Supreme God King

Chapter 1818: Means of Attack

Heavenly Abyss!

The rocks collapsed and the sun and the moon changed color.

Three days ago, this was not what it looked like, but after the constant waves of air in this core area, the spreading power alone was to make the entire area almost turned upside down. Countless creatures in this large area were trembling and moved one after another.

All of them were staring at the direction of the center with stunned eyes. Although there was an astonishing aura from time to time before, it was definitely not as violent as these three days.

During these three days, many creatures and monsters thought it was the end of the world, and they continued to have amazing roars and powers, sweeping the sun!

There is no doubt that it is Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant!

The belligerent between the two sides, once the key to the battle is opened, then either one is in madness.

The battle between the two sides was a full three days and three nights. After such a battle, the entire area was almost unbroken. In the void, there was a smoke of gunpowder.

The center is even more messy. Before, there was only a huge abyss, but now under the hands of the two **** kings who are ruining the world, the entire area is already a ravine, and every one of them is deep into the bottom. abyss.

In the void, the two faced each other, and the blood kept falling.

The corner of the Zhan Tian giant's mouth was gasping, and the body that was originally a mountain was actually smaller at this moment, and the scars were clearly visible, each of which was extremely serious, with blood flowing out. The big stick in his hand that followed him forever also felt so heavy, so heavy, it felt very difficult for him to pick it up.

On the other hand, Meng Fan, who was on the opposite side, was even more miserable than the Battle Sky Giant, with hair fluttering and blood falling, making him unable to distinguish himself from the Battle Sky Giant. The internal organs and the meridians were broken. I don't know how much. Meng Fan just took a mouthful of blood and water spurted out, and the bones all over his body were shattered many times.

Thanks to him being a strong man in the Divine King Realm, his body turned into white bones, and he is constantly recovering, but it is also the stage of exhaustion for today's Meng Fan.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Meng Fan felt a trance in his consciousness, and couldn't help shook his head.

He and Zhantian Giant fought for three full days, and both sides were extremely overbearing, choosing absolute power to attack each other, causing each to be extremely bleak. Meng Fan knows the most about his own injuries. Now he is seriously injured, but he is still one step away from the origin.

The battle giant is actually better than him, there should be two steps, or even three steps away from the source of injury, this kind of distance is the martial art change between the two sides, the strength of the battle giant itself Above Meng Fan, if he fights hard to injure his origin, then it is possible that he will be the one who will die in the end!

Knowing so much, Meng Fan also shook his head and uttered a few words with difficulty.

"As expected of Zhan Tian, ​​goodbye!"

The sound fell, and the soles of his feet stepped on, turning into a shadow, and tore away directly.

Watching Meng Fan's movements, Zhantian Giant hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't catch up. Although his strength still overwhelms Meng Fan's front line, it is only a front line. He has a great hatred for Meng Fan, but if Meng Fan hurts his martial arts origin, then it is really not worth the loss.

Once it is the power of the **** king realm that hurts the origin, it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to recuperate, which is too troublesome!

Thinking of this, Zhan Tian giant finally put aside his hatred of Meng Fan, and also turned and left, moving the world.

He controlled the teleportation technique. After a breath, the Zhantian Giant came to an uninhabited area. This time he chose to sink to the bottom of the sea and retreat.

This retreat was a full ten years, and the Zhantian Giant also used this period of time to cultivate and restore himself, so that all the injuries on his physical body were restored.

After a full ten years, he just opened his eyes, but just when he was about to breathe out, he discovered that there was another figure in the bottom of the sea. It was... Meng Fan!

After ten years of absence, Meng Fan is also recovering from his injuries, with hair flying, looking at him coldly.

"You dare to come!"

The heart of the battle giant is almost a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloping past. The previous battle was fought hard for Meng Fan, but he did not expect the latter to appear in his own eyes. For the violent temperament giant. It's unbearable.

With a step down, the Zhan Tian giant moved to Meng Fan's side, and without a word, a great great stick flew past.


With a loud roar, Meng Fan blasted out, and confronted the giants of the sky. The seabed suddenly shattered, and the scene ten years ago repeated itself.

This battle lasted for another three days, and Meng Fan was defeated again. When the injury reached the limit, he moved the world and left the seabed.

Similarly, the Battle of the Sky Giants are not comfortable. Meng Fan is no longer the one who saw him and could only escape at the beginning, but the real existence of the great emperor. The Battle of the Sky Giants also feel extremely difficult, and this decade In the absence of time, Meng Fan seemed to have a much thicker skin and thicker skin, as if he was more resistant to fights than before. It also made Zhan Tian giant's heart sink, but he didn't think much, moved the space again, and chose a polar desert to retreat. .

After another twenty years have passed, the Zhantian Giant awakened from this desert, and at first glance, he discovered the figure of Meng Fan again.


Without saying a word, the battle giant raised his big stick and blasted towards Meng Fan again. Meng Fan faced off again and finally lost and fled!


After fighting like this, two hundred years later, one day, the Zhantian Giant recovered from his injuries again, emerging from a swamp, and seeing Meng Fan who was standing there grinning for the first time.

However, at this moment, the Zhantian Giant didn't have that irritability, and he shot towards Meng Fan, but the look on his face was almost as if he had eaten pig liver, his eyes fixed on Meng Fan, and he pleaded in a low voice.

"I beg you to let me go? I'm really tired of fighting with you. You can find someone else. I don't want to play with you anymore. I beg you to disappear from my eyes immediately!"

The tone rumbling, spread everywhere.

If it is spread to the outside world, it will inevitably cause a thunderous shock. The extremely militant giant of the sky is actually empty. The meaning of this statement even has a taste of conceding, I am afraid it is the ancient emperor, the lord of the thirteenth hall I was shocked when I heard it.

But standing still, Meng Fan's smile remained the same, his teeth glowing in the sun, only a few words of calm uttered, responding to the giant of the sky

"No! Resolutely not!"


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