Supreme God King

Chapter 1922: Reincarnation

Within the ancient **** city!

Facing the city full of gunpowder smoke, I don't know how many ancient gods are crazy, with a violent expression on their faces.

But unfortunately, there is no way, only to look into this cold cave and understand that since it was the Three Elders who were dispatched and spent such a long time, something big must have happened in this ancient **** city.

Otherwise, who is the third old man? Ordinary questions, just one point.

Since the three elders have been shooting for so long, then they are probably only eligible to wait.

Cold cave!

On a bizarre stone tablet, Meng Fan and the ancient gods and three elders dropped a drop of blood on it at the same time. It was about such a big bet, but no one of them could believe who.

But with the mark on the stele, it is different.

This is a kind of primordial covenant that affects the way of heaven. It is a kind of strange recognition. As long as the conditions negotiated between the two parties are written on it, if something is violated, then the power of heaven will be triggered to carry on that person. Backlash.

The greater the power of the strong printed, the stronger the impact will be, just like Meng Fan could not contend with that kind of power in the past time and space, such a stone monument, as evidenced by the way of heaven, also has extremes. The strong backlash, even if it is a strong **** king, will suffer great damage in an instant.

Therefore, in order to prevent the two parties from breaching the contract, Meng Fan and the ancient gods and the three elders used their own blood to make such a big gambling agreement. The stone tablet was also handed over to Emperor Wu.

After everything was completed, the three elders glanced at each other, and a trace of indifference and killing intent flashed through each of their deep eyes. One of them slowly extended a hand and said calmly,



Meng Fan also smiled and said calmly.

Such a posture makes people look as if they are the sons of scholars, saying hello to the seniors, but only those who know the gambling between the two can understand how terrifying this kind of battle will be today!

Be careful!

In this moment, whether it was Emperor Wu or Xiaotian in the space, a bird and a tortoise were secretly sweating for Meng Fan.

Such a bet can be said to be an absolutely terrifying gamble, only the **** king can make it, and only this kind of existence can make it.

The only bet is that it has shaken the past and the present. The two drops of power from the source of the heavens, plus half of the painstaking effort of the Peak God King, is a rare gamble in the world.

Who is not surprised, who is not trembling?

However, Meng Fan and the three elders of the ancient gods who are located in it seem to be indifferent, as if it is not a few of them but other people who participated in the betting.

At the moment when the hands were handed over, in the sea of ​​knowledge of the four great gods, a divine mind came out of each, poured into the sky, and collided with each other.

Between crisscrossing, the power of the **** king surging, evolving into common people.

Suddenly the four of them were trapped in concentration, and the divine mind among each other was trapped in the space where the four were located, an absolute realm.

Under the lightning and flint, Meng Fan's heart was empty, without joy or sorrow. The moment he opened his eyes again, he was completely brought into that piece of the world.

Now this divine mind is him, and he is this divine mind!

At a glance, the sky is boundless, and the sky is dark.

"Meng Fan, come on, since you dare to break into my big formation, then I will let you know what it is that you are a person who has come to die in these hundreds of thousands of years.

I can tell you very responsibly that from the moment he set up the formation of life and death, there are countless strong men who broke into the great formation, and the number of **** kings is more than thirty.

But in it, no one can come out alive. In today, although life or death, we must let you know what is the true background and what is insignificance! "

The old voice spread around the world, every word is indifferent and powerful, and it has a taste of contempt for all beings, and it echoes for a long time in this space.

Now the entire world surrounding Meng Fan has completely fallen into the hands of the ancient gods and the three elders. The moment the three people’s spirits set foot here, they quickly laid the formation of life and death in the heavens, and circled Meng Fan. Inside.

At this moment, Meng Fan was completely trapped and wanted to leave, only to break through this divine formation.


Meng Fan responded with only two words to this rumbling voice.

In just a moment, one of his feet fell, and within his body, the power of rolling was circulated. Although this was not a real battle, it was in this space.

Each of the four great **** kings can use all their abilities to evolve all of their combat power, so the moment Meng Fan started his hands, he had a shocking power!

Emperor Fist, cross out!

Meng Fan smashed his fist and went straight to one side of the world, focusing a little.

His choice was extremely simple. He came up as the most brutal force. He wanted to try to seal his divine formation, what power did it have.

