Supreme God King

Chapter 1885: Meet

Battle giant!

This guy was forced by Meng Fan, and the two had no choice but to cross the age, but they were lost at the last moment of entering this piece of time and space.

Before, Meng Fan was still curious about where this guy went, but unfortunately he is no longer the king of gods. He can't move Kyushu with a single thought to find the giants of the sky, but what is unexpected is that there is nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. .

In this piece of heaven and earth, it turned out to see the giant of the sky!

And the top dignified kings of the later generations turned out to be pulling carts!

It is estimated that the group of **** kings who had been violently beaten by the Zhan Tian giants would have their jaws dropped when they saw this place, and their whole body was shaking.

In later generations, the Battle Sky Giant was known for his violent, powerful, and arrogant characteristics. Apart from encountering Meng Fan, who was even more violent than him, he basically had no opponents. In his rampant years, I don't know how many people were suppressed by him, even sitting to death.

These fierce demons, from the beginning of their birth, have been famous in the world, and shocked the ancient heroes.

But now, it turned out to be pulling a cart for a little girl!

This scene alone is enough to shake the ages!


In the distance, Meng Fan even squirted out the Mingdao tea he had just drunk, his eyes widened, and with his concentration, he now felt the thunder rolling!

Unexpectedly, the two parties reunited in this way. It's really... embarrassing!


Above the chariot, Princess Divine Grace didn't care about the people around her, her expression was proud, and a whip fell, directly on the back of the battle giant, obviously very anxious and wanted to get through the teleportation formation quickly.

It made people whip their backs, and the battle giant suddenly gritted his teeth. Although this pain was just like a drizzle to his **** king's body, the humiliation it brought was simply monstrous!

Where did you experience this in the hereafter, if it wasn't for a certain **** who came here... how could it be like this!

With his eyes closed, the Battle Sky Giant was almost in tears. He did not have the luck of Meng Fan. He fell into a desert while traveling through the heavens and the earth, while the Battle Sky Giant fell on the gods of Los Angeles. In the princess mansion.

A meteorite-like thing fell from the sky, which naturally caused the powerhouses in the Princess Divine Grace Mansion to be alert, and they looked at it.

The battle giant who had just fallen was still full of confidence, and he slapped a lot of powerful people away with a slap, but only a moment later discovered that he, like Meng Fan, was restricted in this world. Any behavior that affects this world, even the smallest means, will encounter the power of the times. He slapped more than a dozen powerful people, and the more he encountered it..... Ten times the time and space crushed, almost never killed the Zhantian Giant.

The discovery of this was also a discovery that made Zhan Tian giant sad. He is now a meat bun who can't fight back or curse!

This goddamn, all cause and effect is to blame him!

Therefore, there are many guards around this Divine Grace Princess, not enough to kill the Battle Sky Giant with a single finger, but the Battle Sky Giant is just as cautious and never dare to move. Later, she was discovered by the Princess Divine Grace, who thought he was a good show, and looked particularly fierce, so she directly asked the Battle Sky Giant to pull the cart. For this request, the Battle Sky Giant was extremely angry, but dare not to be angry. Dare to say, I can only curse that **** 10,000 times in my heart, 10,000 times!

However, at the next moment, Zhantian Giant's expression also moved slightly, because when Meng Fan saw him, his gaze... also saw Meng Fan's body, gradually freezing, the face of the gods and this in his mind The faces in the Zhantian crowd gradually overlapped.

The eyes are facing each other, even if there are countless crowds!

But in an instant, Meng Fan could still feel a kind of monstrous anger, as if the eyes of the giants in the battle were about to spray out, and it was aimed at him.

not good!

Meng Fan let out an exclamation in his heart, he wanted to turn around and left, rubbing oil on the soles of his feet.

"Meng Fan!"

A moment later, the giant of Zhan Tian couldn't help it anymore, yelling at the sky, a few words stunned the surroundings, unable to take care of the surroundings at all.

A roar caused the people around to shook, and the princess of God's Grace was pulling violently trembling, the five fierce horses in front were all frightened, this battle giant is still deliberately controlling his power, Otherwise, you have to set off a person to turn your back!


