Supreme God King

Chapter 1893: Time and Space War

Peak moment!

In this past time, Meng Fan's strength has actually recovered. Once he reached his peak, he is now an incomparable **** king no matter in physical body or realm.

Such a scene can be described as extremely shocking, the more you understand, the more shock!

"How could you do it!"

The Zhan Tian giant almost didn't bite his tongue. He originally thought that his method of using the enlightenment tool to restore himself was already extremely powerful.

But what I didn’t expect was that Meng Fan’s hidden trump cards were even more terrifying. His recovery was not borrowed like that of the Heavenly Giants. The restrictions on borrowing were too great. Although the Heavenly Giants could use the methods of the King of Gods, they could still At best, his strength is only one-third of what he can play at the peak moment, only through the induction of the integration of the human and the instrument of enlightenment.

But Meng Fan is different. He is now the real pinnacle, ignoring the limitations of time and space in the past. This point is like a big mouth drawn on the face of the source of the heavens, and the limitation is done. , But a joke!

So let the black-clothed old man standing in the same place look as dark as a black pot, and finally his eyes flashed, saying every word,

"You are operating the secret method, you have brought your peak moment into your body!"

"Not bad!"

Standing in place, Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"What I do is to use my body to invite all the strong from ancient and modern times. As long as I have the imprint of time and space and have the origin of that person, I will temporarily exert that person's strength, to be honest. It’s really weird to ask for your own strength."

If these words of Meng Fan and the old man in black spread to the outside world, it would definitely shake the ages.

In ancient times, this kind of secret technique was circulated, which can temporarily enhance the strength of monks. It is generally used in the blood of the strong, using the power of their own blood, the incomplete genes left by the strong, and performing the secret technique. It can cause one to become the ancestor of the past in a short time, and be upper body by the power of the ancestor.

Such a method is difficult to use in the king of gods, because the upper body needs a strong physical body to support. The stronger the person who invites, the stronger the person needs to be. This is undoubtedly an extremely terrible restriction.

Even if an ordinary person is in control of the secret method, it is completely unrealistic to invite a **** king into his body. The body cannot bear it at all. Only the **** king can withstand the power of the **** king.

But Meng Fan has no restrictions in this regard at all, he himself is a **** king!

If it's normal, it doesn't need to be like this at all. This kind of secret method is also equivalent to chicken ribs, but in this past time and space, it is very useful and can be used as a powerful hole card of its own.

At the moment when he came to this past time and space, Meng Fan had already made perfect preparations. It was with this hole card that he had confidence.

For many years, Wuzhen teenagers have been rampant all over the world, and many things are indeed risking their lives. However, they have always been walking on thin ice when they do things, and they are as prepared as possible.

The trump card shows, the strength is restored!

Facing this kind of situation, the old man in black and the giant in the sky were quite speechless. I didn’t expect Meng Fan to be so cunning. Standing on the sky, Meng Fan fell in one step and faced the old man in black. , Came outrageously and hit with a punch.

With just one blow, the ground broke and fell!

At this kind of moment, Meng Fan's use of such a powerful secret technique was not for joking with the old man in black, and Meng Fan knew that his own secret technique could have a powerful limitation. The maintenance time is definitely not long, at most it can have a stick of incense.

So when Meng Fan came up, he used his most powerful means. With this punch, the entire sky was almost opened without him.

"Since you are inheriting the Dao of Heaven, it is better to use your own true abilities to fight, and see if the young master can beat your Dao of Heaven!"

A few simple words contained endless arrogance and self-confidence. Obviously, Meng Fan was also very interested in the old man in black.

The latter is undoubtedly the most powerful controller of the Heavenly Dao in this world. The previous blow was able to severely inflict a heavy blow to the Heavenly Dao Giant. The displayed martial arts aura made Meng Fan very alert and naturally couldn’t help it. The pride appeared and wanted to fight him.


Hearing that, the black-clothed old man let out a low roar, his eyes finally couldn't conceal the endless rage, he was originally a puppet of heaven, and he should have no emotions.

But for Meng Fan's provocation, he couldn't bear it. After all, Meng Fan's identity was different. He was a true heaven-defying person, but he was definitely not an ordinary person talking big.

What Meng Fan said is what he really thinks and does. Even if he is a strong king, heaven will not allow the other party to despise himself. So in this instant, it was the heart of the old man in black that caused great anger. wave.

In an instant, the void faded, despite the fact that the black-clothed old man had deployed a powerful divine formation here, it also caused the entire palace to tremble constantly.

Even though the heavens are defensive, with the two great kings fighting against each other, it is also very terrifying and difficult to support.

Above the sky, the fist and palm prints are intertwined, each containing an incomparably powerful aura, and the destructive power caused can be regarded as destroying everything. Including the giants of the sky, they are shocked and retreat. .

Between fists and palms, Meng Fan's body is also stepping forward, expressionless, only the blood in his body is surging. At this kind of moment, there is no need to say any more. The fists fall and open the sky. force.

"Please magic?"

In the distance, the Zhantian Giant murmured while coughing up blood,

"Unexpectedly, there is still a secret method in this world, but Meng Fan, is it too shameless for you to ask yourself, I think you should at least ask me, if it is the peak of me to clean up this old guy..."

"Don't think about it, you will definitely lose!"

In the void, Meng Fan unfolded the most violent means, fists into the flesh, and collided with the old man in black, but at the moment when the voice of the battle giant fell, he came with such a lightly sentence, full of molesting taste.

He almost didn't let the Zhan Tian giant spout another blood, but he was not beaten, but angry. He gritted his teeth and looked at Meng Fan, wishing to help the old man in black.

"Hmph, you are so confident!"

The black-clothed old man said coldly. With a palm down, he had to be extremely cautious when facing the arrival of Meng Fan's peak strength. In his body, a very terrifying martial arts aura was surging, but he didn't know him. What kind of martial arts will be like.

"of course!"

Meng Fan fists one block and one full blow, which caused countless sparks of collision between the two.

"Aren't you trying to kill me? If so, what means are you using? Meng Fan is right in front of you. It's ridiculous. I can't think of the first fight between you and me. It happened in the past. In the era!"

A few words are sonorous and powerful.

Between a few breaths, Meng Fan and the old man in black just don’t know how many times they collided. Only the two of them knew the dangers. Instead, other ordinary gods in the world are here, I am afraid they have already lost. In front of the two of them, let alone the powerful spells they evolved, even if it was a single blow, it was not something that ordinary **** kings could withstand.

"Hmph, that's just for you to take a look, what is the way of heaven!"

Facing Meng Fan's arrogance, the black-clothed old man couldn't help but let out a low growl, and his palm changed. In this moment, the violent force in his body completely evolved and turned into a mysterious knot in Meng Fan's eyes. Printed.

After printing for a moment, the world is still and the world is still!

Including the space, time, and everything that Meng Fanji lived in, everything was changed under the power of the old man, and thus turned into a dead silence, as if the old man was alone in the sky and the earth!

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