Supreme God King

Chapter 1767: Reping the restricted area

All beings stand up!

The spread of this news caused a wave of waves among the world.

The power of all beings!

These words can be said to be mysterious and mysterious, only those who are truly on the top of the world can control one or two, and they have been spread since ancient times.

As Meng Fan said, the establishment of the forbidden zone in the past took advantage of this to lay down the seven voids, allowing countless people to survive in them, and cultivate their natural and black spirit.

Wherever you cultivate the Qi of Black Death, you can invisibly give power to the thirteen hall masters and also gather the power of sentient beings.

As long as the temples built by Meng Fan have thoughts and nostalgia for the people in them, the same is true. I have to admit that this is definitely a big method, not Meng Fan. It is impossible for a master of this level to perform.

In the grass cottage, Meng Fan sat quietly.

Only in his vision can he see that all the temples absorb the surrounding world. This is a combination of the power of faith, which can make the temples more powerful. .

It took a full one hundred years to make the meaning of reincarnation extremely rich, and it was a little beyond Meng Fan's imagination. It was only after experiencing several great wars that I was able to realize it clearly. I was only planning to give it a try by using this to build the Hall of All Beings, but now it seems that the gain is not small.

And what made Meng Fan understand is that in the past, Ji family, Liu family, Zhao family, etc. tried their best to occupy the ten thousand domains, maybe they also controlled some secret method, and needed the power of all sentient beings.

Once this kind of power is obtained, if it is used in a good place, then it will probably be a huge gain for the top power.

"It seems that there is some hope, although it is impossible to truly break through the cycle of reincarnation, but maybe I can catch something from it!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, only that kind of attachment.

The mind has obsessions, and it is immovable. In these few years, only by relying on these obsessions can Meng Fan be able to go to this day. He is still the same stubbornness as before, and will never give up his heart. What I think will not change my own path.

Sitting in the Cao Lu again, Meng Fan has spent two hundred years, but he is not just cultivating hard, there is a big treasure waiting for him, that is... the origin of the ancestor of the Ji family.

The source of life for the strong of the God King Realm!

Even the thirteen hall masters brazenly attacked and snatched this thing, let alone Meng Fan, all of them had shocking good fortune and power, extraordinary, including the most essential things of the ancestors of the Ji family.

And Meng Fan's rebellious way is all-encompassing, and this kind of life origin is naturally an unprecedented treasure for him, enough to help him improve himself.

Therefore, during these two hundred years, Meng Fan has been quietly refining in the grass cottage, feeling the origin of the life of this ancestor of the Ji family. This is absolutely extraordinary. With Meng Fan's method, it is necessary to constantly pull the cocoon to integrate the power.

But fortunately, Meng Fan's strength against God's martial arts, devouring everything, containing the world, and with the passing of a little bit of time, is also a little bit of breath into Meng Fan's hands.

It's a pity that the ancestors of the Ji family spent many years of hard work, but in the end it was cheaper than Meng Fan.

And after that battle, the ten thousand domains were calm for more than two hundred years. Although there were still small disputes, they did not affect any major problems, especially with the previous **** king powerhouse. They are all in the battle of the Fallen Three Sovereigns on the spot, and there is no other battle that can be compared with them. It has already become a legend in the ten thousand domain.

However, after passing through this world, suddenly in a certain day, two unpredictable auras came out of the Zhongtian Dynasty and the land of Yimai, which were extremely strong.

It is faintly heard that there is the sound of piano and flute, which is moving and pleasant, which immediately caused an uproar in countless people. Needless to say, it is understood that this means... the return of the God King Zhongtian and the God King Tianchou.

The two peerless great emperors who had dominated the world in the past turned out to be back in these ten thousand realms. They couldn't help but resemble a huge boulder. The originally silent ten thousand realms set off a storm again.

"Two ancient emperors, and they were the strongest leaders in the past!"

"Yes, if the ordinary two return, they will definitely want to dominate the world, but now the most powerful between the world and the earth is the dark alliance, will it be a battle with the hegemonic power in the future?"

The crowd was horrified, and countless people's ideas spread, and guesses were inconsistent.

After all, before the Zhongtian dynasty, one line was the ruler of the emperor between heaven and earth. If these two great emperors were away, it would be fine to say, but since they are, then the position of dominance between heaven and earth is hard to say.

Although Meng Fan just slaughtered a **** king two hundred years ago, he was famous in all directions and was a true Shura, but the two **** kings, Zhongtian and Tiancan, were definitely not blown out. They were equally proud in ancient times. Above all the gods, it was just now that he could stare at the pressure of so many people, creating two dominant forces.

Before Meng Fan's actions, the Heavenly Dynasty and the First Line had always been in a state of support and blessing. I don't know what it will be this time, naturally it has attracted countless speculations from the outside world.

And just not long after the rumors spread, an astonishing news came out in this dark alliance.

"Zhongtian God King will visit in person, Meng Fan in a while!"

