Supreme God King

Chapter 1769: Tiangong News

Open forever!

Looking at the entire vitality river for millions of years, there is no such a person as Meng Fan, who is simply a born war mad.

Ignoring the forbidden area, under the pressure of the thirteen hall masters, the forbidden area was wiped out.

Although the two sides are already full-blown enemies, but now they are no better than in the past. The Lord of the Forbidden Zone has already done it himself before. This move by Meng Fan and others is undoubtedly intended to be the top force in suppressing everything in all ages. Fighting against each other requires more than just courage.

But obviously Meng Fan, Zhongtian, Tiancang, etc., this lineup is really too luxurious. When the thirteen hall masters are not fully prepared, they dare not easily provoke them. They can only let Meng Fan et al. wiped out the void of the restricted area.

And in the next two years, Meng Fan, Zhongtian, and Tiancan were even more divine minds spreading out of the outer space, looking for other voids in the chaos, but unfortunately they did not gain much and did not find a trace. .

Helplessly, Meng Fan and the others only had to return, but at this moment, the universe was boiling. In countless corners, I don't know how many forces and races worshiped in the direction of Meng Fan and others.

"Welcome to the King of God!"

These words came from the hearts of too many people, not because of the majesty of Meng Fan and others. Facing the forbidden area, I don't know how many people in Ten Thousand Regions hate the roots of their teeth, but unfortunately there is no way, but in this era, Meng Fan dares to destroy the forbidden area, which naturally wins the respect of too many people.

"It doesn't need to be this way. I'm just doing what I'm waiting for. Hegemony is very important, but sometimes morality is more important!"

Meng Fan spoke with a calm tone.

Behind him, Zhongtian, Tiancan, Renxiong and others also nodded. They are also the same as Meng Fan, and they are the emperor with common people. If this were not the case, I am afraid they would not be able to follow Meng Fan. restricted area.

"I would like to thank a few seniors for their trust and help!"

Meng Fan’s gaze looked at the Heavenly Devil King and the Zhongtian God King. In the past in the Caolu, the two great **** kings came to visit and offered to help Meng Fan to solve the troubles of the restricted area. It was not for the dominance of the ten thousand domains. .

This point also made Meng Fan extremely admired. Although he helped the Zhongtian Dynasty and the First Branch, in the old days, the Zhongtian God King and the Tian Can God King helped him to resist the methods of the thirteen hall masters, if not like that. If so, I'm afraid that the world today has already looked like another.

"Needless to say, as long as it is a restricted area, I believe you sirs of Wanyu must stand together!"

The Tianchou God King sighed, his expression straight.

Everyone nodded, and immediately separated, each returning to the forces of all parties, but the title of this battle could be said to be spreading more and more loudly among the ten thousand domains, causing a big earthquake.

Five Great Kings!

That one can be said to have won the respect of too many people, and is considered to be the true emperor. Only this kind of person is qualified to be called emperor. Not only is he powerful and unparalleled, but he is also the realm of the world. , Dare to speak for the common people.

The situation of the entire Middle Ancient Region has also changed suddenly. From the previous dark alliance family dazzling, the Nine Emperors' battle has become a Zhongtian dynasty, and the whole line has risen again, and the reputation is well-known throughout the world. Dayou and the dark alliance have stood in three games.

And without the restricted area, countless people feel relieved, the other emperors are exceptionally quiet, and the entire ten thousand domain has also entered an era of vigorous development. I don't know how many arrogances have come out and the forces have risen together.

However, this dark alliance has no effect, because Meng Fan himself does not want to dominate the world, and in the past it was only to unite many emperors to target the restricted area.

Meng Fan is not interested at all for his ruling the roost, and the dark alliance is even more so. Development itself is king.

And two hundred years after this battle, a powerful qi and blood burst into the dark alliance, affecting the void and distorting the space. It was Meng Niuniu who had stepped into the realm of a half-step god.

In just a few thousand years, Meng Niuniu has arrived like this. It is a pirated version of Meng Fan. At the moment the news came out, it caused countless people to be shocked and suddenly felt the appearance of another Meng Fan.

Especially people of the same generation as Meng Niuniu, have a look of frustration. Meng Niuniu used to sing all the way, ahead of everyone. What I didn't expect is that she did not stop her from breaking out in the level of God King. pace.

Not only the outside world, but within the dark alliance, including Meng Nian, Xiao Hei, Hu Niu and others, all looked surprised and somewhat helpless. They practiced much earlier than Meng Niuniu, but they didn't expect the speed of their cultivation to be so abnormal, so they could compete with Meng Fan.

All of a sudden, the world was shaking.

