Supreme God King

Chapter 1934: Lurking

I am the king of gods!

A few words are extremely simple, but when they fall into this world, they are like thunder in the sky, affecting the wind and clouds of the wild!

She was just a daughter, but at this moment, the empress was already smiling proud of countless men in the world. The moment her voice spoke, she was surrounded by endless fires between the sky and the sky, standing in the sky, filled with a kind of suppressing the wastes. Terrible power.

The day finally arrived, and the Empress had waited too long, too long, for this moment. How many years of hard work finally got the report, how could she not give her all.


The way of heaven changed suddenly, and the power of the source of the heavens evoked it.

Obviously, when a **** king becomes a Taoist, it will naturally cause a powerful vision, and the emptiness will fade, and the thunder will also come towards the female emperor. Without hesitation, it is precisely the punishment from the law of time and space.

What a horror of such power!

Once the power of Heaven's Punishment fell, its momentum really looked more terrifying than anyone's means. That kind of endless thunder falling, was the might of the natural world, coming straight to the female emperor.

And at this moment, the empress was completely fearless, the fire was burning, her handprints were raised, and between the flicks of her fingers, she collided with the thunder of the day.


Once printed, the female emperor's three thousand blue silks flew, bathed in raging fire, and resisted the punishment of heaven. Such a scene really shocked the world.

Not only the few great **** kings reacted, but the countless powerhouses in this ten thousand domains were all looking at them. Everyone took a breath of air, unexpectedly the birth of another **** king, and another **** king in the dark alliance.

At the same time, I don't know how many people are showing shock, hesitation, envy, etc. Of course, there are still many forces that hate the dark alliance, and they only gritted their teeth and looked extremely helpless.

For many years, the dark alliance has ruled the world.

But I don't know how many winds and rains have been greeted, and they are always standing between this piece of heaven and earth.

Standing in the center of thousands of people, releasing their own light.

And I didn't expect that after the God Monkey, there was another God King in the Dark Alliance. Could it be that in this world, no one can really suppress this powerful emperor!

The crowd was amazed, and Wanyu trembled.

I don't know how many people's eyes are staring at the field, watching the majestic and graceful woman in charge of everything. In this era, she has reached the pinnacle and truly achieved her own kingship.

"Sister Empress is really amazing, I don't know if the master knows, will she laugh from ear to ear!"

In the attic, Bai Shui'er and the others in the Dark Alliance were all excited, and the empress who looked at the sky was extremely envious.

While standing beside her, Gu Xin'er and Ling Daiyou both snorted and shook their heads.

"He, he can't. That guy is the most masculine. I can't wait for the female emperor sister to do nothing and embroider every day at home. This time the female emperor sister becomes the king of gods. It is estimated that he will have a headache!"

"Hee hee..."

The dark alliances are also extremely excited. The **** monkey has fallen, and Meng Fan has been away all year round. There is another **** king in the dark alliance, so it is undoubtedly a great help to the dark alliance, and it is even more powerful and invincible. Strength embodiment.

Including Fen Tianling, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Meng Nian, Meng Niuniu, and many other dark alliance powerhouses, all guarded the surroundings with a look of excitement.

However, just when their eyes were on the female emperor above the sky, the expressions of the powerful people such as Burning Tianling, Yunfeiyang, and Meng Niuniu all moved. How many years this group of people have killed and killed, naturally it is not a problem to be sensitive to danger. In this moment of effort, they all smelled a threat.

And above the sky, the Heavenly God King, Heavenly Remnant God King, Renxiong and others, their eyes became cold for a moment, looked at a void, and locked it completely.

"It seems that someone is really making trouble!"

Renxiong sneered and said, one step is to make a move.

However, at the moment his fist was just clenched, Renxiong loosened it, and looked at each other with the Zhongtian God King and the Heavenly Remnant God King, and they all laughed, because they were discovering the murderous intention hidden in the void. At the same time, he also discovered that one person had suddenly appeared in this world.

Then the great kings no longer stayed in this void, turned around and left without hesitation, only a word of light and fluttering words fell.

"Haha, since he is back, then we don't have any need to be here!"

"Yes, there is this guy, who dares to come today... Hehe, I really hate my long life!"


Above the sky, there are thousands of rays of light, the female emperor alone, the fire is burning, and the thunder is smashed with her hands. In this day, between the punishments, she constantly fights to hone herself, become the **** king, and reach her own martial arts master.

At this moment, it can be said that it is extremely critical. Heaven's punishment is constantly falling, and thunder is overflowing. Any drop can split the sacred and make it impossible to recover.

But falling around the body of the empress is a means for her to transform it into her own training. No matter this kind of thunder is ten times more fierce, but the empress is still fearless, on the contrary, it becomes more fierce. The strength continues to improve during training.

At this moment, the empress had also reached the last step of her own path, just waiting for the thunderous lightning to completely disappear, and the fire in her body was completely burned, that is, the true king between heaven and earth.

Such a critical moment!

