Supreme God King

Chapter 1878: Pishanmen

Yellow sand!

The endless desert, full of energy!

In the confusion, Meng Fan finally opened his eyes and woke up from the confusion.

The moment his consciousness recovered, he was shocked. For many years, since he became the **** king, he has never fainted again.

It's even more when you don't have consciousness into chaos, but I tried it before!

There was a tearing pain in his mind, but after only a moment, Meng Fan reacted, looking around, a vast and unparalleled energy of heaven and earth surged towards him.

This kind of feeling is like he had entered the Divine Emperor Realm from the Sifang Realm before, and he felt that kind of endless heaven and earth energy, and now Meng Fan is the same.

After hesitating for a moment, Meng Fan had already understood that he seemed to have truly returned to this ancient age through the means of heaven!

The ancient times!

The four words made Meng Fan's scalp numb. He looked around, but there was no sign other than a piece of yellow sand. Obviously, under the strong pulling force of the space before, the moment when he and the Zhantian Giant were separated, they were also separated and did not come into a space at the same time.

It is worthy of the past, even if he controls the way of heaven, there are many things he can't control.

There was a moment of silence, and Meng Fan also sat gently.

When the body moved, a sense of swallowing came out in the body, and Meng Fan also absorbed the energy of heaven and earth between the sky and the sky. This is not the same in the ancient times. That kind of endless chaotic energy fell into his body, which can be described as Extremely abundant, for the existence of Meng Fan, it is also a kind of strange insight, I can't think of the former Wanyu, it is such a look, the whole world has such a powerful heaven and earth energy.

After a few breaths, a wry smile appeared on Meng Fan's face.

Sure enough, everything was as he had expected before. After breaking through the time and space forcibly, although Meng Fan was able to maintain a strong God King's body, the vitality realm in his body was about to be unable to be stabilized even at the breaking yuan realm.

Now he is almost like a child holding a machine gun. Although the **** king is incomparably terrifying, he can't control himself, and it is difficult to use his own powerful power. And Meng Fan can feel that in the vast space, there is a strong exclusivity for him in the faint, always telling Meng Fan that he himself is an outsider, as if in the next moment, the power of heaven's punishment Just to come.

Obviously, this time and space does not welcome him very much!

Of course, now Meng Fan's heart is also extremely crooked. Not only does he lack powerful power, he can't even control himself, which is a great insult to a **** king.

But in any case, it must not be able to delay the goal of this industry!

With a heavy breath, Meng Fan also got up from this yellow sand, strode out, his body was like electricity, and after a while, he slew out of the endless yellow sand.

Now that there are not too many ways, Meng Fan has no hesitation, only to fight out of this desert with all his strength.

This is Meng Fan. Even in the worst environment, the latter has flustered, feared, and withdrawn, but after only a moment, all emotions will disappear. In Meng Fan’s heart, there is only that one. Kind of brave and just advancing.

Knife mountains and seas of fire, the sky and the earth are cracked, nine deaths without looking back.

Meng Fan used to have such a personality, and in the eternal time, there has not been a slight change.

Whoop, whoop!

Only one person, walking alone, in this moment, Meng Fan also relied on his own powerful strength to stride out, and he began to cross the yellow sand desert.

Without the realm of the **** king and powerful, just relying on a body that could not be controlled, made Meng Fan suffer in this piece of yellow sand.

Staring at the energy, endless smoke and dust, constantly tearing Meng Fan's body, allowing him to walk in this desert for three days and three nights. Normally, it is just a matter of thought, but now it is After spending so much experience, it really made Meng Fan dumbfounded.

However, after more than three days, Meng Fan finally saw the dawn and walked to the edge of the desert.

In the distance, there is already a figure, not this wild.

Are these people from the ancient times?

Meng Fan's heart touched, and his eyes looked around. For him, the silhouettes possessed a powerful repulsive force. No one else would know this repulsive force. Only Meng Fan could feel it.

The past is unchanged!

With these words in his mind, Meng Fan understood that none of these can be changed.

In this past time and space, he definitely cannot easily show his own strength, otherwise he will definitely encounter a powerful time and space crush. For example, a very simple matter, Meng Fan now kills a person at will. A person should live to eighty, but after Meng Fan was killed at the age of 30, he must now be hit by space, which would directly damage his body, and he was just a small person.

Generally speaking, this kind of person cannot affect Ten Thousand Domains at all, so time and space will not completely obliterate Meng Fan, but if Meng Fan really wants to do something shocking in this piece of time and space, once he really wants to reverse time and space In the general situation, then the power of time and space will automatically obliterate everything and restore everything to normal. It is very likely that the power of the source of the heavens will be forced to take action. Now Meng Fan will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, in this piece of time and space, Meng Fan must be careful not to kill even a rabbit easily, so as not to provoke cause and effect. Once the cause and effect are formed, it will cause powerful obliteration, like a profit. Like a sword, it hung over Meng Fan's head at any time, extremely dangerous.

"Be careful, be careful, let the source of the heavens be killed in this way, it would be too sad, I haven't seen him yet!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, and immediately walked carefully into this human habitation, trying to hide himself as much as possible, not in conflict with anyone, nor let anyone pay attention, and try to observe the surroundings. Along the city where humans live, the more you go inside, the more you let Meng Fan understand that he is now here. It is a unified Medieval realm. It has not yet been classified into eight divine realms, but divided into southern and northern regions. Territory, the area he is currently in is the Southern Territory, and there is only one powerful force here, whose name is...Pishanmen!

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