Supreme God King

Chapter 1780: Get out

In the entire field, there are a total of...ten **** kings!

Five of them came from the line of the ancient gods, and the other five should come from within the power of the thirteen hall masters, how trembling under the gathering.

The existence of any king of the gods is the top combat power between the world. It is difficult to produce one in an ordinary time of 10,000 years, but now there are at least ten in the field, and there are already two. Hand, it is estimated that this scene is shocking above the vitality.

In the distance, Meng Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at the five people fighting against the ancient gods, and finally said,

"They all come from... Wanyu!"


Yichi Yigui nodded, and his tone was a bit bad.

Obviously, although the strong of the ancient gods are as good as the forbidden area, their opponents are now in the forbidden area. Meng Fan has already understood before that the arrival of the ancient gods must be to stop the thirteen hall masters. When a fight occurs, the position of the five great kings in the field is self-evident. A king born from the world is helping the restricted area. Such a scene, although people can't say anything, does feel a little bit chilling.

"And they are all people with faces and faces in the past. You see that the white-haired old man is not there. He should be an ancient figure with a great reputation in the past, and there is even a chivalrous name!"

Grandpa Bird sneered.

"It's called the old immortal. It is said that this person was helped by many people when he rose to the Ten Thousand Territory. Later, he founded the Immortal Pavilion, but he was destroyed because the thirteen hall masters aggressively attacked the Ten Thousand Territories. I don’t know how many disciples and grandchildren were killed. It’s really funny to help the palace master to do things, and the other ones are all well-known existences in the past. They are the immortal Taoists, the emperor of longevity, the original true god, and the **** of destruction. these five guys used to be the thirteen hall masters. I have killed many people around me, but now I can't think that even my backbone has been lost!"

In the tone, full of disdain!

In the past, the battle between the world and the earth, the battle between Wanyu and the forbidden zone has not stopped for millions of years, and of course it is also because of the differences of each person that they have extremely different choices.

Some are like Meng Fan, human beings are such strong men, who cannot cause their spine to be damaged a little bit by thousands of calamities and all kinds of difficulties. They always raise their heads, but some are like this old immortal, Elderly people wait for these gods.

In these long years, I was already afraid of being beaten by the thirteen hall masters, so hiding in this world, not only did not dare to help Wanyu again, but even helped the thirteen hall masters do things.

For this kind of person, Meng Fan really doesn't bother to say anything, but now that time is running out, he can't stay here more.

With a glance, Meng Fan seemed to feel that at the end of this void, the two great thirteen hall masters were already besieging sentient beings Liuli, and that was what they wanted.

The power of all beings!

Although it is not clear what the 13th hall is mainly for him, since the other party wants it, naturally Meng Fan does not intend to give it to him!

After one step fell, Meng Fan didn't pay attention to the battle on this side at all, but stepped directly forward, and went straight to the place where the thirteen hall master was.

The whole field is full of earth and sky, full of aura, here is a gathering of ten great kings, and you can imagine how terrifying the fight between them is.

Between one breath is to make the space collapse countless, the void collapses, it can be called extreme chaos.

Although the ancient gods are inherently powerful and all their abilities come from their origins, the number of people between the two is the same, and it is unrealistic to want to help the five gods in a moment.


This led to fierce battles in this area, even if it was the Chaos Palace, there was a posture that could be destroyed at any time.

Meng Fan was as if he hadn't seen the energy to tear everything around him. In his eyes, only the thirteen hall masters were there.

However, he wanted to step over, but the old immortal and the immortal Taoist did not agree. They were here to help the thirteen hall masters create opportunities, and no one was allowed to go.

Seeing Meng Fansheng just walked forward without saying anything, and it made the five people feel angry. After a while, the old immortal screamed, and Tu Tian banged in mid-air, surrounded by breath, and the runes exploded. Push Tu Tian's figure backwards!

Then Old Xian suddenly turned around, raised his hand, and slashed towards Meng Fan with a sword.

"Little boy, this is nowhere, haven't you seen us?"

After a few words fell, the sword light swept the world even more, just between this sword, there is a kind of light that makes all living beings eclipsed, regardless of personality.

After all, Old Xian Ke is a top powerhouse standing on the long river of vitality, his own martial arts is extremely powerful, just one blow, there is already a kind of overbearing dominance that is enough to make the **** king power tremor.

Under the sword light, Meng Fan raised his head, only his palm stretched out, one hand, a huge handprint appeared, and he slapped it!


