Supreme God King

Chapter 1762: Means emerge


This is the only way to point out that the Ji family ancestor's body can be directly receded, and only the power contained between this finger can make him give up confronting Meng Fan.

That kind of explosive power in an instant is too amazing.

The same use of this finger is also extremely costly to Meng Fan. Only this kind of hand-to-hand combat can be used. Obviously now is the most critical moment, and the winner will be determined in an instant. In line with Meng Fan's martial arts, if you don't live, you die!

In an instant, the fingertips fell and penetrated the sky.

"this is...."

Renxiong, the ancient ancestor of the Western Heavens, and the existence of many gods and kings between the heavens and the earth all trembled and looked at this place in shock.

Before, they were still a little curious about why the ancestors of the Ji family would retreat. After all, this is a battle of life and death. If anyone not only loses to the opponent on the aura, but also gives the opportunity.

But at this moment, after Meng Fan’s finger popped out, everyone realized that this was Meng Fan’s own martial art. They had never seen it before. The latter was only used once in an extraterritorial space. Said to be extremely strange.

A quick finger came out, but it actually possessed this kind of amazing power, not only sweeping over the people, but simply breaking everything.

Including the ancient emperor in the chaotic space, his complexion also became dignified.

From the beginning of ancient times, looking down on the vicissitudes of life, you are accustomed to the martial arts changes of many gods in the world. That one is not stunning, powerful, but like Meng Fan's martial arts, it has already exceeded the expectations of the ancient emperor. .

"No wonder he can kill the King of Gods. It seems that he is qualified to be one of the highest martial arts in the world, Meng have given me too many surprises!"

Between heaven and earth, there is a shaking!

However, in the field, the battle that erupted above the Ji Family Imperial Capital was the fiercest. Meng Fan's movement out of this rebellious finger meant that he would die.

The fingertips flickered, like a divine sword that pierced the sky, directly blasting towards the ancestor of the Ji family.

"God's madness seal!"

The ancestor of the Ji family roared, and many secret methods were in motion. At the same moment, he reached the strongest state. Although he retreated, he was only preparing himself for a moment. It was just a moment that he could feel the evolution of the ultimate martial arts in his body Appeared as two different forces, merging and improving each other, making his whole person like chaos.

The billowing vitality fluctuated and turned into a monstrous palm print, banging against Meng Fan's finger.


The sky hit, and the eight wildernesses were wiped out.

Just the moment the aura of the two erupted, it caused the entire Ji Family God to be trembling in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. The spreading aura alone was too terrifying. This kind of battle of the **** king who wiped out all living beings was extraordinary. .

We must know that the place where the two sides are fighting is not in the outer space, but in the real ten thousand realms. Forced by the situation, the ground is cracked. Fortunately, this Ji Family God has the defense of countless ancient gods. But under this kind of devastating breath, they all quickly collapsed, causing catastrophe.

The place where the fingertips and the palm prints collided broke apart in an instant, and it completely became a black hole. At the same time, one of the figures could be seen flying out and receding back. It was the ancestor of the Ji family.

Fighting against Meng Fan with the fusion of Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng, this is already the power that dominates the world, ignoring everything, but Meng Fan’s instant explosive power is too strong, in this fingertips is his martial arts The ultimate evolution is Meng Fan's life-and-death struggle, and the ancestors of the Ji family cannot resist.

Even though he was already fully defensive, but he also collapsed. Fortunately, his own strength was strong, he did not hurt himself too much, but was frightened by this explosive force.

But just a moment later, Meng Fan who was above the sky seized this moment of opportunity, stepped out again, and at the same time stretched out his second finger.

Two fingers!

In the past, in extraterritorial space, Meng Fan was under the pressure of the three great kings, and his **** severely wounded Ji Tianshen. It is conceivable how terrifying the evolution of his antagonistic one finger was. Any one finger fell. Each finger surpassed the power that burst out from the fingertip in front, concentrate a little, only to kill.

The moment when Meng Fan used it two hundred years ago, he already had that kind of power. What's more, after Meng Fan's combat power was once again upgraded by another level, the moment when this second finger emerged, it was several times more terrifying than before.


Between the sky, there is a burst, the light is dazzling, so that countless people are unable to see clearly, but they can feel the blood rain falling in the void, that long sword-like shadow penetrates, and does not give the Ji family ancestors any Opportunity was that a finger was clicked on his chest, and his body was torn and flesh and blood collapsed.

The ancestors of the Ji family let out a miserable cry. Under the impact of Meng Fan's power, the body of the **** king was quickly wiped out. Thanks to his terrible strength, he operated in time and resisted to protect Meng Fan.

However, after this moment alone, he almost separated the two vital forces in his body, causing an unprecedented shock.

The power of **** is so horrible!

Including Renxiong and other **** king powerhouses trembled in their hearts. The Ji family ancestors who are as powerful as this moment are all caught in such a passive state. They can best understand the horror of the Ji family ancestors after the fusion. It is the blessing of the two gods. But under this kind of fighting, Meng Fan was almost killed.

Today's ancestor of the Ji family already has the power to sweep everyone in the field, but in the face of Meng Fan, who has only risen for more than 10,000 years, he is still in this passive state. In this way, it is beyond everyone's expectations, including the Ji family ancestor himself.

