Supreme God King

Chapter 1845: Near death

The tone is cold and full of mockery!

At this moment, the two main hall masters besieged Meng Fan, sandwiching him, one left and the other right, and the sky was dim.

Such murderous intent, let alone Meng Fan who was the first among them, is outside this dark alliance, countless people between heaven and earth have already felt it, this is the strongest shot from the ages, looking at the past and present, thirteen The number of times that the palace master has shot is one of a few, and I have to admit that it is a kind of glory to be dealt with by the thirteen palace masters.

In the world, several people can enter the eyes of the thirteen hall masters.

But Meng Fan has escaped under the hands of the thirteen hall masters several times, and has fought with him until now.

But now, it was already in a precarious situation. The monkey was seriously injured and died, leaving only a trace of the origin in the hands of Meng Fan. If the previous Meng Fan might still have the power to fight, but now he puts all his power on saving the **** monkey, moving his fingers is laborious, let alone fighting the two **** kings.

But Meng Fan raised his head, but there was no regret in his eyes, but he said indifferently.

"Some things you will never understand!"

A few simple words, but sonorous and powerful.

He was bloodied and seriously injured, and he kept falling down his body. No matter who saw Meng Fan at this moment, he felt a sense of tears.

A generation of god-king powerhouses would be so embarrassed if they were ordinary, but now they were shot by the thirteen hall masters at the moment of serious injury. They can only watch the death of their closest comrades. This kind of pain can be experienced by several people.

"Is it?"

The two hall masters sneered at the same time, and then boldly shot.


The hand knife arrives again, transforming into the most terrifying power, cutting out the void.

Facing such a blow, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, only a cold snort.

"The **** monkey has spent so long delaying you. If even I die, who will avenge him, so between today, you can't kill me, because I want to live, and the future will be good... Absolutely you!"

The last few words fell, and at the same time, you could see Meng Fan’s whole body suddenly exploded, and an unparalleled overbearing power in his body also exploded. All this happened in a moment, even the two main hall masters. Without reacting, he saw an extremely splendid spark emerging from the sky.

This spark was due to... Meng Fan’s blew up!


It was a real self-destruction. In this moment, Meng Fan was already exhausted. If he had any moves before, he would have used it already, and would not watch the **** monkey die.

But after all, Meng Fan is a strong master in the Divine King Realm, a generation of supreme masters. In this kind of situation, he suddenly broke the boat and took a step forward. His original power and soul withdrew, but the body that flew past It turned into a meteor and headed towards the two hall masters.

A generation of gods and strong men blew themselves up.

Even the two main hall masters did not expect that Meng Fan would be so decisive and fierce to kill. He didn't even glance at him, he was so fierce to himself. You must know how difficult it is for a **** king to condense his own body. The body that has been honed throughout the ages was abandoned by Meng Fan after such a short time, even without hesitation.


In an instant, the two main halls turned offense into defense, and the hand knife collided with Meng Fan's body of the **** king, resisting this self-destructive force.

But it was a little late too. Meng Fan's actions were too fierce, almost to the point of heinous, that kind of self-detonating force was extremely fast, directly penetrating everything. Even the combined force of the two main hall masters couldn't completely contend with the bursting power of the **** king's flesh. That kind of violent aura penetrated everything and directly hit the chest of the two main hall masters.


Between the sky, the sparks were brilliant, and at the same time, you could see that the two main hall masters were shocked by the sudden power, and blood spurted out, and the whole person kept retreating.

So powerful!

Seeing this scene, everyone's complexion changed abruptly, and it was unexpected that Meng Fan was still in the face of danger under this kind of serious injury, and would kill the two main hall masters. Facing this kind of method, Zhongtian, Tiancan and many other gods were shocked for Meng Fan's heart, and gave a secret praise, which is worthy of being the strongest rising in the ages.

Blood spurted, and the two great hall masters retreated, but at this moment, the trace of Meng Fan’s retreat roared.

"Dark Guard!"

Just spit out two words, it happened in this instant, very simple.

But at the moment of fall, all the dark alliance powerhouses understand, because they have followed Meng Fan for too many years, and they are connected with each other, and have already regarded Meng Fan as their own belief. All affect the entire dark alliance.


There is only one word to respond to Meng Fan. It comes from countless corners in this chaotic valley. Among them are amethyst, old snake, old thunder soul, burning sky, female emperor, Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang, etc. Many strong men in this dark alliance.

After a short while, you can see countless sun-like rays appearing in the sky, each of which is gathered by the majestic vitality fluctuations, which burst out in an instant, turning into the most powerful blow, and brazenly slashing towards the two hall masters. .

The previous scene of the death of the **** monkey fell into everyone’s eyes. Even though the **** monkey still retains a trace of its origin and was left behind by the powerful Meng Fan by great means, it is impossible to recover again because he is just left. It's just a little bit of strength, I don't know how many years it will take to restore the peak again.

This kind of hatred almost made everyone crazy. The attack at this moment came from the countless corners of the chaotic valley, where the strongest combat power broke out, and countless meteors could be seen running through the entire sky at the same time. Taking advantage of the moment of the hind legs of the two great hall masters, they bombarded his body.


Visible to the naked eye is to see the layers of black death air being torn apart, even if the two main hall masters are supremely strong, it is difficult to react without expecting this change. Even though this group of dark alliance powerhouses does not have a **** king, there are still more ants that can kill elephants, not to mention the shots from thousands of dark alliance powerhouses. At this moment, almost all the dark alliance leaders All of them exploded with the strongest power, slashing towards the thirteen hall masters.

Below it, there are millions of dark alliances, and the sword light falls, slashing towards the void.

Such a combined blow only happened in a moment, but the result was as ruinous, blood fell again between the sky, but it was not from Meng Fan, but from the two main hall masters.

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