Supreme God King

Chapter 1797: Break the line

The three great kings besieged Meng Fan!

However, one person was cut off by Meng Fan in an instant, and the body of a **** king burst into pieces. How shocking this scene was.

That is to say, this large area is now sealed by the polyphasic king and the two emperors of Kunling. Otherwise, it will cause a great shock. It is estimated that the face of the polyphasic king will be faceless again. . If anyone knew about the fact that he was scammed by Meng Fan in the past few hundred years, he probably wouldn't have any face.

"Meng **** it!"

The blood rained all over the sky, and the soul of the multi-phase **** flew out, and the whole person was shaking.

In the past years, because of Meng Fan, his **** king body was beheaded. If it weren't for his huge strength and the terrifying accumulations he had accumulated before, it would definitely not be possible to recover to such a level in these few hundred years. .

Recasting a **** king body, but unexpectedly only a few hundred years later, facing Meng Fan again, this body once again let Meng Fan be cut to pieces.

Staring at Meng Fan, the Multi-Phase God King felt that his only way to die was to be mad. The latter’s scholarly face was simply a big evil star to him. It was because of his scheming and scheming. The game is famous all over the world. I don't know how many people are in the vertical and horizontal directions, but they are repeatedly planted in the hands of Meng Fan. The latter is called a Yin!

"Lan Caiyi is kind to me, he's very kind, since you are here, don't leave!"

Meng Fan said calmly, with cold eyes. He tried to kill the Polyphasic King several times without success, but it was too cunning. Now that he encountered another opportunity, he naturally wouldn't have any hesitation.

With a step down, Meng Fan moved again, heading towards the King of Polyphasic God, and he wanted to cut his soul smoothly.


However, just a moment later, the Hong Zhong-like ringing spread all over the surroundings, the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding rune flickered, the light soared, and the whole world was lifted, but it was unable to resist the two great gods outside. After all, the two great emperors of Kunling were too powerful, especially under the anger.

Watching Meng Fan smash the Divine King to pieces, the two of them were as if they had been slapped with a hundred thousand big mouths, they couldn't control themselves at all.

At this moment, it was not only a full shot, but also a breath, motivating the killing formation surrounding this world to besiege Meng Fan.

The monstrous power struck, and the impact was on the tens of thousands of mothers and sons. Even though this was a tool of enlightenment that had followed Meng Fan for many years in the world, it was difficult to resist such a powerful offensive, and Meng Fan had to face it.

Turning his head, Meng Fan sighed slightly, knowing that it would be impossible to kill this polymorphic **** if he didn't break the killing array today.

Fortunately, he used tricks before and severely wounded the Polyphasic God King in an instant. If it were not for cleverness, he would be more passive now and fall into the siege of the three God Kings.

"Very well, since you are waiting to kill me, you won't be able to completely solve it here today!"

Meng Fan looked around, even though the killing array was terrifying, the light descended, and the world was suppressed, but his face was still peaceful.

The palms placed on both sides gently squeeze, every joint in the body is making a trembling sound, like a long bloodthirsty sword screaming, a violent ancient beast roaring, that kind of The longing for this comes from Meng Fan himself.

After a war for hundreds of years, Meng Fan fled, but his heart was filled with anger!


A moment later, Meng Fan's martial arts show, the blood exploded, and the billowing vitality fluctuations were also integrated into the qi cauldron. In this moment, he and Wan Mother and Child Qi Ding were completely merged into one. Even though one person and one Ding hadn't shot for many years, it was only the moment when he shot, how did that kind of killing method ever weaken.

The body of the tripod changes, like a mountain that supports the heaven and earth.

This is indeed the killing array laid by the three great kings, an absolute realm, who wants to strangle Meng Fan. But among them, Meng Fan stood upright, ignoring everything, and under the rolling power, made this ten thousand mother and child Qi Cao burst out a kind of supreme will, as if the heaven and the earth are unrestrained, and all beings are uncompressible and want to penetrate this A world.


The Great Emperor Kunling roared, eyes full of chill, understanding that after reaching this point, the two sides were already immortal, and they were completely dragged into the water by the multiphase **** king.

Although I have seen Meng Fan’s horror, the more terrifying the latter, the more they must stay here and suppress him. Otherwise, once Meng Fan is allowed to leave, it is simply that he is now among the ten thousand domains. The influence of people just won’t make them feel better.

The two are extraordinary, standing in the sky, running power, changing with one hand, an ancient mark appeared in the palm of the hand.

The ancient emperor!

These few words are definitely not just calling, even though many of them were killed by the thirteen hall masters in the past years, they still have the means to reach the sky and come out for all ages. .

For an instant, the sky trembled, and you could see that the tens of thousands of mother and son Qi Cauldron Meng Fan transformed directly collided with the killing formation of the whole world!