However, in an instant, surrounded by the sky, the void suddenly went dark, facing the direction of the empress, a huge palm print slapped her towards her.

Just a palm has the taste of suppressing sentient beings.

Before the imprint arrived, that terrible aura made people's hearts tremble, and it immediately caused countless people in the tens of thousands of domains to become disillusioned. At this critical moment when the female emperor was able to prove the king, someone unexpectedly attacked. A means is not despicable.

And needless to say, the many powerhouses among the ten thousand realms only know that the person who shots must be a king of the world through breath induction. Only the existence of this level can create this general terrifying pressure. .

The handprint fell, like a long knife, and instantly slashed towards the empress.

At this moment, even if the Empress had already reacted, there was no way to be distracted to fight, because she had reached the last time to fight against this day's punishment.

All success or failure lies between these few breaths. Even the Empress could not help but use all of her combat power in the confrontation with Heaven's Punishment. How could one estimate such a fast and terrifying handprint.

However, before Zhou Tian had any reaction, this handprint fell within 100 meters before the empress, and it was impossible to move forward.

Because in front of it, there is an extra figure...

This person, dressed in a blue shirt, has a calm complexion and a faint smile on his face. There is no surprise in his appearance, but when he stands in this piece of world, it gives anyone a very special kind. A sense of security, as if this person is there, the sky is there, everything will be fine!

"Boss Meng Fan!"


Suddenly, seeing the figure above the sky made the entire dark alliance boil, and countless people cheered.

Originally, they were still worried about the female emperor’s order to burn the sky, Yun Feiyang and others are now breathing out one after another, all knowing that since he is back, everything will be fine, just like the thoughts of the God King Zhongtian and the God King. , Whoever dares to come today is looking for death!

Meng Fan!

Among the ten thousand domains, countless people exclaimed when they saw this figure. For too many people, this person is a supreme myth, a true living legend. The legend about Meng Fan continues to circulate among these ten thousand domains, and is worshipped by generations of young people. In today's ten thousand domains, many monks may not know how many emperors and how many inheritances there are between the heaven and the earth. But I would never know the two words, Meng Fan.

Especially the ascetics in the world, many of them choose to become a true lone ranger for their own way, and honed between life and death. No one is afraid, no one is afraid, but This group of people who are the most aloof in this world, all went to worship a patriarch, thinking that Meng Fan is their common ancestor. I don't know what Meng Fan will look like after knowing this.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

How big is Meng Fan’s name in these ten thousand realms, even if he disappeared for a while, people have long been accustomed to it, and at the moment when this figure appeared between the world, the Middle Ancient Realm was shaken. All domains are shaking!

Located in the void, among countless horrified gazes, Meng Fan didn't move at all, just standing alone, like a gate, blocking the mark that had previously been shot against the empress.

Although this big hand was shot by the King of God, it was a pity that in front of Meng Fan, he was not moved at all. Its power turned out to disappear a little bit. Even if Meng Fan did not make any shots, the power of the King of God was still breathing. After that, it became invisible and was completely resolved by Meng Fan's devouring martial arts!

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan stood alone, not even looking at the empress and the dark alliance behind him, but glanced towards the depths of the sky, calmly said,

"Chaos, you dare to show up, and you really want to attack my dark alliance, do I admire your courage, or think you are ignorant!"

A few words fell, extremely slight, but the murderous intent circulating in that kind of words was biting cold.

" turned out to be you, how could you!"

In the void that Meng Fan was watching, there was an exclamation!

Vaguely, you can see a figure in it, extremely old, it is the old man of Chaos. He was beaten to pieces by Meng Fan before. It can be said that he was seriously injured and nearly half-worn. He did not get better. The reason why he came is because the female emperor was certified as the king of God. She should be in the most vulnerable moment. I couldn't bear it, so he just took the risk. Now his strength is less than one-third of his own, and his body has not recovered yet.

What he didn't expect was that he touched his nose as soon as he shot, and he actually saw it in this world... Meng Fan!

Seeing who is not good, seeing an old friend like myself, almost didn't make the old man Chaos jump up angrily. Before, he spent a lot of effort and arranged a game, just to pit Meng Fan, he paid such a big price, and he pitted Meng Fan into the space of the cage, but it only took less than a month. People meet again, still at this kind of time.

Now the old man of Chaos is like eating 100,000 stinky mice. He is more than angry. After seeing this familiar face, he almost fainted.

This kind of meeting with old friends is too untimely!

According to the truth, he should not come out until at least 10,000 years later, can he save his face!

At any rate, it was also such a killing game that he carefully arranged, but Meng Fan unexpectedly broke the game so quickly, as if he hadn't arranged it before, it can be said that the self-esteem of the old man Chaos has been extremely severely hit.

And in this emptiness, Meng Fan also didn't have the kind of happiness to see an old friend. In his eyes, there was also the anger of stars shining, calmly said,

"I didn't expect that we would meet here. Isn't it just right? The friendship between you and me is really deep. Now let's...remember the past!"

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