Supreme God King

Chapter 1910: Mountain chopper

Old Man Pishan!

This name hasn't been heard for hundreds of thousands of years.

After its ascent to the sky, the huge Pishan Gate was in chaos overnight, and the powers were everywhere, chaos and immortality.

In an era, the absence of the two peerless existences of the Old Man Pishan and the Big Dipper Star Emperor naturally made countless people full of desire for the position of the overlord of heaven and earth, which led to the subsequent ten thousand domain war.

The Pishanmen and Beidou lineages that once dominated the world were also in the constant battle, and finally fell in the long river of history. Today, except for the ancient existence of Zhan Tian, ​​no one can think of being in that ancient world. Among them, there is a sect that dominates the world.

What a pity, what a pity!

Anyone who knows this period of history, and has seen the old man who split the mountain, can never forget this.

However, no matter how powerful people are, it is difficult to resist the corrosion of the years. They are as strong as the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters, facing the challenges of countless people in ancient times, even if they have been domineering for countless years, they also need to silence themselves and grow long.

The name of the old man Pishan is no longer chanted in this world.

Although the name Chaos is also known, it’s just that there was no fight in the past, but what I never thought was that now in the hands of Meng Fan, it turned out to be the most powerful magical skill of the old man in the mountain. Trembling, just a knife.

If you shoot, you will kill you, if you shoot, you will kill the common people!

With no expression on his face, he swung his hand knife, just with this blow, it was to make Meng Fan's whole body combat power exhausted, just to explode this magical skill.

Undoubtedly, this is the last step of the martial arts of the old man in the mountain.

In the whole mountain-cutting martial arts, countless efforts and continuous integration are actually spent for this power of cutting!

The old man Pishan used to cut firewood for a living in Lingshan martial arts.

But it does not change its original intention, and has always practiced the technique of horizontal splitting.

For so many years, thousands of hard work, whether it is splitting people, splitting trees, splitting the world, etc., is just a gesture of raising a hand, and then falling.

But with such a simple blow, under the continuous integration of the old man Pishan, he reached the point where the world dominates.

The martial arts that can suppress the thirteen hall masters are as simple as that, just a shot, like chopping wood.

But Dao Zhijian, when the old man Pishan fought with the thirteen hall masters, the encounter between the two parties was just a breath, and the old man Pishan only made such a move.

Once the mountain was slashed, and once it was cut down, it..... cut off the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters. The opponent who was cut did not dare to leave the restricted area hall for ten thousand years. Take this trick.

Everything is so simple, yet... so vigorous!

Before this, after Meng Fan got the breath of the old man's martial arts, he already knew that there was a kind of domineering magical skill in this martial arts.

What I didn't expect was that it was so simple.

It was the blow he was performing now. At the moment when he obtained the complete martial art of smashing the mountain, Meng Fan also evolved this trick, although it could not be compared with the old man of the mountain slashing.

But after all, Meng Fan is a strong king of God, and what he learned is to swallow the avenue and merge everything in the world, so even if it is only a few days, he has already realized this in his mind. Now it is Take the first shot against the old man of Chaos, try!

Raising his hand and falling, the knife in the hand traversed the mysterious space and blatantly fell into the void.

It can be seen that the concealed void was directly broken open, in which the body of the old man of Chaos was unfolded, and the knife fell with a single blow. After a while, the body of the old man of Chaos was burst into pieces... Two halves!

The chaotic spirit body was unexpectedly cut off by Meng Fan's move!

The latter is also a great **** king between heaven and earth, how extraordinary is his combat power, but under Meng Fan’s raise of his hand, he didn’t even have a chance to react, he was smashed into pieces from the void. , Including his original spirit body... are all in two!

Cut the water with a knife, and cut it in two!

This is the overbearing meaning of Splitting the Mountain and One Slash. Even if it is the God King who is blocking him, he cannot resist the terrible blow. Meng Fan is in his hand, and he has just realized this. This kind of power, if it were used by the mountain-splitting old man, it would be so powerful.

In this moment, Meng Fan felt even more admiration for the dead old man, and used his powerful magic skills with his own hands. This was the case in the first attempt.


In the void, the old man of Chaos couldn't imagine that Meng Fan would burst out such a powerful method in a flash, and finally understood the meaning of his previous words.

