Supreme God King

Chapter 1854: Xuanyuan Forbidden Land

Haunt Forest!

The woods are dense, with towering old trees.

Sun has not been seen here for many years. After Meng Fan conquered the chaotic watershed, many places were built and built continuously. Only this place remained unmoved, which was the most mysterious location in the chaotic watershed.

And also ushered in an uninvited guest, it was Meng Fan.

With Xuanyuan Wuhen leading the way, Meng Fan also quickly followed him to the hag forest. As he said, the people hidden behind the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan were really terrifying and too mysterious. Even Meng Fan didn't have the confidence to deal with him, and in any case, it was important to restore strength first.

So Meng Fan also followed Xuanyuan Wuhen, wanting to take a look at the methods used by the ancestors of Xuanyuan.

If ordinary people say that they have a way to quickly restore the body of the king of gods, Meng Fan absolutely does not believe it, but the ancestors from the Xuanyuan clan, especially after knowing that the other party’s martial art is the Dao of Heaven, let Meng Fan’s heart There was a little faith.

The two of them swiftly shuttled through layers of dense forest like electricity, and stepped into the forbidden land of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan.

With Xuanyuan Wuhen in front, although the surroundings were tightly guarded, all the forbidden areas were no longer forbidden areas. In the end, what fell into Meng Fan's eyes was an ancient temple.

The whole body is black, and the walls are a bit broken, but you can still see some broken runes on it. The whole temple is not big, like a hill, but at a glance, you can know that this is definitely an experience. I don’t know how much in the world. Vicissitudes.

Surrounded by the divine formation of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan, it surrounded it in groups.

"Leader, this is it. The only thing left by the ancestors is this temple, and his remains and all the means are all in this!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen pointed inside and said,

"However, there are many prohibitions left by the ancestors of the past. People who are not from the Emperor Xuanyuan clan will encounter automatic attacks from the temple once they enter it. Therefore, you need to accompany the leader to enter it. With blood pouring, the leader also needs to follow the old man closely, that's all right!"


Meng Fan nodded, knowing that this should be because the old Xuanyuan ancestors feared that the descendants would not be able to guard the temple, so he left many prohibitions. No wonder, he followed Xuanyuan Wuhen and stepped into the temple. .

The ancient atmosphere hit, the temple was extremely dim, and the surrounding mottled walls were carved with patterns, all of which were things from ancient times.

Meng Fan's mental power carefully scanned, and he saw that what should have been the rise of the Xuanyuan emperor in the past was portrayed on this wall.

The two of them walked continuously along a long corridor, Xuanyuan Wuhen also kept biting off his own blood and spreading the breath on Meng Fan's body to prevent the temple from resisting him.

However, Meng Fan still felt a sense of ruggedness, as if this temple was watching him.

Even if he reached the realm of Meng Fan, he instinctively felt a kind of horror. Being frightened by this kind of power, I have to admit that the terrifying ancestor Xuanyuan in the past is worthy of being a practitioner of the way of heaven. After so many years, the breath It's still so vigorous.

For a full stick of incense, Meng Fan and Xuanyuan Wuhen walked continuously in this oppressive darkness, and finally Xuanyuan Wuhen stood firm in front of an ancient gate inside the temple.

After a step down, Xuanyuan Wuhen also stretched out his palm, which was stained with his own blood. A palm fell on a mark in front of Shimen, and at the same time he said something.

"Later descendants, Xuanyuan Wuhen invites the remains of the ancestors to show up!"

A few words made Xuanyuan Wuhen himself a large amount of original power lapse, because at this moment he was consuming his own effort, every drop was extremely precious, and all was used to open the stone gate.

At the same time, after the voice of Xuanyuan Wuhen's words fell, the stone gate in front of him also quietly reacted, making a buzzing sound. This ancient stone gate was obviously called by some kind, and dust was everywhere. , The Shimen, which was always dusty, also slowly opened to the left and the right.

With the opening of the stone gate, Meng Fan was able to see the scene in it. It was an ancient corpse, sitting quietly in the bronze hall, his whole body was dry, but he felt it vaguely. An extremely terrifying breath.

Even though Meng Fan was an invincible God King and powerhouse, but the moment he saw the corpse, he instinctively gave birth to a feeling of awe.


Meng Fan's eyes narrowed, all his eyes were fixed in front of the corpse.

On the side, Xuanyuan Wuhen was already out of breath, sweat was constantly staying, and he said,

"Leader, this is the corpse of our old ancestor, nothing else. According to the ancestor before his death, all his power is in the body!"

Meng Fan didn't respond at all to Xuanyuan Wuhen's words, because at this moment all his attention was on the corpse.

In just a moment, Meng Fan's eyes were deep and gleaming, as if he had penetrated everything and saw a world in the body of the corpse.

Sitting in its own form, it is a world of its own, a golden color, with vitality surging, and the most shocking is the law between vitality rotations, each is extremely terrifying, and it is an eye-opener for Meng Fan , Because this kind of law includes too much.

It’s hard to see changes in the law that he hasn’t seen before, but in the body of this corpse, every change and every rune is absolutely beyond Meng Fan’s expectations. The whole world simply opened another door of strength for Meng Fan.


Meng Fan's heart trembled, knowing that this should definitely be the way of heaven that Xuanyuan Wuhen said. Although the old Xuanyuan ancestors were sitting down, they used great means to retain their own power and suppressed them in this sea of ​​knowledge, especially It is his martial arts, even more so.

Such close contact with this sea of ​​consciousness is equivalent to Meng Fan observing the heavens in disguise, and it can even be said to be approaching...the source of the heavens!

So in this moment, Meng Fan was like a child seeing a beloved toy, and the whole person was caught in it.

And at the next moment, a voice fell into Meng Fan’s sea of ​​consciousness, causing Meng Fan’s body to be shaken, because the voice came from this ancient corpse. Although it was already dead, the old voice It is quite clear.

"You are finally here, young people, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

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