Sparks flew in all directions, and the void burst open, and the two smashed in the void with one sword and the palm, making a burst of noise, and at the same time, everyone was shocked.

Because standing still, Meng Fan's body didn't move, and with one hand he resisted all the sharp edges of that sword.

But before, it was a palm that resisted the attack of Old Immortal. He just hit it casually, and Old Immortal slashed with all his strength, and also used his own enlightenment weapon!

The sword in his hand is so extraordinary, but Meng Fan actually resisted it with one hand. It seems to have explained too many questions, how strong is this kid's body!


A single blow could not be achieved, especially after sensing the long river-like power in Meng Fan's body, it also caused Xian Lao's expression to change, stopped and stared at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was not interested in this, but looked at the old people and spit out two words.

"Go away!"

It's just two words, indifferent and ruthless, as if standing in front of you were not the five great kings, but five ants. The moment they fell, they caused an earthquake in the field with different expressions.

For the people of the ancient **** Tutian line, of course they knew Meng Fan. For this reason, Tu Tian also paid the price of burning in the chaotic sky fire for three hundred years. It can be said to hate Meng Fan, but here In one situation, he still understood that he should be in the same camp with Meng Fan.

After all, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests!

So seeing Lao Xian and others at a loss, Tu Tian five people are quite happy, but on the other hand, the faces of the old Xian Lao are like pig liver, especially the old Xian, almost spitting out blood.

How much he exists, the great emperor of the world, but in front of Meng Fan's eyes, he didn't seem to look at him with the straight eyes at all. That kind of arrogance was not pretending, it was a real contempt.

The more I feel the arrogance of the other party, the more I will collapse the old immortal. After gritted his teeth, the fairy sword in his hand is raised, and after a moment, the human sword is united. After this moment, the two seem to be blended together , So that a sun-like light appeared in the entire field.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

A few words, cold to the bone, cold as frost, after a moment, the old immortal's body violently, and a sword cut down, it is already the most powerful trump card that comes out.

On the side, the immortal Taoist also broke free from the fight, tore the void, seized the moment of this moment, and slapped Meng Fan with a palm. The original power emerged in the palm print, which is the most fundamental martial art of the immortal Tao. It is extremely long, like a flood, directly falling down.

Two great kings, at the same time with all their strength!

Under the momentum of such a thunder, Meng Fan was in danger of being killed at any time. However, standing still, Meng Fan sneered and said calmly.

"If you don't roll... you'll die!"

The four words were spit out, and his body stepped out. In just a moment, Meng Fan's single palm fell and turned into a mountain, rising to the sky, and the seal of rebellion was also unfolded in an instant.

For the five players in the field, Meng Fan’s favorability is almost zero. In the past, he knows how many people died in the restricted area between the world and the earth, but in the face of such a group of people, it is nothing more than to ignore him. Now he is an accomplice in the restricted area. Then it is tantamount to being contaminated with the blood of people who died in the past.

In his eyes, there are only thirteen hall masters, and the other people blocking them are not important.

But since the other party had sent it in front of him, for Meng Fan, he just wanted to...


A moment later, the sky burst open, and a billowing air wave swept around, making the world seem to lose its color at this moment, and under the billowing light, the three great kings were also drowned in it.

This level of fighting is hard to say!

Looking at the entire long river of time, there are a few more people who can have such a method, and each of the two sides can perform the strongest blow. It is really powerful, even if there are several great kings on the side, it is shocked and backs away.

One blow gathers, and in this piece of gunpowder, three figures can be seen flying out at the same time, but one is in front and two are behind!

The person in front is Meng Fan, because he has the advantage under a single blow. Even if the two great kings besieged Meng Fan, under this kind of absolute power collision, it is to make the immortal, and not The bodies of the two old Taoists flew out, and with the means of the two, they could not stop Meng Fan.

The road against the sky, the highest martial arts!

These words are definitely not just talking about it. Meng Fan has spent so much time and blood flowing to this day. The martial arts he forged can kill the **** king, which already explains too many problems!

After a short while, Meng Fan actually gained the upper hand under the siege of the two, and fell down in the next moment. The moment the void stepped out, it seemed that the entire world was reduced to his absolute realm, restricting the immortal and elders. action.

At the same time, a huge phantom fell on the heads of the two great gods, like the same mountain, with flashing runes, and the sound of Hong Zhong resounding through the world, it is exactly...

A trip out, but smashed!

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