Supreme King!

People of Wanyu call Meng Fan like this. Although many people don't agree with it, it has proved that Meng Fan's life experience is extraordinary. One is only a low-level person, standing at the height of the current dominant Wanyu general situation.

What Meng Fan is good at is the reversal of life and death and the overturning!

Before setting up this round, he had already carefully calculated Meng Fan, especially the latter's hole cards, it was already as heartily as he wanted to understand Meng Fan's life. , It's not difficult.

Therefore, the old man of Chaos had dared to be in this void before, and watched Meng Fan fall into the tunnel of that mysterious space with his own eyes, because he knew that even if Meng Fan used his wickedness, it would take a while.

Including all the martial arts and methods of Meng Fan, in fact, the old man of Chaos has already remembered it, and it can be considered a bloodshed!

The most powerful thing with one finger against God is one finger after another, increasing like a sea tide, and only then is Meng Fan's real strongest combat power. This is the point that the old man of Chaos has already calculated.

However, the increment of the antagonistic finger is just a breathing effort.

But the existence of the old man of Chaos is just a momentary effort, for him to escape.

But what I didn't expect was that Meng Fan's previous shots were not all his previous methods, but the mountain chopper he had just learned from the past era!


This is the biggest variable Meng Fan has taken out. Originally, the old man of Chaos was already strong enough to cope with everything, but he didn't expect the Mountain Splitting Sword to be so powerful and so fast!

Not to mention the momentary effort, just raising your hand, it is cut down, almost to the extreme, to the extreme!

It is because of its incomparable speed that it is impossible to avoid it, and it is because of its incomparable fierceness that there is nothing to cut!

The trick of the old man Pishan is simply unsolvable!

Mountain cleaver, Beidou sword!

Looking at the past and present, in these two attainments, no one can surpass them.

Therefore, the giant Zhan Tian said that in the past, these two people had the qualifications to suppress the thirteen hall masters, and the powerful magic skills developed by their martial arts have reached the point of incomprehension.

What is called the King of the World, is to reach the true extreme on a path, even if it is the rush of time, even if it is the passing of time, no one can surpass them and surpass their strength in their own domain.

As soon as the mountain splitting knife came out, the world... no knife!

"Do not!"

The old man of Chaos howled miserably, his body was chopped up, and his origin was split. Such a blow was extremely terrifying for the **** king and the strong, making him unable to maintain himself in this mysterious space, and was affected by the turbulence between the sun and the sky. The impact was in great danger.

Unexpectedly, Meng Fan’s final dying blow when he stepped into this mysterious space was so terrifying. It is conceivable that the old man of Chaos would also be involved in this turbulence, unable to extricate himself, especially his origin. Damaged, without ten thousand years of time, there is no way to recover.

Even if he has all sorts of secret methods, he doesn't know how long it will take. Now even if he goes out and wants to find trouble with the dark alliance, he can't find it!

"Meng Fan, you are too vicious!"

The roar of the old chaotic old man resounded throughout the space, full of resentment and resentment.

Today, he can only maintain his two major origins, and his physical body is no longer able to recover. He can only grab one origin from the other, and quickly go outside the mysterious space.

Without him!

If he stays here again, he will probably also follow Meng Fan to enter the end of this mysterious space. The old man of Chaos definitely doesn't want to set foot there, and even a faint fear flashes at the end of that space, so naturally he has exhausted everything. The power of the source, controlling oneself, ran out crazy.

It seems that half of the people grabbed the other half, very weird and miserable!

"Humph, I'm afraid you are the vicious person. You laid this game against me. Unfortunately, if you didn't feel too resentful towards me and had a strong murderous intention, you would leave here the first time you set foot in this space, even if it is I control the old man's methods, and I can't crush you!"

In the void, Meng Fan whispered, but his voice was faint, but he couldn't reach too far.

Under the powerful attraction of this mysterious space, his whole person was unable to maintain himself at all, especially after the previous blow that was released to Split Mountain Slash, Meng Fan’s body was emptied of a lot of power, and he could no longer fight against this mysterious space. Able to go with the flow.

The whole body was squeezed by the power of the huge space, and was swallowed away by this mysterious space. After a short while, the whole person was swallowed by it, and completely disappeared at the end of the mysterious!

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