Supreme God King

Chapter 1907: Chaos Killing


After taking control of the Way of Heaven, Meng Fan can be said to have a mind to observe everything.

At least the more powerful the murderer, the more intense his induction.

Now the hairs of his whole body have a feeling of explosion, faintly beating his heart, naturally it is a moment of violent murder, and it is also a moment of violent murder. It is also so sharp that he can't help but look at it. Through heavenly calculations, he looks into the layers of the void, thinking To find out who is coming out!

Back to this present time and space.

Meng Fanke hadn't set foot in the dark alliance, especially now that he sensed this kind of murderous intent, it made him unable to go back.

This kind of hidden murderous intent is so great, how can he relax his mind, located in the void, his eyes are like a divine sword penetrating the heavens.

Finally, through this endless void, Meng Fan looked at one of the ten thousand realms and slowly said,


The two words fell, extremely calm, but in Meng Fan's eyes, it was extremely sharp.


In a certain ancient mountain, the mountains are like clouds and the mountains are like dragons.

The people here are sparsely populated and extremely quiet.

Hidden in this extremely dense virgin forest, a withered figure stands in the void. He is dressed in white, and his hair and brows are already gray. The whole person looks at the north very calmly, and in between, a powerful murderous intent emerges. .

If the Zhantian Giant were here, he would definitely be able to recognize it, because the old man was not someone else, it was the old man they had encountered in this chaotic space...the old man of chaos!

If Chaos didn’t want to pit the two of them, it wouldn’t have allowed Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant to control the Chaos Avenue. A blessing in disguise, in disguise, these two people are simply the blessings of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant. Huge, accomplishing something that was difficult for others to accomplish.

But for the Chaos Old Man, this is not the case.

His resentment towards Zhan Tian and Meng Fan was more than monstrous, especially Meng Fan. After the latter returned to the Ten Thousand Realms, the old man of Chaos was hidden in the endless chaotic space, but as long as he heard the word Meng, he did not need to add it. The fan at the top and the back, he hated the roots of his teeth.

The direction he is looking at now is precisely in this Middle Ancient Region, where the Dark Alliance is located.

However, just as the old man of Chaos looked fascinated, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Chaos, you want to count my younger generation as you, isn't it very glorious!"

The tone was calm, the figure flashed, and his face was expressionless. It was Meng Fan.

Now it’s not in the past time and space, but back in the present. Although Meng Fan suffered a lot of injuries before that, the moment when he returned to the present time and space, the unprecedented recovery of the realm also allowed him. It has been restored countless naturally, and now only one step is to come to this secret ancient forest.

Now Meng Fan, even though the world is huge, where is it not in a single thought?

The space suddenly tore, and the old man Chaos was also shocked. He turned around and looked at Meng Fan. At this moment, his eyes were about to breathe fire, staring at Meng Fan, slowly between his teeth. Squeeze out a few words,

"Very good, very good.... You also inherited the means of the guy from the source of the heavens... God counts!!"

The teeth were almost broken by him.

For Chaos, he hates only two things in his life. One is the source of the heavens, and the other is the one that entrapped him. Now that Meng Fan is all standing together, he can see that Meng Fan is more than angry. , Almost turned into an ancient volcano.

Undoubtedly, with his methods, the person who is standing shoulder to shoulder with the source of the heavens is the spirit body born from the chaos, and in disguise it is the true will of the chaos.

Although it can only possess the power gathered from the chaos, it is too terrifying.

If in the chaos, no one is his opponent, but in the ten thousand realms, he needs to abide by the rules of the source of the heavens.

The strength of the latter is comparable to that of the world.

It's just that in the past, it has been hit by many strong people, and it is really bad luck.

The two most terrifying **** kings in this world, an ancient emperor, and a thirteen hall master, have fought against him.

And at the peak moment of these two peerless powerhouses, he was completely destroyed. For tens of thousands of years, he could not return to the chaos and fell into this ten thousand realm.

Otherwise, with his ability, today, if he is at the peak, Meng Fan will absolutely ignore him if he sees it.

The vigor of the latter is absolutely extraordinary.

"Why, we are old friends. It's not good to do this kind of sneaky thing. How can I say it is a person who has studied the Avenue of Chaos. You see that I don't..."

Meng Fan smiled and said, he had already noticed that it was this chaotic spirit body that showed powerful murder to the dark alliance before.

However, before he could finish speaking, the old man of Chaos couldn't bear it anymore, and he took a step and punched.

