Supreme God King

Chapter 1753: Meet Gu Huang

Two waves of air, one more domineering than one, destroying the world, it is precisely from... the two kings of the ancient gods!

The handprints struck, and the most terrifying siege was launched against the Jitian god. For the Jitian **** at this moment, it is undoubtedly a disaster, and crises are everywhere!

The alliance between the two parties is actually not strong, there is no friendship, only mutual interests at all. Under the hand that Meng Fan used before, it was not said that it was not a shock to the two ancient gods and the others. The power that erupted between those fingers was so terrible that both of them were heart trembling.

At this moment, it was discovered that Ji Tianshen himself was seriously injured and alone, so it was natural to make the hearts of the two alive. Under Meng Fan’s instigation, he changed the direction and did not intend to target Meng Fan. A tough bone to clean up Ji Tianshen, who looks like a soft persimmon!

The world is sealed, and the killing comes!

In the face of this, it made Ji Tianshen look more uglier than eating a dead child. He didn't think that he had just used a knife to kill Meng Fan, but Meng Fan actually took advantage of the trend and caused the disaster to him.

In his current state, he wants to deal with the two great kings, it can be said to be at an absolute disadvantage, and even be killed by the two!

"Stupid, you two, old man, I..."

Ji Tianshen roared, his tone was full of endless anger, hatred and other emotions, waving his palm to resist, and fighting with the two ancient gods.

It is a pity that he did not explode Meng Fan's astonishing combat power that erupted in an instant, and when he moved, he pulled himself, and his injuries intensified.

Soft persimmons are easy to pinch.

This sentence is no exception to anyone. Naturally, it also made the two ancient gods more and more courageous in their battles, unfolding the most powerful means, wanting to stay here completely, for Meng Fan, who took the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus from a distance. .... Turn a blind eye!

In the distance, Meng Fan can be said to be calm and calm, collecting and leaving the purple flame thunder in a majestic manner, with a look of disdain for the world.

After a few breaths, he left the battlefield in the distance, carrying his hands on his back all the time, but after the next moment he crossed the layers of space, Meng Fan's complexion suddenly turned flush, and then a mouthful of blood came out.

And it can be seen that one of its palms shattered directly, and the whole person was stained red with blood, dripping.

"Ahem.... Thanks to Xiaoye and Tortoise for learning acting skills for many years, otherwise today I really want to... planted here!"

His tone was hoarse, his body was trembling, and he was not like the previous domineering Meng Fan, that kind of disdain for ancient and modern, even the ancient emperor was not in his eyes.

If the second king of the ancient gods saw this scene, they would have fainted. It was easy to think that the previous scene was pretended for Meng Fan.


The powerful method developed after Meng Fan became the King of God is the strongest blow after his inverse martial arts merged. It is unique to Meng Fan. The use of it at the moment before this has already proved its power. .

In an instant, Meng Fan's martial arts, spirit, and physical body can be integrated into one, and all the powers can be turned into that finger to unfold unprecedented means.

However, it was only a hundred years for Meng Fan to comprehend this method. Everything was actually just a cone. Although there were three fingers, four fingers and other changes behind it, the current Meng Fan couldn't display it at all.

And in fact, one finger has already caused Meng Fan’s muscles and bones to be broken. At the moment of casting, Meng Fan’s whole body’s power is already consumed seven or eighty eight, only one finger, so that’s why he has so much strength. The power of.

As for the second finger, it was Meng Fan's method of burning himself. Only for a moment, the injury he suffered was definitely not less than that of Ji Tianshen.

It's just that everything is in Meng Fan's plan, all he wants is to pretend to be invincible.

Facing the previous scene, Meng Fan wouldn't have any chance of winning even if he was against the sky, but it didn't mean he couldn't get out. For Meng Fan, what he was best at was making immediate changes.

That’s why he was just that arrogant and unruly, as if he was already in the realm of the ancient emperor, but in fact, everything was just disguised by Meng Fan. The power of the **** used for that display had already cost Meng Fan. Too many, if the second king of the ancient gods was not deceived by Meng Fan's appearance at the time, test it out, and I guess Meng Fan would be miserable.

It's a pity that Meng Fan used the lack of a strong relationship between the three and his own ignorant attitude to frighten the two ancient gods, only to resolve the powerful crisis, and even to obtain this purple flame Thunder Lotus!

Taking away the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus under the eyes of the three great kings, Meng Fan's ability to fool is definitely not so high.

Including in the space of Xiaotian, a bird and a tortoise have a feeling of admiration. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward. Discussing ghost ideas, they have been completely photographed on the beach by Meng Fan.