"Meng Fan, you are really extraordinary, martial arts are like this, you can be among the best in the old man's knowledge, but it is a pity that your cultivation time is still too short, if you give you eternal life, maybe you can really reverse God, but these **** are your limit. You were deceived by you in the thunder pool in the past, the two fools of the two ancient gods, but today the old man will not be deceived by you!"

Forcibly suppressing his own injuries, the ancestor of the Ji family looked like a blood man at this moment, but a trace of pride and madness flashed in his eyes, staring at Meng Fan in the distance.

No one else has seen it, but it does not mean that the ancestor of the Ji family has not seen it, so I chose to retreat before and did not dare to head-on with Meng Fan. Although he suffered an unimaginable injury, the ancestor of the Ji family was also very sure. , If Meng Fan wanted to use this powerful method, it would inevitably cost countless things, so it also meant that he had basically little remaining combat power.

The blood was scattered in the sky, and the ancestor of the Ji family took a hard step forward and approached Meng Fan.

Taking a step, endless pressure hits Meng Fan. Meng Fan, who was standing still, just said calmly.

"Three points out!"

The three words fell, extremely powerful, and the ancestor of the Ji family was shocked after this moment.

He himself is the great emperor of the ancients, and he already knew Meng Fan’s martial arts in a fight with Meng Fan. One finger is more terrifying than the other. He dared to step forward and bet that Meng Fan did not have this third finger. The third pointed out that according to this increase in combat power, he himself is not as simple as being seriously injured.

Therefore, after Meng Fan uttered these three words, the group of heroes trembled, and the Ji family ancestor who stood in the same place was so frightened that his body stopped and his face was pale.

But it was a pity that the shocking light did not burst out again in Meng Fan's fingertips, but two figures suddenly appeared behind him, launching the strongest blow.

One bird, one turtle!

The sound of singing resounded through the world, and the two men suddenly shot, unmatched.

And it is already different from before. Its vitality fluctuates across the world, like a wind and thunder, containing full of dominance, because two hundred years ago, a bird and a turtle had already broken through itself and reached half a step of the realm of the king.

With the full strength of the two men's techniques, they moved with each other, one left and the other right, and an overwhelming aura struck. With just one blow, the two combined their efforts, and they did not lose to the full shot of a **** king!

One blow through the sky!

Faced with this, the Ji family ancestor's expression moved, and he did not expect that there was no such third finger, but a sparrow and a tortoise suddenly launched an attack, fierce.

However, the ancestors of the Ji family secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In his eyes, the attack launched by this bird was indeed terrifying, but he was no ordinary person. This method could hurt him, but could not kill him. This terrifying evildoer of Meng Fan is completely different.

If Meng Fan used the third finger today, it would be a nightmare for the ancestors of the Ji family, but the sudden shot of a bird and a tortoise proved that his guess was striving for, and it was the same as two hundred years ago. The power of the finger is already the limit of Meng Fan, and he is now at the point where he is exhausted.

"Drive me!"

With a loud roar, the ancestor of the Ji family skyrocketed with murderous intent, and the breath swallowed the sky.

A moment later, Void slapped it out with a palm, colliding with the power of a bird and a turtle, resisting the two methods.


A sound spread all over the world, and at the same time, the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding also arrived. At this moment, Meng Fan’s trump card emerged, not only the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding, Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Di also brazenly shot, turning into five majestic vitality rays. It crashed down, directly colliding with the strength of the Ji family ancestor.

Five big hole cards!

One bird and one turtle, three great fetishes, that one is not a matchless weapon that has followed Meng Fan for many years. At the same time, the cards burst out!

Just a few breaths of time is to make the entire void explode. The combined forces of these five people are not fierce. Even if they are facing a **** king, they have formed a posture of court resistance within this short period of time.

However, at the next moment, the ancestor of the Ji family roared, his body spread, withstands the attack of five people for an instant between the fights, and used himself as a means of resistance to win a moment of opportunity. The whole person also ignored the collapse. The injury turned into a shadow, broke the defense of the five people, and came to Meng Fan.

The ancestors of the Ji family at this moment can be said to have reached an extremely dangerous moment.

One bird, one turtle, and five people can hurt the King of God, and he abruptly withstands that blow, which is definitely not light.

However, within ten meters of Meng Fan, the ancestor of the Ji family smiled coldly.

"It's worth it, Meng Fan, don't think that you are the only one who will do your best. If the old man can reach today, it is also not your imagination!"

The way he spoke with his mouth was violent, and at the same time the Ji family ancestor's blow came. He bludgeoned out the defense of a bird, a turtle and others, just to come here and kill Meng Fan. One palm fell, suppressing heaven and earth, completely enveloping Meng Fan in it.

Facing such a moment, the hearts of the supreme people between the dark alliance and the heavens and the earth trembled. With Meng Fan's previous shots, they had already understood that Meng Fan had already reached the point where his combat power had dried up. Turtle won't make a move, and Meng Fan will strike again and end the Ji family ancestor.

The current Meng Fan’s injury is probably already severe and difficult to recover, so the Ji family ancestor killed like this, for Meng Fan... it is simply to end everything!

The breath hits and seals the four directions, making Meng Fan in it appear precarious. If you look closely, he is dripping blood from the capillaries of his body at this moment. It is indeed that the injury is extremely serious, but in the face of this kind of devastating method, Meng Fan's complexion... still calm, and he spoke slowly, spitting out a few words,

"There really is... the third finger..."

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