Supreme God King

Chapter 1785: Chaos Will


Two black death air fell, penetrating everything, making the entire space tremble.

In the midst of the weather, the complexions of the two hall masters were like pig liver, staring at the void.

"damn it!"

One of the hall masters cursed, his eyes scanned the surroundings, like a sharp arrow, which was breathtaking.

After a few breaths, the hall master slowly said,

"They are still in this Chaos Heavenly Palace, they haven't left!"

"Yes, it should be a certain method, the prohibition of staying in this chaotic heavenly palace is opened by the colored glaze of sentient beings!"

The other temple master also nodded. Both of them are old monsters who have lived for countless years. Although their hearts are angry, they have been suppressed after only a moment, and they have smoothly controlled the anger in the body, running power, and exploring. Everything around.

Even if the Chaos Heavenly Palace looked illusory, it was difficult to escape the control of the two.

"It should not last long, wait for them!"

The two hall masters glanced at each other, and both nodded, the majestic black death aura also blended into the surrounding void, turned invisible, and controlled everything, so that the entire world was completely sealed by the two of them.

And in the rift in the void, the light flickered, and suddenly two figures shot in, it was Meng Fan and Liuli of the sentient beings.

One step down, Meng Fan looked around and hesitated,

"This is where?"

"A hidden space in the Chaos Palace!"

The sentient beings Liuli said in a condensed voice, but a worried look appeared on her pretty face.

"I can't stay here for too long, it's just a space crack in the Chaos Heavenly Palace. According to my calculation, even if there is no burst here, it is estimated that after a stick of incense, the thirteenth hall master will be able to explore us!"


Meng Fan's eyes flashed, staring at Liuli of the sentient beings, and asked,

"Then what can you do?"

"There is only one way!"

Liuli of the sentient beings responded,

"Even with the help of the will of the Chaos Heavenly Palace, but I don't know if it is feasible!"

style_txt; The will of Chaos Tiangong?

Meng Fan's eyes hesitated, looking at Liuli of the sentient beings.

"Not bad!"

Liuli explained,

"This Chaos Heavenly Palace itself has the will, but it is in a state of sleep. So many gods are in this Chaos Heavenly Palace. Apart from the fact that the laws of the Heavenly Palace are different from the outside world, it can help the gods to improve their cultivation. One thing is that this chaotic palace has the origin of chaos, and is the mother of all things and all realms. If it is its will, then it will definitely protect the gods here, but it is too difficult to wake it up. Even if the Tiangong is born, its will will not wake up easily, unless the Tiangong itself encounters a crisis of life and death, or someone can comprehend the secrets of the Tiangong!"

"Secret of the Heavenly Palace?"

Meng Fan raised his brows and hesitated.

"Yes, you can't feel the most central place of the Chaos Heavenly Palace. You can only travel through the outer space, but we can sense the most central place of the Heavenly Palace, because we are the gods, and what exists in it is sleeping. The will of heaven!"

Liuli all sentient beings stared at Meng Fan, looking expectant.

"I want to try to communicate many times, but the will of this chaotic heavenly palace has never been successfully awakened by me. I can bring you to the will of this heavenly palace, try it, what do you think, if you can master this chaotic heavenly palace? , Then it means that you will have the right to use the Chaos Temple in a short time. With this, it is definitely not difficult to defeat the two hall masters!"

The voice fell, causing Meng Fan's body to shake suddenly, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"Please help me, I can only give it a try now, but I can't guarantee it!"

"Okay, but I think you humans are cunning throughout the ages, especially those who have reached your level. You look like bad water in your bones, and you should be able to do it!"

Liuli blinked her eyes and said in a condensed voice.


The corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, and he really didn't know if he was praised or scolded him.

Sitting cross-legged with Liuli of sentient beings, Meng Fan also sighed heavily, no longer thinking about other things, but spreading out divine thoughts and being compatible with Liuli of sentient beings. Just a moment later, it shocked Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness. He felt that his divine thought seemed to be stuck together by the colored glaze of sentient beings, and went to a mysterious space.

Where is covered by layers of mist, with Meng Fan's cultivation level now, I feel a huge sense of mystery, as if this end has the most mysterious treasure in the world.

Finally, all the fog was slowly lifted, and the scene within it also emerged. What fell into Meng Fan's eyes was a huge altar, located in a mysterious space. The whole body is black, with countless dense runes painted on it, the breath of ancient vicissitudes is overflowing, I don't know how much time has passed.

This altar should be the core of this Chaos Heavenly Palace!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and he understood that as Liuli of the sentient beings said, if he were alone, he would not be able to detect this place no matter how terrible the cultivation base was, because this was the place where Chaos Heavenly Palace was the least protected and also his most terrifying. The place where there is should be the will of Tiangong.

What made Meng Fan unsure was how to summon the will of the heavenly palace from this altar!

"Human, you only have time for a stick of incense. If it is impossible, we will fight the two guys outside!"

Liulidao of sentient beings has a somewhat nervous tone.

Although she and Meng Fan have just met each other, they are both extremely intelligent, and they already understand that they are standing in the same boat, and there is one more helper from the other side. If there is no other side, I am afraid that they will be lost.

Outside, there were two thirteen hall masters who met the gods to kill the gods and met the devil to kill the devil. The two great evil stars from ancient times were not there to watch.

It's a matter of life and death, just at the time of this incense stick!

Although Meng Fan understood, but after a moment, all his thoughts were gone. Only the spirit was surging. After carefully observing the black altar, he did not let go of any clues and details on it.

It also caused this space to fall into a deadly silence, looking calmly, as if she didn’t know that there are two cannibal tigers outside Meng Fan, but Liuli's heart is about to reach her throat, she doesn't know how much she has cultivated. Wannian has just reached the point where it is today, how could he be willing to be used by the thirteenth hall master to cook it!

With both hands clenched, Liuli of the sentient beings was extremely cute, and made a prayer, with his mouth pouting, staring at Meng Fan's every move.

However, as time passed, Meng Fan didn't make any moves, because he didn't gain anything. Although he had already observed everything on the altar, he still couldn't find the knock.

But the rest of their time is... less than half a stick of incense!

Could it be impossible to communicate the will of this chaotic heavenly palace!

Meng Fan shook his head. He felt that this altar was left behind. Maybe he had some tricks. His eyes were overflowing. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly swept his eyes and stared at the rows of runes. A strange change also appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It seems that the key lies in this...the many runes on the altar!

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