Supreme God King

Chapter 1865: Seventy Two Earth Ghost

Two midgets!

That hoarse and gloomy voice fell, staring at the two little ghost-like people who appeared, Meng Niuniu's expression also changed.

Knowing that it was their shots before, they just caused themselves to be severely wounded. The two of them should be less than half a step God King, only the three realms of the gods, but that kind of assassination shot is simply terrifying. .

One of them took the lead, a sword struck, and went straight to her heart, which made her have to use all the defensive power to resist, but the other one approached in an instant, and another sword made her hard to defend, especially The ability of the latter to appear suddenly is really amazing.

She didn't have much time to react at all, even though she was a half-step **** king, she was hurt by these two divine essence three realms.

Especially after the sword energy entered Meng Niuniu’s body, her wound became extremely hot, and she felt a powerful toxin flow into his body. If this toxin hadn’t come from Meng Niu’s martial arts, Meng Fan. With a kind of hegemony that swallows everything, it's already dead!

How terrible are such two people!

Meng Niuniu stared at the two dwarves who appeared, and she was silent for a moment before she said in shock.

"Seventy-two... Earth Ghost, you are also resurrected!"

Between these words, there was a sense of extreme shock. Even Meng Niuniu couldn't keep calm at this moment.

After a word fell, not only Meng Niuniu, including all the young generations of dark alliances who had heard this name shuddered, as bold as a monkey, their eyes trembled slightly, and they looked at those two in shock. dwarf.

This name has not been mentioned for a long time, but in the past, it was the most ghost-like name in the restricted area.

The thirteen hall masters once created thirty-six true demons, which are the ancestors of these ancient true demons, but in fact, the most powerful one is not these thirty-six true demons.

Although it possesses powerful power, each of them is a half-step **** king, but among the many killing gods in the restricted area, the name that makes the countless heroes between the world and the earth the most jealous is...Seven-two Land ghost.

They were also created by the thirteen hall masters. They were deformed products that used the martial arts of the black death to multiply. The strength of any of them is far less powerful than the thirty-six true demons, but the most terrifying point is this. What every ghost is good at is not real combat power, but... hiding, sneak attack!

In the old days, the earth ghosts were born, and they would never fight any enemy head-on. They could only quietly hide in the dark, and in the dark, they would strike out in the most critical place, with the most deadly blow.

The methods of the earth ghosts are extremely despicable and gloomy. They never use any positive methods, as if they are born of darkness, and are good at hiding, poisoning, and using tricks. Therefore, when they used to fight the world in the forbidden zone, if they died in the hands of someone If the number of people is the most, then it is not the four killers in the restricted area, the thirty-six true demons, but the...

This kind of thing kills countless powerhouses between heaven and earth. In the past, I don't know how many people were afraid of hearing it and sweating!

Such a existence, once it emerges, it is simply a urging Yama!

Unexpectedly, in this piece of heaven and earth, there are actually two ghosts hidden.

"Jie Jie...Little girl, I didn't expect you to know us!"

One of the ghosts stared at Meng Niuniu's body and licked his tongue. The small figure gave people an indescribable strange smell.

"Yes, yes, surging blood, high-level realm, and with such a good appearance, it is simply the best candidate for Dinglu!"

"It seems that you have recovered!"

After only a moment of shock, Meng Niuniu reacted, ignoring the other's disgusting eyes, and instinctively gave birth to a bad premonition.

In ancient times, the seventy-two ghosts of the land can be said to be evil, killing countless strong people among these ten thousand domains, and it also caused the top strong among these ten thousand domains to hate them, leading to a large number of hunting and killing this group of people. The latter was also the first to be annihilated in the ancient times, and now it reappears in the world, but there are only two in this place. You must know that there are 72 people in these seventy-two ghosts. Obviously this time the restricted area Already prepared, then the other seventy people are there... but it goes without saying!

The thought that there are a total of seventy eerie killers hiding between the world and the dark alliance is to make Meng Niuniu feel a horror.

This thing was terrible beyond imagination, even she hadn't noticed anything before, let alone other people.

Now in this situation, it is obvious that the other seventy earth ghosts must be hidden in all parts of the Middle Ancient Region, waiting for the opportunity to target the masters of the dark alliance in these places, no wonder they have to separate everyone!

"Quickly, inform Yun Feiyang, Burning the sky to make grandpa them!"

Regardless of her injury, Meng Niuniu stood with a sword and let out a long roar.

Everyone in the Dark Alliance also reflected that many of the younger generations had difficulty with the sound transmission jade pendant and wanted to inform the situation here, but after a while, they discovered that the space here is still completely blocked, even if it is any of them. Unable to transmit information.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, many young generations in the dark alliance were taken aback, staring at each other.

Standing in the distance, the two earth ghosts both smiled cruelly, and one of them said slowly,

"What? You want to transmit information out, Jie are too slow, you still want to play this in front of us, this space has already been blocked by us with a **** array, let alone You want to transmit information, and even a bird can't fly out. As for some of my brothers? Humph, it's already done now!"

A few words fell, extremely hoarse, and at the same time, the complexion of many younger generations of Dark Alliance changed suddenly.

Thirty-six true demons alone are scary enough, all of them are amazingly powerful half-step **** kings. If you add the seventy-two ghosts hidden in this dark alliance, then the dark alliance is a faction between heaven and earth. .... How dangerous it will be!

Kitahara City!

Yun Feiyang stood with a gun, dressed in white, proud, but now the clothes on his body have been stained red with blood, and there are three more blood holes in it. In the distance, a group of strong in the restricted area sneered at him, and there were five short dwarf characters next to him, it was the five great earth ghosts, not only him, but also the dark alliance masters such as Zhan Wuji. The injury suffered a powerful sneak attack from the ghost here, especially Yun Feiyang. In order to cover everyone, he was stabbed with three ghost swords, blood spurted out, and it turned black, even making Yun Feiyang. Now his face was pale, and his lips were blackish.

And now the scene is not only happening here, the dark alliance strongmen in the Hexi Corridor, Pingtianxia, ​​Fengyunguan, etc. and many masters in the restricted area have encountered sneak attacks. Either party is seriously injured and has entered the trap that the thirteen hall masters have already arranged!

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