Supreme God King

Chapter 1825: the way


What Zhantian Giant didn't expect was that under this kind of moment, Meng Fan was rather indifferent, sitting here directly, with a long breath and motionless.

Under this calm atmosphere, it is as if he is chaos and chaos is him, the whole person is completely integrated with this world.

"Do not understand!"

The Zhantian Giant gave Meng Fan a blank look, looking confused.

But he had a very good mentality. Although he had been anxious before, he sat down after a while and took out some precious meat and wine, and ate it beside Meng Fan, as if he had forgotten them. Just as in the cage of chaos.

After all, the previous rush was really exhausting physical strength, making Zhan Tian giant really feel exhausted.

Now I don't care, I leave everything to Meng Fan, and he relaxes, as if he is already out of trouble. Meng Fan is also feeling around with his whole body, otherwise he will have to vomit blood when he sees this scene.

Sitting alone, struggling to perceive the space, eating and drinking, and indulging in alcohol, formed a very unique scene.

It has been another half a year. Just when the Zhantian Giant was eating and drinking and preparing to sleep again, Meng Fan, who had always been sitting in the same place, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at a certain place in the chaotic void. Spit out a word,


It was just a word, but it broke out in an instant!

Under this statement, it turned out that the endless chaos was collapsed, everything was distorted and changed.


The Zhantian Giant on the side also felt different, because the void that Meng Fan pointed to was faintly split apart. Although it was still an endless void, it gave Zhantian Giant a sense of direction in his life, just one point. It is extremely real.

"Sure enough, chaos also has its laws!"

Meng Fan chuckled softly, strode out, and headed in the direction of the split. The Heavenly Battle Giant followed closely.

Although it was just a vague sense of direction before, it was fleeting, but Meng Fan was not in a hurry, but strode forward, and at the same time one hand changed, making countless complex marks, each of which evolved to the extreme. It makes people tremble.

"Fuck, gang, stand,, death!"

Every word was spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, and he made a knot print, and then took a step forward to split the chaos in it.

Obviously, Meng Fan faintly grasped a certain law of this emptiness and chaos, and kept moving forward, opening the way with the law in his hand. Under this kind of change, he moved freely in this chaotic space.

Just a few breaths allowed Meng Fan to take countless steps, and the chaos in front of him seemed to be completely split. In it, Meng Fan's breath was ethereal, as if he was chaos.


After a while, two characters suddenly emerged in this void, and the breath emerged, it was an old man, who was the ancestor of Chaos before.

After he brought Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant to this void, the ancestor of Chaos was proud to hide himself, but now he has taken the initiative to show up, and there is a hint of panic hidden in his expression, coldly said ,

"Meng Fan, the old man has finished his cultivation, and today I must fight you to the death!"

The tone was cold and warlike.

However, Meng Fan just smiled indifferently, as if he hadn't seen it, just calmly said.

"Zhan Tian, ​​clean him up!"


Behind him, the Battle Sky Giant gave a cold snort. In the eternal time, no one could order him, including the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters, but now the Battle Sky Giant is very willing to obey Meng Fan. I felt that Meng Fan was able to lead him away from this place, especially in dealing with this chaos, with peculiar means.


Without any words, the Battle Sky Giant blasted over with a stick. Although he couldn't explore the world, the battle power of the Battle Sky Giant was there. Especially when he planned to fight life and death, Meng Fan was beaten several times by him. Flee.

Come out with one stick, the world splits!

The ancestor of Chaos suddenly changed his face, and he stood up with a palm, turned into a towering seal, and collided with the stick of the battle giant.


The space burst open, and the power of the two gods collided again, causing the power of nine heavens and ten earth to collapse.

Under such a collision, it caused a big sensation, but to Meng Fan, it seemed that he hadn't seen it. A pair of eyes were just staring at the void, and there was a word in his mouth. Every word falling would cause a big earthquake.

Especially after the last few words, the entire chaos began to tremble, surrounding it, as if he were the lord of chaos.

"Drive me!"

The last time Meng Fan roared and uttered a few words, it caused the entire Chaos to make a crackling noise, and then as his eyes could see, a path really appeared.

