Supreme God King

Chapter 1897: Kill

Inverse scroll, fourth finger!

Shine the world at your fingertips!

Meng Fan's martial arts skill itself is the ultimate violent, and his antagonistic finger is even more unrecoverable, life and death line, so the power of one finger is stronger than one finger.

Of course, he couldn't fight King Ming, and the power of the three fingers almost didn't penetrate the defense of King Ming, and now he completely evolved the fourth finger.

With one finger, even Meng Fan at the peak moment, the blood in his body burned rapidly, and the peak method of the whole person seemed to be completely erupted at this moment.

At a glance, the long rainbow-like light came straight to the old man in black, and under the breath, the old man in black screamed, and I couldn't think of Meng Fan so powerful.

Prior to this, he had already studied Meng Fan for many years. From the moment Meng Fan got the inheritance of Xuanyuan's ancestors, he was his life enemy. i

What I didn't expect was that Meng Fan's antagonistic finger seemed ordinary. He had also seen Meng Fan take action through the afterimage, but he really faced it directly. It was a heaven and an underground.

Swallowing martial arts, can not be imitated by heaven, naturally has extraordinary ability.

The methods it evolved have shaken the past and the present, and it is difficult to find people who are side by side.

When the black-clothed old man’s defenses were only a crack, the fourth finger of Meng Fan’s Inverse God Scroll had already arrived. This was the first time he had made such a move since he merged with Heaven’s Dao. It was the strongest in his life. Means, life and death lore.

Only the existence of the old man in black can force Meng Fan to such a degree.

In just a moment, you could see the light of that lore resounding through the sky, causing the old man in black to also make a long roar, his own person and seal were unified, and countless defensive methods were surging.

At this moment, you can see that dozens of **** king auras around this heavenly puppet are helping him to bless himself, and at the next moment, a strange force surges in his body, transforming into Jin Guang blatantly collided with Meng Fan's rebellious fingertips.

This golden light shot quickly, the power is overbearing, even the power of the fourth finger of Meng Fan's Inverse God Scroll... is still under the impact, the void stays.

Even for a moment, it was too amazing!

"This is the method of the Primordial God-Man, Dove Motian!"

Zhan Tian Giant took a breath, and at a glance recognized the origin of the golden light.

It is rumored that this ancient god-man himself was also a god-king powerhouse, who had run rampant for an era, and was most famous for killing people instantly, with a flash of golden light, which meant death. I didn't know how many powerhouses were killed by this **** man in an instant. Later, this secret method also disappeared in the long river of history with the fall of this **** man.

Now it appeared in the hands of the old man in black, colliding with Meng Fan's power.

The fight between the two is simply Meng Fan's effort to suppress everything and overthrow the ancient gods. Even though they are not the strongest means of their respective gods, it also proves that Meng Fan is powerful and in disguise. Fighting against an ancient who didn't know who swept everything in the past.

At the moment of the collision, the mysterious golden light was split by Meng Fansheng. He pointed at him and moved forward again!


In an instant, the sky burst, and you could see Meng Fan’s antagonistic finger piercing everything. Any blockade would break open. Obviously, that golden light was already the strongest method used by the old man in black. Meng Fan’s strike was For the absolute strength, tearing everything apart, the black-clothed old man has dozens of god-king blessings all over his body, which are unable to resist and burst open.

Visible to the naked eye, only the force that penetrates everything goes straight in, and finally penetrates into the body.

Within a few breaths, I can see that the old man in black is old and I don’t know how many times he is old. Even though he is heavily defensive, he is also blasted open a path. After a while, his chest is completely penetrated, blood Sprinkled all over the sky in an instant.

Heavenly Dao puppet, Meng Fan pointed a finger... penetrated his body!

The blood was all over the sky, and the old man in black let out a miserable cry and backed away, but what made people's heart trembling was that even if the power of this rebellious finger was extremely fierce, suppressing everything.

However, he did not completely kill the old man in black. On the contrary, under this kind of destructive power, the old man in black always had a trace of vitality. Those dozens of **** king methods protected his most core source. With the origin still there, then he himself is immortal!

Yep! ?

After a while, even Meng Fan was shocked. He couldn't think that there was still a fourth finger in this world who had not been killed.

How terrible his power is. At the moment that the power of the fingertips penetrated the chest of the old man in black, Meng Fan's martial arts aura had completely penetrated his body, devouring all vitality, like a black hole.

But he didn't completely let the old man in black fall down. This heavenly puppet... is worthy of the power of the ancestor of all things!

how is this possible!

Zhantian Giant's mouth was open, unable to say a word. If he had suffered such a blow from Meng Fan, he would have already died.

Maybe he set foot on the end of his own martial arts, and there is still a trace of the capital of confrontation, but if he is now himself, he is not an opponent of Meng Fan at all, but he can survive the blow of Meng Fan. The vitality of the old man in black is not an ordinary abnormality!


In mid-air, the black-clothed old man's chest was pierced, and the vitality in the body was suppressed by Meng Fan's massive martial arts aura. Now it looks more miserable and miserable, but it can always maintain its original origin and endless life.

On the contrary, after running the fourth finger, Meng Fan has already consumed all the vitality fluctuations in his body. When he raised a hand again, he felt an extraordinary sense of powerlessness. .

The four fingers against the gods broke out in an instant, and it almost emptied all of Meng Fan's power. It was too difficult to continue at this moment.

The moment when only half of his hand was raised, before the attack, Meng Fan spewed out a big mouthful of blood. He was already unable to suppress his body, and now with the passing of time, Meng Fan can feel that his realm is even They all started to shake. Obviously, once they reach a stick of incense, this kind of magical power will immediately disappear, separated from his body, and then Meng Fan will be out of the Divine King Realm. Falling directly to the Po Yuan realm, let alone fighting, the black-clothed old man flicked his finger, it was enough for Meng Fan to wipe out 10,000 times.

"How about it?"

At this moment, the black-clothed old man said hoarsely, his palms rolled, and runes emerged, blending into himself, making his riotous aura more stable, his eyes fixed on Meng Fan, like a poisonous snake that had survived a fatal blow. , Very terrible!

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