Little Mengfan, the name of the little **** king fell on Meng Niuniu's head, making countless people sigh.

Somewhere in the domain!

In a palace, you can see a figure of a young man who was shot out directly and fell heavily on the ground. The man who shot was a middle-aged man with some gray hair and an angry face. , There was a terrifying breath all over, and roared,

"Damn, your cultivation speed is too slow!"

"Master, I..."

The youth looked helpless and said with emotion,

"No, Master, it's not that I can't do it, it's really that the enemy is too fierce!"


The middle-aged man roared, another old punch went up, and he muttered at the same time,

"Lao Tzu Cao Qiushui was suppressed by Meng Fan's livestock back then. That's fine. I didn't expect his granddaughter to be so vigorous after ten thousand years... Lao Tzu refuses to accept it, Lao Tzu doesn't care. If I want to beat someone, I must beat him. you....."

In any case, Meng Niuniu was able to achieve this kind of result, firstly because of her amazing blood, and secondly because of Meng Fan's careful training of him over the years, allowing her to observe her own enlightenment. Under this kind of situation, Meng Niuniu is also stronger than ever, and even hopeful to reproduce the glory of Meng Fan and break through the **** king in the age of eternity.

The entire dark alliance can be described as overjoyed, extremely jubilant, and full of excitement.

There was only envy in the outside world, which caused countless people to shake their heads. Before the eternity, the dark alliance was just a weak force between heaven and earth, and it could be destroyed at any time. But today after eternity, achievement is no **** karma. There is always Meng Fan, and the younger generation has Meng Niuniu. They are all characters who sweep the era. This is really unimaginable, and it also brings the entire dark alliance to a new height. .

In the thatched cottage, Meng Fan could not help but shook his head for the excitement of the outside world. Although he was equally happy in his heart, his mind was long enough to suppress any emotions.

Moreover, in the past few years, although the current dark alliance suppresses the world, Meng Fan’s cultivation has never been cut off. In his hands, the origin of the Ji family ancestor has been refined by him. .

If the **** king wants to make progress, it is very important to swallow the origin of other **** kings. In other words, the origin of this ancestor of the Ji family is Meng Fan's big tonic!

After spending so long, Meng Fan not only recovered his injuries, but the martial art in his body was transformed again, which was even more terrifying than when he was fighting against the God of Season.

Sitting in Panxi, Meng Fan didn't say a word, only one finger stretched out. At this moment, there was a faintly horrible aura that made the world fade from the fingertips. Anyone who felt it would tremble. Obviously it comes from Meng Fan’s antagonistic martial arts, and even the antagonistic finger that he multiplied. At this point, it has already brought Meng Fan to the next level, including the third change of the antagonistic finger. They have all been pushed by him.

"The most important thing about rebellious martial arts is to be all-encompassing. I still don't have enough, just three fingers. If the deduction continues, I can predict that I will have at least two finger changes!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, the sparkling light in his eyes seemed to contain a world.

"But the rules I have now covered are still too few. If it is possible, I must argue with the king between life and death. I believe that in the near future, I will be given this opportunity, and I have been looking for it for so long. Spring, a natural flower, may also be where you can get a trace!"

A few words fell, expressing a sense of vicissitudes and expectations. There is a small sign beside Meng Fan. If someone sees it, he must be able to find that there is already a faintness spreading over this small sign. The light obviously has a strange feeling.

This brand was given to Meng Fan by the ancient emperor of the past. It had always been unpretentious before, but with the passing of time, the light on this small brand has become brighter.

Finally, another fifty years later, this small brand shook suddenly, and a strange aura spread out of it, and a coordinate immediately appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

Chaos Temple!

After a short while, Meng Fan stood up, his whole body was like a spear, his eyes looked beyond, endlessly fierce. After waiting for so long, I finally got the news of the Chaos Heavenly Palace. After a moment, Meng Fan felt the whole person's blood in his body burn.

This is an unforgettable great opportunity, even for the world's strongest **** king, it is also very important, and it will inevitably attract countless people to fight.

And the most important thing is the explanation of the ancient emperor and the goals that Meng Fan himself wants. Those two things are the key to the resurrection of Ruo Shuiyi that Meng Fan can now think of. He has been there for thousands of years. This goal is now approaching, so Meng Fan is not excited!

Taking a deep breath, Meng Fan also stepped out, blatantly tearing the space apart, and his whole person also headed toward the mysterious space, heading straight to the coordinates of the Chaos Heavenly Palace!

At the same time, it can be felt that at the moment when the coordinates of the Chaos Tiangong emerged, in the many corners of Wanyu I don't know, it is also full of breath at the same time, very terrifying!

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