"what is that!"

The Zhantian Giant's discoloration changed, and he lost his voice.

Even if he knew about Meng Fan's plan before, he would never expect the latter to succeed, especially in such a short period of time. And the ancestor of Chaos on the side trembled even more, his face was as gray as death, and when that road opened, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Impossible, how can you find the law in the chaos by yourself!"

"Thank you, old gentleman, too. Speaking of it, the true meaning in the chaos is similar to my martial arts. If it weren't for my inverse **** scroll that came from destruction and had the power to swallow everything, it would be difficult for me to achieve harmony. Chaos Fusion!"

Meng Fan laughed loudly and walked forward along this ancient road.

This path was split by him when he was born in this chaos, not to the outside world, but to a space with incomparably dazzling light, golden light, as if it were eternal.

After Meng Fan's foot fell, the whole person felt that the physical body was being baptized by a strange power, which was the power from the chaos, extremely pure.

Every golden light didn't know how many years it was conceived, and the moment it fell into the body, Meng Fan directly let out a low growl, as if it was as comfortable as a fish that had been thirsty for many years feeling water.

This kind of power is extremely old, even for a powerhouse like Meng Fan, it is too cherished.

Because of the pure power unique to this chaos, if Meng Fan hadn't opened this place, he would never have sensed this kind of power, only born in this emptiness.

And at a glance, the whole week and the sky is this kind of golden light, the value here is already self-evident, it is a huge treasure.


Meng Fan admired and said, his eyes were calm.

Facing such a treasure house, even he had to be tempted, and in the next moment he stared at the distance with his eyes firmly. In this golden world, there is a central place, which is the center of this world. All the golden light also emerged from him, as if it were a sun.

The mere moment of eye contact, including Meng Fan, gave birth to a small feeling in front of him, which made his heart shake and stared at where.

That’s right, this should be...the Avenue of Chaos!

This golden light core place is where the true meaning of chaos comes out. What it includes is the true meaning of chaos evolution. Under the light, it is only a moment that makes Meng Fan feel the same for thousands of years.

Because the chaos evolving from this avenue shrouded all ten thousand domains, including countless truths, Meng Fan had simply forgotten everything, only this in his eyes.

"My mother!"

In the distance, the Zhan Tian giant roared, and a stick blasted away from the ancestor of Chaos, and quickly set foot in this golden world.

Without him, this thing is also very attractive to him.

"Ah, you can't, you can't!"

Looking at the old man stepping into the world, the eyes of the ancestor of Chaos turned red, and he was almost fainting. He was the will of Chaos, and in disguise it was the spirit body born in this golden world. The supreme law of chaos.

Only he could have the ability to bring Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant directly to the depths of the chaos without any means, but what he never thought was that Meng Fan could use his plan to enter this chaotic avenue together. , This place is equivalent to his home. Once Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant step into this golden world, then he will not be able to interfere at all. Because of the existence of the Chaos Avenue, no one can use it in that golden world. The vitality fluctuates, only worship.

The original intention was to trap Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant here forever, but what I didn’t expect was that they gave Meng Fan a great opportunity in disguise. This kind of gate to Chaos Avenue has actually only been opened three times in ancient times, once. For the ancient emperor, once for... the thirteen hall masters!

Originally, Meng Fan was absolutely not qualified to open this gate, because with his current power, he wanted to find the Chaos Avenue and could not cross the outer layers. However, with the help of the ancestors of Chaos, Meng Fan and Zhan Tian The giant appeared directly in this most central place, and it only took a few years to do what others could not do for countless years, and to see the real chaotic avenue.

Including the ancestors of Primordial Chaos, it is only the spirit body that evolved from the changes in this avenue, not the avenue itself. Today, the supreme thing between heaven and earth is less than ten meters away from Meng Fan!

"You can see the chaos!"

Meng Fan spit out four words gently, and his face became devoid of joy and sorrow at this moment, and the martial arts aura in his body exploded, like a long river, extremely active at this moment.

After a breath, Meng Fan also stepped down, and his whole person... retreated into this chaotic avenue!

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