Supreme God King

Chapter 179: Hairy Finch

& The cremation of God!

Just like Nirvana rebirth, today's Meng Fan is incomparably powerful, and if he encounters Meng Yuhun, he is absolutely confident to kill him directly.

However, in the face of the strong in Po Yuan realm, he still can only escape. After all, the difference between the upper five days and the next three days cannot be made up by means.

"I didn't waste my efforts!"

Meng Fan snorted, and at the same time moved his palm, the ancient black mark rose from his hand.

If it weren't for Meng Fan's cultivation of the Nishen scroll to the level of wild characters, he would not be able to use this black mark at all. It was extremely small and kept spinning in Meng Fan's hands, looking rather naughty!

This thing is the true core of the Inverse God Scroll, and the power to absorb all is even more terrifying, Meng Fan has not discovered the other effects of the Inverse God Scroll, but this black mark does not know what effect it has.

He shook his head helplessly. Meng Fan knew that the path he had chosen was walking by himself, and he had no experience to learn from.

Step by step, till the end of the cultivation, you are the founder of the mountain, creating a cultivation technique. However, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched. At least those who could be the Founder of the Mountain were all powerful in the Hunyuan realm. Although his strength skyrocketed, he was still far from that level.

Shaking his head, Meng Fan exhaled heavily, releasing his powerful blood and shouting in the next moment.

The sound vibrated, spreading directly around, like the roar of a monster, a powerful wave of air reverberating in the valley of the number, causing countless monsters to change their colors.

In the cave, he was fully depressed for almost a month, even during the breakthrough, Meng Fan deliberately restrained his breath.

But now it doesn't need to be like that anymore. With Meng Fan's current methods, even if he can't fight against a strong Yuan-breaking realm, he has the confidence to escape.

With a slight smile, Meng Fan adjusted his figure and put on a new set of clothes. When Meng Fan was looking at the ring, his figure immediately froze, his eyes rested on the box inside. This golden box was taken out from under Shuang Lao's ice coffin.

Just when Meng Fan was about to check it out, he was disrupted by Meng Yuhun and others. You must know that there is a great fortune in this box in the words left by Shuang Lao, which naturally made Meng Fan be patient. Can't help being excited.

Obviously, apart from the cold jade pills, the so-called inheritance of the mixed cloud realm is the most important thing. I don't know what it is.

With a move of his palm, Meng Fan's fingers gently opened the box, and what fell into his eyes turned out to be a golden egg.

It's another egg!

At this moment, Meng Fan frowned and looked at the egg in front of him in surprise, but it was a real egg, the size of a palm, and golden yellow. What the **** is this? I touched my nose and looked at the golden egg in front of me in surprise. I didn't expect to take out such a thing from the box.

Great luck?

Meng Fan's brow furrowed, and he kept thinking about it, if it was reasonable to say, this might be a monster egg.

Otherwise, it really doesn't make sense. With a move of his palm, Meng Fan directly dropped a drop of his own blood on it.

If it is a monster egg, once it drops blood and recognizes the Lord when it is not born, it will definitely follow itself for life. With the mentality that he would rather kill by mistake and never let it go, Meng Fan's blood instantly melted into this beast egg.

After a few breaths, the Golden Egg was no different, which made Meng Fan a little disappointed. Could it be that his actions were wrong. Just before Meng Fan hesitated, in the next moment it was visible to the naked eye that the golden egg had started to crack, and something was clearly hatching in it.

Really got it right!

With a grin, Meng Fan carefully watched the changes in the Golden Egg, and it was a good thing that can make the Hunyuan realm powerhouses value things.

After a few breaths, the golden egg was finally completely cracked. In the next moment, a golden glow flashed, and there was a loud noise. A shadow flew out, and the egg broke out.

Looking at the afterimage in front of him, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and the look on his small face in the next moment was exceptionally wonderful. Because what appeared from the egg was... a big bird.

After he appeared, he was as big as a person, but his appearance was extremely ugly, his mouth was big, his coat was jet-black, especially the feathers on his tail, which was ugly and ugly!

Looking at the big bird in front of him, Meng Fan was taken aback for a while before asking in surprise.

"What kind of monster are you?"

His eyes met, and a hoarse voice came out in the next moment.

"The old man is the strongest beast between heaven and earth, the divine bird. Seeing the old man knelt down quickly and take out the things in your hand, do you know?" The voice fell, and it suddenly came from the mouth of the big bird. Meng Fan's heart was startled and asked in surprise.