"But it also verified my antagonistic one finger. If it continues to evolve, and the power of one finger is higher than one finger, I am afraid that once the third finger comes out, one finger can seriously injure the three great kings, not now!"

Meng Fan swallowed the blood and muttered to himself.

It is naturally extraordinary to spend countless years of hard work to reach the state he is today.

The evolution of his martial arts has reached an astonishing level. This Nishen Yizhi created the first faculty in his life, and it is also a means to integrate the ultimate changes in his martial arts. Even if any **** king in the world sees this, he still has to admire.

Any strong person has its iconic means, like the emperor's celestial scripture of the ancestors of the Bai family, Ruotian's physical body has changed to the extreme, and the incarnation of the multi-phase **** king is supernatural... and this inverse **** is Meng Fan The exercises created by fusion itself, when used for the first time, have already witnessed its powerful power.

The instant explosive power can be called earth-shattering, one finger defeats the combined blow of the three kings and blows it back. This is .... Looking at the past and present, who can do it.

The only fly in the ointment is that Meng Fan is still very difficult to control now. The use of **** is his limit, and how to change the three fingers, four fingers and so on, is even more confused.

When he reached his realm, there was no one on this path that could give Meng Fan pointers, including any existence is no good, only relying on his own, continuous efforts, can evolve his strongest martial arts.

"But with this one thing, it is enough to recreate my **** king body, I believe that after hard work, the three fingers evolve, it is only a matter of time!"

Meng Fan slowly said, taking a look at the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus in his hand, and a hint of excitement flashed across his eyes. This time, grabbing food from the mouth of a tiger was not a big help to him.

After a while, Meng Fan was already striding out, ignoring the earth-shattering battle behind him, but hurriedly away from the thunder pond. After half a time, this place is about to collapse completely, and there is no room for him to hide. The place also made Meng Fan naturally have no hesitation.

Purple Flame Thunder Lotus got it, plus two drops of the essence of Purple Flame Thunder, this kind of gain was not a big one, and Meng Fan already felt contented.

His body was like electricity, passing through layers of purple flame thunder in a flash, and finally Meng Fan stepped out of the edge of the purple flame thunder and returned to the world.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan just set foot on the world, his whole body was slightly shaken, and his eyes turned to the distance, because a figure had already sealed Zhou Tian...blocking Meng Fan’s path, Standing around this world.

Just under the breath, Meng Fan screamed badly in his heart!

He is now in the realm of God Kings, suppressing the world, disregarding the past and the present, and is already standing among the top powerhouses between the world and the earth, but he never expected that he might meet someone. It was just a moment of relative breath that made Meng The heart is constantly beating, and it is difficult to calm down.

This person... is terrible!

Standing around the world in a yellow shirt, with the appearance of a middle-aged man, his eyes were opposite to him. After a moment, Meng Fan seemed to feel that all his secrets were going to be penetrated by the other party.

Just by sensing a little breath, Meng Fan can conclude that he has never seen this kind of master in his life. He has surpassed everyone he knew.

Such a character turned out to be waiting for him, causing Meng Fan's heart to produce a kind of despair. If the person wanted to make a move, his chances of winning would be basically zero.

However, the more he reached this kind of moment, the calmer Meng Fanke was. He fixed his eyes on the middle-aged man in the distance, arched his hands, and said slowly.

"I don't know if you are..."

"Say it!"

Facing Meng Fan, the middle-aged man smiled, as if he was extremely friendly, and said calmly,

"I can kill with a finger in your mouth... Gu Huang!"

Gu Huang!

The last two words were spit out, and Meng Fan suddenly sighed. As expected, it was him, and only the ruler of the ancient god's line was able to possess this kind of aura, so that he is so stricken today. suppress.

Looking at the past and present, even if this person is not the strongest, he may still be ranked among the top three. You must know that in the past, including the thirteen hall masters, are his subordinates. It is conceivable how powerful he is. strength!

"I don't know what advice you have when you come!"

Meng Fan slowly said, but his heart was constantly preparing, because he basically had no chance of winning against the existence of the ancient emperor. The latter came in person, let alone the current serious injury, including the peak, it is not enough to make the opponent With a bang, what Meng Fan said before was just a blindfold.

Faced with this person, the biggest possibility is to run. Although Meng Fan is fierce and fierce, it must mean that he is a fool. Since it is a battle without any chance of winning, he will naturally not fight.

His thoughts are overflowing, spreading the world, and he wants to find a breakthrough in this forbidden world, so that he can leave this world.

However, at the next moment, the voice of the ancient emperor fell faintly.

"No need to look for it, this emperor confines the world, let alone you, the thirteen hall masters are here... and can't leave, and the emperor doesn’t kill you this time, and on the contrary, Ben Maybe the emperor will give you a show... good luck!"

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