"The Heavenly Devil God King will visit in person, Meng Fan for a while!"

The moment this news fell, it also made the dark alliance shake, including the Empress, Burning Heavenly Order, Elder Pan Snake, Lin Tang, Gu Xinao and others all followed their hearts trembling.

The sky above the chaotic valley is full of rows of silhouettes. The breath is like a tide, affecting the world. They are all the high-levels in this dark alliance, including countless top existences are gathered here.

In addition, the elite legions of many dark alliances are already waiting in full battle, and they will move immediately if they wait for an order.

Two hundred years ago, we had just experienced a battle for the destruction of the imperial clan, and now the dark alliance is worthy of anything in the world. All this is naturally Ling Daiyou’s arrangement. She sits in purple clothes, her hair flutters, and she stands outside nervously, With her concentration, a sad expression appeared on Daimei at this moment.

After all, once a war begins, the Dark Alliance will face the two most profound emperors. Even with the support of the Bai family, it will be extremely terrifying. I don’t know how many people will enter the temples. In, and is more related to the life and death of the dark alliance.

In the past, it was the Zhongtian dynasty that ruled the world. One line is definitely not a joke, especially after the return of the two great kings, they are unprecedentedly strong, as if to restore the majesty and glory of the ancient times.

So in this kind of environment, Ling Daiyou can't help but not nervous, naturally it is a force gathered in the entire dark alliance.

On the other hand, the Caolu was surprisingly calm. The surrounding landscape was still the same, and there was no even a trace of breath. Ling Daiyou, Shenhou and others were a little anxious.

Finally, a few hours later, three of them walked out, it was Meng Fan and the God King Zhongtian and the God King of Heavenly Remnants.

Looking at each other, Meng Fan, Tian Can, and Zhongtian God King arched their hands, and the two of them left directly and turned into nothing.

Seeing this scene, Ling Daiyou and the others immediately gathered around, feeling a little relieved. Fortunately, there was no fight now, and they couldn't help but ask nervously.

"Meng Fan, how exactly, did these two ancient emperors come here to fight?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Of course I want to fight!"

Just a few words fell, it made the dark alliance people who just breathed a sigh of relief to wait for it, and their faces are serious.

However, Meng Fan shook his head, his eyes pointed, and calmly uttered a few words.

"But... this object is not necessarily..."

The tone was leisurely, and immediately Meng Fan turned around and returned to this grassy cottage, but left a mysterious shadow to everyone, making the Empress and others a little confused.

Time passed, and it was another hundred years. The entire Ten Thousand Territories continued to speculate about the relationship between the Zhongtian Dynasty, the first line and the dark alliance, and these three forces are also you and me, and they often erupt in their border areas. Some disturbances, although only small-scale collisions, made the situation even more confusing.

Therefore, people can feel that, as if these three major forces may break out a **** battle at any time, the **** king between the two sides is going to shoot and die.

But at the moment when everyone did not react, suddenly in the five places of the Dark Alliance, the Zhongtian Dynasty, the First Line, the Temple, and the White House, the blood exploded, tearing the heaven and the earth, and at the same time you could see the five powerful ones. The figure came out and came directly into this outer space.

Are you coming!

In just a moment, all the strong people who felt sharp in the ten thousand realms looked at the outer space. After all, there were too many small contradictions between the two sides during these few years. I am afraid that it will happen between the kings of the gods. The **** battle is over, come to a showdown, decide who will be the master of the ten thousand domain in the future.

"come out!"

It was just two words, but it was comparable to one hundred thousand thunderbolts falling at the same time, and the person who spoke was the Heavenly Devil God King.

It itself is to use the piano to enter the Tao, and its sonic means can be used by several people in the world. Just a few words are enough to make the **** king be able to be shaken to death by it!

But at the moment this voice fell, it did not target Meng Fan and others, but cut off the outer space. Layers of chaos were broken by it, and a shadow could be seen in it, which turned out to be... .. Void!

That’s right, here is a space hidden in the outer world. If someone sees it, they will be able to recognize it. This is a...forbidden zone!

In the past, Meng Fan joined forces with the ten emperors to flatten the void in the restricted area, but only flattened the void in the four restricted areas. There are three other spaces that are not known to everyone and are hidden.

And at this moment, it was found by Meng Fan and others, and they really stepped into this void. This is the former palace of the forbidden zone, and there are countless creatures in the forbidden zone, cultivating the aura of black death.

"Hmph, it seems that they still need the power of sentient beings to supplement themselves!"

The God King Zhongtian sneered, and with one thought, he had already checked the entire void.

The five great kings came in person, what a posture is this, just for a moment, the five people are sealing everything, even if this is a void, but under the power of the five people, they can only freeze in the outer space. .

While standing in it, Meng Fan didn't say a word, only strode out, and the fist...

Flattening the restricted area is what Meng Fan has wanted for many years. Since he is an enemy, then for him, there is only killing, nothing else!

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