Supreme God King

Chapter 1916: The ultimate

After the extreme, what shall we do!

To be honest, Meng Fan had never thought about this issue. On his way forward, he bravely marched all the way and continued to practice until he merged with the mountain-cutting martial arts with the old man Pishan, which once again raised Meng Fan to a new level.

Under this situation, Meng Fan really hoped to see the end of his martial arts, so naturally he would want to set foot.

What he didn't expect was that Emperor Wu would ask such questions today, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Although he did not set foot in any position, Meng Fan understood that once any strong **** king set foot at the end of the avenue, he would be Nirvana again, reaching an unprecedented level, and this step would make the strong **** king drastically As he improves himself, his martial arts has changed again, and his strength in all aspects will also skyrocket.

At that time, the king of the gods was the peak, reaching the strongest state.

However, at the same time, Meng Fan immediately reacted to one point, that is...

It’s not a good thing to go to the extreme in everything, because once the king has reached the peak, it means that he himself has reached the strongest, then there is no room for growth, that is, he has reached what he can reach. The ultimate.

So in other words, no matter how many years the **** king has cultivated, and how long a period of time has passed, he himself will no longer improve.

On the contrary, even when he may regress, because he is the ultimate, he is already so powerful.

Then I am afraid that the faith of the **** king will also be hit as never before. What a person fears most is not seeing his own hope. Although a **** king who has set foot on the avenue has the power to cover the world and has reached the highest level of combat power, he will walk without a road. Looking forward, he can't see where his pursuit is, so he is ruthless about himself. If things go on like this, even big problems will arise.

Thinking of this, it also made Meng Fan's heart come to understand, his pupils shrank sharply, and slowly said,

"All of you are like this! After the end, there is no way, then there is no way to go, there is no way to follow, I am afraid that I will become my biggest demon!"

"Not bad!"

Emperor Wu also put away his smile at this moment and sighed softly.

"Now you haven’t seen this because you haven’t set foot on the end of your own path, so you will have infinite motivation and infinite desire, because you have a powerful goal in your heart, but waiting for you When there is no goal, you will find that it sad.

The three old guys outside, or me, were all faced with this problem after setting foot on the end of the avenue. We are all beings who have set foot on the extreme of our own path. In this world, everything and all gods are already for us. There is no effect, no matter how many secret treasures are obtained, it is nothing more than a flower in the mirror, and no matter how rights are given, it is just a passing moment. Then what is the point of saying that we will not leave? "

The voice was calm, but it fell into Meng Fan's ears like thunder.

This kind of words, only their kind of great monks who set foot on the world's extremes can realize and be qualified to realize it.

Looking at the world, how many people are constantly fighting for rights and secret treasures, but when they reach the point of Meng Fan and Emperor Wu, I am afraid that they only want to make themselves further, to be truly invincible, truly domineering, as for other things, secular Many of the incomparably important things can be reached in their eyes today, and they have already seen it very lightly.

Just as you wouldn't see a lion go to grab **** with a dog, this kind of gap can only be felt by the most powerful.

After being silent for a long time, Meng Fan raised his head before opening his mouth.

"Dare to ask Senior, in this world, once you set foot on the end of martial arts, is it really impossible to go further?"


However, to Meng Fan's expectation, Emperor Wu directly uttered a word, extremely decisive.

"You should be able to guess what it is!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan was taken aback, and immediately reacted and blurted out.

"The source of the heavens!"

Between a few words, Meng Fan suddenly realized. There is no need to do what he thinks, and only this one thing can have such a point, otherwise, with the means of Emperor Wu and the ancient gods, I am afraid that it has already been obtained.

So far, only two people have been obtained, one is the ancient emperor, and the other is the lord of the thirteen halls. It seems that both of them are above the extreme of this avenue. Only after one step is taken, they can have this kind of dominance. Unparalleled combat power.

"Not bad!"

Emperor Wu nodded and slowly said,

"The Great Dao is the ultimate. Although their respective combat strengths are different and they have superiors and inferiorities, after all, they will not be too far apart. Only by going further can they be able to achieve the existence of the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall master.

In the old days, I set foot in this ultimate martial arts. Although we were born in an era, in fact, we were far lost to the ancient gods and three elders over time. My aptitude is very ordinary. Being able to become a **** king depends on time and constant. Hard work, not even as fast as Gu Huang.

