Supreme God King

Chapter 1790: Kill a palace

If you want to die, you die!

Just a few simple words, but there is a kind of coldness that distorts the sky.

Standing in the same place, Meng Fan was like a demon **** standing upright on the ground. The aura between the whole body was rolling, and the bloodthirsty beast that burst out of breath was enveloped. The whole person was completely integrated with the Chaos Heavenly Palace. He is the Heavenly Palace, and the Heavenly Palace is him.


Photographed with a palm, fierce like mountains and rivers!

Under Meng Fan's attack, it was more than that kind of power to sweep away the wild, covered by the Chaos Heavenly Palace, it simply had a taste of killing everything.

This is something that was born from the Kaitian era, and no one even knows its true origin. It's just that every time the Chaos Heavenly Palace appears, it will absorb countless heaven and earth gods.

It contains the law of chaos, and the moment it shows is so ferocious that it can turn everything into chaos.

Such a will, being awakened by Meng Fan and added to himself, also brought his combat power to an unprecedented level.

I'm afraid no one has thought of this situation.

"The Immortal Body!"

In an instant, one of the hall masters roared, his pupils contracted, and he actually felt an unprecedented feeling. This kind of terrifying murderous attack turned out to be killed by him.

The thirteen hall masters, this group of people has swept through many times, but how long has it ever been facing life and death, but Meng Fan's indeed brought him.

A palm fell and slammed heavily on the body of the main hall master. Meng Fan let out a long roar, and his body was full of violence, completely blending with the chaotic heavenly shadow behind him. The power of this person and one palace kneaded together, not to shoot at the two hall masters, but to go straight to one of the hall masters.


It was visible to the naked eye that the immortal body under this seal quickly shattered, penetrated by Meng Fan's power, and completely turned into nothingness.


That great hall master roared, but facing this kind of absolute power, unless his deity's combat power was fully restored, it would never be possible to come back.

In an instant, all the breath was annihilated. It was completely pressed down by Meng Fan's seal. The body and soul of the whole person burst into bursts. Even the immortal body was transformed into nothingness, swallowed by the chaos, a palace. The Lord is completely destroyed!


In an instant, the color of Wanyu changed, and the palace of the restricted area changed!

Probably since the opening of the sky, the thirteen hall masters have fallen in countless battles with people in ancient times, and all dynasties have been buried in that kind of extremely tragic battle.

This kind of obliteration of Meng Fan is the same as the previous battle of the gods and kings. It does not mean that the thirteen hall masters will be completely killed, because Meng Fan cannot obliterate all the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters.

Only temporarily killing his body completely, it still has its origin, which is equivalent to resurrecting!

However, this scene was too trembling. It was equivalent to the life of the thirteen hall masters plus an unknown number of years of cultivation in the hands of Meng Fan. Even if he could be resurrected, it would probably take several years to recuperate. The overall plan of the thirteen hall masters does not know that it will affect the geometry!

"Meng Fan!"

The other hall master roared, only to spit out two words, other words could not be said, because it was too angry.

Great compassion speechless!

Under this kind of time, this palace lord was almost fainted by anger, let alone speaking.

At the core of the forbidden area hall, the sea of ​​anger was raging to the sky, and the rows of forbidden area pillars burst out with an unprecedented aura at this moment, faintly like the end of ten thousand domains, making the entire void tremble. Countless people in the restricted area didn't even dare to breathe, and could clearly feel the rage of the thirteen hall masters, that kind of rage that could not be restrained.

For this kind of existence, it is so amazing to have this kind of emotion!

Outside the chaotic world, a figure stood on the armrest, his complexion was calm and energetic, it was the ancient emperor.

A pair of eyes stared at the endless land, and the ancient emperor smiled slightly after a moment, and said calmly,

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you. I can't imagine that there will be another hero like you in the future. It's really interesting!"

A palace master, outrageously killed!

Regardless of whether it is possible to completely let the thirteen hall masters fall, but the moment of death alone is enough to cause too many changes. This is the king of power who has ruled for countless years, and was completely wiped out by Meng Fan!

Including in the distance, the immortals who have left the Chaos Tiangong, the immortal Taoists and the great ancient emperors, are now shaking all over, they are really scared by the thirteen hall masters, no more In terms of his own backbone, the thirteen hall masters were all trembling, let alone killing like Meng Fan!

A newcomer, a kid who has only cultivated for more than 10,000 years, but has already targeted the slaughter method not only at the general **** king, this move alone is enough to shock the ancient and modern!

In the heavenly palace, Meng Fan was speechless, but his aura became more terrifying. At the moment when he killed the thirteen hall masters, he felt that his martial arts seemed to have been upgraded to a higher level.

The heart follows the thoughts, the vitality cultivator works hard all his life, domineering and fierce, just to conform to his own will.

For the killing of the thirteen hall masters, Meng Fan has been thinking about this scene for many years, and now it is achieved, even if it is not completely completed, it is considered a big progress. The top of his head was all slightly slightly, martial arts merged with himself, and he felt an unprecedented momentum merged in himself, making his own breath different.

Long-cherished wish for many years, finally see the cloud!

Meng Fan's eyes closed and opened again, looking at the remaining temple master, calmly said,

"You stay here too!"

A few words fell, and came out boldly. Before he tried his best to deal with a palace master, it was impossible to kill two at the same time, but now in this chaotic heavenly palace he is the only one, and there is only one palace master left, in words That kind of arrogance is even more intense, and the landscape changes when it is shot down!


The temple lord stood in place, his teeth were all broken. They hadn't tasted the feeling of failure and death for too many years, but now they were all brought by Meng Fan in a flash, or they came back in despair. But after all, the thirteen hall master was the thirteen hall master, even if his heart was extremely furious, after this kind of moment, this great hall master did not fight Meng Fan at all, but retreated directly.

Within the Chaos Palace, Meng Fan simply claims to be invincible, unless the thirteen hall masters come back to their peak, otherwise there is no chance of winning now!

Standing on the sky, the hands of this palace master changed, and countless runes circulated in an instant, distorting the space around him, and the whole person quickly fled out.


A moment later, Meng Fan’s big hand hit the air. Even if he had control of everything, he couldn’t force the thirteen palace masters to stay behind. The previous killing only happened in a moment. This kind of time for one breath is enough for all changes!

The handprint penetrated the space, Meng Fan did not succeed, and the other Lord of the Chaos Palace was also reclusive and fled in front of Meng Fan.

In today’s battle, Meng Fan used one enemy and two to make the two main hall masters die... and escape!

I just went home, I will restore the update to everyone first, and when I find the status, I will update you more.

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