Supreme God King

Chapter 1807: Comprehend

The land of Wuzhen!

Eternal Age never returned here, but at the moment when the Empress and Meng Fan arrived, they found that this place was completely different from before, with a long breath and beautiful scenery.

The appearance here has not changed much from before, but it is filled with a huge energy of heaven and earth, and it is not even lost to the Middle Ancient Territory.

Obviously, there is a powerful and powerful person who forcibly opened up the world here, so that the heaven and earth appeared in this world, just like this.

This is Meng Fan’s birthplace and nurturing place. After Meng Fan’s arrival in the Middle Ages, without his instructions, the Burning Heaven Order, God Monkey and others sent countless powerful men here to operate against the sky. Everything changes.

Even in this Wuzhen, many elderly people are in the same era as Meng Fan back then. Because of the effect of the god-defying things, they prolong their lives.

If anyone sees this place, they must be amazed, because the few pheasants running before the entrance of the village are all with a big background, and they are placed here by the strong of the dark alliance to help gather the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Undeniably, this place is definitely a holy land.

However, even if he arrived here, Gu Jing Bubo was still in Meng Fan's eyes, a dead silence.

In his arms, only with Ruo Shuiyi's coffin, the blood still dripped.

"Don’t you see it, don’t you? You want to die now, but I don’t know if it will remind you of the past. I know you love that woman so much. You met her here too, do you remember you? How did you leave here?"

The female emperor sighed quietly and said softly.

His eyes seemed to look through countless voids, and saw a young man slowly moving forward in a piece of heaven and earth, step by step, gritting his teeth, enduring pain, only for his obsession, and only for his promise.

Raising her hand, the empress moved again, tearing the space in front of her, and both Meng Fan and Meng Fan twisted to reach another heaven and earth, this is...on top of Tianhan Mountain.

Now this place has become a wreckage, the glorious sect of the past has long since disappeared, and replaced by nothing but loneliness.

Here... is also the place where Ruoshuiyi was buried.

The female emperor sighed softly and said again,

"You should remember here, I know she died here too, but Meng Fan... Do you remember that the person who died here is not just her, but the person who followed you and died for you back then? Hope you look like now!"

A few words fell, extremely calm, but fell into Meng Fan's ears, his originally gray expression finally showed a slight change, without noticing it, his eyelids... slightly twitched. .

"Brother Meng Fan, the dog is a step ahead!"

"The dark guard... is still there!"

Those scenes flashed by, and any scene was extremely touching, and it was eternally engraved in Meng Fan's memory.

The female emperor waved her hand again, and the space was torn again. The space they set foot in this time had already come to the Samsara Palace, which was the same as before, and more prosperous.

After eternal time, the Samsara Temple has developed into the largest power in the entire Divine Emperor Realm, and no one can compare with it, as a real super power, dominating this large realm.

And all the disciples who come here to apprentice will see a huge statue at the door, where there is a young man with a blue shirt and a firm complexion. Everyone will worship in front of this statue and hear Reading his story, I heard that he is called Meng Fan.

"Do you still remember this place, the **** battle at the gate of eternal life, the restricted area, and between you and me... also happened here!"

The female emperor's pretty face flushed slightly, and she sighed again.

The voice fell again, and Meng Fan was speechless, but raised his head and looked at the empress.

The empress stretched out her delicate hand, stroked Meng Fan’s forehead, slowly said,

"I know you love him, but we... why don't we love you? How many people are paying for you in this world, Meng Fan... Do you really want to leave us?"

While speaking, in the eyes of the empress, a few drops of tears like pearls fell on the ground.

The female emperor never cried during her whole life. The beginning of her rise was to gain a foothold in the chaotic Quartet, killing people all the way, and she had never been afraid before she was called the female emperor.

However, the path of love is like ropes, entangled her and Meng Fan, even if they reach the current realm, they cannot break free.

Facing the tears of the empress, Meng Fan finally changed his expression slightly, and at the next moment a voice came from the side.

"Miss sister don't cry, you are so beautiful, you shouldn't look good!"

In the distance, two disciples from the Temple of Reincarnation had already seen these two uninvited guests. Both of them were teenage girls, who came to apprentice to practice, and their looks were quite delicate and their faces were above. There is also a hint of childishness.

Hearing this, the empress smiled slightly and touched the heads of the two girls, while one of them looked at Meng Fan angrily, and said,

"Big brother, you shouldn't make young lady angry. Have you seen the statue behind you? He is an indomitable man. You should learn from him. Grandpa Meng Fanzu will definitely not make girls angry!"

Hearing these words, Meng Fan's expressionless face finally showed a trace of hesitation, and said in surprise.

"Meng Fan? What is so good about him?"

"Hmph, don't question Grandpa Meng Fanzu!"

Another little girl was also angry and said,

"He is the strongest person in the world and the best man in this world. My master said, Grandpa Meng Fanzu is now in the middle ages and is invincible in the world. We will not be able to catch up with him in our entire life or even ten of our lives. My master also said that if you want to be like Grandpa Meng Fanzu, you must do one thing...never give up!"

never give up!

The girl in front of Meng Fan had all forgotten, and her mind was shocked. The only thing left was these four words, never give up.

The old Wuzhen teenager faced the crush of Tianhan Mountain and never gave up.

The dark guard who was expelled from the Sifang realm like a bereaved dog has never given up. The disciple of the Temple of Samsara when the land was blood-stained in the first battle of the eternal life gate has not given up.

Over the years, there have been countless difficulties, but my heart... still!

This is his sign, and this is the soul that casts oneself!

Meng Fan slowly raised his head. In this moment, his originally hollow eyes suddenly burst out with light, and his dry body creaked, his bones reconnected, and the whole person... suddenly came to the world!

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