Supreme God King

Chapter 1811: King Zhan Ming

Eyes are facing each other, sparks are flying!

In this unknown sea, Meng Fan and King Fudo Ming are facing each other, and the powerful aura collision between each other makes the entire space tremble gently. ⊥Vertex novel,

These are the two great **** king realm powerhouses, how can they be ordinary?

Under this kind of facing each other, before he could do anything, the earth was already split and the mountains and rivers changed color.

Anyone is absolutely extraordinary, Meng Fan is so, and Fudo Ming Wang is even more so.

The latter became famous very early. In the ancient times, he was the Supreme Emperor and made a great feat. Its combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary gods, but chasing the ancient emperor, the lord of the thirteen halls. Et al.

It is also rumored that he has played against the Giants in the past and is invincible.

The Heavenly Giant is such a powerful God King Realm. One of its strengths appears. It is effortless to suppress the three kings. However, in the old days, it is still incapable of breaking the defense of King Ming. King Dongming has been silent for many years, but what improvement he has now.

At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly felt that his whole body was about to explode, and he felt an infinite majesty attack, making him feel a big threat.

But his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he could feel Fudo Mingwang's fighting spirit, and he did the same.

Obviously, King Fudo Ming was very curious about this powerful man who had risen through the ages and wanted to take a shot, while Meng Fan was also extremely eager to fight for this ancient **** king who was known for his defenses.

Although there is no killing intent between each other, once the king sees the king, this kind of collision is inevitable. There is no grievance, but it is to be divided.

So in this moment, the two stood on their own, and the powerful aura between each other was already colliding with each other.

"it is good!"

King Fudo Ming chuckled, standing in the sky, stepping on the soles of his feet, and a lot of lotus flowers appeared all over his body, like the sun.

Don’t underestimate this lotus flower. It is cast by King Fudo Ming’s martial arts. Each lotus is like a world. At the moment of appearance, it surrounds Fudo Ming’s body. A total of seven or seventy-nine flowers, just like It is the same as the Forty-Nine World, in which Fudo Myoshi is located in the center and controls everything.

The fall of this scene alone is enough to shock an era!

In the past, countless gods and powerful people saw this scene with a look of horror and backwards, because in the past, the King Ming and the people were not moving against the enemy, and the forty-nine lotus world alone did not know how much powerful was consumed Opponent, the latter is an existence that can kill the **** king.

The moment the aura appeared, it was able to be felt by people. Throughout the ages, no one could break the defense of King Fudo Ming.

The latter is definitely one of the top powerhouses standing between heaven and earth, infinitely close to the ancient emperor, the person of the thirteenth hall master.

"If this is the case, then the juniors are welcome!"

Meng Fan said calmly, his etiquette had been completely achieved before, but now the duel has only one step down, and a monstrous hostility erupts from his body, and at the same time the imperial fist blasts out, oppressing the wastes.


Between the lightning and flint, you can see the sky changing color, a meteor-like fist piercing through everything, directly bombarding the world of forty-nine lotus flowers, suddenly burst out a thunderous violent noise.

Just this collision, I don't know how much terrifying power was hit, Meng Fan's attack can be described as shaking everything. After thousands of years of cultivation, it was Nirvana once again. What a terrifying combat power Meng Fan now possesses, he can't even say.

But what he expected was that the golden lotus world did not move. The King Fudo Ming who was located in it did not even have any intention of retreating under Meng Fan's punch, just standing quietly in the center of the world.

Yep! ?

As soon as Meng Fan's expression moved, he knew best how terrifying his punch was. Not to mention it was shaking the earth, even a **** king would be difficult to resist and would be shattered.

But now, under his full blow, he didn't even move King Ming at all. This is really interesting.

However, the more so, the more madness appeared in Meng Fan's heart, and he let out a low growl, his fists changed, and he killed him directly.

Counting the fists together, Meng Fan did not speak at this moment, only countless fist strikes fell at the same time, and each fist broke out like a star that penetrated the world.


The sound of the sonic boom came, the sea rose, and the whole world was agitated.

At a glance, Meng Fan took the initiative, and powerful killing methods broke out in an instant. In the past few years, how many people Meng Fan had killed, but he himself didn't know.

How can the means forged out of it be ordinary, even in this realm of the god-king confrontation, they all seem unmatched and fierce, punches in the air, penetrating everything, containing incomparable strength, toward the forty-nine A golden lotus leaves the world.

But what is shocking is that no matter how much Meng Fan attacks, how domineering the boxing front is, but the forty-nine lotus world in this void is still immovable, and the whole world is in this kind of stormy power. Next, it turned out to be no change.

You must know that the surrounding sea water has become dry, because Meng Fan’s power is really terrifying. The energy that spreads has dried up large areas of sea water and turned into pieces of steam, but it doesn’t move. King Ming’s world, but... never moved!


After another punch fell, Meng Fan couldn't even remember how many punches he had already made. It was just a few breaths. At least thousands of punches fell, but there was no effect at all. And between the fall of this punch, Meng Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he set foot in his current realm, it was impossible to achieve a perpetual motion machine, because this was a duel between the gods and kings, and any punch would cost Meng Fan worked so hard that he didn't dare to keep any hands in front of King Fudo Ming.

But between this kind of collision, it didn't actually have any effect, it was completely in Meng Fan's imagination.

And when he was breathing, King Fudo Ming, who was always in the lotus world, smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly burst out with a stream of light, one hand stretched out and turned into a monstrous palm print, suddenly facing Meng Fan Slap over.

It's just like a mountain, moving like a fire, and the earth cracks and the sky collapses!

At the moment when Meng Fan was breathing, he was seized by King Fudo Ming and slapped it off with a palm. It was so fast that Meng Fan couldn't react, and he was slapped on the chest by one of his palms. With the influx of golden power, the body of the **** king couldn't resist the powerful aura of King Fudo Ming. Its martial arts aura was enough to suppress the **** king, swallow it, and break through Meng Fan's defense.


A mouthful of blood spurted out. After this moment, Meng Fan flew out, his chest exploded, and blood filled the sky.

The bones in the body did not know how many bones were broken at this moment, and what made Meng Fan more shocked was that this was the first time he encountered an opponent after so many attacks, and the opponent did not even lose half of his hair. But he... has been hit hard!

Such a scene is absolutely shocking!

A full kilometer away, Meng Fan had just stabilized his body. The moment he stood, another blood spurted out, and his chest exploded again!

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