned into a shadow, but the surrounding risks were also getting bigger and bigger, lightning and thunder, light flashing.

There will be an end to this heaven and earth vision. Once time stops, then all the purple flame thunder will burst. Then the earth will break and the sky will collapse, and everything will turn into a black hole. It is impossible even for the king of gods. Survive.

Therefore, it is extremely dangerous. Everyone must leave before the thunder burst. According to Meng Fan's estimation, there should be only a stick of incense time left!

The time was tight, and it made Meng Fan's whole person seem to be on fire. With him in the realm of a god, he dominates the world and moves forward with all his strength.

The sound of the sonic boom set off alone is breaking the sky.

But at the same time, Meng Fan noticed that, seemingly hidden in the void, the burst of aura was not just himself. Obviously, the aura of this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus was too domineering and alarmed the surrounding.

It is estimated that all the strong people who came to collect this thunder pool this time have already sensed it, which means that there will be a big chaos.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan traveled through the layers of space to reach the depths of the thunder pond, and at a glance saw a lotus blooming in the thunder pond.

It is only the size of a palm, the whole body is blue, and the petals are strange. It opens in the thunder that can smash the death king, full of endless aura of heaven and earth, and it contains an endless sense of destruction.

A heaven, a hell!

This kind of purple flame Thunder Lotus is like this, it is the supreme **** in the world, but it blooms in the most dangerous Jedi in this world!

After freezing his body for a moment, Meng Fan stared at the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, and this powerful **** was right in front of him.

But for Meng Fan, he has lived on the tip of a knife all his life, naturally knowing when to be impulsive and when to be calm.

As soon as he raised his hand and closed his five fingers, Meng Fan did not leave with his real body, but a powerful attraction burst out from his palm, and grabbed the purple flame Thunder Lotus.

There is no doubt that he has sensed that there is more than a god-king power around here, so naturally, Meng Fan will not act rashly.

If he rushed into it desperately, he would have become a target. It is estimated that the moment after he caught the purple flame thunder lotus, at the same time, the power of the king is also the power of the overwhelming king, enough to blast his bones There is no trace left.

But it would be impossible for him to give up on this, so Meng Fan had no choice but to use the power of the **** king to move in the air, using the space to directly move the purple flame thunder chain.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan's palm displayed the power of space, while surrounding the purple flame thunder, it was also the change of each space, which also appeared...three handprints!

Each of the three imprints is equally fierce and incomparable, confining everything!

The three great kings make a move!

Obviously, in this place of Purple Flame Thunder, not only Meng Fan appeared, but the other three great gods couldn't help but, like Meng Fan, shot away and moved space.

After a short while, the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus in that place did not move, but the void was shattered in layers, bursting open countless.

There are four spatial forces intertwined, naturally it is impossible to move this purple flame Thunder Lotus, but it caused a collision between each other and collapsed the surroundings.

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan felt three majestic powers at the same time, and his gaze swept around, and his eyes were fixed on an old man in the distance.

With fluttering silver hair and slender body, the person who appeared was the Ji family, the God of Ji Tian.

In the other two directions, two people also appeared, and Meng Fan was even more shocked, because these two people did not seem to be humans, nor were they from the restricted area, but they were very similar to the aura of the other forces, that is... .Ancient God!

The supreme royal family of the ancient times, the ancient gods who ruled the world in the past!

Both of these two are extremely similar to the breath of the ancient **** Tutian. Standing around this thunder, the middle-aged man looks like a magnificent man, and he has the breath of king over the world. Each of them has reached the existence of the **** king. Exchanged glances with Meng Fan and said at the same time,

"The other two kings among the three kings of the ancient gods, Ba Tian and Ling Tian!"

A few words are sonorous and powerful, as if they contain a golden horse.

Three kings of ancient gods!

His pupils shrank, and Meng Fan remained silent. He had already heard from Tu Tian's ears in the past. It is said that the three kings are the three heirs of the ancient emperor. Unexpectedly, all three of them have reached the Divine King Realm, so they are behind them. How strong is the ancient emperor of.

Hearing this, Ji Tianshen, who was standing in the same place, looked up and said with a smile in his eyes.

"In the next season, Ji Tianshen, I have seen two of you!"

While speaking, Ji Tianshen arched his hands, but his attitude was extremely polite.

Sweeping his gaze, he felt the hostility that Ji Tianshen looked at him, Meng Fan knew it was not good, but Ji Tianshen said calmly in the next moment.

"Unexpectedly, both of them are coming to this place of purple flame thunder. They admire someone from the ancient **** line Ji very much. If they can, they will even give this thing to two people, but now there are four in the field. Personally... just such a Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, how should I divide it!"

The tone is full of playful meaning.


Hearing Ji Tianshen's words, the two ancient gods looked at each other and said at the same time,

"Then what do you say?"

"Four people, a Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, it seems that it is not easy to divide, but in fact, this matter is easy to handle and easy to handle, and difficult to handle!"

Ji Tianshen's eyes fell on Meng Fan, and he smiled.

"The old man doesn’t need this thing, but one person...but must die. If the two are willing, then it is better to shoot together, first kick that person out, kill here, and then you and I will divide How? At that time, two people in the line of the ancient god, and the old man is only one person, he must not be two opponents, so this thing will also hand in hand, and make a friend with the ancient god, this purple flame Thunder Lotus will also It will fall into the hands of the ancient gods!"

A few words fell, and Meng Fan’s heart suddenly cursed. This old ghost is exactly like his brother Ji Feng. Both of them are good at using yin knives, and in this instant they want Contact the people of the ancient gods to deal with yourself!

Hearing that, the second king of the ancient gods also looked at Meng Fan and nodded.

"Yes, he hurt Tu Tian!"

"I will hit you three times, here, if you don't die, you can also destroy him, yes!"

After just a brief moment, the three of them seemed to have completed the alliance front and attacked Meng Fan together. In the faint, the entire world is blocked, especially here is the endless danger, it adds a kind of danger out of thin air, allowing Meng Fan to retreat, the three roads are completely surrounded by the three kings, that kind of biting murderous intent, outrageous Come.


No matter who saw this scene, it was all about sweating secretly for Meng Fan. This is the powerhouse of the three great kings, not the three cabbage. One more person is one more world, let alone three people to target one.

Especially in this kind of environment, even if it is a human being, Ruotian is unable to help Meng Fan, because this is a place of heaven and earth, if there are no two before, it is impossible to be in a stick of incense now. Arrived within time.

Only Meng Fan faced the three of them here alone. Under such a murderous intent, it can be said that the moment he was plunged into a crisis, one who didn't handle it well would inevitably fall into a deadly place.

I have to say that Ji Feng's method is indeed cruel, worthy of an old fox for thousands of years. Once Meng Fan is killed or injured here, it will be of great benefit to him.

Although it may not be possible to obtain this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, the Ji family can take advantage of the chaos to launch an attack against the dark alliance. Once there is no Meng Fan's dark alliance, I am afraid that the combat power will be greatly reduced. All losses will be made up from the Ten Thousand Realms. This season, the **** of heaven is absolutely worthy of being a name that can rival the two great gods of Zhongtian and Tiancan!

Three eyes were extremely indifferent, as if they were completely tearing Meng Fan apart in a moment. However, in this moment of freezing in time and space, Meng Fan laughed, swept the surroundings, and said calmly,

"Just rely on... the three of you?"

A few words, a kind of extraordinarily contempt means.....suddenly!

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