Supreme God King

Chapter 1872: calm

Respect the Supreme God King!

These words resounded everywhere in the world, coming from too many ancient existences such as Warcraft, Human Race, Ancient Alien Species and so on.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This sentence has been circulated in Wanyu for a long time, but who can really do it, and that one is not constantly seeking benefits for himself. However, under the birth of Meng Fan, regardless of whether it was because of his own interests, Meng Fan has always blessed the Ten Thousand Regions. How many wars were due to Meng Fan, which reduced too many wars among the Ten Thousand Regions.

It is conceivable that today, if it were not for Meng Fan's words. After this big show, how many people in Wanyu have been displaced, how many have died, and how many have their loved ones parting.....The word tribute comes from countless Wanyu. Waiting for someone in time is truly kneeling on the ground and loving that person.

It can even be seen that between the countless places in this world, there is a kind of strange power faintly coming from all directions on the ground, converging in the chaotic valley.

This kind of power can't be seen or touched, only the peak between the heaven and the earth can it be sensed.

Meng Fan, who touched the Dao of Heaven, had already integrated the countless methods of Xuanyuan's ancestors. He naturally knew that this kind of strange power, called the power of faith, came from among all beings.

Chaos seas, dark alliance!

After confronting the thirteen hall masters, Meng Fan stepped down and returned to the dark alliance.

And now, many dark alliance powerhouses in this world, each cheered and headed towards the chaotic sea. The end of the war also gave everyone a sigh of relief, especially seeing Meng Fan ascending, recovering his body, standing on the top and provoking the thirteen hall masters. How could this make them not excited!

Inside the hall, there was a joyous atmosphere.

The respective strong men returned, looking at Meng Fan among them, all of them sighed softly, with a feeling of aftermath.

"You guy always plays the game of walking on the tip of a knife. I really thought I was going to die this time!"

Looking at Meng Fan, Yun Feiyang laughed, his eyes filled with excitement.

He had already regarded Meng Fan as his own brother of life and death. Now that the king returns, not only is he not half-worn, but he is stronger, and he is naturally extremely happy, unable to restrain his emotions.

"Yes, Meng Fan, you fellow, must have a drunk with you today!"

Burning Tianling also joked.

After another battle, everyone worked together to solve such a big crisis in the restricted area. It can be said that everyone's mood has become quite good, even if it is the indifferent Burning Heaven Order, now they can't help but joke.


Meng Fan looked at everyone, this feeling of being surrounded by brothers and relatives was really good.

However, the thought of the previous Xuanyuan ancestor's speculation about the ten thousand domains was to make Meng Fan's eyes go dark, and there was a strange feeling in his body.

I have to say that in the Xuanyuan Forbidden Land, under the speculation of the ancestor Xuanyuan, the world has no existence, the life and death of the common people, everything has disappeared, and Meng Fan has a shocking feeling, especially now he Incorporating heaven.


This itself is the martial art that comes from the source of the heavens, and there are all kinds of mysteries in the world.

Even the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters had never touched this kind of martial arts, but because of the existence of Xuanyuan ancestor, it was by chance and coincidence that Meng Fan merged this kind of martial arts and continued to exist as a variable.

Prior to this, Meng Fan didn't believe in Xuanyuan's ancestor's reasoning at all, because looking at the world, no one would have the qualifications to say that he could destroy Ten Thousand Territories. Even the Thirteenth Palace Lord did not want to completely destroy the Ten Thousand Domains, because they needed to use the people who enslaved the Ten Thousand Domains to improve their strength, but they just wanted to make the Ten Thousand Domains their forbidden zone.

Any existence with a single idea will cause the King of Heaven to counterattack, and the King of Heaven will fight him together. It is simply 100,000 unreliable, especially Xuanyuan Ancestor still told him that he wanted to destroy Ten thousand domains are the source of the heavens that created them!

But in the forbidden land, Meng Fan integrated the heavenly way by himself, so his eyes on these ten thousand realms were completely different.

This Heavenly Dao came from the source of the heavens and possessed its powerful divine power. Even the ancestor Xuanyuan was able to see Meng Fan 500,000 years later. Heavenly Dao was the mother of all things and possessed countless incredible methods.

The past, present, and future, these three voids, are not even truly unbreakable things in front of Heaven.

It was also at this moment that Meng Fan had an extra pair of eyes, which came from the ancestor Xuanyuan, and also from the source of the heavens.

Therefore, at the moment of physical resuscitation, Meng Fan also developed a new kind of enlightenment, that is, the world Xuanyuan ancestor saw, maybe it is really...real!

In the future void, that scene will really appear, he himself no longer exists, the dark alliance no longer exists, the people around him no longer exist, Wanyu...

The thought of this made Meng Fan's heart tremble, even like him, it was absolutely unbearable.

Controlling the way of heaven, letting Meng Fan’s power merge, and his strength skyrocketing, also felt an unprecedented pressure. If a person can see that his future path has been completely cut off, then this kind of taste is absolutely unbearable. , Especially knowing that the people around you will die one by one.

Stretching out his palm, Meng Fan touched Meng Niuniu’s hair, looked at the latter’s delicate face, and smiled.

"You did a good job. Thanks to your **** battle, this time, I was able to win the last time for me. Otherwise, if I break the barrier early, there will be many problems!"

Feeling the warmth of Meng Fan's palm, Meng Niuniu smiled softly,

"Grandpa, you taught the thirteen hall masters that way before, now can you hang them!"

While talking, Meng Niuniu's eyes were filled with shining little stars, and she worshipped Meng Fan to the extreme.

That is the strongest among the eternal ages. It is not an exaggeration to call the head of the king of the world. After all, the ancient emperor was defeated by the thirteen hall masters, but Meng Fan was swallowed by anger. Because of fear and dare not come into the world, this is simply too domineering.

Who dare not accept? Many young generations in the Dark League were drunk and fell to the ground, especially the little monkey. When they saw Meng Fan, their hairs were upside down, and they never blinked.

Hearing Meng Niuniu’s words, not only the younger generation in the dark alliance, including Yun Feiyang, Fen Tianling, the Empress and others, also looked over, wanting to know how much Meng Fan has reached, after all It took Meng Fan less than a few months for the waste to reach King’s Landing. It made everyone unable to react. Even if they were a little curious, why did Meng Fan dare to challenge the thirteen hall masters so much? ?


Hearing this, Meng Fan gave a wry smile and said slowly,

"In this world, let alone hang and beat the thirteen hall masters, if all 13 of them come together, except for the existence of a few of the ancient emperor and other ranks, the world gods together, whether they can deal with it is still unknown!"

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