"For the King Realm Monster?"

Only at this point can he be able to utter a word. Looking at the scene in front of him, Meng Fan could not help being quite surprised. But he didn't panic, knowing that he had already dripped blood on the egg, how could he be regarded as the half master of this big bird.

Even if he is a monster of the king realm, he will not hurt himself compared to that.

"It's good to know, the old man has been practicing in retreat for thousands of years, and reborn in response to the luck of the world, boy, see the old man quickly kneel down and worship!" The big bird looked at Meng Fan pretentiously, standing in place like a strong man. The long hair behind him is still standing tall.

Looking at the big bird in front of him, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and at the next moment his palm moved and punched out. Without him, this big bird was so weird that Meng Fan had to doubt it, let alone kneel down. A punch was blasted, the air wave spread, and in the next moment it was accurately blasted on the face of Big Bird.


The big bird flew at the sound, and was directly hit by Meng Fan and still on the wall. The hair in the sky was just a few drops.


For an instant, Meng Fan looked surprised, and immediately moved in the next moment, his five fingers were like electricity, and he greeted the bird fiercely.

"Boy, do you dare to touch the old man?"

"Brother, I was wrong, you can spare me!"

"Master, I am beloved... birdie!"

After a round of punches and kicks, Meng Fan finally determined that the big bird in front of him not only did not have the strength of a king state, but also liked bragging and talking nonsense. Meng Fan's tooth roots couldn't help but itch with hatred. This is the so-called great fortune?


Kicked once again on Big Bird, Meng Fan asked helplessly.

"What the **** are you, make it clear!"

"I don't know, old man... Uh, I saw you as soon as I came out, I just speak human words, I don't have much strength, and occasionally I can fly!" Looking at Meng Fan, Big Bird dare not be. Any more nonsense, I can only say helplessly.

At the same time, he looked at his feathers lovingly, and one wing kept stroking it.

"Hey, I am an old man. I am getting older. You have to treat me with some respect and find something for me to eat!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Meng Fan was completely desperate at this moment, and said helplessly.

"What do you want to eat?"


Big Bird thought for a while, and then said, "Spirit creatures can only be spiritual creatures above Tier 3, preferably above Tier 5, Tier 6 is also so-so, Tier 7 is just right, Tier 8..."

bump! Flew out with a kick, at this moment Meng Fan was too lazy to walk away, kicked the big bird away, and immediately walked out.

Looking at the long hair behind Big Bird, Meng Fan finally said helplessly.

"Okay, you'll be called a hairpin from now on!"

He already recognized the drop of blood, but this hairy bird belonged to Meng Fan, making the former extremely embarrassing. It's a pity to throw it away. If you don't throw it away, this longhair finch is quite annoying. In the end, Meng Fan decided to ignore it and let the latter follow him.

Leaving the cave directly, Meng Fan looked embarrassed, and he could not imagine that there was an extra useless longhair finch beside him.

"Forget it, I'm lucky!"

Meng Fan smiled helplessly, and left with the longhair finch behind him. Along the way, the Hairy Sparrow kept talking and talking nonsense, but for Meng Fan, it turned a blind eye and used all his spiritual power on the road.

After being forcibly thrown into this place, Meng Fan didn't even know where this forest was. Step by step volleyed, Meng Fan had no choice but to walk forward with the hairy, shuttled between the huge jungle, looking for a way to leave.

While walking like this, after an hour, Meng Fan suddenly stopped and looked forward.

Not far away, there were a few strange trees growing, and a faint mist filled the jungle. After that, it was a huge forest, and it was impossible to see what was in it. The whole forest is filled with mystery.

Invisible, a faint killing intent was spreading around. Looking at the scenery in front of you, the hairy sparrow roared.

"Master, protect the old man!"

When the voice fell, Meng Fan couldn't wait to cook him immediately, and gave him a fierce look, which made the latter dare not speak quickly.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, after a few trials, the Hairy Sparrow discovered that although his owner was young, he was extremely decisive in killing.

If it really irritates the other person, I don't know what will happen!

At the next moment, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help being a little surprised, already knowing that he was here.

This kind of tree is called the sky-cold wood, which is a poisonous wood, which is highly poisonous.

There is only one place in the quadrangular area where ears grow, and it is... a free area, a dead end area!

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