Supreme God King

Chapter 1891: Master of Heaven

A few simple words spread all over the world!

The Zhantian giant standing by was stunned. He also felt that this person should come from the same era as them. He couldn't think of this way of going back to the past. It was not only owned by Meng Fan, but above this world. The second person appeared.

"I rely on.... No!"

The corners of the Zhan Tian giant's mouth twitched, and it was hard to imagine that one Meng Fan was enough to shock him, and now there is a second one, how can I feel that common sense has been shattered.

If there are more such evildoers, I am afraid that time and space will be disrupted, creating a powerful cholera.

"Sure enough it is you!"

Meng Fan said lightly, at this moment, he had already recovered his calm.

In fact, at the moment when he saw the appearance of the black-clothed old man, Meng Fan had already guessed it, because someone who can go back to the past from his time must be proficient in the Dao of Heaven, otherwise it is absolutely impossible, so in this world who is proficient in the Dao of Heaven People, apart from Meng Fan and the ancestor Xuanyuan who taught him the exercises, there is another person...there is only the younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan!

This one.... The puppet of the source of the heavens, the true inheritor of the heavens!

For a moment, Meng Fan stood in place, but the murderous intent in the whole body skyrocketed like never before, and his eyes stared at the black-clothed old man in front of him.

With the blood rushing in his body, Meng Fan may explode the greatest strength at any time. It can make the overbearing Meng Fan be on guard. It is estimated that this kind of person will be hard to come across for eternity, but Meng Fan understands that the person in front of him has this kind of person. A qualification, its level of horror, even surpassed the thirteen hall masters!

The source of the heavens!

According to the ancestor Xuanyuan, this guy is actually equivalent to the source of the heavens. It is completely assimilated by the source of the heavens. The means of controlling the power of the heavens is definitely stronger than him. This person is equivalent to facing a part of the source of the heavens.

As the origin of the birth of the Ten Thousand Realms, how could Meng Fan not be afraid, the gods under heaven, including the ancient emperor, who would dare to say not to be afraid?

"it's me!"

Above the sky, the old man in black smiled slightly, his eyes met Meng Fan, and he slowly spoke.

"How about it, Meng Fan, the inheritance of the two of our brothers is good, to be precise, as the spokesperson of the heavenly way, not bad, if you can, as long as you don’t affect the past, you can go back to any time and space to witness all!"

"you can?"

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows. He controlled the way of heaven and used that secret method, but he clearly understood that the secret method he used had infinite limitations, except that he could do nothing in this past time and space. And after he used it this time, it is estimated that he would not want to use it for 100,000 years.

This kind of secret method that goes against the long sky is too difficult, but it seems that the person in front of you does not have this kind of restriction!

"of course!"

The old man in black smiled and said,

"Although my elder brother has stolen the Dao of Heaven, how can it be compared with the person who has truly inherited the Dao of Heaven and entered the source of the heavens? His secret method has only evolved through the Dao of Heaven he stolen, and I am The source of the heavens is the way of heaven, so which time and space I want to go to is only between my thoughts, and I can steal any time and space resources without affecting the general trend of history. You should Understand this!"

The faint words made the hearts of Meng Fan and the giant Zhan Tian jump at the same time, staring at the black-clothed old man, their eyes were obviously full of unbelievable meaning.

Without him!

They are people who have truly reincarnated in this time and space, and they naturally understand the huge benefits contained in these words. If they can go to the past time and space infinitely, then it means that they will be able to look at the entire ancient and modern and explore all the ancients. the truth.

What is the ancient era, what is the ancient inheritance, he can reach that era by himself, and he can see with his own eyes, the so-called ancient inheritance in later generations cannot be compared at all.

And this person also said that it is so powerful to be able to steal the resources of the past.

In other words, before Meng Fan and the few people were greedy, this guy could take most of them, or even all of them.

Such a little, how shocking, how attractive!

At this moment, even Meng Fan's mind was shaken, and he felt an extraordinary shock for this heavenly Dao.

"Well, do you think that the way of heaven is terrible? In fact, this is only part of the way of heaven. The real way of heaven can go back to the past, control the present, and manipulate the future. This world comes from the way of heaven. The way of heaven is naturally above and below the earth Wushuang's only will!"

The old man in black said every word, every word falling between them is exceptionally powerful and clanging, like the most powerful law in the world, after speaking, it is eternal and immortal.

"Anyone, whether a **** king or a mortal, is bound to worship the way of heaven and be the people of the way of heaven, Meng Fan, you know this!"