It's okay for him not to talk about Chaos Avenue, but to say the words "Chaos Avenue" is simply sprinkling salt on his wound.

In just a moment, the majestic Chaos Avenue in his body was already in motion. This is the most supreme chaos between heaven and earth, the most manifestation of its will, and a punch fell, even if Meng Fan has already controlled the mystery of Chaos Avenue, this One blow is definitely not a small threat to him.


However, Meng Fan didn't hesitate and dropped a punch. Although he was smiling and full of ridicule, the coldness in his eyes could not be erased.

Still the same sentence, the dragon has Nilin, the closest relatives who are by Meng Fan's side until now, but it is his Nilin, whoever touches it will die, even if you just want to calculate, you will only encounter Meng Fan’s Thunder means strangling it in the cradle.

With a punch, he was extremely tough.

Meng Fan, who is restored to the power of the **** king, can never be compared with him in the past time and space. At that time, he was suppressed by the power of time and space. Even if he had the secret method of inviting the gods, he was definitely not Meng Fan. At the peak moment, there are still constraints.

But today's Meng Fan is different. He stands in the sky, just like the only **** and devil between the heaven and the earth.


Between the void, there was a sonic boom like earth cracking the sky, and the moment the two collided, it caused the space to be unbearable.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the virgin forest under the two of them suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire and was suddenly destroyed, with a radius of hundreds of meters, but between the two people's thoughts, it turned into a complete ruin.

But when a punch fell, Meng Fan was surging with blood, not retreating but advancing, punching out, just for a moment, it was no longer the calmness of the previous chic scholar, but just like a perpetual machine, a meteor-like fist. Directly at the old man of Chaos is to smash.

Any blow is a supernatural power, and it is the embodiment of Meng Fan's full combat power.

If you don't agree, start fighting immediately!

The speed of the action between the two and the fierceness of the action were enough to make anyone in this world stunned. I can't think of the two great **** king-level powerhouses. They are like gangsters. There are not many words at all, just a glance, that is Understand the other party's thoughts, at this moment, it is necessary to distinguish between superior and inferior.

Bang, bang!

The sound of bursting continued to fall, resounding across the entire sky, between this kind of impact, it can be said that the void is constantly torn.

The waves caused by the two great kings are really shocking.

Just after this moment, the countless bursts of afterimages above the sky were still for an instant, and a figure could be seen flying out, a full kilometer away, before it fell to the ground.

It was the old man of Chaos. In the collision of absolute power before this, he was fisted by Meng Fan and landed on his face. Now you can see that the bridge of his nose is collapsed and his face is dry. I clearly saw a fist mark from the top, Meng Fan's power was more than immense. A fist literally knocked out his nose, blood fell, and his face was dyed red, which looked extraordinarily oozing.

When he got up from the ground, the old man Chaos just opened his mouth, and a few more teeth spurted out. All of the words were suddenly unspeakable, because from this moment he seemed to faint.

There is no doubt that he returned to Chaos before, but his strength has improved a lot. If the former Meng Fan faced him, he would never be so easy to blast him out, because Meng Fan controlled the Chaos Dao and knew his martial arts very well. , Naturally has a way to crack, and he doesn't know Meng Fan's martial arts.

One trades up!

In this kind of battle of the king, a slight advantage may become a deadly killer move, not to mention an enemy who knows his own details, unless the old man of Chaos truly reaches the peak of the past, controls absolute power, and can easily kill the world. The power of the **** king with the ultimate avenue, otherwise, he would definitely not be Meng Fan's opponent. The two have the same realm and strength, this chaos must be suppressed by Meng Fan.

And the thought of the other party's ability was given to him by himself, how could he keep the old man from chaos from anger, not like 100,000 thunders on his head, making him feel full of deep malice towards the whole world!

But on the other hand, Meng Fan didn't have this kind of consciousness. He looked at the old man of Chaos, his footsteps fell, and his fighting spirit was stronger than before, and he said calmly.

"What's the matter, old guy, just a punch, just hit it so casually? Come, come... Today I have to teach you a lesson, let you know what is called Chaos Avenue!"

After the last few words fell, Meng Fan punched out again, slashed with one blow, and the martial arts in his body were running around the world, and only the top **** king could feel it.

The reason why martial arts in his body is so domineering and integrating everything comes from a part of Chaos Dao. The devouring attribute of Chaos is the seven-seven-eights that Meng Fan has comprehended. It is completely used by himself and the essence is taken. , And now... it was used on the Chaos Spirit Body without reservation.

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