Supreme God King

Chapter 1760: Strong


In an instant, under the eyes of everyone, the marks of Meng Fan and Ji Tianshen collided, directly piercing the sky, and banging together.

This blow can be said to be the peak combat power learned by the two of them in their lives, and it broke out in an instant. Under everyone's eyes, two strange phenomena can be seen emerging in the void.

One came from Meng Fan, and the other came from Ji Tianshen, both of them were transformed by the martial arts of the two, reaching the extreme, only then can this terrible scene be formed.

At the moment of the impact, the entire sky was torn apart, and the place where the two met was turned into a black hole, which can be described as swallowing everything and obliterating everything.

Just under this blow, it was Ren Xiong, the ancestors of the Xitian, the ancestors of the Liu family and others were all shocked, including countless strong people who followed this battle, all retreated.

The more the **** king, the more he understands that now Meng Fan and Ji Tianshen are indeed terrifying. They should be higher than the Liu family ancestors and the group of Xitian ancestors. They are only a front line, but for the strong gods, they It is extremely deadly!

Being able to surpass a line in this realm proves that the multiplication of martial arts has increased to a level, and Nirvana once again above itself.

And Ji Tianshen is fortunate to say, after all, in the past and Zhongtian, Tiancun Shenwang and others are equally famous, but I did not expect that in this short period of hundreds of years, Meng Fan was also transformed again, and could not let this group of people Not surprised.

"Sure enough, this guy..."

On the Dadong Mountain, the complex meaning appeared on the complexion of the ancestor Dongtian. I couldn't expect to see Meng Fan again in such a short time. The latter had already reached this level.

Not only him, but there are countless God Kings who have been paying attention to this place. Now there is no one who does not shake. You must know that this is only a front line, but you don't know how many of them have put in countless years of effort, but they can't ask for it.

Chaos space, in the sky fire!

A figure stood in the same place, aura, it was the ancient emperor.

Staring at this battlefield, after a few breaths, a smile appeared on the face of the ancient emperor, and he said solemnly.

"Meng Fan, the emperor really didn't underestimate you, haha... I didn't expect you to be able to reach this step in a short period of time. It is indeed good. It seems that the future battle must have a share, but the emperor does. I am looking forward to it. Looking through the entire world, there are very few people like you. Since you are, it would be a shame not to wait until you grow up to the highest point to fight...."

The tone is calm, but extremely proud!

Some people are extremely afraid of the growth of the strong, but for some people in this world, they are born a kind of fighting lunatic, who only look forward to the strong and look forward to challenges!

At the same time, in countless places in Ten Thousand Realms, different reactions erupted, and a faintly shocking atmosphere emerged.

However, these Meng Fans did not pay attention. In his eyes, only Ji Tianshen, only this life and death fight!

Under this kind of air wave that swept the world, it could be said that everything was broken. A moment later, between the sky fragments, two figures also flew out. One of them was naturally Meng Fan and the other was Jitian God.

Each stood firm, the two did not make any more moves, but looked at each other, like two peerless magical soldiers with sharp edges.

Surrounding Meng Fan's body, covered with a tripod shadow, it was like a Gedai emperor standing on the top of this heaven and earth, without moving his breath.

But after a few breaths, Ji Tianshen's complexion changed, a mouthful of blood came out, and even his body was faintly trembling. After a breath, Ji Tianshen said hoarsely.

"Okay, okay, okay... Meng Fan, you are indeed Zhongtian, Tiancang, destroying this group of people as a kind of people, rising strong, once you stand at a certain height, it is difficult to crush, and you will be all the way Gao Ge, it turned out that I have reached this point now, and now I am even if it weren't your opponent!"

The voice fell, filled with a sigh, and it contained endless anger and surprise.

As Meng Fan said, two hundred years ago, the two met, but at that time, Meng Fan was not yet Ji Tianshen’s opponent. The match in the thunder pool was already a proof. Ji Tianshen was injured by explosive power, I am afraid that Meng Fan will fall in that battle.

But only with more than two hundred years of time, Meng Fan used the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus to sublimate himself again and nirvana.

It was the previous collision that faintly suppressed Ji Tianshen, causing him to suffer a little loss. Although it was only a little bit, this feeling was already driving Ji Tianshen crazy.

How proud of the ancient emperor, how could he tolerate others surpassing himself, now Meng Fan not only surpassed him, but also suppressed it. This was absolutely unbearable for him.

"Grandpa is really grandpa!"

In the distance, Meng Niuniu cheered, showing a cheerful smile, and an extremely proud look appeared on her pretty face.

In his impression, the figure of Meng Fan has always been the strongest and most powerful shadow in the world, as if there is nothing in this world that can bend this spine, and the facts also prove that Meng Fan is indeed It has this qualification.