Hearing his voice, Meng Fan said blankly,

"What are you trying to say?"

"Jie Jie...I used to talk to my brother in the previous paragraph, but he was stubborn and completely vanished. Now you have inherited his heavenly way and are qualified to touch this. On the one hand, it is naturally the chosen one, so I tell you that it is for this reason!"

The eyes of the old man in black stared at Meng Fan, as if an abyss, filled with endless pressure and hypnosis.

"Since you are the chosen person, then you should truly integrate into the Tao of Heaven, and completely become a part of the Tao of Heaven. Then, in the sky and the earth, in the past and in the future, you are truly free, Meng Fan, you now face this opportunity, let go Your martial arts, fusion of the source of the heavens, I will open the door of the source of the heavens for you, let you enter and truly integrate this powerful and unique will of the world, what do you think!"


A moment later, Meng Fan had already reacted. The other party wanted to assimilate himself, just as Heaven assimilated him. This person wanted to assimilate Meng Fan, making him like this old man in black, who truly became an assimilator of this heaven.

With a faint sigh, Meng Fan was silent for a moment and said slowly,

"Let’s talk about your second plan. I can’t think of me going back to the past time and space. You actually felt it. You should have used the heavenly calculation. After that, I will definitely find the legacy of the Big Dipper Emperor. !"

"Not bad!"

The old man in black nodded and said calmly,

"At the moment you inherited my brother's inheritance, I saw you in the endless void, but in that era, you were the great **** king, and the strength exceeded my imagination. It was difficult for me to attack you, but I didn't expect , You unexpectedly chose to abolish martial arts for yourself and come to a past era, which happened to give me a great opportunity.

That being the case, I am naturally not polite, and move with you, and you came to this time and space to find the inheritance of the Big Dipper and the old man, I am here quietly waiting for you.

I can tell you that the legacy of the Big Dipper Star Emperor is in this temple, one step away from you, but this step... how do you take it? "

The last few words were spit out, and the old man in black took a step forward. With just one step, a kind of power of the earth and the sky came.

The power of the king!

In just a moment, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant felt at the same time that what stood in front of them was an overwhelming **** king, not only possessing a powerful **** king's flesh, but also a realm of a **** king. The power that was obliterated by the power of time and space.

When his thoughts moved, Meng Fan also reacted. The latter itself is equal to the source of the heavens and is a part of the power of time and space, so the power of time and space will naturally not be targeted at him, rather than the type of Meng Fan and the giant war sky. outsider.

Therefore, one of the privileges of this old man in black is that he can keep his realm intact in the past time and space, and he still has unparalleled means.

The blow that Fangcai collided with the Battle Sky Giant caused such a powerful destructive force, and the Battle Sky Giant was hit hard.

The latter itself is in the peak state, as the power of the **** king in the world, without any weakening of strength, this is too terrifying.

In front of him, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant were only in the realm of Breaking Yuan Realm, and the gap between them was simply heaven and earth. Once they did it, they immediately encountered a devastating blow.

In the face of this, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant couldn’t help but feel dumbfounded. They were always guarded before and didn’t want to be targeted by the top powerhouses of this era, but they didn’t think they had already fallen into heaven. In the eyes of him, the puppets of the Heavenly Dao came personally and besieged them here.

Between the week and the day, although I didn't do anything, there was already a smell of gunpowder, and a big battle could happen at any time.

"You old boy are cheating!"

The Zhantian Giant roared, extremely angry.

"Hmph, this itself is the rule set by Tiandao, I am Tiandao now, why not break it!"

The old man in black calmly said,

"It’s that you are now suppressed so much in your own realm. How can you fight me? Don’t expect the outside world to know that I have set up such a round and have already prepared everything. Now the entire world has been completely sealed by me, although This is the place where the old man Pishan is located, but I use the heavens to make it my absolute space.

The surrounding divine formations will also be used by me and become a means for me to completely isolate the world. There will be nothing in the outside world that you can use, and you will not be able to escape here.

Meng Fan, I spent a lot of time for you, but just to prevent you from having other means to escape this era.

And now it's your turn to choose, either to return to the heavens and become the master of the heavens order, then you can not only get the inheritance of the Big Dipper Star Emperor, but also have more heavenly means, or die! "

After the last word fell, the whole world seemed to be much colder.

That kind of monstrous murderous intent rushed to the face, no matter how strong the world is, under this kind of gap between the world and the earth, it will still tremble.

However, standing still, Meng Fan looked at the old man in black and laughed softly.

"Do you think the two choices of being a man and being a dog... are it really difficult to choose?"

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