Supreme God King

Chapter 1924: defect

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

Between the lightning and flint, Meng Fan pointed out **** at the same time, one pointed at the emptiness of the sky, and the other quickly moved towards the earth.

One finger, one finger!

The power flowing between the **** and the other is suppressing all existence, and at the moment it emerges, it makes the whole life twisted.

There is no doubt that the power of these **** is Meng Fan's fame stunt.

The moment it was used, it was the explosion of Meng Fan’s strongest combat power. The martial arts burned and focused a little. Looking at all the powers in the world, it is absolutely impossible to underestimate Meng Fan’s magical skills. That kind of suppressing power is there. It's definitely not just a look.


After a short while, you can see that the force of Meng Fan pointing to the earth penetrates everything, and at the moment it explodes, it tears the Zhoutian world apart.

And there is no scene where there is a world outside the previous world. At the moment of impact, it is discovered that it is different from the past. Numerous runes have also emerged between this earth and space, as if forming a natural defense. Fan's fingers hit together.


What a method, even if Meng Fan wants to use it, it is absolutely impossible for both fingers to be the fourth change of the antagonistic finger in this instant, so two pointing hands, but all three finger changes, but the power is enough. It was earth-shattering.

It’s just that the defense of this divine formation is also extremely tight, the runes flicker, and the breath merges. Even though Meng Fan’s fingertips are fierce and incomparable, it finally melts in this endless land and is affected by many runes. dissipate.

And the means that pointed to the sky was to brazenly collide with the circulating light, and at the moment of collision, it was shocking power.


The roar of the thunderous thunder resounded inside and outside the space, and the sparks it caused were exceptionally beautiful, covering ten thousand feet, like a star burst!

Meng Fan blocked it with a single finger, concentrated on the strongest means in his life, and finally let the light group that shattered everything stopped.

However, it also caused Meng Fan to encounter a powerful backlash, and at the moment of collision, that backlash also directly invaded his internal organs.

Even if the light did not invade his body, this backlash force caused Meng Fan to spurt out blood for a moment, explode his chest, and his whole body flew out. After a full 100 meters, he stood still.

The scene in the field was extremely shocking!

Falling into the eyes of Emperor Wu, One Sparrow, One Tortoise, and Xiaotian, the eyes widened, and they understood that the previous confrontation, that is, Meng Fan, could do two things with one heart, attack with one hand, and defend with the other. , Hasn't let him die.

It’s another person, let alone a dual purpose, even if they collide with the light that smashes everything, it will disappear, and there will be no trace of the spirit left, let alone defense. .


A big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the moment Meng Fan stood firm, there was also a lot of internal bleeding in his body, and two ribs were broken, which was extremely serious for the existence of his kind of **** king.

In other words, if it weren't for the light that cut everything was too terrifying, just the counter-shock power alone would make Meng Fan so embarrassed.

However, while coughing, a smile appeared on Meng Fan’s face, letting the blood flow out, but looking at Zhou Tian’s emptiness, said calmly,

"Sure enough... Looking at the world, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to do it. It is possible to integrate attack and defense to reach this point. Your life and death formation is really clever, but after all The flaw is that you can't achieve such a powerful means of killing, but you can still keep the entire sacred formation infinitely running.

So the most dangerous place is the safest place. The deadliest moment may also be the moment of life and death. When the light appears, your big array will not be able to cover the sun, right?

In other words, I want to break through this magical formation. Only when the light hits me, I will have a chance. Otherwise, at other times, I will only fall into a dead cycle. Right, the so-called life and death. Yes, it can be understood in this way, only when you die, can you see life! "

The voice faintly spread around the world. At the moment of falling, Emperor Wu's expression in the outside world suddenly changed, and an unimaginable shock appeared in his eyes.

Unlike the surprise of a bird and a turtle, Emperor Wu had the most personal experience of this familiar formation.

In addition to the ancient gods and three elders in the field, he personally set foot in this great formation, naturally he understood the profound meaning of life and death of the heavens, but what was unexpected is that Meng Fan turned out to be in such a fast time. It has already reacted.

You must know that he also reacted in the past, but after...two years later, he realized this truth, spent two years and three months, and finally pursued and killed in this big formation. Finally, Ming realized this.

However, at that time, he himself was already scarred, and he was constantly tracked by this murderous intent, which caused him to use various methods, which was extremely costly. In the end, he completely failed in this big battle, and was defeated by the hands of the ancient gods. .