The thunder-like noise spread all over the surrounding area. If Meng Fan had made a sneak attack before, then this is now a method against Gang, without a trace of falsehood. It was Meng Fan who was using one enemy two, later than the opponent's killing array to suppress the two ancient **** kings.

A mere collision is to make the big realm turn into chaos in an instant, creating a vacuum, thanks to the ancient killing array around, otherwise there will be a big problem!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the sky burst open.

Meng Fanren's tripod united into one, and after this collision, there was a great upheaval in the body.

With his eyes squinted, Meng Fan understood that these three people wanted to calculate themselves, and the game they had set was absolutely fierce.

It is just that these two great kings work together to operate this killing formation that seals the entire area, which is to make one hit almost without vomiting blood. If the multi-phase king takes action, then this blow must be at an absolute disadvantage!

It's a pity, nothing if!

Meng Fan gave a long whistle, hair fluttered, and waved his hand. The spirits and minds of the ten thousand mothers and children were united, and there were waves of long screams in the body.

Each of these voices is not that simple, and reveals a very peculiar rhythm, and the moment when it falls into the world, it changes the color of Emperor Kunling. The Polyphasic King who stood far away from the battlefield almost didn't vomit blood and murmured,

"This guy... is going against the sky?"

God king's eyesight, how extraordinary!

The moment Meng Fan made his move, the three of them felt a big threat, because what Meng Fan performed was a peculiar sonic attack, integrating his own martial arts meaning into this voice, not heaven and earth. Any of the predecessors' exercises in between are completely derived from Meng Fan's own creation.

Rebellious martial arts!

It was originally one of Meng Fan's original martial arts, which came from the destruction of the **** king, and was summed up by Meng Fan over the years to form his own will, and concluded a set of martial arts that belonged to Meng Fan. Now, after setting foot in the Divine King Realm for so many years, Meng Fan’s martial art has once again been elevated to a higher level, especially after the integration of the ancient chaos law, Meng Fan’s hand is based on his countless foundations. A powerful method.

Similar to the piano sound of the Tiancun God King, the sound of the Zhongtian God King's flute, at the moment it appeared, the sound of Hong Zhong spread throughout the world, like the same old monk reading the Buddha's name, deafening, and the world trembled.

"Kill the battle!"

Kun Ling glanced at each other, both of them understood Meng Fan's horror. At the same time, they roared, their respective vitality rioted, maintaining the entire killing formation.

Under Meng Fan's rhythm, there was a stance that caused the entire world to collapse, which was naturally not allowed by the two of them. They had to use their full strength to keep the killing formation stable. Once Meng Fan escaped from the trap, everything would be difficult to handle. This place is in Ten Thousand Regions, and Meng Fan has too many wings.

Hong Zhong’s voice kept falling, and the killing array of the two big two people kept colliding with Kun Ling. Standing in place, Meng Fan was expressionless, just spit out a word.


One word, it turned out that Hong Zhong's voice was raised a full step, suppressing the surroundings.


After a while, Meng Fan spoke again, with another word, that kind of ten thousand mother and son Qi Cao exerted more pressure on Zhou and Tian, ​​and it was Kun Ling and the two also began to struggle.



I spit out two more words again, these four words spit out, connected with everything, is what I mean by the world, facing the three great kings and powerful people to say these four words, I have to admit that Meng Fan is absolutely transparent at this moment With a kind of unparalleled dominance, it is completely to say what he wants in his heart, and the ten thousand mothers and children are even more brilliant, illuminating the surroundings.

The whole world is a terrible killing array, like endless darkness, but because of Meng Fan’s own power, the entire darkness reveals a taste of light. He is the sun standing in this darkness. , Burn itself, let everything cover.


Between the sky, the layers collapsed, even if it was due to the Kunling Great Emperor, the multi-phase **** king was a fusion of ancient killing formations, and the whole world could not support the master between the words Meng Fan.

At a glance, countless cracks appeared on the huge sky, and it was impossible to cover Meng Fan!

"The world is unbreakable!"

On the side, the Polyphasic King is also mad. Even though he has only one soul body left, he is desperate to make a bold move. The majestic power is integrated into the whole world, and he wants to help the Kunling and Ling Meng Fan. Trapped in this world.

"Broken it for you!"

Meng Fan responded calmly, and at the same time, with a move, a small axe appeared in the palm of his palm. This axe looked extremely delicate, but at the moment Meng Fan was destroyed, it was like a landslide. The heavens and the earth are wild, and all the domineering intentions of the universe burst from the axe.

Standing in the heavens and the earth, one person is flying above the sky, Meng Fan's light illuminates the entire killing array world in an instant, and at the same time, the palm of his hand falls, and he strikes out, slashing toward the sky!

This is...Axe!

With one stroke, God.... Open!

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