One punch, break the world!

Surrounding Meng Fan, the sacred formation has formed an independent sky, seemingly invisible, but with the ancient gods and three elders behind, it is already lurking with a terrifying murderous intent.

But Wan Chuan returned to the sea, with one effort to defeat a hundred coincidences.

Meng Fan didn't hesitate at all, only smashed it with a punch, smashing open a piece of heaven and earth to see.


In an instant, even if there was an amazing space power around the sky, but between Meng Fan's power penetration, it was actually broken open, a punch fell, and the sky would be torn apart, accompanied by Meng Fan The unstoppable boxer, no matter how tight the defenses of the entire sacred formation were, but this piece of the world was let through by Meng Fan!

After a step fell, Meng Fan slayed out, punching through the world, even if it was naturally unable to trap him, but at the next moment, Meng Fan was stunned.

Because he had already broken through the space with great strength before, but after discovering that he had broken through one, he dropped again and stepped into a space again.

Yep! ?

As far as his eyes can be seen, Meng Fan can see at a glance that this space is exactly the same as the previous one, even without any difference. It is normal that there is an array in the array, but it is like this kind of exactly the same world. , It's a bit abnormal!

Without saying a word, Meng Fan broke through this space again, and the emperor fist waved, stunned!

The only one who can shred the space between the fingers and break through the world is the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm. Otherwise, the siege of the entire space would be enough to kill countless sacreds.

But after a few breaths, Meng Fan was surprised to find that he broke through seven or eight spaces one after another, but each space was the same as before. After he broke through one, he entered the next one, and This piece of space is exactly the same as the one before!

After knocking over more than a dozen spaces in a row, Meng Fan finally felt that something was wrong. He stood still, panting heavily.

Even if the king of God wants to use this kind of power to penetrate the world, it is not casual, but it needs to spend its own powerful combat power to be able to do it.

A piece of space is not a problem, but a dozen consecutive spaces are torn apart by Meng Fan, and he also needs to take a rest. This kind of consumption is not small.

At the same time, Meng Fan looked at this place alertly. Instinctive Heaven was already in motion. A moment of silence made Meng Fan immediately grasp a critical issue.

The life and death array of the heavens!

Before that, Emperor Wu had already told him that this great formation came from the source of the heavens, like a reincarnation, which is endless, so this piece of the world did not just respond to this sentence. It's because in the divine formation he is in, there is no boundary at all. There is only a piece of world surrounding a piece of the world, and the rules for doing it are that there are no rules. If he penetrates this piece of world, then he will enter the next piece of world. This cycle is endless!

His pupils shrank violently, and Meng Fan finally reacted. If everything was guessed like this, then in the life and death formation of the heavens, it was basically close to an insoluble existence.

No matter if you are amazed by the world, you can never walk out of the world, but you have never walked out of this space, because his law is chaos, there are no rules, one world is connected to another world, unless it is a moment that can conquer the heavens. Break through, otherwise it will only sink in the heavens, and there will never be a moment of awakening!

This is the meaning of the heavens!

Meng Fan's heart was touched, but at the same time he was a little confused, so what about the word life and death?

At the moment when his thoughts just emerged, surrounding his feet, the earth suddenly tore apart, and a light piercing through the extreme sky came directly towards Meng Fan.

At the moment when this light emerged, Meng Fan was also shocked. All the hairs on his body were upside down, and the martial arts were moving, extremely intense.

Because of the same instinct, he felt that this ray of light might really...kill him!


What kind of person is Meng Fan, but the top **** king in the world has survived thousands of catastrophes without corruption, crushing the heavens and the earth, ordinary things, where can he hurt him.

Not to mention the existence that can kill him in a single blow!

But at this moment, what really caused Meng Fan to give birth to a kind of instinct, so the Qi and blood in the whole body was burnt up at this moment, crossing the whole body, directly moving the void, the action is like electricity, one blow Break space, and don’t give it any chance to track itself.

After a while, this ray of light was finally flashed, and its speed was so fast that it brushed his neck and passed it, making Meng Fan's body freeze, only to find a drop of blood falling from the neck, which was obviously the previous one. The extreme light is caused by penetrating one's neck!

Touching it with his hand, Meng Fan realized that when he saw the blood of his **** king, this should be...

The light flashes, is it a moment of life and death?

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