Standing on the carriage, the princess of Divine Grace exclaimed, and barely stood firm, her pretty face suddenly turned pale, and a whip directly greeted the battle giant.


With a sound, Zhantian Giant was annoyed, but thinking of the rules that bound him, he could only grit his teeth, but the eyes that looked at Meng Fan remained unchanged, full of endless anger, and he wished to tear him up!

"You dare to frighten my carriage!"

With an angry expression on her face, the Princess Divine Grace also pressed her, staring at the Zhantian Giant, as if she could kill anyone at any time.

As for the murderous aura of Princess Divine Grace, Zhan Tian Giant naturally felt it, he hesitated for a moment, and then said,

"Sorry, princess, I'm so excited, because...I just met an enemy from my hometown!"

After a few words fell, it was gnashing his teeth, and at the same time a trace of triumph flashed in Zhan Tian Giant's eyes.


After hearing this sentence, Meng Fan's heart was rushed by 100,000 grass-mud horses. When did the Zhantian giant become so smart and even know **** people with a knife?

Sure enough, between the words of the Zhantian Giant, the eyes of Princess Divine Grace and many of her guards followed and fell on Meng Fan.

"come here!"

Princess Divine Grace stood on the carriage, raised her finger, and pointed at Meng Fan in an unquestionable tone.

Facing this scene, Meng Fan looked speechless. Like the Heavenly Giant, he was suppressed by this cage of heaven and earth, and he did not have a strong movement speed. Otherwise, at the moment when the Heavenly Giant was speaking, he You can leave calmly.

But now, it can be said to be surrounded by a group of tigers and wolves, surrounded by a group of guards of grace princesses, of different strengths, and probably all have the strength of the Hunyuan realm, and the strength of the Tianyuan realm is all glaring at him. If you don’t agree, it means smashing!

Although this group of people is just like little dolls in Meng Fan's eyes, but now they are... they can't help these little dolls.

He is in exactly the same situation as the Zhantian Giant. He has the power of the **** king, but he dare not provoke any cause and effect!

That one…..

Meng Fan gritted his teeth and walked to the front of Princess Shenen with great helplessness, arching his hands.

"Farewell... princess!"

Speaking a few words, it can be said that Meng Fan's heart is greasy and crooked. Looking at the nine heavens and ten places, looking at the past and present, if the old man of the mountain is here, the Big Dipper is here, maybe Meng Fan is handed over.


Facing Meng Fan, Princess Divine Grace looked like a cold star and said coldly,

"Are you the enemy of my servant? What kind of grudges are there between you!"

Hearing the words of Princess Divine Grace, before Meng Fan could answer, the giant Zhantian on the side was already on the fast track.

"Princess Mingjian, when this guy was in my hometown, relying on his own strength, he forcibly kidnapped me and left there. You don’t know his reputation in my hometown. He is a big bully, a big rascal, and a villain. I hope the princess can uphold justice for me!"

With a word, Meng Fan almost didn't bite his tongue and looked at the Zhantian Giant. The latter also looked at Meng Fan triumphantly, making Meng Fan lament in his heart. Under this guy's anger, his head was full. He became a lot more alive than usual, and he wanted to let the Princess Divine Grace punish himself.

Once it is done, then Meng Fan will peel off his skin without dying. He may not be afraid of the guards around this princess of grace, but the power of this world and space is really terrifying, and one of them accidentally beats the guards around. People who are turning their backs on the horse, then Meng Fan must be the one who suffers!

The thoughts in my heart flashed in an instant, looking at the princess of Divine Grace's increasingly gloomy expression, she understood that this Princess of Divine Grace was extremely hot tempered, and she would probably be angry at the sight, there must be no fruit to eat!

Before Princess Divine Grace could speak, Meng Fan’s eyes flashed suddenly, among the sparkling lights, he quickly said loudly.

"Princess Mingjian, I didn't expect to see the princess here, don't you know me anymore? I'm...your junior!"

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