Since his debut, he has never disappointed those who love him, one person with one trip, looking down on the world, and being the emperor!

"The Supreme King!"

"The Supreme King!"


A dark guard roared loudly, immediately making the millions of dark alliances around here boiled with passion, can't help but roar, let this sound spread all over the world, sweeping the entire imperial family Ji family in every corner.

Just four words, but it means a kind of great confidence, but also a kind of honor that surpasses all the previous ones. Supreme means above all people, and means that Meng Fan is the first **** between heaven and earth. Wang, I have to say that even if Meng Fan is called this way, he is definitely huge.

There are the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters, and the return of Zhongtian, Tianmu, destroy this group of people, the strength is still to distinguish the superior.

But I have to say that at the moment these four words fall, it is to change the color of the situation, the world is shaking, and out of thin air, the aura of the entire dark alliance reaches the highest point.

That kind of breath that looked down on the world and frightened the mountains and rivers swept through everything, even the seemingly powerful Emperor Ji Family, it turned out to be a weak feeling at this moment.

Countless members of the Ji family retreated. Except for a few who were able to remain calm, the others, including countless senior members of the Ji family, were already flustered and felt a panic of fear.

Perhaps Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng’s methods are not wise. Even if Bai Family and Temple are not adopted, they should adopt the attitude of other emperors to wait and see, instead of suppressing them all the way and arriving here after renting. A degree of immortality.

From the beginning of the rise of Meng Fan, any strong and powerful forces that have been against him are now gone....I don’t know what the Ji family will be like today!

"Hmph, you should be the word supreme, a joke!"

Facing this overwhelming aura, Ji Tianshen roared, his tone of sarcasm was sarcasm, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Since you want to be supreme, then I don't know if you can beat me, Ji Feng!"


In the distance, Ji Feng said sternly, he was very embarrassed with blood, especially when he was photographed by Meng Fan again, causing his face to be lost, and there was endless anger in his heart, looking at Meng Fan. I want to take a bite in the past.

A moment later, Ji Feng and Ji Tianshen stood together. The two **** kings moved at the same time, their aura was surging. They each played a mysterious rune, and then they faced each other. A very strange wave appeared in the human body.

After a breath, the two of Ji Tianshen standing in front of Meng Fan turned out to be a fusion of energy and blood, and they were all connected to each other, making the shadows of the two people seem real and illusory under the eyes of everyone, extremely blurred.

"this is....."

The pupils shrank, Meng Fan stared at this scene, instinctively aware of a great horror.

It seems that the two people of Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng are actually fused, not only physically compatible, but also martial arts, gods and souls, and so on. Everything has begun to merge, and an extremely surprising change has taken place. The breath instantly becomes stronger and continues to improve.

Not only Meng Fan was surprised, including around this world, Renxiong, the ancestor of the Liu family, the ancestor of Xitian, and so on, countless top experts who paid attention to this place all cast their eyes, even including the ancient emperor in the deepest chaotic space. At this moment, he also raised his brows slightly, as if he had seen something new.

"Meng Fan, you are indeed very powerful, and the road to rise is even more swift and violent, but my Ji family double **** king is not for nothing, and it has a origin that you can't imagine!"

Between this kind of change, the words of Ji Tianshen or Ji Feng also fell at the same time, resounding through the world, and the tone was extremely hoarse, making people feel exceptionally uncomfortable to listen to.

"Before the thirteen hall masters asked me to wait, and wanted us to join the forbidden zone, turn the martial arts in our body into black death, and then raise a level again, but we rejected it, the most important one. The reason is that my Ji family naturally has a hole card. Today I want you to take a look. If I wait for the result of the God King’s achievement, if it is useful in the ages, I am afraid that I will rule the world in the past years. Wait till now, hum...probably no one in the world knows that my Ji family brothers are actually... the moment of birth, the two of us are actually connected Together!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, causing countless people to tremble, watching this scene without blinking, knowing that something that may shake the entire past and the present may happen.

Hearing this, Meng Fan's gaze narrowed even more, staring at the field, and he understood what it meant to be twins. They were two people together, and they were originally connected characters.

If it's in an ordinary state, it doesn't matter. Using the means of the great vitality monk, they can even separate the two, regenerate their vitality and blood, and develop separately, but Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng both reached the sacred existence, which is extraordinary.

The two of them have obviously been studying a secret method for many years, practicing separately, and finally reaching the same goal by different routes. After reaching the realm of the gods, they overlap again and restore one!

The power of the two is superimposed, and the secret method they have cultivated for many years is restored to restore the body of the twin, then at this moment, how will the martial arts in his body change!

A moment later, before Meng Fan could react, a huge phantom appeared between the world, shrouded in the world, surging with blood, like a sovereign and sacred standing on the top of the center, making it equal to Meng Fan before. The breath became.... Endless suppression!

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