Supreme God King

Chapter 1783: Counterattack

Meng Fan VS Thirteen Palace Lords!

Although such a battle was extremely fierce before, the actual time that took place was only a few breaths, but it caused Meng Fan to suffer severe damage.

This kind of confrontation tests not only the combat power between the two sides, but a mentality!

I have to admit that the thirteen hall master's fierceness only has the upper hand in such a short time, and it is impossible for any opponent to be nervous.

After all, the person facing is the thirteen hall master, and he... is so fierce!

However, standing still, with the blue shirt stained with blood, Meng Fan's complexion was unmoved, just said lightly.

"Yes, you are great, but do you know a little bit? For today's battle... how much did I pay?"

The tone was extremely calm, just a light questioning.

However, at the moment when this voice fell, the thirteenth hall master's brows rose slightly, because he obviously felt the changes in Meng Fan's body.

Before Meng Fan was violent enough, standing in place, like a wounded monster, extremely violent, but for the thirteen hall master, he was used to seeing too many such people, and he had the confidence to suppress them.

What I didn't expect was that at this moment, within Meng Fan's body, it changed again, with blood surging, rolling out of martial arts, and faintly causing the entire chaotic space to be twisted with it.

The martial art has changed!

Everyone didn't know that even after becoming a **** king, Meng Fan was pursuing the same path without any relaxation, and he was still practicing day and night. The speed of his promotion is even more transformed by chance. The original source of the **** king he obtained after World War I can be swallowed by Meng Fan in his own martial arts, and become one!

Invasion of martial arts is itself a god-king state by Meng Fan, and it is once again integrating the power of Ji Tian Shen, Ji Feng and others. Now, under the change, it is not just the temple standing in front of Meng Fan’s initiative, even if it’s aside. The palace owner who was besieging Liuli also raised his eyes and looked over.

It seems that at this moment, Meng Fan's martial arts... once again risen a step!

"Change against God, change people!"

The three words came from Meng Fan's mouth, extremely indifferent, and at the same time there was a crackling sound in his body, his body expanded continuously, and the whole person came down like the same sun, and then punched out again.

With just one blow, although Meng Fan still punched, it was totally different from before.

"Damn, you really want to be the highest!"

The pupils shrank, and the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall snarled, and at the same time the endless black death aura also moved towards Meng Fan's suppression.

The golden light flickered, one was the power to open up the sky, and the other was the endless dark air, as if day and night intertwined. In an instant, the two of them also collided again.

And surrounding Meng Fan’s body, there are flashes of runes, each of which is extremely mysterious, constantly evolving for his rebellious changes. Between this moment, Meng Fan is completely different from before, whether it is breath or Strength, turned out to be a step up again.

If Bai Xingyi, the ancestor of the Bai family, is here, it must be extremely shocking, because Meng Fan’s change is a bit similar to his Emperor Immortal Sutra, which puts the cultivator in a more violent state, but Meng Fan He has already escaped from the shackles of the Emperor Immortal Sutra and has reached a new state, which is for his rebellious change!

The previous Meng Fan could only be regarded as a supreme beast that swallowed everything, then Meng Fan, who stepped into a state of rebellion and transformed into a human and transformed state at this moment, is a great demon **** who is gazing at the people!

Qualitative change!

Even if only a few hundred years have passed, Meng Fan has relied on such a short time to once again raise his own strength to a level.

"kill him!"

On the side, the other hall master let out a low roar, his power is to maintain the sentient beings in Liuli, it is difficult to fight, but he clearly feels the threat from Meng Fan.

Rao, neither of them had thought of it. Not only was the speed that Meng Fan improved during the previous practice, but even above the level of the Divine King Realm, Meng Fan was still singing all the way, what it was like. People!

"Black Death Demon!"

After a short while, the palace master who was fighting against Meng Fan did not dare to push it up any more. He roared and just spit out a few words, which made the magic sea around him boil. The whole person stood in the sky with one hand facing Meng. Fan cut the past.

This is the first operation of the thirteen hall masters from the beginning to the end, and it is also the ultimate vitality method of the true black death qi. After this moment, all the black death qi is spliced ​​together, and what is surging is no longer a demon. The sea, but a **** and demon standing above the sky, covering the sky and the earth with a phantom, cut down with a palm!

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many **** kings were killed and wounded by this blow. It was one of the bottom cards of the thirteen hall masters, and once again appeared the world.

Including the powerhouses of the ancient gods who were fighting outside, as well as the immortals, the immortal Taoists, etc., they shuddered in an instant, and were covered by the breath of the thirteen hall masters.

Especially the immortals and the old people, there were big drops of sweat on their foreheads. In the old days, they were scared by this blow. The impression left by the thirteenth hall master so horrible!

However, between the sky, Meng Fan did not retreat, the whole person was golden, in a state of blessing, five fingers appeared, one pointed out, facing the god-level method of the thirteen hall masters, he also broke out The strongest combat power.

"Against the gods, the third!"

One finger presses the world.


In just a moment, it was possible to see the vitality in Meng Fan's hand like a divine sword, turning into a stream of light, colliding with the demon phantom above the sky.

Concentrate a little, and burst out in a flash!

This is Meng Fan's peak combat power, extraordinary, and now this third finger change is also perfected by him. The moment it is used, it is more than just destroying the world, it is simply to reverse everything.

Even the phantom of the gods and demons transformed by the thirteen hall masters was pressed against the sky by Meng Fan's finger, making it difficult to move.

But at the next moment, the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall gave a low roar. His body was located in the core of the phantom of the heavenly demon. His hands changed, and runes fell, causing the phantom of the heavenly demon to expand again, against Meng Fan. Between one of his fingers, he blatantly cut off to his palm!

"Meng Fan... isn't he an opponent yet?"

In the distance, the five powerhouses of the ancient gods all changed their expressions suddenly, and they were able to sense Meng Fan's powerful combat power, and they were shocked enough in the realm of the gods.

But it's a pity that the thirteen hall masters who fought with him were able to cut out his own means under the power of Meng Fan's finger. It was too powerful and terrible!

The demon fell with a palm, and went straight to Meng Fan. If he was cut down by him, then Meng Fan would immediately disappear, his flesh and soul would be torn apart by this blow!

As far as his eyes could be, it made all the kings understand that Meng Fan's hole card was pressed between that finger, and one finger was not working, but it also meant that he himself would be hit hard.

The palm of the sky demon fell and penetrated everything, completely engulfing Meng Fan's whole person. Seeing this, it also made the two hall masters smile. However, before the smiles on the two faces disappear, at the same time, the one hall master's Behind him, there was an extremely indifferent voice.

"Sorry... You can come and be without being indecent!"

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