So at that time, I could only see the human race being humiliated and blood-stained, and I couldn't do much myself.

Until later, I used my own long time to practice continuously, and finally set foot on the ultimate martial arts. Unfortunately, I met the thirteen hall masters rampaging the world. They have replaced the ancient emperor, established a restricted area, and killed the world several times.

I can't bear the common people's damage, and have played against the thirteen hall masters several times.

But it's a pity that my martial arts are not strong enough. Although I don't want to admit it, even after I set foot on the end of the martial arts, I am not the opponent of the thirteen hall masters, even if they go further.

But if the martial arts is really strong enough, then at least it won't be defeated so quickly.

You must know that what I faced was not 13 people in one, but the nine main hall masters shot, but it has already made me unbearable.

So from that moment on, I was in this world, looking for something that could evolve again after the ultimate martial arts, hoping to be stronger.

It’s just a pity.... Except for the source of the heavens, there is no longer any existence between the heavens and the earth, which can make the ultimate martial artist Nirvana again, and the deepest understanding of the source of the heavens is the ancient emperor. , In addition to the thirteen hall masters, there are only the three old guys outside.

They were outside the source of the heavens at first, and only one step away would enter it. It was only because they were entangled by many gods that the ancient emperor came out.

And only they are the closest to the ancient emperor, and they even know many of the insights and secrets that the ancient emperor brings from the source of the heavens, so in those days, I spent a lot of effort searching for this space crack , Take the initiative to set foot here, looking for the old three here! "

Take the initiative to enter this prison!

Hearing that, Meng Fan's expression moved and he had to admire Emperor Wu's courage. This alone was something that ordinary people could not match.

After all, once you set foot here, it is possible that you will never be able to leave. Even Meng Fan passively enters. Only that kind of incomparable desire for power can do such crazy things.

"In those years, when I set foot in this world, I collided with three old guys. I wanted them to ask for the secret of the ancient emperor, but they refused. So we had a fight and made a bet. approximately.

It is rumored that the Eight Elders of the ancient gods once understood a divine formation from the mystery of the source of the heavens, and are now controlled by these three elders.

If I can break their big formation, then I can get what I want, if I can't break their big formation, then I need to accompany them between this world and the earth, I promised this bet. , As a result... I lost! "

Emperor Wu sighed, and it was also for Meng Fan to finally understand why Emperor Wu was here for self-appointment and never appeared.

God king and strong, how existed, how could he disrespect what he said.

A promise, for ordinary people, may be arbitrary, but for the truly proud king, it is extremely important.

"Although it is boring to be self-proclaimed here, in fact, I have made a lot of progress. It is because although I am defeated, because there are only four old guys in this closed world, the three old guys outside are always Will fight against me every once in a while!"

Emperor Wu is Taoist again,

"And in the constant fighting with them, I also faintly felt a lot of their martial arts changes, and thus understood a lot of secrets. The source of the heavens can make people Nirvana again because of the source of the heavens. He has the most incredible power between the heavens and the earth. Even the domains of the world are created by him. His creative power is unique in time. Therefore, once a strong person can enter his body, he can use the power of the heavens. The power of the source comes to recast itself, and the longer it is there, the more it will help itself.

Back then, the ancient emperor even brought out a lot of the power of the source of the heavens from it. In the past few years, I have also passed the duel between the three old guys outside, and gained some, which is indeed very good for me. It’s just a pity that the source of the heavens wants to set foot on it. It’s not that easy at all. He only has to wait for his own opportunity to open it. Otherwise, even if the gods of the world are added together, there is no chance to enter, and I don’t know the next time. , And who will be where the darling! "

The source of the heavens!

Hearing the words of Emperor Wu, Meng Fan was silent for a while. It is undeniable that Emperor Wu's words touched him greatly, but Meng Fan knew that Emperor Wu was wrong, that is, it is more than just that in understanding the source of the heavens between the world. A few, at least what he knew, included Brother Xuanyuan.

And through the real way of heaven, the future scene Meng Fan sees is a powerful murder in the world, and the source of this murder is the source of the heavens!

At this moment, Meng Fan's heart was clear and could not help but mutter in his heart,

"Who is it that the God King under Heaven wants to target the source of the heavens, but also to cause the source of the heavens to cause murder, and wants to destroy it in one stroke...?

PS, book friends who have nowhere to chat, come to the group, it's full, 259974428, cry. . . .

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