Supreme God King

Chapter 1932: Empress

The opening day of the source of the heavens!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan's eyes showed a complicated look.

At that time, crowds of heroes competed and heroes came out in large numbers. In this time and space of ten thousand domains, there were several hidden figures like Emperor Wu and the Three Old Gods.

When the time comes, how tragic it will be under the collision.

In that battle, how many people can survive, how many people dare to be called invincible, and how many people can be immortal?

Emperor Wu, can the three elders of the ancient gods, including myself... can you!

Meng Fan was speechless. Even he couldn't give any answer to this question. Even today when he arrived at the God King, he could not control the general situation of this ten thousand domain time and space. He could only take one step, count it!

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

I don't know when he can be as promised to Bai Shui'er and the others. One day, he can be disarmed and return to the fields, and truly get great freedom, instead of practicing for killing and resistance!

There were a lot of emotions in his heart, but Meng Fan only sighed. The moment he turned around, he had no joy or sadness, and his face was calm.

Inside the space, thunder and lightning flashed, and this space of the cage had the power of suppressing the ancient emperor, but no matter how rigorous the method was, there would be loopholes in the end.

This loophole was naturally caught by the three old gods and Emperor Wu, and now he is helping Meng Fan to pass this loophole and leave the void.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan could feel that the pressure that imprisoned him continued to disappear, and finally the space changed suddenly, lightning and thunder, sending him into the outside world.

This is... the land of ten thousand realms!

Breathing that kind of fresh air between heaven and earth, Meng Fan's gaze revealed that he had passed through the space teleportation and came to an unknown large area in Wanyu. It's terrible here. There is a swamp all around, the smell of stench is everywhere, and there is a toad lying on the swamp.

He is already proficient in cultivation. He is a monster of breaking the Yuan realm. He is also dominating the side around this swamp. After Meng Fan appeared, his eyes widened. Now Meng Fan has no aura, and his cultivation level cannot be detected at all. Coming out of Meng Fan's body, he just saw an extra human being on top of his own territory, and he was furious and angry, roaring, declaring the dignity of his own territory!

After being sent here, Meng Fan was in a pretty good mood, to be precise, very good.

Being overshadowed by the old chaos, he sent himself into the void of imprisonment. It can be said that it made Meng Fan extremely uncomfortable. Now he is finally out of trouble and returning to the Ten Thousand Territories. It also makes him have a wish The impulse to roar up to the sky.

Xiaoye... finally came back!

A faint smile of excitement appeared on Meng Fan's face, and he looked at the toad that kept roaring on the ground, and felt quite pleasing to the eye.


With a flick of his finger, Meng Fan also casually dropped a Tier 7 divine object, and then disappeared in place, heading straight for the Middle Ancient Region.

Divine thoughts overflowed, and for the first time, Meng Fan looked at the place where the dark alliance was. What he cared most was naturally the dark alliance. However, at the next moment, his expression suddenly moved, and there was a hint of brilliance between his eyes.

Dark alliance, chaotic sea!

It is still the same as before, and now it has already formed its own system. Whether Meng Fan is or not, the huge dark alliance will not have any intention of stopping because of Meng Fan. This is naturally the result of his years of being a shopkeeper. .

However, with Ling Daiyou and Lin Tang, a manager who has an excellent control over the forces, there will be no problems at all.

What Meng Fan noticed was not the people of this dark alliance, but in the attic not far from his cottage.

It is the closest to the Caolu. It is an extremely beautiful garden with picturesque landscapes and pleasant scenery. Both decoration and architecture have a unique flavor. They all come from Ling Daiyou, Empress, and Baishui'er. The hand, personally arranged, because this is where they live.

Of course, it can be considered to go to Meng Fan's harem, although he will often retreat.

But now in this attic, there is a faintly powerful aura hibernating, just a glance at Meng Fan can feel it, this kind of power should be half a step in the realm of the gods to reach the extreme, it is already Unable to suppress himself, he will break through and become a sign of the king.

Under this situation, Zhou Tian already had a faint feeling, making the space become pale.

And through the endless emptiness, Meng Fan also smiled slightly, because he was extremely familiar with that kind of power, which came from... the Empress!

Between chaotic seas!

At this moment, it also became fully guarded. In the past, the Empress announced her retreat, and Ling Daiyou was guarding her surroundings with the many powerful men of the Dark Alliance.

Now that they sensed the faint changes in the attic and Zhou Tian, ​​it was natural that they did not dare to slacken their efforts, each of them blocked all the huge dark alliance sea areas, and the **** array was opened.

Including Meng Fan’s suppression of the dark alliance, the Ten Thousand-Mother Qi Ding placed in the Cao Lu, as if faintly, opened his eyes.

This kind of guard can be described as extremely strict.

And in this place where the dark alliance and others don’t know, there are several figures standing above the void, all of them are powerful and extreme, suppressing Riyue Wushuang, because that one is the strong king of the gods, and it is the white line clothes. Heavenly King, Heavenly Remnant God King, and Renxiong these four people.

The four great kings and powerhouses who dominate the world are all gathered in this dark alliance, because Meng Fan has just come out, and they have already felt the breath of this female emperor.

After all, this is a **** king aspiring to enlightenment, as long as it is a **** king among these ten thousand realms, if he does not retreat, he can feel it.

"A few have arrived early enough!"

Facing the three great kings, Renxiong smiled and said in a condensed voice.

"Haha, now that fellow Meng Fan is not there, and his woman breaks through the **** king, if we don't help a little, come back to this fellow not to be angry!"

Zhongtian God King also smiled.

The few people looked at each other without talking, just to understand what was in each other's hearts.

Meng Fan is a friend between the world, and his brothers are all over the world, but in the same way, his enemies are also all over the world, and one is stronger than the other. Obviously, there is one more **** king in this dark alliance, but it is definitely not what some people want to see, so naturally some people may target the female emperor.

Under this kind of situation, the several great **** kings naturally came in person, standing in the sky above this dark alliance to help the empress and seal them together.

After all, at the moment of enlightenment, a **** king is the weakest. Not only will he face the strong pressure of heavenly punishment, he will also suppress his own martial arts. If there is interference from external forces at this moment, it will cause a **** king to leave behind some hidden dangers, or even death.

In the past, this kind of situation has not happened in Wanyu, but it also made everyone have to guard against it!

And the tense atmosphere is completely different from the surrounding killings.

In the quiet attic, there is only the Empress, a red outfit, and the green silk draped over her body. She has an exquisite figure, a perfect curve, and a cold and charming face. This is the Empress Jiang Yan!

The eyes closed, how long the eyelashes were. At this moment, the empress was extremely quiet, and the powerful force flowing in her body continued to converge and cast herself.

Between the whole body, the sky trembled, and all the energy was concentrated towards her.

In the faint, her delicate body became extremely dazzling, that kind of power also intensified, like a raging fire imprisoned in a phoenix body, and finally, with the passage of time, the aura in the female emperor's body reached its extreme.

Let her be in the attic at this moment, the light bursts, and it is very high.

At the same time, the several great kings above the void also changed their expressions and said in unison,

"it has started!"

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