And Meng Fan was only three months old, and he had grasped the most important key to this divine formation, and it was also the only flaw of this heavenly life and death formation!

The heavens meant absolute defense, even Meng Fan, a god-king powerhouse, could not break.

Life and death meant an absolute attack, and people like Meng Fan didn't dare to take it hard.

These two methods can be called world-shattering, the fierceness of the weeping ghosts, so put together, suppress all of the ancient and modern, only under the control of the three elders, they have reached extraordinary power, as powerful as Meng Fan, and will be suppressed by him. of.

But such an attack, such a defense, is perfect!

However, Meng Fan always believed that there was nothing perfect in this world, especially in this kind of **** formation.

If you want to get something, you have to give something. This sacred formation can do this, so naturally there must be his reason.

Therefore, during these three months, Meng Fan was constantly testing. Although he seemed to be just fleeing the space in an embarrassing manner, every time he escaped and this sacred formation shot, Meng Fan made an instant judgment and how to solve it. time.

From the eyes of outsiders, during these three months, Meng Fan was just extremely embarrassed. It seemed that he was panicked. In fact, only the people who knew Meng Fan best could understand. He was most sure of it. Instead, he would choose to work hard, but when Meng Fan was thinking, he would use various methods.

In the past three months, after various explorations, Meng Fan's heart had results.

This kind of result was inferred by him through the countless clues between the divine formations, and under certainty, Meng Fan also chose to take risks.

Before that, between the electric light and flint, abruptly caught the murderous light, and at the same time, one finger broke through the world, pointed to the ground, and finally came out.

He was right, and indeed, as he thought, there was no perfect thing between the heaven and the earth. Although this **** array was powerful, one thing was certain, that was, it was unable to achieve absolute attack and defense at the same time.

The moment he shot everything, which was the weakest moment of this great formation, was equivalent to not having the same changes as the heavens. If he shot strongly, then what he faced would not be the heaven outside the heavens, but this great formation. Instinctively protect this world.

That is to say, at the moment he shot, life and death broke through, without the heavens, then naturally it was the outside world, and only then could he find a way to leave this divine formation!

This is the only shortcoming of the entire universe of life and death. This alone seems simple, but how many people can understand it since ancient times?

It is extremely difficult to think calmly in a murderous, like never-ending array.

After all, what hangs over the head is a guillotine that can fall at any time, and from beginning to end, the only thing that reacts when entering this killing formation is...Meng Fan in front of you!

Including the three elders of the ancient gods who were hidden in the void and secretly controlled the life and death formations of the heavens. At this moment, they were all silent and did not say a word. However, there was a deep shock in the eyes. Once vaguely saw a trace of fear.

It is not terrible to find the shortcomings of the life and death formation of the heavens. After all, any one it faces is a peerless arrogant in the world. Any strong **** king can achieve its position and rely on great wisdom, but Not only was it possible to find the shortcomings of this divine formation, but it was also so swift and violent.

Not only did Meng Fan accomplish something that only a few people could do in ancient times, but it also took such a short period of time. In this space, the ancient gods and three elders were unable to say a word for a long time.

Finally, in the void, the voice of the ancient gods and three elders came,

"Yes, you guessed it, Meng Fan, by now, even the old man and the three have to admire you, the superb people of later generations, there will be a master like you in the human race, whether it is the ancient emperor, ten The three hall masters can’t be counted as humans, but you are indeed a human being, and you are the most common mortal body among them. What kind of miracle is this? Looking at it now, you have become Now...the one who is most likely to match their methods!"

The voice was slow and extremely calm, but if it were to spread to the outside world, what a wave would it cause!

What kind of people are these three ancient gods and what their status, but they were the first group of strong **** kings in the Kaitian era. Their combat power was so powerful and their methods were terrifying. Even the ancient kings back then had to fear them three points. Killed the remaining three of them, but sealed.

And here is what they say about the Human Race that they are extremely despised. The meaning in these words is not just as simple as praise. Even if anyone says that Meng Fan is qualified to be equal to the ancient emperor, I am afraid that there is none. The three said more weight.

And at the next moment, one of the ancient figures spoke again, but there was a sense of sorrow that would kill Meng Fan in his voice.

"But... today you will definitely lose. Even if you have realized this mystery for three months, what about the life and death array of the heavens, you just have realized the words of life and death in front of the heavens, you probably don’t know yet. Well, the most important word in this formation of life and death is... formation!"

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